Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Jul 1897, p. 6

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JULY AND COR- WORTH What might proved a happened on the town lino Thursday Mrs Mra Baker and Misb WOW leaving a hold back of the harness came undone and the ran away cart and throwing the ladies out Thoy wore not muck injured The cart was badly smashed mooting to the of forming a continuation class in connection with our was well attended After a good deal of discussion a vote taken when it found the waj of those present wore opposed to having such The Noblotou Band the garden party at Mr Owens in with Eighth Lino Motbodtet on Wednesday last Meeting an- for of Jfuly has been indefinitely postponed owing to failure in getting the appointed time This the season of farewells in Methodist congregation JjftBfc Sun day and preached their sermons to large A Aid Tea was hold at residence of Mra Wood last Thursday evening A large crowd reported to boon present The President Mrs was made the recipient of a purse containing a handsome suns of money as ft mark of the esteem in which she is held by the members of this society Juno Jubilee Day was spent in various ways Some took in the celebration at Toronto others took in the at Newmarket while the majority stayed at homo whore they could either work or rest and Ring the national anthem Rev Mr Robin labor ed with the congregation hero for some time preached his fare well sermon on Sunday last Bov Mr tikes the on Sunday next The had to the welfare of their spring removed- for a time by Thursday of laefc The ground had begun to be very dry There tea right of going considering the time of year Miss Ada Clatkson we are glad to I hear is on the way to recover should j no take place Death visited the home of and Mrs Andrew Seymour on Friday last calling away their daughter Maggie who has been a great sufferer for the past two with heart The tool place on COLLEGE CORNERS The little stranger at Mr A Noils is a promising farm hand Mr Fountain of Jersey was united to Miss King granddaughter of Mr King of BALDWIN BREEZES On Saturday attornooo lnat to from Pleasant and came to to havo game of ball with Baldwin go all the ball they as wore for our boys who won iho by a handsome margin paid for a fluppoi at Bills who got up a spread vontido was spent In on Any other of having the conceit taken out of thorn bo by oar evening now PINE ORCHARD On account of wot the Strawberry Festival is postponed until next Thursday night July at Cases Come and bring your friends Mies Brown has been on siok list Wo are glad to hear she is improving Mr Wesley and Miss spent Saturday and Sunday with rela tives in Styles and son of Albert is visiting at fathers Woyd Mr and and Brown were visiting on Sunday at Andrews Aurora Mrs Western and Mrs Colbert homo week Elder and Mrs lorry and Mr A El Sunday at Mr lit and Mrs Walter Wesley have again moved into our and are occupying Mr house May attended the funeral of her cousin in Pickering last Sunday Miss school at Lake last Saturday A big crowd and a good time Master Hugh apont the Jubilee in Toronto with his The annual Union Sunday School will be hold next Saturday July in Mr Albert Starrs busb WICK Sunday meeting at the house at thence to the Methodiat Churoh where the Rev Miv Robinson preached a moat fitting The Cortege then to Church of England Burying Ground vhere all that was to The funeral largely attend showing the respect in which Miss Seymour was held She in her youth not yet having attained her year She will be greatly missed by her associates parents and remaining relatives have the full est sympathy of the community in their loss The Foresters at their regular meet ing on Wednesday night week treated themselves to icecream and Our band were called to Strange on Friday evening last to play for a garden partv They report having had a splendid time- Road work in this district now completed and some of the beats it is were never in such good shape Iwforo Remember thereis a big treat for you if you attend the Christian teaparty held in grove Also the next day will make a pleasant change by way of having servicesiold in the cool and shady bower and no doubt as has been in all previous years will be largely at tended College Corners will atill have to lake a back seat in regarding tall rye Wo were shown a stalk measuring inches and that of the ground too As to fall wheat wo can easily compare with spoke around thoJmb Plenty of it is close on fed tall Mr Mrs- Seymour and of Buffalo New York were hers attending the funeral of his sbter Thompson of the suddenly last Sunday Deceased has for a number of years jwth dropsy and disease Only a few weeks ago spent some time in Newmarket under a doctors The funeral sermon was preached last Monday at am in the Free by Rev Mr Walker from The waa filled with mourning relatives and friends of who leaves behind a sorrow ing husband and three daughters to mourn their loss So vanishes like a dream the spirit that returns to the God who gave it and the body to the dust the grave The jubilee week has come and tone and the Queen survives God less the noblest Queen that ever sat upon an earthly throne Surely Eng