Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 16 Jul 1897, p. 2

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J yieixt Advertisements Ten Longer W Cheap Good Toronto Jobbing Choicest A Specialties Egg Hymn Book Jones THE KRA FR JULY sue to LETS BUT GROWS AND VtTU EACH FRIDAY 1897 The Tout Ended political tour of Mr Whitney leader of the Conservative Opposition in Ontario House accompanied by few of Inn trusted in Ak- closed Iflflt week at Orangc- Various parts of the Western section of Province have been visited and campaigners their to awaken enthusiasm in favor of the left of Mr Speak er in Legislature but judging from tone of Provincial in localities visiteii response has not been very assuring Of course the burden of their appeal direct ed Hardy Administration and all through their somewhat minty and vaguo addresses cropped up the personal longing to displace the pres ent occupants of treasury benches instead of presenting rational and reasons for such transfer- Indeed if wo from Mr Whitneys reported speeches during the campaign all purely re ferences to Hardy Government which aro positively without meaning the remaining is but the froth of wordy verbiage nothing more No charge of corruption in any form ha been mode no scandal on the part of Government has been ex posed Millions of dollars have been spent on public buildings and public works during past twentyfive years but no portion thereof is charged as having stuck in hands of the Administration Notwithstanding millions have been granted in aid of railways Mr Whitney Dr Mr Mr Mag wood nor others stumped the Province on this political mission were able to charge that the been milked for the special ad party election funds For expended the Opposition firianeial critic had to admit value re ceived have been watchwords of tho and with this kind of record on the part of Government no wonder Mr Whitney found it difficult to awaken enthusiasm in his favor or create a longing on the part of the electorate for a change of Minis try True lie talked vaguely about an army of officeholders maintained at the public expense but he was unable to point to single instance during his whole parliamentary career as a member of House or of its Finance Committee he con sidered an official could be dispensed with In every speech too he charg ed Hon Mr with paltering with the temperance vote and also with turning the liquor trade into a political machine but such phrases are meaningless in view of the fact that the Opposition in the Assembly with Mr Whitney at their head re fused to make known their particular views in regard to legislation then be fore the House when deputations from both the temperance and liquor license representatives interviewed them Ontario people are a reading people and mere assertion is not taken for argument Incontrovertible facta are wanted Actions speak louder than words The electors of Province know full well that to talk of the liquor trailie being a political ma chine is contrary to personal know ledge of the public generally and probably there is not a country or state on the continent where the liquor traffic is a important factor in elections than in this very Province If therrfore we may of the strength of the political thunder of the Opposition by the speeches of their leaders the Government has nothing to fear when the time comes round for the next appeal to the electorate Assembly are taking place along the line During the Me for Prince Edward Mr P or Gray end a Conservative Convention looted Mr J Fox for West and Mr Train hue been by the to contest Centre Won comes from Ottawa that Chan- baa been appointed a commie to Inquire Into and report upon cor tain charges preferred against Honor Judgo Wood of Perth County TiitiRC mom bora of Dominion Cabinet have In Toronto this viz Messrs and We notice that Bit has been a few days at Kingston Another mooting of Cabinet is called tomorrow to dispose of soma A despatch from Belleville states that Sir of Canada attended ft largo Orange demon stration In his old constituency of North Hastings at on and ad dressed the brethren has nothing in it about c Re medial legislation was con veniently forgotten and accompanied by epent Wednesday in Owen Sound tbo harbor and other works They were given a In evening Metropolitan Railway has taken ft start night this week the Company Is running a moonlight from P at to Hill in new olosod cars faro It Is stated that in reply to ft deputation Hon Mr Hardy has announced that if an Information is laid against the Metropoli tan Railway for oars on Sundays that tho government will prose onto tho case I v Glapxko gross negligence or something oven worse Is responsible for the from custody on Monday of ono of worst who has come into the hands