Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 23 Jul 1897, p. 5

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THE NEWMARKETERA FRIDAY JULY 23 1 1 OK fr j REST 11 General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH General- Banking Business Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT Alii d Drafts aoM promptly attended to lit and one INSURANCE Sunday Softool Paul Preaching at UNYON8 185 awow Invested In over years of age Insured Females Insured without extra charge HUNT District J A Local Joseph Cody J SU RANGE AM ITS MUNCHES and Saturdays W Town to J A Agent for and Msnoy to Loan Interest at Current Rates AttlioPoatOmocNowmarltot Ramsay Insurance Agent Farm and Isolated Town Property Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket Golden Text GodIs a and that worship him must worship him In spirit and in truth Notwithstanding the of in to discover the troth through which many thorn brought to a faith in Christ the had intlaoooo enough to make it for Paul to leave Bolting oat as to escape more easily and at same time not to deprive now of a in troth Paul to Athens ho waited a few days for his com- and those low days ho for his Master Ho aaw a famed for and IntoUeotoal power of its inhabitants yet full of idols ho took opportunity to truth Two opinions provaiied was that Paul was an aspirant to a sort of position in that ho was a of strango code To sottlo whether ho should bo recognised a teacher or condemned for violating law by proclaiming a God not publioly ho was invited to proper tribunal probably a court of professors and othors known of Areopagus PRACTICAL maintained not because arc to God but ato advantagcoua to men la that a fathers the greatest that violates a fathers the greatest that which con demns a fathers authority Christianity cannot countenance im moral art or By the of Joans God has to man assurance that what taught was true More than Paul showed his tact in hie way of presenting nnwelbomo truth Lot us be like him in wisdom There wore three classes of Some rejected some postponed the tion soma believod And this is the effect of almost every Gospel discourse in Amer ica as well a a in Athens Tell the Truth and Nothing But the Truth HONEST TESTIMONIALS From Aro Positive Success Broad What Who Have Boon Cured by the Remedies Have to say About Them a Beautiful No Toronto Canada My son had a very bod attack of and wo used Croup with beat of results Ho was troubled with a bad cough and feeling vory badly indeed so badly that he could scarcely speak whon he began using Remedies vial of the Croup Cure improved him at once and wae completely on up In two or three The medi cines have wonderful PAINING leading House Pointer and Paper Hanger In branches of the of samples or latest WallTapcra door North Street- Bolton anger and Church I Hards and Geo House Sign Painter Main LIVERY Some Opposite Fire Main Street Main Street MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main Fancy Goods w miss Is prepared to do Perfect lit guaranteed ha the latest fash- Ions Ordes sent through Newnarket P Will receive prompt A Son SepMriag Prompt all orders Helpless Six pionths Held Him in Chains But- Untold The Great South American Core Waged Wat and Won a Complete Victory Relief in a Few I have boon a great sufferer from rheumatism I was completely help less for over six months I tried all kinds of remedies but got no relief Having noticed strong testimonials published of the cures effected by South American Rheumatic Cure I obtained a bottle of it and received relief from pain from the first dose and in an incredibly short time I was entirely freed from my sufferings James K Cole Almonte Sold by E Lehman Bentleys Pharmacy Newmarket Mr Fisher Minister of Agricul ture will leave for Victoria B C in a couple of weeks and will proceed to Japan to promote trade between that country and Canada While nailing up a small wind mill at St James P Aeau aged nix let the hammer fall on his little sister The two prongs of the claw struck the child in the middle of of the forehead penetrating the skull and killing her Book of Daniel in tight of the Higher by I Steele with ad by Hastings a masterly refutation of the claims of the sooalled Higher regarding the prophooieB of Daniel It to be widely cir culated Cure falls to relieve in to hours and cures In a few Price Dyspepsia Cure positively all forms of indigeatlon and stomach trouble Price 25o Cold Care prevents pneumonia and breaks up a in a few Cough Cure coughs night sweats allays soreness and speedily heals the lungs Price Kidney Cure speedily cures in the Joins of groins and all forms of kidney disease Price Headache in three minutes Price positively all forms of pilea Price Munyons Blood Cure eradicates all im purities of blood Price Female Remedies are a boon to all women Asthma Remedies relieve in minutes and cure permanently Price Catarrh never fail The Catarrh Core price the disease from the system and the Catarrh Tablet price and heal the parts Nerve Care is a wonderful nerve tonic Price restores lost vigor Price A separate care