j CAIUTAt President RE OHAB General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General gjasiness TRANSACTED interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT AW Sterling and American bought and Gold promptly attended to INSURANCE r Standard Life Assurance Co Established AmcW Invented over Children over years of age Insured females Insured without extra charge II ERA FRIDAY APRIL it HUNT J A Agent Joseph Cody C E IN ITS and At Town to Fire Hall Newmarket Sunday from April Acta Golden Text The angel of Lord round about thorn fear him find tbom INTRODUCTION A now broke oat Horod I James Johns brother wan Aral tho bloody work Jows tyrant another victim Peter Ho was arrested and as was at band ho was Imprisoned under guard of four sixteen ot soldiers to bo dealt with soon the feast was passed At this point la history our lesson IJUOTJCAT SOOOKSTIOSS moves tho arm that moves world Pray or to bo effectual should bo united earnest personal world may imprison bat they cannot imprison Christianity God soco and for His whon they in trouble If God bo for us who can bo against ua wo truly follow God iron gates of difficulty open us shonld God in very de liverance that comes to us whether it bo from without or within What He Has Dome WellKnow People ESS SAY Catarrh and Other Ailments Cored the Use ok His Wonderful Little Pellets 5 Tf GPeeks at Wait headquarters of Greek army in April 17 Severe fighting has in Macedonia be tween Greek irregulars and tho Turkish forces column of irregu lars sent to right from after having invested and captured continued its advance toward Kritudes and Kourduzi with orders to hold at all costs as it commands right approach to Mr A Elm Toronto says objective point This L I column commanded by Chiefs cssasm for and Companies Money to LoanInterest at Current nates R Ramsay Fire Agent Low on Farm and Isolated Town Property Over Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket Imtatfie Agent Newmarket MARRIAGE LICENSES i f Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era- Office Newmarket Private Ifisucd at private if Attention to Shoeing Eaglo -r- l LIVERY Somefvilles Opposite Fire Hal Main Street TAKE THEW AND ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS THEY THEIR WORK WHILE YOU ARE DOING YOURS A Dr Pilla purely vege table and aot upon without disturbance to system diet or occupation a vial They are system renovators blood purifiers and builders every gland and tissue in the whole anatomy is benefitted and stimulated in the use them Sold at Pharmacy The spinners at Canadian colored Cotton Mills at Cornwall struok against a reduction of wages and the mills wore closed throwing or hands out of work Cherrys Troubles tha Heart Human was Al most Defeated whoa Dr for tho Heart Poll Into tho Breach and in a few Minutes Ho found Great Relief and Bot tles Made a Bad Heart a Good One Cherry of Owen Sound For the past two years I haye been greatly troubled with weak- of the heart and fainting spell I tried several remedies and consulted best physicians without any apparent relief I noticed testimonials of great cures made by Dr Agnews Cure for the Heart I procured a bottle and the first dose gave me great relief The first bottle did wonders for me After using five bottles there are none of the symptoms remaining whatever I think it a great boon to mankind Sold at Pharmacy 1 was a great sufferer from dyspepsia j so bad at times I was unable to attend to my duties and had soyoro pains In my aoh remedies that took me no small yon a Dyspepsia a permanent I heartily recommond it Rheumatism seldom fails to roliovo in to hours and cures a few dayB Price Dyspepsia positively all forms of indigestion and stomaoh trouble Price Mo Cold prevents pneumonia and breaks up a cold in a low hours Price Cough Curo stops coughs night sweats allays and speedily heals tho lungs Kidney Cure speedily cures in back loins or groins and nil forms of kidney disease Cure stops in throe minutes Price Pile Ointment positively all forms of piles Blood eradicates all im purities of blood Price Female Remedios are a boon to all women Asthma Remedies relieve in minutes and permanently Catarrh Remedies never fail The Catarrh Curo price eradicates discaso from the system and Catarrh Tablets prico cleanse and heal the parts Nerve is a wonderful nerve Munyons restores lost vipor Price A soparato for each disease At all druggists mostly a vial Personal letters to Prof and Albert St Toronto answered with free medical advice for any disease At the Owen Sound Assizes Miss sued Rev Mr Lediard for slander The minister had told tho plaintiffs intended husband something that caused him to break the engage ment young lady finally con sented to accept a complete retraction and apology from the minister who will also pay the costs The People are Convinced When they read cures by Hoods They written by honest men and women and are plain straightforward statements of facts The people have confidence in Hoods because they know it actually and permanently cures even when other medi cines fail Hoods Pills are pills taken with Hoods Easy and yet efficient