Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 16 Jul 1897, p. 7

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its WHAT IB ON IN TOWN Presbyterian Church Bun with sermon by S mooting iftfll Sunday wail Christian Endeavor of Church Mr ho chid rand presided at the organ- Headings wore given by Miss Ada reci tations by Rouble norland and Royal lako 01 meeting Sunday I On Monday July went lo Hill to play a friendly of Although homo team won it was no disgrace to Newmarket hoys of sonlora played Hall Cooper and Clifford boys think can do- feat tho team on grounds would to try It in in about two weeks In Probate will of Mrs Nelson of Now- was probated on Wednesday her of being divided as follows to of four children of late Nelson rest of equal ity to her brother Joshua and tho and There is a codicil which directs that Mr is to bo given to chisel lines on tho tombstono which sho erected to tho momory of hot husband in Cemetery Eclipse of the Sun An of sun will take place on July It will bo annular a bolt mil passing through Mexico Id ibis will bo viaablo as a partial obscuration beginning about am and ending about In of an annular eclipse moon bo far away from earth that it does not com pletely cover suns face but leaves a ring or annulus of light at of greatest obscuration Such arc ob served to asoortain times of con tact and as testa of tho calculated place of ho moon The County John Esquire of Albert who was elected to the honorable position of Clerk of County iork on every- position in Sou noil As County ho la well versed in the troublesome of the past as a representative of the TI ERA FRIDAY JULY Tuesday last a man of affairs haying he is that of the Ho with the working tion and as a member of Board of matter too come under his notice Commencing hie municipal career in Jlr Itamaden was for four years a councillor in and was elected Reeve on retirement of Mr Ho represented the muni- in County Council for years and received the honor of being eleoted Warden of the county He was then defeated by Mr who rep resented East for four years but in toe had the satisfaction of Mr and this year is sitting in the now County Council as of Sharon Division No Mr lies been a successful business man at Albert for a number of years where he owns a mill He was born in the Town ship of at County Council 1 A special meeting of York County Council took place last Tuesday for the of electing a successor to the Into clerk Mr Warden Davidson in addressing members referred to the fact that since tho last meeting both Councillor Bull and Clerk had died He spoke in high of both gentlemen Mr had enjoyed the confidence Arid goodwill of council ho had wen connected with Ho was unable adequately to esteem in which he was held It was pointed out that there had only been two clerks since the inception of the Mr Elliott And Mr so appointment seemed to be necessary only in a lifetime would to among so many capable applicants temporary clerk Mr James then read letters of tho following ap plicants Frank Kavauagh Newmarket who asked salary Deer Park Win Hull Toronto J Delamero of who has acted as clerk for tho county of J as McDougall tho present county engineer and temporary clerk Nelson son of tho deceased clerk who has been assistant clerk since January J Clark Toronto John Linton Toronto Junction clerk of division court of York County Walter Scott Toronto A Wilson North Toronto who described himself as the author of books on municipal law and a former rcovo of York Township and North Toronto Upon motion of Councillors Evans and High the bylaws and legis lation committee were instructed to introduce a bylaw appointing a coun ty clerk and upon motion of Council lors Woodcock and Evans it was re solved that Mr son be paid until the new appointment should take effect at the same rate his father had boon paid When tho bylaw was introduced nominations were made in tho first place and on these four ballots were taken without a choice having been effected New nominations were then called for but three ballots again failal to secure a choice Again nom inations were made on the understand ing that those receiving tho fewest votes oh each ballot should drop out Four ballots were again necessary Messrs Evans and Hall retiring in the order named On the last ballot Mr J E Toronto tt a Toronto July Papal Pol Val was week Proceeding by Niagara Falls ho is now on return to Rome On Wednesday and Saturday afternoons nearly a leave wharves almost simultaneously there is quite a to decide shall ba flrat through eastern channel is gaily docked today rfaga flying in honor of Inter national worth gathering It Is oarrootly reported that Col Otter of thlfl is to bo transferred to a similar post In command of a in Maritime Provinces Convention hold past week has suggested reforms to criminal proud and to swallow up all taxes now raised to for their comfort recent sessions of Medical Coun cil wore by usual arid divisions for which that Is noted Legislature would do a kindly towards a per of pro fession If it would repeal its corporate His Archbishop Walsh Is now on a visit to Ireland and has it that ho will visit bofore returning to this country authorities stato that heat of last week for so long a spoil baa not been equalled during past forty years first ton of July gives a maximum of to degrees whole week was a rash for summer resorts In pursuit of childish pleasure on Thurs day of last week sovenyearold son of Mr J Henderson who livea on at end of Road through a hole in fence around old and dis used reservoir on the hill Ho was missed between three and oclock in after noon and was begun The water was drained from reservoir and at four next morning the body of child was found Mr Henderson away in Europe Rogers Co reported to High Constable Jones Saturday morning that thoir horses wore stolen Friday night from a field on Glen road Deer Park Within last week no less than lads have lost thoir lives in Toronto by drowning On Monday evening yearold of John