TME ARK ER J DAY JULY ffeelft flews WHAT IB ABOUT TOWN A meeting of tho Fire Brigade will bo hold Thursday July Hall at sharp to receive of porno nil rati on Committer and cohere They Come We following paragraph from last weeks A of men now work loading logs on cars for Mr Cane Tho are shipped to where hay converted Into wash tuba wash boards and palls i Tho representatives to Board by the congregation at close of prayer meeting on Thursday evening of last Jackson Cane Mrs Messrs E J McKay and Tim eormon by Mr was well received last Sunday morning Next Sunday Rev Mr Will of Toronto is to and evening Tho pastor Is attending convention In Toronto this week and expects to spend over Sunday at hie resort at Elmo The Last result the En- trance Exams at was primed in the Whitby When re porter enquired about the result of the Entrance Exams in- Newmarket he politely informed that orders from the Education Department prohibited ex aminers from giving any information un til after the papers passed through the To- Department and it would probably be the of August before the would bo public How if one can make the result known why not all of all this red tape any way If pupils knew what the was they could arrange future course with satisfaction and would not bo kept in suspense as they are at present Motion Mr of Bradford ha be instructed to take proceeding atfalnst of East and Wfiltehuroh on of Miss of who recently injuries by being out of a baggy on road loading from Yongo to Newmarket uiok While a field of Timothy for Mr Jos Millard week across a neat of hens eggs Ho put them under a hen that was anxious to sot and next day she brought out seven The real mother of tho chickens had lege out off with the scythe second season in succession that this kind of operation has boon performed i M i i Foot A nolo girl about fiyo years of age at Sbmbmount got foot poisoned while play a the vicinity of the Ho parti notice was taken of it for two or three days whan the foot began to swell and so that child had to be brought to a doctor on Sunday It was fortunate that they or it might hove terminated fatally swelling going down on Wednesday and will probably be all right in a few days rr Pvoduae Butter up pur lb last Saturday and eggs vent up per It was no doubt on account of heat as the sop ply limited Tho buyers both commodities to be about next day Green at per peek but on Wednesday they wore peddled from door to door around Town at per peek currants were sold at per lb appear to be over Goose from to per pall wont up to Garden rasp aro selling at per box or for Chief had a big on Mon day alter a tramp that wpa put off tho train Ho caught up to him once but the tramp jerked onto hie And finally escaped near f Depot present has an active in freight business exports com prise oars of wooden ware care of marsh hay care of grain and cars of morohan- diso The Imports about cars of pail timber 10 cars of coal oar land plaster oar fruit oar resin and ten oars of gen oral merobandleo Fatal Bite- Word has been received that only re maining eon of Mr at about of died lost Friday from bloodpoisoning tho of a bite from the family dog Wo shall bo glad if Borne of oar that section will sond ue for next The Vacation somo who Imagine their cannot run long enough without them to take a days fishing or a couple of of air once a year When a mans affaire got into this shape ft Is time to look Into them What would he do ff ho were suddenly with par alysis It is never a thing to have ones affairs in such shape that no one be found to handle them in an filoroovor it is necessary to stop engine and clean up in a while or she will oat The man who can take time to the other side his nature is solving tho problem of true life There is too much of this grind with out giving maohino a to balance occasionally a holiday man Dont it until the undertaker steps In and takes you off to permanent re tirement from business anxiety ft I a WEEK cts cts Ladies 100 Blouse Waists for Special joe Corsets for Fast Color Prints Black Silk Chiffon 46 inches wide cts Ladies Parasols 32Inch NEW GOODS We are in a position to sell trade Prove it for yourself ORGANDIE MUSLIM muz SPOTTED MUSLIM I or bummer Wear you better goods for less money than any house in the The Best Cooks Use Baking Powder A 9 RUNT0W CORNER The Glorious Monday was a nice day and the of thia district had a big time at Aurora Newmarket Lodge head by the and Drum Band through Main to the depot going down by train Between and oclock Albert headed by a bras band passed through