f THE ERA JULY TFTT RIDGES The Oak team with Mr President is mak ing good progress Most of farmers have finished haying and are contemplating starling harvest Among visitors this week wo notice Mr Leslie of Toronto with his Mr James and Miss Jennie Watson of Weston with her aunt Mrs Wo are glad to Miss homo from Toronto again as she is Mr Gregory who has purchased the farm known as is mak ing vast improvements upon tho place i 1 i BALDWIN BREEZES Owl is much concerned next Xiiiaa goose Horn myster ious death among the about here They have been much destruction to Crops along the pond eating off grain pulling up the potatoes etc Hope tho nuisance will ho abated Ted has been confined to house for four weeks Got to seo so tried to got to the village Ho made a bravo at tempt but had an awful hard time to get homo as was so dreadfully weak Mr Yates is moving Us the farm house this week while storo goods moved to a portion of new mill whore they will found on sale Rumors of four stores in Baldwin are floating in the air Time will tell truth or falsity of rumors Sutton is dead no longer It is most decidedly lively now Its streets fairly teem with campers mostly on bikes I tell you those lady cyclers do look stunning with their tony up- todate cycling suits I wish I was a lady so pa would get mo a bike of our town fathom thinks he is awfully Ho pretends to ho down on ladies bike craze Says no will ride a hike Its all in my Biddy sec through his scheme Ho has daugh ter and hes theyll he saying I want a bike A largo number from here went to the moonlight excursion per steamer on Wednesday evening hist The excursion didnt come The crowd got their money hack Our is a boss trader of A 1 stamp Ho can cheat a gypsy in a dicker every and that is reckon ed a pretty tough job out that dont strike you for a deal No Samuel haint made Ids fortin at boss of our Baldwin fair ones Miss Maggie Sherwood is summering at Morton Park At boarding house she looks after welfare of boarders that they get their due allowance of hash Our Conservative friends do not seem easily discouraged theres life theres hope they seem to think No- hope for them in North York either for P P or 1 Two of report that Mr A eastern zealous hotheaded Con- son was dead was not true Master were discussing partys Angus pinched tho ear of his favorite V over a social glass Says MM around the Hub WHAT WIDEAWAKE AND flOH- TO The Slaughter house belonging- to Mr Henry Wilson was destroyed by fire on morning at oclock entire contents vehicles were consigned Unfortunately there no insurance Tim origin of fire is thought to have incendiary A weeding took at the residence of brides father con King on Wednesday the but when Lizzie faith wood and Mr Albert were united in holy wedlock The Orangemen of this neighbor- hood accompanied by the Brass Band attended divino service in this villago on at Methodist Church in the morn ing and at Church of England in afternoon Tim members of Order wont to Aurora on the to take part in the celebration there Miss Amanda Klviss who has been living in Toronto for some time is spending a few weeks at her home preparing to go to Manitoba A number of visitors spending holidays in What looks like an outbreak of measles or has shown Itself in the family of J Brown Two of tho small children suffering from it Udova is proud of Orange Lodge and they have every reason to bo That drummer boy was ad miration of all on and he is our own William Henry Can any local wheelman beat this Dr Fred from to Udora a distance of over miles in minutes last Thursday Who says boom is not on in Udora Since January 1st has no lees than seven births and only death For health prosperity and longevity call upon SHARON Mrs Clark of Minneapolis was guest of Mrs Abb Wilson last week Miss Ida and Edith visiting in city Mr Joseph of was visiting the scones of his child hood here last week Mrs Solby Driver and son George spent at Bond Head Little Miss Vera Graham of Sutton West is at her Graham Some of our sports shad a great chase after a bear on Thursday of Inst week Tho bruin turned out to be a dog Mr Charles of Toronto visiting his parents over Sunday KESWICK Large a former pastor on this vicinity will occupy the pulpit in Mothodist Church Sunday morning Mr Webster the junior Metho dist minister preached his first ser mon here last and everybody was delighted MIDSUMMER SPECIAL STOCK AT- dog and although it is not an ugly dog him badly and blood poistfn- nut in His parents arm ho was all the presence of mind to a and drive to Dr at once Dr Campbell of Newmarket and Br Graham put the patiorft under chloro form an operation was performed which no doubt saved his life together with care of a trained nurse from Toronto little fellow only years of age and only child of Mr A of Union Street stood the operation well though ho is looking rather thin Ho intends leaving with his nurse for Jacksons Point to spend a couple of weeks where we hope the fresh breezes of Lake will thoroughly recruit him as Angus is a jolly little fellow and a general favor ite among ROACHS POINT young men who were riding their bikes along the lake shore road last Sunday while in their bathing suits left their with their Sunday -go- to meeting clothes Quite an influx among Jcampers this week seven more families have arrived For