Albert a confootionoron street who was wheeling her sister In a carriage was eont for loft baby in charge of ft companion but tho buggy rolled away and upset oft the kerb throwing Infant be tween the wheels of a passing Canadian Express Wagon In of promptitude in stopping his horse rear wheel went over killing it The driver was in no way to blame Glorious was duly honored Monday and was made specially worthy of tbo jubilee year In point of numbers former years wore more than equalled and the lining the along which procession passed were simply At Exhibition Grounds thousands of spectators viewed the games from the grand eland ceivcel nine and Mr Walter An elderly lady Mrs while eight and the former was declared riding in an open oar on Monday dropped Public School Regular meeting took place on Tuesday evening Present Dr Scott chairman and Davison ana Principals ri port for shows- scholars on I he roll and an average The Government for was received Accounts amounting to were passed The Secretary was in structed to thank Leslie Son for their kind offer to present the with some jubilee trees this Fall for planting Miss Wilson was engaged to take Second Division of the Model School at S350 per annum after the summer holidays The Secretary was Instructed to advertise for two teachers The of the Board were tendered to Mr Cane for the Flag Pole presented to the School and also to Messrs Thompson and T Gardner for their Coat of Arms A resolution of thanks was also passed to the teachers who took part in the work of training and preparing the pupils of the Public and Separate Schools for the e Celebration On the alt His Worship the Mayor and the other speakers who took part on the occasion also to Cbae for fate assistance in the erection of the polo elected The County Council met Wednesday morning and received the resignation of the newly appointed clerk Mr as Councillor for the Sharon division as county auditor and a member of various committees Mr George High was elected to fill the place on the Industrial Home com mittee Councillor Baker was ap pointed to the Courthouse Committee Councillor Johnston to tbe Metropoli tan Railway Extension Committee Councillor Norman to the Finance Councillor Hall to the Board of Audit from the Buck Paving Company asking permission to run a tramway over the Scarlet bridge in West York was referred to Commissioners and Mr Evans A communication was received from Mr J Woodcock asking that ex tensive repairs he made to the bridge aver the Holland river near Bradford The matter was referred to the Coun ty Commissioners and Councillor Stokes of King The Council then went into com mittee to hear Mr re garding claims preferred by him for damages that he claimed to fiKixKviixts July Whilst James Clarke a wellknown resident of the concession of Sidney was working at a barn near home on Friday afternoon ho was prostrated by the heat The unfortunate man never rallied and passed away that evening He was about fifty years of age Mr John Counter one of the largest pro pertyowners of city and one of the best known citizens hero succumb- to a sunstroke on Saturday after- noon Deceased was on the market in the morning and while on his way home ho was overcome by the heat never rallied roadway through his property during the construction of bridge near The claim was referred to Councillor Evans and the Appeal Commissioners to report upon at the November session Up on motion of Councillor Evans tho solicitor was instructed to draw up the resolutions of condolence to the families of the late Mr and the late Mr Bull and forward them The Council then adjourned Mr George a farmer living near while crossing the bridge on Friday night was struck and killed instantly by the late express July Dan 19 years of age whilst at tempting to board a moving freight train at Utteraon fell between the cars and was run over His right leg was mangle and broken from the knee to ankle He was brought to on the Atlantic ex press in a very exhausted condition He had no money and no relatives ex cept a brother at Swan Lake where ho was trying to get to when the accident happened His leg has been amputated above the knee her purse She jumped from the car to recover it and received a fall re- suiting In concussion of the brain and a fracture The force of the blow dored the woman insane and fatal results are expected The is already thronged with worth Leaguers to attend the convention this week Sixty thousand persons greeted the vic torious team of the Highlanders in Park last evening Each mem ber of the was presented with a medal a puree and an address Bursts July At three oclock this morning reservoir which is located up in the Mountains burst owing to heavy rains and a great body of water swirled down upon the Hudson Railway upon brick yards and other institutions It away a large hoarding house where laborers were asleep drowned seven of them and battered many others badly The scene was appalling Tons of earth were washed down in the flood and buried the wreck of the house Men- dug all forenoon in search of missing men but finally all were tamed through the opening of a for including the seven dead The New York Central operates the Hudson River Railway About feet of the roadbed was washed out IN THE BASEMENT cts lb Red Cap Binder Twine Blue Ribbon Binder Twine Pure Paris Green cts j Pure Boiled Oil per Gallon Screen Doors Screen Windows Ready Mixed Paint to Tin Always find out our Prices before you Buy Our Basement Is feet filled with Hardware Goods only We close up at 6 oclock Sixty men from Owen Bound passed through Winnipeg en route for the Crows Nest Pass to work on the railway construction Wash JulyH A forty- ton wheel on a Corliss engine flew to pieces with a report like a cannon Half- of the Street Railroad Companys twostory brick power house was demolished Masses of iron and brick thrown to Pacific avenue a block away That several persons were killed is considered miraculous Several were knocked down by flying bricks and John