Town making a very creditable display There were about 20 rigs In the procession On their return in the evening the band serenaded Mr John of the Central Hotel and were cor dially received Past in the will take1r plant for green people simply on demonstrated by the to Toronto Next Wednesday will be almost a holiday in Newmarket so many people are talking of going to Toronto on tho Metho dist Sunday School Excursion The rate only for the return ticket per sons having from oclock In morning tilt people down the Perry Tickets are good for any hour TO6ek the day others will combine both and pleasure Pino Orchard On the farm of ply days ousting and a was cut on the 14th of and during the next days plant averaged oyer an inch a day samples brought to the Eha on Wed- show it to be ft high Mr also brought us a sample of lucerne ft inches high from a field that been ten audoff of which he has taken more than crops affords and best that have never before beenoffered Remem ber the train at Hol land Landing Newmarket Aurora and King At sharp and these are the only stops it makes till it reaches St Wha July In July the stoVma will commence- with wind in the south west the wind the southeast and northeast The first of the month till about the 10th will be warm days and nights then cool days with electric intervening about the then finer till about the and cold after all storms with the wind in the northwest and north A cold wave the the month about the with in the Northern fits tea with local showers The cool days and nights wilt extend into August till about then finer days and warmer till about the then local storms with the wind in the southeast ohanging as in July There will be more electric storms in and warmer and a cold wave after all storms fiTettpiblc pall The many friends of Jos the new pastor of Broadway Tabernacle Toronto and late of the Methodist Newmarket will learn with deep- concern of a serious accident which occurred on Thursday evening of last week to Mrs and which narrowly escaped a fatal termination family has recently moved into their new parsonage house at avenue and in walking in the dark towards her daughters room raft took the back stairway for the young ladys bedroom door- and fell headlong down the stairs to the bottom Mr beard the noise of the fall and hurried to his wifes assistance The un fortunate lady was carried to her room and and hurriedly called It was found she had sustained an scalp wound eight inches long across the fore pari of the head from left to right the scalp being laid completely back the skull Every possible attention given to the wound and no serious will develop from the fall and the terrible ioroe of the blow it is little short of miraculous that Mrs iBS- ciped life and still mora that no bones were broken The family Dr Ball was also called and was prompUyin attendance At report the patient was doing though suffer ing severely from the shook The wound repaired Used dor Egg Preserver per pack- feKJ at during July flee s The general public are invited to take part in the annual Defloration Cemetery to day The Directors having placed the for service in the evening It is hoped that there will be a larger attend- than usual The Town Band will march from the Market Square at oclock and on arrival at the fioral pyramid the speaking will take place A number of people have been fixing their plots and Cemetery is looking vary nice Let every body place flowers on the graves of their friends and keep excellent record of the past flddPcss The following address has been present ed to J P Belfry by a depot Methodist It is with feelings of deep regret that your resignation as a member of since its organization you have been one of our foremost workers and zeal been an inspiration to Us Oar Intercourse has been of the most tender and sympathetic ha and the separa tion us much pain Wherever your lot may be cast may you continue in the good- work and help others as you have helped us and when our work is over may we all join in the glad throng around the throne to praise our forever Signed on behalf of the Womens Mis sionary Society A Mas Garden The League was very fortunate in having such delightful Weather for the Garden Party last Friday night The verandahs and trees looked very pretty decorated with numerous Chinese lanterns and the tables quite in form Palestine style and lit with perpetual candles Mr and Mrs Irwin were very hospitable and rendered assistance in making evening pleasant The Town Band gave a delightful selection of music and passed