of Toronto In a long writes In respect to of Albert the desperado who was arrested at the Junc tion on Saturday last The details of the would seem to negligence during July will contain Instalments of tho timely serial of the War of Independence entitled Vintage by Benson author of Dodo ft of Queens Jubilee illustrated with elaborate draw ings and illustrated articles on The Christian Endeavor Convention In San Francisco Botanical Gardens of Now York and on The ThirdRail Systom The states that ft rumor prevails in political that Mr P for Toronto will go on and rotlro from polities It is easy to set rumors but this one wo have reason to behove is totally without foun dation That Mr J Kerr may have the ermine thrown on his if be so desires is quite within the range of possibility but Center Toronto will not bo opened by Government or the sitting member unless something at un locked for and should happen The Ottawa Journal is its political notes takes occasion to remark It is said that there are between twelve and twenty Senators who have not the necessary property qualifications to en title them to hold their seats The quali fication 090 worth of property over and above all liabilities So far no one overpraised the question of qualification it is reported that this is to be done now And why not It bad enough irresponsible body dictating to the legislation of the of parliament without its exercising this power after din- qualification fact is the Senate should be reorgiuii5d or abolished An chamber controlling the will of the people expressed by the elective body is not compatible with free in stitutions Oaf Society PERSONAL POINTS PLEASANTLY PARAGRAPHED sister was hero on a visit Mr Millard of is in Town this week Mr Art Oliver of Place is home for holidays Mr Perkins was visiting ftt last week Mrs A son at Oceanic Now Jersey Miss Clara Manning is home from To ronto on of Mr of York Mills is spending the holidays In Town Mr wheeled to Bramp ton and with friends Miss Elbe of epont The Great Success of our Previous to StockTaking Sale has caused us to delay Taking Stock for ten days longer We have been exceedingly busy and for ten days more we will give such Bargains that this Big Stock should be reduced by thousands of dollars Reducing Bargains At Ontario Prohibition In Toronto this week resolutions were in troduced reciting the fact that a plebiscite bill was promised at opening of last of the Dominion House and as other business bad crowded It out the con vention looks for prompt introduction of the promised bill at the next session of Parliament and respect fully requests that the basis of the vote be the franchise on which the nest Parliament will be elected and secondly that iheiseueof prohibition be separated from all other questions of public policy There was also an appeal urging the people to organize at once There was a big elision on the action of the Local iftture arid the resolution finally passed in That we appreciate the improvement license law at the last the Government did not mote all the we thai im Legislature did not accept all the pro submittal Wilson Star rises to re mark A man named Moon recently with a daughter by hie wife That ft now Moon- The old- drunk That ft Moon And when he got sober he twentyfive left That the last quarter Bat when the old lady -n-l- pin total a comet in At the Convention of Ontario Association In April Inst Mr P 1 read a piper on Training in Public The paper is now printed In form and having perused a copy we cut ay that it ft very argument the direct as well as teaching morals in our educational A few extracts will serve to show the nature and value of the paper moral cation Is essential to now a maxim of all civilized governments Why the ethical nature that as almost as early as the intellec tual be ignored or left to the haphazard teaching of childs environment when that nature baa in It far greater and graver possibilities than either of its other na tures Wo have too many of tbe secular spirit who only ma terial and prevent success Ignoring the best their and their country If these are left alone to advance their worldly Interests they will In turn let alone our educational how ever Imperfect The substance of the is- summarized in these words The leave moral training to and churches because many child ren would receive no training thus left About out of in thin are not Sunday and not in theehnrh Mr Idea of the is incorporated In the following sentence Our should be welded Into a homo by one System having intellectual and moral in equally well provided for Wo endorse the Ida over Sunday in Town with friends Miss Gertie Bennett is visiting with friends in Toronto for a few weeks Mr Geo of Tintera near St Catharines home for vacation Mr David Swain and