South of House SO Street PAINTING Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator Corner Church Street Millards Lane and Geo Carriage Painter Main House Painter c Special Attention paid to all branches of the Graining Natural and Satisfaction business viz Glazing Wood Finish Paper Hanging and Full lino of samples of latest designs In Wall Papers Ask to see them door North of the Primary School Church Street Mrs Catharine Snider of last week tripped and fell and broke her leg near the thigh As she was in her year the chances of the fracture knitting properly are slim It Holds the Beginning but They Steal on One as a Thief in the Night and Before one has time to Wonder what Ails him he is la the Firm Grasp of Disease 8onth American Kidney Cure will Break the Bonds and Liber ate no matter how strong the cord The thousands of cases that have been helped and cured by the great South American Kidney Cure is the best of its curative qual ities The remedy is a specific for all kidney troubles The formula is com pounded on the very latest scientific discoveries in the medical world There are thousands today who do truthfully say I am living because I used South American Kidney Cure It relieves in six hours Sold at Pharmacy MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main St Druggists Sundries and Fancy Goods miss to do Sowing at private residences ticrfectllt guaranteed in all the latest sent through Newmarket PO will receive prompt attention Rgm Architect Member or flic Ontario Association of invited with or their llulfdliiga Losses by tiro adjusted Main St Newmarket The planting of a tree whether fruit timber or ornamental increases the value of the land The value of many farms could be almost doubled in a few at least in a genera tion by judicious tree planting the mines Wright Son Prompt to all Idea your Ideas may bring you wealth their price Family Ties may be Broken in the Grand for Gold but Whats Wealth Without Health Dr Catarr hal Powder is a Wonderful Cure Never Fails to Relieve in Ten Minutes Fred of Trail Creek writes I have used two bottles of Dr Agnews Catarrhal Powder and have been wonderfully helped recommend it very highly to all suf ferers from Catarrh And here is another Mr Pa says When I read that Dr Catarrhal Powder would re lieve Catarrh in minutes I must I was far from being convinced of the fact I decided to try it I pur chased a bottle A single puff of the powder through the blower afforded instantaneous relief Sold at Pharmacy On Good Friday a remarkable and unique ceremony takes place in the Royal Chapel at Madrid During the course of divine service just at the moment for the adoration of the cross the chaplain approaches the kneeling sovereign with a gold salver on which are full and pardons for three prisoners lying under the sentence of death and pronounces these words Madam does your majesty grant her pardon to these criminals lying under a sentence of death The queen thereupon touches the papers lightly with her hand and repeats the traditional words yasi me perdone May God pardon me as I pardon them A new swindle is being worked in a number of towns by two con federates in this manner One of them goes into a store to purchase a small article paying with a bill which has previously been marked Picking up his change he departs In a few minutes the other enters and buys a cigar after standing around some time he asks for his change The swindler insists that he has paid and remembers it very distinctly be cause the bill he gave the clerk had a particular mark upon it which he de scribes The clerk looks in the till finds the bill as described gives him his change and apologizes for detain ing him Now a days when a doctor has a sick patient and dont know what ails him or her and the patient happens to die bet your life it was appendicitis Its a pretty hard trip around the horn when you endeavor to get on the weather side of people who always have their in other peoples busi ness by and attacked on Tues day The place was defended by two companies of Turks After a severe fight during which Turks were killed and were taken prisoners the position was captured by the Greeks who also obtained possession of rifles and a quantity of cart ridges The insurgents however have suffered a severe check in an other direction A strong force of Turkish troops from with a number of mountain guns advanced on which had previously been captured by Greeks and attacked irregulars of Greece who oc cupied an entrenched position It is that the fighting was fero cious on both aides The insurgents eventually were compelled to retreat north to the mountains Some of them however succeeded in breaking through the Turkish lines and escaped to the town just across the frontier in Macedonia first captured by the Greek irregulars and used by them as a depot for provisions and ammu nition The leader of the Greeks op erating in that direction Chief as was among the wounded and re turned later into Greek territory with a number of refugees Profitable Poultry An observing farmer while in con versation with an editor at a recent poultry show