lands Queen Victoria has been as much under divine guidance and pro tection as was King Solomon Rev Mr Spencer of ville circuit preached his farewell ser mon at Keswick and a week ago last Sunday returns to college A couple of young doctors have recently taken unto themselves brides Congratulations to the of Keswick and The Ladies Aid in connection with the Christian Church here propose giving Strawberry Festival on the beautiful lawn of Mr Jesse Morton on Tuesday evening of next week Tea will be served from to followed by a good program There will also be a tent on the ground providing ice cream lemonade etc Dont the treat of the season STREET NORTH Childrens was a great success at Popular Bank Sunday School The school house was filled and the ad dresses by Mr Pearson President of the Assn mi Miss Keith of Newmarket were excellent The former impressed his remarks the use of different colored- water and the latter by candles The children also well and everybody was much pleased AURORA An contest for a silver modal will bo hold in the lecture room of Methodist on Wed nesday July under the auspices of the Royal of The true toes of Trinity church have the old hall on street and are moving it across to their church grounds on street and intend fitting it up for ft Sunday School room Tho members of the Masonic order met at Mr George hotel on Thursday at one oclock and proceed to the cemetery and decorated departed brethren a full attendance of members of the order Banner are boys and writ ing for Entrance at High School this week as well as candidates try ing Leaving Exam a total of was abreast of other vill ages and towns in the celebration of Cay never do for it to lag behind other places in sharing loyalty to our noble Queen and coun try The most important feature was the public achool picnic Mr J Stephens the able and popular teacher deserves great credit for the manner in which ho prepared and carried out arrangements In all the arrange ments ho well supported by the people of this The School House was tastily beautified with gar lands mottoes and the School grounds wore a flowergarden Swings wore put into proper order for old and young from the high flag polo floated flag that for a thousand years braved battle and- the breeze Old and young were called into and short patriotic ad dresses given by the Rev Mat thews and J Thompson New market Refreshments were served afterwards Parents and children will never forgot it and doubtless in after years will look back to it as a green spot in a sunny memory QUEENSVILLE I shall to apologize for net giving news last week whoa a fellow la laid up with the he not be disturbed ee Mrs after hor severe and also A very pleasant was spent Monday at the residence of when A King and Mr Fountain were united in the holy bonds of wedlock by the Bev Mr Henry jr fa laid off work Ha great time Remember the Festival In connection with the Willing Workers of- the Presby terian on Who Is going on the on Nearly all our farmers have their bay aafe in the mow If you wish to a fine piece of clover look at Mr F field A number of our school have tried School leaving and Entrance Rumor it that we will have another wedding We thought bo house and lot re modelled Mr Las his flneetable Old met with a painful acoldent while She had her eye torn out There is a certain the village which takes a notion once in a while to run after a riff It should be taken bettor care of Mr Frank Morton hired with Haight for the Summer To ihe of a AMD replying to the loiter of A Fireman in lest JEba wo to of that individual in styling himself aa at the letee A flrat are unwilling be lieve that the letter referred to was written by a lireman but at the cer tain Your that Fire la a part and parcel of corporation and that Band la not for wo refer to ByLaw No It la true wo got fifty dollars per year from the which goes towards paying Band Masters which is Do not flromon Wo always made it a and still of playing for within the town free of charge giving openalt concerts on atroetduriog months Ho next Marine that we played Jubilee Day for onehalf the price asked the Fire men but ha omits that one en gagement for halt a days playing while other is for a whole day which of course la the aamo ratio Band that la to play hero on Dominion Day wo do not object to thorn accepting on they wish and no fooling of enmity towards thorn nor wo any antipathy ftgaioat Brigade as a whole as wo many of thorn ere our but i to tho of a clique in Committee which wo treated anything bat an honorable or gentlemanly way Early in the year the Ohio of the Fire Brigade came to a meeting of the band and requested not to accept an engagement for Dominion Day were thinking of having a Demonstration on that day and weald require our services Subse quently printed of invitation were issued to different Brigades in which were the words by Newmarket and other Bands Later a letter re ceived from the chairman of committee asking our terms for the day was promptly replied to by mail com munication they have yet never had the courtesy to answer The amount named our usual viz for the day but was a probability of several Bands being hero it proposed oat of this money