Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Jul 1897, p. 3

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY J a OH IN ft ABOUT TOWN general of Co at North End la to bo cold by nut Saturday Boa ad While Mr Mr wore driving the Fair on Friday evening of last week in tap sorao ftnd throw both men and of ft Police Before Woodcock some raon admitted taking wood off Mr A in King and flood and together with OS of wood taken papers for a pig case from Holland Landing to bore on Saturday- Methodist Monthly Mealing wilt place Sunday morning at a quarter oclock and a largo anticipated The tor will take of Mr Will of Toronto former pastor of wilt finnday morning Sunday evening Roy p to Industrial A mooting of the Coram it tea ap pointed at the meet fog connection with the new addition at the Pome took place one day week when the ground laid out and tiona commenced on the new nodding The County fa doing and wilt all materials The work will be dona by tender The third of main building la to fitted up for a drying room with an elevator running from the basement to the up and down School on Monday and continued for days There woro SO candidate hero SI for Entrance and for P leaving Exam for Form I to day Form and Commercial common on Monday Forme III and com mence on The moat ancoeaBful garden party that lias been hold in with any of our Town organisations for a long time took Friday night on lawn of Mr Street under the auspkoe of P 8 of the Presbyterian people were and for over two who bad of the refreshment tables and cleaning of were kept on hustle The Band was present and delighted their new music The they have done Reason Oyer taken in Jan Wedding- On afternoon Bt Pauls the scene of quiet though very pretty wedding Mi Ash- worth Barrister of Braoebridge led to the altar Margaret of The bride was govt In moot becoming white with veil and wreath of orange A deep flounce of teal old point scorned the alao being draped with lace and outlined with pearl Her bouquet a great of white rosea tied with white ribbon The brides maids were Greenwood and Miea J3thol worthy wore pretty pink and cream large hats and carried shower of LbqBob8 sweetly dressed in pate blue and wearing a wreath of Marguerite daisies which also carried made a very dainty maid of honor Mr gave bride away and Mr was accompanied by his brother Mr J J of Toronto Owing to the recent death of the brides mother it was a very quiet wedding nope but ate relatives and a few intimate being Invited After the wedding party repaired to the of Mr Ross and later the happy loft on the evening train for a abort tour through tho Northern Lakes before down in the pretty homo that Mr has prepared in of the church fully with and ferns and tb rendered by the was admired The many presents received by the bride to the number of warm friends abe has made during years she baa bad her home in A charming idea it prettily carried oat that of pathway of the newly married with a perfect oar- of sweet June while the pretty flowerdecked girls and smiling lads that lined the aisle made a picture that doubtless will long in their memories Mr may be remembered by Bomeof our readers as an old Newmarket boy the family having lived here for a length of Urns though about eight years ago they removed to Toronto Before the ceremony began Per- kins the clever organist rendered suitable playing the wedding Depot Trade ftnd la this week Tho exports ft oars of care of wheat care of flour car of cattle and small Day At a meeting of the Directors of Now- market Cemetery held on the grounds last Monday afternoon It was decided to ob serve Decoration Day on Friday of July and a committee was appointed to confer with representatives of the various local organizations with a view of making the proceedings Interesting and in keeping with the spirit manifested on former oc casions The Committee was to proceed with certain which add to the natural beauty of the location audit la hoped that lotowners and the public generally will interest themselves id making day one to be remembered Wo understand that there is a desire on the part one or two lodges to have the ceremony at p so that the members can torn out without losing work just opened UP- NEW SI and Plain NEW DRESS GOODS NEW LACES in cream and NEW GRASS LINEN NEW PARISIAN fox Always in stock the Latest Novelties can get what you want at bride Death Prof John A of Victoria University Toronto to trouble Saturday morning street west after an illness of six teen weeks was of French at Victoria Dntversity Previous to the universitys removal from to Toronto be taught Spanish and Italian Ho was also for twelve teacher of languages In the Collegiate Prof was born in