remarked that it was due to the efforts of his tenyear old son that the egg basket was kept heap ing full last summer and all the fall The little fellow remarked the far mer always paid great attention to everything he could read or hear about the keeping of chickens and one of the things which impressed him strongly was the oft repeated injunc tion to keep hens at work if you want eggs Well the boy had charge of feeding the chickens and he would get a heaping measure of grain and go down to the barnyard and call his pets They would come on run from all directions and then the fun began The lad would throw a couple of of grain in one direction and then another scattering it over a space fully fifty feet square and much of it into the grass The way the hens would sail around after the grain would remind you of a small riot and after they gofc through feed- ing the barnyard would look as if some one had been over it with a small plough We had plenty of eggs to use and sell even through moulting time The boy has since rigged up a in one corner of the barn and keeps his hens hustling about in hay chaff and clover up to the knees hunt ing for their grain and we get more eggs than any three neighbors com bined siMating tiqg Ihe Stomachs of neither THAT TH SIGNATURE OF Sad 1 1 ii i A perfect Remedy Sour StoraachDiarrhoea Worms Convulsions and Loss of Sleep 9 Simile Signature of MEW YORK IS ON WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTIE EXACT la pot up in tattle only Is cot wld la balk Dont allow to U you anything else on plea or it la as good and will ouster that yon got cf I Paint Means Cleanliness to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Fills Small efficient thorough- As one and cleanliness is a good habit Many want to paint the link- things he home not know how loyo about it Its easy THE are prepared ready for immediate use mixing to get the shade no in convenience no hard work open can paint dip in your brush and go ahead Our booklet Paint Points will help you It tells just the things you would like to know It is a practical talk about paint It tells the paint for tables chairs settees for buggies for for cupboards for shelves for barns fences and roofs for Imh tub for houses There is one good paint for each pain table thine and only one Mailed free to any address Send today For booklet address St Montreal THE CO CHICAGO HI j now you I Brass Be honest Dishonesty seldom makes one rich and when it does riches are as a curse There is such thing as dishonest success Richard Grose of father of Noah Grose celebrated his birthday on Wednesday and gave a birthday party to the members of his family Altogether they numbered eleven father mother six daughters and three sons The Canada Salt Association Clinton Out said you never know you have taken a over Hood Proprietor Lowell The only to take The Dominion Government have placed the sum of 650000 in the estimates for construction work on the Trent Valley Canal harbor deepening is provided for by a grant of How much of our trouble comes from promises to be fulfilled in the future says an esteemed friend of the Express How easy it is to run in debt as long as credit lasts and how much is thus pur chased that the buyer could get along about as well without It is a splen did rule to make no promises to bind yourself in the future You may have in the meantime twenty reasons for changing your mind What do people as a rule talk about Well the weather comes first It is never overlooked Jhen the neighbors servants and last Sundays sermon So much for the fair sex Men and politics and hows trade and the and the prospects of better times The higher things of life are seldom discussed a man talks of that about which he thinks and as ho in his heart so is he tho most of us are of little account Guarantee prompt Coane or Lund Salr For Table or Dairy CoLEMAMs Salt Doctors Our Lenses are True and will give yon Comfort help to the Sight Spectacle Frames in Gold Silver GoldFilled Steel New Assortment of Electro Plate Knives Forks Spoons c to hand at Low Prices A Call Solicited Mouth Organs and Violin Strings JEWELERS Newmarket woods THE PROMPT Pleasant and Perfect Cure for Bronchitis Throat Croup ittg Cough Quinsy Pain in the Chest and all Throat and Lung Diseases Tho healing anticonsumptive virtues of Norway Pino are combined in medicine Wild and other pectoral Herbs and Bal sams to ft true specific for forms of disease originating from colds FOR The- Flower Garden The Vegetable Garden and The Farm mi Reliable AT MS Next Post Seed Oats fop Halo A quantity Banner Oat good at per bushel two pure Build lit for service Lot on Con P Eggs and Poultry SPECIALTIES Obtalucd Promptly every where Correspondence PARK CO LTD Toronto Money to Loan At Six per cent on Farm by David Commissioner for taking Affidavit Heal tate Agent leaner of Licensed Etc Also Agent for the following Fire Insurance of Loudon and Liverpool England Gore District Mutual in WJrt alio for the Confederation Life To ronto Old Comer of Main and Lot Streets The Canadian Wheelmen meet at Chatham this year S3 Infaiits and Children i A I ij I