off very pleasantly The net proceed was about Some rascals stole a dozen bottles of pop from the refreshment tent and added to the loss by breaking the bottles deserve to bo horsewhipped In returning an IceCream Freezer on Saturday morning the top fell off If party that picked It up on the Town Line will leave it at Robertsons Bakery young people will col greatly obliged August 1st is the last day for School Trustees to notify their municipal Coun cils of the amount required to be levied for purposes the coming year The sun did considerable scorching last week The laundry business has been booming the week Mr has put a nice pipe organ into his residence The Specialty works are putting in over- time the past two weeks besides taking on eight extra won Business Is rushing Pharmacy la decorated with a new sign also news stand Mr P Euan had the nail pulled off one of his fingers at Canes Factory on day of last week Regular of tho Town Council next Monday night The fence at Primary grounds has been removed and repairs to build- have commenced street is being graded this week New sidewalk on Main Street North this Make arrangements to take in the to Centre Island Park next Wed nesday- Fine place to spend a warm day and get a breeze across Ontario Mr Martins residence on Prospect Ave been brightened with a coat of paint Tilly One of the heaviest hailstorms that has been ex perienced in took place this afternoon about halfpast five oclock It came from south- west and broke out with a roar when the cloud burst The sky dark and small hailstones commenced to fall followed by a perfect downpour of chunks of ice Many of them meas ured an inch in diameter and some an and a half Ions they fell banks of ice six inches and over formed by the rain which fol lowed At oclock tonight hail stones the size of marbles can be scooped up by Birds were killed fruit destroyed and many panes of glass broken IUI week got in a lot of Ladies Belts Elastic Belting Silk Belting- Buckles Laces in white and cream Heliotrope Ribbon Ladies Ties Ladies Cuffs and Collars Silk Gloves and Mitts and a big lot of those fine CHINA HALL Entrance The following candidates at Entrance Examination held at Newmarket have been provisionally passed high grade at low grade prices- The Tempest is a great favorite for easy running and speed The Dayton formerly a wheel is now for and for 1897 style These are all wheels that seldom puncture and run a long time before any repairing is required Dont forget to see our stock of Sun Hats Yours truly HUGH UK WEEKS ARRIVAL Patty Phcebe Brown Cora Conner Eva Haines Grace McNeill Maggie Marion Marsh Ethel Powell Dal By Reeves Rose Audrey Ramsey Bertha Sterland Rosa Stevenson Annie Windsor Ethel George Ironside Leslie Linton Lundy Miller Alfred Victor Frank Osborne Jeffrey Robertson Norman Rogera Frank Sutherland Alex Edgar Starr Albert Willie Mabel Cane Lena Daley Pearl Fletcher Louisa Williamson Millard Bert Gertrude John Doyle Wilson For The following School Leaving candldateslhave been provisionally passed by the Maude Chapman George Roy Davis Carrie Leonard Wm Sprague Addle Skinner Jessie Wright Hilary Wilkinson Refd Lewis The following Leaving candidates have obtained Entrance Wesley Brown Chapman Arthur Chapman George Carl Mabel Fuller Martha Emma Terry- Wilfred Tgart Archie Wright Harvey Ida Wayling July 12 A beautiful mirage was observed in Leamington Saturday afternoon Island was apparently only five miles distant and suspended high above the water in an inverted position The clubhouse on the north end- of the island was plainly distinguishable with the naked eye All the other small islands wore in plain view seemingly twenty or more feet above the water Passing boats wore also plainly seen smokestacks point ing downward and smoke pouring from the funnels WANT Raspberries Cucumber 5000 Sunlight Soap Wrappers If you have any about the house we buy them Womens Chocolate Oxford Shoes r Came too late for Spring raae Regular 2 Goods Now Sold 125 See our line of The Loading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts Cooked Ham kept constantly on hand Our Bread Cakes and Pastry has no equal Ice Cream and all kinds of Soft Drinks A RQB rsoN The Leading Baker Grocer and Confectioner AND We have received this week a large shipment of Mens and Boys Suits and Boots and Shoes at Prices that Discount anything ever shown in this county We will offer for sale after today a lot of Mens good Suits at Tweed Suits we are from Worth double the money Gal early as tfliese suits wont THE SY0B