years ago and was married in in to Miss Mills daughter of the late John of of the president of tbeGuelph College Deceased also a brother of Mrs Geo The remains were Interred in Mount Pleasant Cemetery on Monday afternoon The services were the chancellors assisted by the Rev Geo The professors of the uni versity acted as pallbearers and large number of students past and present followed the remains to their resting- place an The missionary meeting in the Lecture Room of the Methodist Church last Mon day was well attended and very interesting By request Mat thews occupied the chair Roy- Nor man gave a splendid address on missions illustrated by maps and charts showing by comparison in various ways the need of mission work Mr Norman leaves in September for Japan to enter upon life and we have no doubt wiU do valient service for the Master He was followed by a native Japanese Rev Mr who spoke in broken English for about half an hour flis address was listened to with great attention Ho spoke of the three periods of work In and its Influence the people and also told the of his conversion The Congregational he said is the largest evangelical church In Japan and onethird of the population The Methodist Charon has three churches The value and importance native ministers was fully explained and- in bis opinion it Is i more important give native converts ft thorough training than for missionaries to establish churches He admitted tbat the progress of due to Western civilization but wished the people of ibis country to know thai they were not in best men would be of any service as missionaries Mr is graduate of the College of Japan i end is now finish- two years at Victoria College Toronto where he intends to graduate before re- to his native land Daring the fiveoing splendid solos were rendered by Mr Will of Toronto and Mr Pouter Another Newmarket boy has won American young lady We refer to Mr Munroe eon of Mr Duncan Monroe and the Bat adds its congratulations along with numerous Newmarket friends We clip the following from the Bowling Green Missouri Times At the Bprings the home of Mr and P WWard Thursday even ing June at 880 p Mr Hugh Monroe and Miss Nellie Ward were united in marriage At the appointed hour Miss Mae Burke softly touched the first notes of the wedding march and soon the attendants Mr cousin of the bride and Miss Myrtle Ward sister of the bride entered followed by the bride and groom Elder met them at the fold ing doors that divided the spacious parlors and in a beautiful and cere- many united the trusting young couple in marriage The wedding party then pro ceeded to the dining room followed by the parents where devious ref wewH 5he bride waa daintily attired in white silk hair dressed high with pompadour and brides roses blond beauty never showed off to better advantage than on this occasion Her Myrtle Ward was charmingly gowned In white organdie and the contrast between these sisters Miss Myrtle being a decided brunette was very- noticeable as well as pleasing to the The groom and his attendant wore the conventional black Nellie Ward is one of Bowling loveliest and moat popular young ladies being universally loved and admired by allt groom is a nephew of Gilbert Monroe and the popular man agar the La Lumber ness In this fifty and is a young man of sterling worth and ability and he looked supremely happy on this occasion when he knew that for life he had won one of womans love and life Only the immediate relatives and frienda of the contracting parties witnessed the They received many handsome and presents Mr and Mrs gone to house- keeping in a pretty near the grooms place of business each and every year may find them happier than the last and that Gods blessings may ever and on and oer them is the sincere and heart felt wish Of the and their host of countless friends Another Wedding The following is copied from the Winni peg Daily Tribune A happy marriage took place at the cor ner of McArthur St and PI Douglas Ave on the 17th Inst at the home of Mr and Mrs Baker when their eldest daughter Miss Rose transformed into Mrs Robert Wythe The ceremony was per formed by Rev of Point Douglas Presbyterian assisted by Rev J A Marine of Stonewall uncle of away her father and was dressed in trimmed with lade and ribbon and was attended by Miss Jessie as maid of honor while the groom sap ported by Mr John Baker Mr Wythe is the only son of James chief engineer of the Milling Co and Mies Baker is the daughter of Mr Frank Baker formerly of Newmarket but now engineer of Mr saw mill Winnipeg large display of costly and useful presents testified to the esteem in which the young people are held Mr Wythe has been an employee of the Vulcan