Prie had leg crushed The accident was caused by the breaking of a rod connecting the governor and the eccentric making the governor useless and causing the wheel to run away Engineer attempted to shut off steam but he says throttle stuck when partly shut off He ran out of the building calling to the others to follow The loss is Thirty miles of electric and cable street railroad are tied up by the accident for several days at least Coronation Mr John Woods whose reminis cences we copy below from the Detroit News is the father of Mrs Per- of this town Queen Victorias coronation que ried John Woods of 807 Brush street who was born in London England four score years and eleven ago Yes indeed I celebration and of the gossip around tho city how little 18yearold princess jumped of bed in her night robe and scamper ed down stairs in the middle of the night when sho learned she was queen of England Though in his nineties and bent with age Mr Woods bad just return ed from his customary walk and drop ping his newspaper which he always insists upon reading himself he push ed himself further back in his large arm chair as ho chuckled to himself and continued That was greatest little girl I ever saw like a romping boy was always around town getting into every cricket and ball game run ning round the streets tossing coppers to the poor people and thoroughly en joying life No she was not hand some or even good looking Its often said if it for her nobility she never would have got married She came to the throne on the death of King George I remember his funeral very well Cloth was laid along the road for miles to drag the cortege over to its resting place I think they used the cloth afterwards for soldiers uniforms At the time of the coronation I was years old and on the police force drawing one sovereign about per week and to give up a shilling of that for my dress Before that I was a silkweaver and worked at that trade until they began to manufacture machinery when I turned machinist and the handweaving business was spoiled We could do more work with one machine than could half a dozen girls Those I tell you were good days Everyone bad work and lots of it But machinery was invented and people were thrown out of employment and those that had work and money to get proud I went back to England years ago and I found it a different country entirely Do I remember the battle of Wat erloo Well I guess I remember how the French killed olF those soldiers and when the Scotch kilts came out on the field the French became ashamed inti how one of the generals said Well weve shot all the men and now they send out tbeir women When they learned they were Scotch men in their kilts they turned those chain- shot guns oh them and cut five yards of men down in one shot Here Mr Woods picked up a leather spectacle case which he explained was made out of a saber sabbard picked up after this famous battle Yes he continued my health is very good I come from a Jong lived family I have a brother in this city years old another in Berlin Cana da years old and my sister living in the same place is My mother died at years of age and my father at My wife died about years ago She raised children of whom are now alive and married I have very naturally a great many grandchildren and children I soon expect to be a great- greatgrandfather and then I really will begin to feel old OF J This affords and opportunity of securing a good article at a greatly reduced price Trouser Hanger Free with every order A supply of Coat Hangers always on hand at 5 and Call Early and secure your choice MY TAILOR- TO MY MONTYS WORTH Where 1 get the Quality and Assortment as well as Cheapness He does not advertise anything- which he has not in stock and his goods are the best to be obtained at the prices Here are a few prices for Saturday Ladies Button Boots 0 Oxford White Canvas Shoes Leather Slippers Mens Fine Lace Boots Kid Oxford Lace Boots Plow Boots t it Misses Low Prices worth 2 JO 2 00 ft 2 2 Boys and Childrens Boots at Remarkably a it Orangemen celebrated of the battle of the all over the Province The turnouts were very large and every demonstra tion was marked by orderliness und a more tolerant sentiment has some times been d splayed Copenhagen Julv A terrible railway disaster took place about mid night at The express from ran into a passenger train at the station wrecked eight carriages killed forty persons and injured sixty others Most of the victims are of the artisan class Mr Harry Woods was drowned in Lake through his boat sinking The Canadian Power Company has begun work on its proposed power canal at Niagara Falls Geo Stewart of Dorking had his neck broken by being thrown out of a Every bicycle in Chicago will have to pay a yearly tax of if Mayor Harrison signs the ordinance which the Council passed Five thousand wrought nail work ers in South Staffordshire and North Worcestershire have struck for ten per cent advance in wages As a result of the extreme heat in Montreal the death rate for the past week was doubled There were three hundred and seventyfive interments A picked team of seniors and juniors from Barrio played a game off lacrosse at on Monday with a combination team of and Bradford and were defeated by four goals to two Lou Campbell referred the game Elmira July the farm of Henry Snider about a mile west of here a young man named Goo was standing on a load of hay and was in act of unloading when rafter to which the pulley was fastened causing the pulley to fall striking him on and loador to barn floor Doctors Hay fend wore called for and extensive fractures of the and have but veryflight of his recovery JULY 16 1897 AT THE- Newmarket Cemetery Procession will leave MARKET SQUARE Headed by NEWMARKET BAND At oclock pm Sharp Resident Clergy have been Invited to deliver short appropriate E JACKSON President Secretary J A Chairman Com PATENTS PROM SE MARION MAHtON initio Tempi IMS Who of Writ A CO ftp It I

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