of were here to spend the Miss Dunn has gone to Trenton to spend a couple of weeks with her parents Mrs Stuart opened her home to a party of young people on Friday evening Mr Wort Smart of Toronto is spend ing a fewdays with Mr Keys of the Miss Lizzie Davison left on Monday on tho trip and intends to spend a few weeks with Keetch at Mies Marion entertained a number of young people on Wednesday evening Mr Keys the Is nursing a sore knee A rat throw him off his bike on Tuesday Mr of Albert is the new Clerk The adds its congratulations Mies of Winnipeg formerly of North is Spending this week at Clerk Lloyds Mr and Mrs A Roe entertained a number young people at The Willows on Thursday of last week Dr Webb in company with two or three others were calling friends in Thornhill Wednesday evening Miss Eva Jackson and Miss Keith are attending the League Convention Toronto this week Messrs Bert Gardner and Frank spent several Roachs Point and Georgia Island At the elocutionary contest at last week under the auspices of the T Miss Laura OBrien of and a resident of Newmarket for two or three years succeeded in capturing the silver medal awarded for the best rendered recitation Rev of St Thomas St Catharines has accepted a call from the congregation of St Pauls parish Halifax If we remember rightly Mr married Ramsay grand daughter of late Canon Ramsay of Newmarket Once a published in Toronto July a list of the awards at Exam in connection with the Metropolitan of and among the we notice the following Miss Beatrice Newmarket Ont Final certifi cate for history and musical form class honors in both subjects In the examination also ik 2nd honors in 2nd year piano A of ladies of tbe An- at Methodist Toronto luna tion under the guidance of Messrs Fen- nell and Keloher took possession if the of Rev Mr Hill El Ihii at pastor of Tabernacle Toronto Tuesday evening After pending an enjoyable evening with their late pastor and his wife In their new home kindly worded address was read by Mies Sarah Wilson to Mrs Hill accompanied by a rattan rooking chair and a centre table as tokens of affection and high esteem Mr Hill made a suitable reply on her be half a Journal published In Paris In the interest of the Canadians resi dent there has In its Issue of June a paragraph complimentary to two younu at present studying in that city of the following is a translation last concert June of has been the occasion of the brilliant of two of our com patriots who figure In the front rtiks of the pupils of that distinguished professor Mies Florence Mile Mile both interpreted much art and talent from Ambrose Thomas Hamlet The very audience filled the Salle could not restrain its applause We wish onr compatriots to low to add to this applause our best felicitations These young ladles made their preparatory in Toronto Miss Brlmcon having a pupil of Mr and fa native of New market Stock Reducing Bargains Big lot Ladies Blouses CO at at A choice of Blouses at Fancy Colored Muslins at i at- 10 100 Remnants New Prints reduced to cost Dress Goods reduced onehalf Pieces Summer Silk to clear at halfprice Crinkle Zephyr at J Fancy American Sateens at 12J Summer from to Childrens Straw Hats reg at Boys 40c at Parasols the best line at Carpets worth reduced to a ii Art SquareB worth reduced to Ladies Fine Kid Button Boots reduced to 1 75 liens Tweed Suits go at Mens Ties go two for Mens strong Suits go at Mens Fine Straw Hats go at Mens very fine Tweed Suits go at Mens fine Fur Felt Hats go at I Mens finest tailor made Worsted Pants reg at Some Big Snaps in Mens Shirts Boys Strong twopiece Suits Boys Extra twopiece Suits Boys FineTweed threepiece Suits Mens Fine Kid Boots at Mens Neat Strong Lace Boots 185 at Boys Strong Lace Boots Mens Good Tweed pants neat stripes I Fine Pure Wool Sweaters at Boys Fine Pure Wool Sweaters ftt Mens Cotton Sweaters at 26 Bargains Up Stairs Dont- fail to visit us during this sale Remember every line advertised is just as represented and you are welcome to examine goods without being urged to buy has to Michigan for the holidays Mies Aonle of who has been attending here re turned home with her father on Monday Mr and Root and family of Bnffnoi and Mr of Milbank kota were visiting at Mr Afebrile in circulation that Master Will was caused by smoking physician informs us that there is no truth whatever in the rumor and that he is netting along Mr J English wife and eon from and Miss of Albany of Mrs ar rived in town yesterday morning and in tend to spend a week with relatives and friends by a Canadian Fight in Bailie Jail July oclock last night and Clark the burglars have been the in these parts and lodged in the jail here attacked Jailer and Turnkey Caldwell when the latter entered the corridor to put them into their cells