Iron Machinist for the seven yeare and his fellow workmen testify to their esteem of him and his bride in the present of a handsome black marble clock After the tying of the knot been attended to the large assembly of numbering about sat down to a bounteous dinner and afterwards occupied themselves until a late hour in various amusements Some of those being present were A Rapid City Mr MoFadgen Albert Rev P J Adams Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs McKay Mr and J Col- tart Mr and Mrs J also Mr formerly of Keswick Mr and Mrs Maud and Mr Ambrose formerly of The young people have taken up at Curtis Street where after July let they will be at home to their friends Use only the Best Baking Powder RUN CORNER CHINA HALL THIS WEEK I WORTH 7 WORTH See the Immense Range of Patterns UPTODATE TORONTO JOBBING H Do RoHe9 Det Dr Dundy see them and he will give you permanent relief a Meeting Though there were only about one bun in attendance at the Convention held in Newmarket on Tuesday under the of the North York Liberal Con servative Association every polling division in the Riding but one represented and had it not been for the disagreeably wet weather the believe they would have had the largest meeting for years The meeting having been opened the following gentlemen were nominated as candidates to contest the- Riding at the next Election John LtCol Brnnton Win Lennox John Moore who were nominated were called upon to address the convention All the others declined the nomination in favour of LieutCol They were agreed upon the opinion that North York should be represented by a farmer Wayling lustily applaud- when he rose to speak He was sorry he said that so many good and suitable men bad declined the nomination He was not prepared to accept the nomination off hand Ha believed that there was a good fighting chance to win in the coming elec tion but be would accept the nomination only upon the unanimous assurance the hearty support and assistance of the as sociation at large A Esq P P for East gave a stirring address after which the following resolution moved by Mr and seconded by Mr Lennox was carried unanimously Resolved that this convention of Liberal Conservatives held in the town of Newmarket to express our on- bounded satisfaction with the course of the leaders of the Conservative party in the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario We further believe that the peo ple of our beloved province are now fully awake to the present serious condition affairs In the province We believe the time has come when the people will hurl from power those who have been so negli gent of the real interest of the province end who have plunged it Into a system of wasteful extravagance and we hereby pledge ourselves to exert every honorable means to return a member from North York who will fully represent the views of the LiberalConservative party as outlined by the leader Mr J P Whitney A hearty vote of thanks was carried for Mr The meeting With cheers for the Qaeen Col end the Conservative Dominion pro vincial leader Sunlight- Soap Wrappers If you have any about the house we buy them ROBERTSON 9 Womens Chocolate Oxford Shoes Came too late for Spring Trade Regular 2 Goods Now Sold at Good Lemons a dozen Extra Large Lemons a dozen for Nice Juicy Sweet Oranges 20c- a dozen Also the First Arrival of Canadian Strawberries this week Pineapples at Lowest Possible Price for preserving Choice Ripe Tomatoes This is just the boss weather for Bananas We received our first large consignment of 75 bunches on Saturday morn ing It is wonderful how fast they do go Cooked Ham always on sale Bread down to a loaf Jersey Ice Cream is the kind we make The Leading Baker Grocer and Confectioner 1 See our line of GLASSWARE AND BOO The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts We have received this week a large shipment of Mens and Boys Suits and Boots and Shoes at Prices that Discount anything ever shown in this county We will offer for sale after lot oi Mens good Suits at a to In the matter of ihc of late QwUlinibury in he of Notice la hereby given pursuant to R tf Chapter and that all persona Saving claims the Estate or Township of East the- County of York Esquire who died on or about the ftrd day of June 187T are required on or before tho or 1807 to send to Bbarpnjpost Office the Estate P by letter properly verifled full or their and of the security any now held by them that after iaid first day of August the said the ass Boys Tweed Suits we are selling from of Mid deceased the entitled thereto having regard only to of which ho have hud not ice Dated Administrator Gall Ml a

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