to procure some additional in order that homo Band should bo second to none in and one of which any of our Town need not bo ashamed Upon our tion not was moved and carried that the Secretary bo instructed to solicit a reply as another application had been received for that date He informed that the Committee were corresponding with it proposed to hire them a band following day ho a letter from by the Secretary of the Demonstration Committee accepting engagement at a higher figure than wo asked their were extra That evening the Chairman informed Secre tary not to let the firemen in our way of taking another contract We were engaged by telegram to play at Morton Bark On the a letter received from the of Committee offering for the day but It wae too late we were already engaged These are the forward and true facts of the case and we are quite willing to a fairminded public to judge to to feel also if we singled out the Firemen for special prey your correspondent If both have not worked in unity we submit that the Demonstration Committee is to blame and not Thanking for so much of your valu able apace Signed on behalf of the Band Bandmaster Scott Secretary FiaaaaujBB Treasurer 3 J SATURDAY EVENIN DRY BOOTS HAftDWAR i Stock must be sold at your own prices Retiring from en mm 9 Have the Freshest Groceries in the market The active- business they means goods coming in and going out again continually like the constant flow of a stream of spring water Purity of goods and high grade of quality are our constant aim guaranteeing satisfaction Our Prices are cut fine to suit the times Saturday a and black striped Wrap finder please leave at Era office U Pharmacy THE LEADING DRUG FLY TIME I Free your house from these visitors by using Tanglefoot Fly Paper Smiths Briggs or Wilsons Fly Mats Just received PURE PARIS GREEN Fresh Insect Powder E LEHMAN AN CHEMIST DR M Personal given to the Prescription Department Nebraska State icy of embezzlement Neb on Satur day to and to pay a fira500000 Mr found a in a on day week On next the reopening of the to place is to in morning and Mr In the evening The expended about In papering and painting the of ventltator has also been put In celling needed Instead of having a a freewill offering to be taken on Sunday and it the fall will bo raised Dr Young have very donated a new bible and hymn book mother and arrived bore from Michigan on Thursday is Improving bat There was a large turnout at tbe Metho dist last Free are to given out next Sunday for the on the A number from her attended the Convention at Mount this week Mr Powells address very highly spoken of wheat Is well In this A ft- In is reported Geo on shore under week ESTATE Mr Bheppard la a at Bay View Villa Mr took aeaalon of their last week The County Dead County Clerk George died suddenly Tuesday morning of heart failure at residence Dunn avenue Parkdale Mr has been suffer ing from a gradual break up of constitution for nearly two years and has been practically unable tbperforra his duties during that time Mr was years of age and appointed to clerkship of the county of York in June having therefore hold the office for years Ho had previously held tho position of clerk of township for soma years He was an able official Since his illnesa his duties have been performed by his son leaves in addition to son two married daughters Mrs Harold of Toronto and Mrs Dyke of Mra Dyke has been on a visit to the homo of her parents with her little girl During her visit the child con tracted diphtheria from a girl who had recently been engaged and died last Sunday The death of his prayed on Mr mind Exeoutors of the above Estate will hold their annual meeting at the Office of J Robertson Esq for same on Monday J and for several days thereafter good loans will be extended and lands not will bo rented on long time and very easy terms of purchase if desired FOR- Pugs that fugs manufacture and sell the Cheapest and Beet Pumps on the market I put oaf- vanned or Piping Guaranteed to work easy up to foot I also put PUMPS CISTERN TANKS Cittern from up and kinds of repaired on Any wanting any work of this kind and it will bo at tended to at you will money by to have a largo stock on hand JOHN BENNETT Out The Flover Garden The Vegetable Garden and The Farm mi AT Next Post I beg to Newmarket left at Post bo orders that I will t next All receivo attention C 1st Con red Heifers part Jersey one of which is a red steer years old with loss to to their recovery will bo rewarded CRAWFORD Oak Ridges Stoke He July Flour per barrel a Wheat per bushel 0 ft 0 Bed Wheat per bushel a Goose Wheat per a Buckwheat a per bushel a Oats per bushel a Peas per bushel a a CO CO Shorts per ton a Butter roll per lb a OH Butter tub per lb IS a Oil Potatoes per bag So a 040 Apples per ICO Sheepskins a Wool per lb SO a ton a 10 CO a SCO Pork a CO lb pair a Ducks per pair a Toronto July S Wheat per bushel Fall per bushel a Goose Wheat per bushel a Buckwheat per a Barley per bushel ft i Oats per bushel ft per bushel ft Butter roll per lb ft Potatoes per ft Aputeaperbbl ft IW ft a S3 Porpcrcwt A Beef ft W ft Chickens pair J a Ducks per pair ft j

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