for the night The weapons they used were legs of a cell stool using them as clubs was struck over the head and on the right arm A prisoner quite properly closed the corridor leaving the four men inside to fight it out Caldwell covered Clark with a re volver and locked hiih in his cell refused to surrender fighting viciously all the time with the jailer ami the turnkey at the jailers re quest fired a shot into Moloneys A serious conflict has taken plica at Candia between a force of British troops and a party of BashiBazouks Sixteen of the British force were killed Omi July Mr a respected citizen of the town died yesterday as a result of in juries received while moving a house A limb of a tree caught on the build ing and impeded progress Mr went up to saw off the limb when it was half cut through the strain broke it and it flew back throw ing Mr Beemer heavily right leg He at once gave up and Miss Jessie Alexander who has been entered his cell Doctors worked for in London for the jubilee celebration in her private letters to friends here gives a glowing account of the great event She writes We have seen and survived the great jubilee celebration Our seats on the Strand proved very good points of vantage and we saw the pageant under the most favorable circumstan ces A cool room a secondstorey window cushioned seats and refresh ment tables at hand all contributed to our comfort during the hours of waiting for the parade The crowd was overestimated I fanoy in the anticipation of I ondoners We started it a in order to avoid the ex pected crush but Bressyo heart dar no squshin tall The proces sion beggars description I my mind a kaleidoscope vision of scar let and purple and gold of glittering regiments gorgeously apparelled poten tates of proudstepping steeds of stalwart warriors and of highborn dames and in the centre round whom all the colors and flashes and lights and magnificence revolve a small fig ure in black and white fading away from the fullness of lifebutthe great est women in the world today One Englishman declared today Yes shes small but she never forgets that she is Mrs Britain I suppose that is why she really looks great Now the Princess of Wales ia regal looking in her own person but Englands great ness Itself is stamped on the Queens How such a eight away from home stirs ones loyalty Wo were delighted when wo saw our own Can adian troops leading tho procession and Sir Wilfrid the first dig nitary in a carriage We were quite proud of his dignified scholarly face and as ho raised his hat in answer to the cheers of people we felt an in ward delight to hear some neighboring English people ask who the gentleman was He a considerable time to find the bullet but did not succeed The jailer used a large key freely on Moloneys head leaving an ugly wound Fees in County The report of the Inspector of Legal Offices says that the work of the sher iffs and all officers is well performed The Inspector says that the work of the Local Masters seems to be gradually fulling away which he at tributes to the general depression in business report shows the total and net receipts of the County of York and district of Toronto as foil SET TOTAL Sheriff J field Mo- Surrogate Judge Surrogate eon County Attorney H Clerk of the Peace Ball Surrogate Registrar JOBrown Surrogate EBBrown County Court Clerk Hon AM Rosa Sheriff Fred IS County Attorney J Carry 00 1805 The hall and town hall at were destroyed by fire with a lot of hose and other apparatus Terrible thunderstorms hail storms and cloudbursts have de vastated large districts of Germany destroying the growing grain and kill ing cattle July 18 Last Friday evening John son of J of the portly Premiere colt He- wm leading the of the other colonies J lt frightened and started to run Mr John Counter one of the got tangled in tho tiller rope bestknown of and was dragged and to was overcome by heat on death Every stitch of clothing had day and died aged been torn from his body and Undertaking House If you want Furniture Just call and see our prices If you want a Good Set of Parlor there is no deception and Will last a life time on J Newmarket and Embalming A 8PECIALTY attended to at Street The street Toronto on July 187 the wife of Jr aeon At Aurora on July the wife of Mr Banbury of a daughter At Aurora on July 2nd wife Harvey Lloyd of a eon The Alta Near Montreal on the by the Rev Abbott- Mr Allan of Montreal to Alice younger daughter of Mr J of I Ml- Marie Oat formerly of Sutton At Hlchmojii by the A Grant William Walker of Harriett Gray of The Tomb Em En In East the ill lost Mary Elmer relict Or William KJmvr Id her year Weakly At Industrial Home Oil Weakly from York years St North will receive nod Prompt Attention-

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