for each disease At all druggists mostly 25o a vial Personal letters to Prof and Albert St Toronto answered with free medical advice for any disease IIItOKKIl IKS VIK1V8 ON IUSTVPKW1UTKH lira Broker My dear do you it in possible for a young man almost any man to nit alongside of a beautiful creature all day long watch ing pretty toying with a type writing machine without falling in with her Mr Broker suddenly becoming ab sorbed in a newspaper Oh ho might if she was pretty but I never saw a pretty typewriter girl yet What I saw a typewriter girl at your office who could That redhaired thing lied haired She has loveliest sunniest tresses I ever gazed on Dont know who you win mean JVIy typewriter girl has ugly red hair not beautiful black locks like yours my dear and her eyes instead of be ing a charming soulful blackbrown like yours are water grey They are divinely blue And her mouth doesnt look as if it were made anything but pie I I thought she had the mouth of a cherub And I do hate pug noses Queer I hud an idea that it was Grecian Besides I cant bear these tiny bony railfence women Resumes reading Mrs Broker aside has the face of a Madonna and the form of a sylph but bless his fond foolish heart he hasnt eyes for anyone but me Money to Loan At Six per cent on Farm for taking Affidavits Real Agent Conveyancer Issuer Marriage Licensee Also for the following Insurance London and Montreal District Mutual for Confederation To ronto of Main nd Lot Streets New market A 9 Slacks mitk Coal FOR SALE EXNB Main Newmarket n stock The announcement is made that the Dominion Government has de cided to put the alien labor law into force in Manitoba the Northwest and British Columbia to protect the Canadian workmen on the Crows Nest Pass railway from imported la bor from the United States NEWMARKET DESIGNS and Head Stones where Allan- Idea Fioit your they WrltO JOlIK A wi- for their of hundred Who of leg to patent OU Are Disturbed when the Stomach Refuses to do its Work Indigestion the Whole and Makes of More Hope Lives than any other Complaint Under the San For several years I have been a subject of severe nervous headaches and last June I became absolutely prostrated from the trouble J also became a martyr of indigestion was persuaded to try South American Nervine I procured a bottle My headaches were relieved almost im mediately and in a remarkably short time left me entirety The remedy has toned up and built up my system wonderfully James A Bell Beaver- ton Bold by Lehman Bentloys Pharmacy J Newmarket President Clark of the Christian is anxious that the next convention be held In London to show the old world- something of the strength of the organization Mr J Canadian Trade Commissioner in Australia points oat that four million bushels of wheat or its equivalent in flour will be heeded to carry the population of the island conti throu until next harvest Eternal Vigilance Is the price of perfect Watch care fully the first symptom impure blood Cure pimples and by taking Drive away the and of rheamatUra malaria steady your nerves and overcome that tired feeling by taking the same great medicine Hoods Pills are best family lie tonic reliable snro Sidney How Many are Unintentionally Deceived in Treating Kidney Disorders Can You Afford to Trifle with Your Own Existence Yon Suspect there is any Kidney Trouble Discard Pills Powders and CoreAlls South can Kidney Care is a maTried and Testified Kidney A remedy which dissolves all ob structions which heals and strengthens the affected parts and which from its very nature eradicates all impurities from the system is the only safe and sure remedy in cases pi kidney dis order Such a remedy is South American Kidney Cure This is not The formula has been put under the severest of tests and it is proclaimed by the greatest authorities in the world of medical science that and liquids only will obtain the results sought for A liquid remedy taken into the system goes directly into the circulation and at tacks almost immediately the effected parts while solids such as pills or powders cannot possibly attain these results Kidney disorders cannot af ford to be trifled with The quickest way is the safest way to combat these insidious ailments This great rem edy never fails Its a liquid kidney specific Its a solvent Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket fln Interesting Experiment A trial was made some time back at Messrs Paper and Wood Manufactory at in order to ascertain what was the short est space of time in which it was pos sible to convert the wood of a stand- tree into paper- and the latter into a journal ready for delivery Three trees were felled in a forest near the establishment at minutes past in the presence of two of the owners of the manufactory and a notary whom they had called upon to certify as to the authenticity of the experi ment The trees were earned to the manufactory where they were jito pieces inches long wore then decorticated and split wood was then raised by an elevator to five of the works wood pulp produced by these was then put into a vat where it was