some reasons trolling has been very unsatisfactory this season though Mrs Wilcox caught seven fine lunge last week the largest weighing ten lbs Mr Ernes caught one that tipped scale at lbs last week Another little stranger arrived at Mr Arthur last Wednesday its a A number of Newmarket people spent Sunday on the lake chore Among our transient visitors we no ticed County Councillor Woodcock and wife- Mrs Hughes of Newmarket spent a few days last week at Ingle- wood and Miss Wright of is also guest there Hewitt of Newmarket is putting the finishing touches on Mr Motions Boarding House this week Mrs Ingham Sharp of and Rev Amps and family of Aurora are rusticating at Morton Park Besides all the cottages at Orchard Beach there now tents pitched in the vicinity The lake shore is putting on airs with its street lamp letter box and barbers chair Mr Oliver is taking the shine oft the cottages at Orchard Beach He is putting tip a verandah this week with circular observatory Mr O B had great luck Inst Saturday lie caught 1 bass in bay near his residence John of foil off a steamer and was drowned Blame it we might as well give up the country has to the dogs Says Hank Oh dang it now dont give up Jim theres British Columbia and Island yet Island has half a dozen voters all Conservatives breaks the record for heavy hay His timothy averages considerably oyer four feet in height and as thick as the hair on a dog He took a ton oil less than a quarter of an acre Elijah Mortons Manitoba spring wheat is grand Stands over five feet high The pond is a complete mat of weeds excepting in the channel so that a boat will not go through Soma comical capers of naughty boys I have known No I was left homo to keep house while Jhe folks were at church He away the time by soaking corn in firewater and fed it to the fowls When the Owl happened along he was laughing fit to bust The old gobbler and roaster were drunk as lords and acting just as foolish as men do under similar cir cumstances No had two black kittens one of which he taught to love the subtle fluid by putting some in milk and daily increasing the dose till kitty became a real old toper He bet ten cents with his father that the kitten would drink whiskey The old man lost He then bet ten cents that kitten wouldnt drink firewater The old man lost again My laddie slyly substituted the other kitten which was temperate No hid un der the sofa and heard Ins sisters sweetheart propose and the day set and then ran and told the neighbors and were so naughty I tell you of their doings Mr Cliff wife and baby have arrived home no more to roam wo hope The Robin took in tho cheap trip to per on Saturday and never got home till early Monday morning Mr Cole has returned from Owen Sound where lie has been studying and writing on firstclass exams We wish him every success Congratulations to friend oh his appointment to Clerkship None more than he May he long enjoy the sit for hes a jolly good fellow not because lie sots eni up for the Iwys hut because he really is a jolly good fellow The Owl An immense- crowd turned out on Saturday to sec old rivals ville and Markham contest for the championship of York district A special train from Stouflvillo brought down about spotters Whitby Aurora Richmond Hill Newmarket and all the neighboring villages sent contingents The game was swift from the start scoring first game in one minute second game after re peated shots on goal only time the ball travelled to wards flags scored Time minutes The play after this was all Mark- hams the hall seldom passed centre Seven more goals were scored by before time was called in minutes J minute minutes minutes minutes minutes The eighth game was won by with ten men to eleven MOUNT ALBERT Death has again visited our neigh borhood and of a loving friend Mrs Walker passed away last The bereaved ones have our heartfelt sympathy Hello George Is it hot at the Point These some of the salutations received by Mr Marron on his return to our midst Pleased to see his smiling face again which is to us refreshing as the Baldwin Breezes Mr Hayes has again resumed his post in the shops after an extend ed visit to friends at The deer that escaped from the promises of Mr Pino Orchard paid a visit to the habitants of Holt last week The lady members of tho Christian Church turned out on Tuesday of last week and that edifice a thorough renovating with broom mop soap and water A good number from here attended Mission Sabbath School lawn party on the 3rd Con on Wednesday evening of last week They report having had a very pleasant time band furnished the outdoor music for the occasion Fall wheat harvest will be general this week and some barley will also be ready Those having cherry trees have them well filled with fruit this year Rod and black raspberries are now coming in They are a very good crop this season Visitors the past week Mr and Mrs Isaac Proctor of Richmond Hill at her sisters Mrs Ramsden Mr Edward Blackburn and sister Mrs Lynch of at Mr Geo Blackburns Farm work has just now got to be pushed so it keeps most every ono at home fe Finest Grades of Sugar Whole Pickling Pure Ground Spices and Pepper Best Pickling Vinegars White Wine and good clear fine flavored Cider Vinegar strength Heinzs Pickles and Baked Beans Beardeleys Dried Beef Thistle Brand Finnan