mixer the necessary materials is process over the pulp was sent patter machine and minutes past tit the morning the first of was finished The whole man ufacture had thus taken one hour and minutes The owners of the factory accompanied by the notary then took a sheets to a printing at a distance of two and a half miles from the work At oclock a copy of the printed journal was in the hands of the party so that it had taken horns and minutes to con vert the wood of a standing tree into a printed journal ready for delivery There occurred a few interruptions which might le avoided at another time and in the opinion of the manu facturers had it not been for this quite twenty minutes would have been gained The The game of lacrosse ever played in was that on last Saturday between th and the home team The score was a tie to 9 Kansas Mo July 16 Wo men prisoners not to be put to work on tho rock piles with men in Kansas City Kan Board of Po lice Commissioners who decided lest week that this should ho done have rescinded their order in deference to popular opinion The first official crop bulletin for this year was issued by the Provincial Government last Thursday Summarized it shows the acreage to be us follows Wheat 1081000 acres oats barley 127- j flax rye 1130 peas corn potatoes roots making a total area under all crops 1C9G583 acres a decrease of acres compared with last yeav This is due to the very late opening of the season Not in years has there such a wet season for seeding Though the area under crop is less than lust year it exceeds 1894 by acres July A violent earth quake occurred in the Island of Strom one of the Islands off the north coast of Sicily on Saturday The shock was followed by an active eruption of the volcano of For refusing to attend drill a vol unteer of the 15th Belleville was fined and costs or the option of imprisonment also a similar fine was imposed on another offender for neglecting to bring in his arms and clothing Much in Little true of Hoods for ever contained so great curative power lr They whole JOB I We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind Printing done see what work and terms you can get at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro verbial i GOOD SET OF TEETH 5oo And guaranteed for five against olden tana extraction frco of charge All J operations are painless and arc performed by aid of special attention to Crown and Bridge k work My charge is a tooth APPOINTED A GALLOWAY Burgeon Dentist Cor Queen Yongo Toronto The Isaac Usher Son Cement of Portland Cements for all sorts- of farm structures such as bankbarn walls stable silos hog pens bridge abutments arch culverts cisterns etc This Cement Is sold at about onchnlf the price of the Portland Personal Instruction given free of charge and warranted For further Information General Agent Belhaven A line of first and etc always on hand at lowest prices I This is the time of that your children are donning their Dew and dresses Why not bring them to Art and have their pictures taken You will never regret It and always cherish them with pride Many a woman chides herself she did not have her children taken Cabinets and Sunbeams now Years Pumps that Si Pumps if A chest ready wayi always prevent a cold or euro all Ilia headache Jaundice constipation etc The only to tako with Hoods PUT IT OFF Is a bad to follow Its evil Particularly matter of education any a business man today regrets the time he put off the opportunity to get a better education Central TORONTO Is open to receive new members at any time It oners excellent facilities for practical lug In Business methods and Accountings Its Shorthand and Typewriting Department Is particularly strong continues to July Holiday for August again Sept 1st Oct particulars Enter now Address SHAW Principal and Sta YSM5 El Oar are and will give you Comfort Tbey help to Preserve the Sight Frames in Silver GoldFilled Steel o New Assortment Electro Plate Knives Forks to hand at Low Organs and Violin Strings NSONGD Newmarket Cheapest and Best Pumps on the market I put In Gal vanized or Wooden Piping Guaranteed to work easy up feet I also put in FORCE PUMPS CISTERN TANKS made Cheap Cistern Pumps from up WellDigging done Cheap and all kinds of pumps repaired on shortest notice Any person wanting any work of this kind done me a postcard and It will be at tended to at once and you will save money by so I a large stock on hand JOHN BENNETT Newmarket 31 CURE BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION SICK HEADACHE AND ALL LIVER TROUBLES EXGELSI EGG PRESERVER Has proved a Success for Queen Victoria Her rtnd Jubilee with and pictured Contains the endorsed or with the authentic of her Diamond Jubilee Only book demand for GoininlasicHi per cent Freight paid Duty for DOMINION COMPANY Chicago It is no Pickle You simply treat the with Preserver which renders the shells air tight and Jay away in a box or bosket until wanted Our regular will preserve CO eggs for months To introduce it we will reduce price to a during July Next Post

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