Maple Leaf and Horse Shoe Salmon DAVI CTl Lehmans Perfect Liver Pills For Billiousneas Headache Torpid Liver Constipation etc Only per box Lehmans Pink Pills Red Iron Tonic Pills Just the thing for a Nerve Tonic and Blood a box Lehmans Blackberry Compound For all Summer Complaints a bottle I July Excitement in connection with Yukon gold fields in growing here A party of nine left yesterday go Juneau and Pass- A party left on Tuesday hist going by tho Mackenzie River route and across Rockies Haying is almost over and the clip ping of the mower will soon givo place to the humming of tho binder Owing to the intensity of the heat or something else there was a scarcity of workers in our church on Sunday last The preacher failed to appear the Sunday School superintendent was absent and the organist was missing What is the clue to this mystery Mr Chas Hayes of Mount Albert was calling on friends the other even ing Mr made a friendly call on Mr on the evening of the We were pleased to see Mr John around calling on friends Mr and Mrs Welsh of Sand- ford were the guests of Mr and Mrs on Sunday last The Misses Brown of Toronto are visiting at Mr Roses Football is booming a ball has been procured and the team warned out to practice The officers have not et been elected but when that duty las been performed the team will be open to challenges from any team be tween Vivian and Mount Albert Our team has a future Too late for last UNION STREET The merry hum of the binder will soon be heard again Mr Richardson our former school teacher spent Sunday at Mr Peregrines Mr Albert Smith has been visiting friends at Dr Wesley from Sutton was calling on friends last week Mr Arthur is spending his holidays at Mr Richard Peregrines Miss Ansel Bell from is spending her holidays at Mr- Mil lers Mr Reddiok from Belleville at Mr Peregrines Miss Eva from Toronto at Mr John Peter Arnold arid son from at Mr Alex Arnolds Mr Jacob Jordan has rented Mr Arnolds house Look out for a wedding on the fifth in tho near future Rev Mr Large our form or pastor will preach the Methodist Church at on July AH those did not attend the gardon party held in Dr Pcareons lawn missed a grand treat Picking fruit is all the rage now at Pa July A was given by the British Chamber of Com merce in Among the guests were Sir Wilfred Premier of Dominion of Canada and Lady Mr Canadian dele gate to the Paris Exposition of Mr Fisher president of the St Johns Board of Trade and Mr formerly Mayor of Montreal Sir Wilfred made an address speaking in French which language he said he had learned at his mothers knee In the course of his remarks he referred to the ties which existed between Great Britain and Canada which he are destined to grow closer and delivered a panegyric upon the glories of France He said would be proud to see Canada repre sented at Westminster by descendants of the French race and added We arc faithful to the nation that gave us birth but we will remain faithful to- to the nation that gave us liberty The little son of Mr Tony of was found drowned in a foot of water August and Alex Hammer two young men in Wellesley Township were arrested for cattlestealing They confessed to the stealing of five steers near PI a o j Is the month for gew It Will pay you to visit us often as you will find SPECIAL LINE AT JOBBING HOU North In Office Specialty Hats Tuesday even ing between five and fix oclock a Five Dollar bill Finder will liberally rewarded on l at Era lwgr A desirable five aero lot Good and stable bearing and quantity of town limits and hard water and running stream For further particulars address DENNIS Newmarket PO ox Shanks On behalf of tho we to Fire Brigade our sincere thanks to vafuabloand gratuitous as sistance on Committees and various other ways In connection with tho Demonstration on 1st of July fand also to the citizens generally who contributed to it a suc- by J P HUNTER Chief REG REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IN NEWMARKET will buy Three Houses and Three lots on Garbutt Hill better known as the Terrace Property will buy and One House on Huron St 000 trill buy Ono and Ooo Lot on Huron St JIM will buy Two cemetery and near aboVO property can be bought on reasonable terms For further particulars to J Notice Is hereby given that application has been to the License Board for a transfer of License from Ed to Patrick Young A J Inspector ON THE EVER RMS Newmarket Markets July Flour per barrel Wheat per bushel a Rod Wheat per bushel a Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat a Barley per bushel Oats per bushel SO a per bushel a a Bran per ton CO perton Eggs per doa a Butter roll per lb a Butter per lb a OH Potatoes per ba 35 a Sheepskins a Wool per lb a Hay per ton a a lb a ceo Chickens per pair a Ducks per pair a to Toronto Markets the Hunter Estate will and low in ever offered eon Esq above Office a week the Red Wheat per bushel Whit Wheat per bushel TB per bushel CO a sold on long time Buckwheat per bushel a V per bushel best terms I per bushel a BeeT J for Estate at or the Executors at July lOttiandfor Peas per per bushel a Eggs per dot Butter roll per ID- a Potatoes per a Apple per obi a i W 00 a Pork per Beef from that several Europeans and fif Uvea a result of an keaj per pair accident at tho Do Bern mine W a TOO a 4 10 a a a CI SCO Sfl