Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 23 Apr 1897, p. 3

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OV fg 4 fc the newmarketerfiudm APRIL Weeks Seats IB ON IN ABOUT King Council meets at Lloyd town next arid Council meets day A Mom wont to city Monday and neatly worth of new books to bo added to Library of In ft days York moots in Tom Hall today A good delega tion is The annual open meeting in evening has boon withdrawn on count of quartette In tho Town Hall By paying attention to tills warning more than may save n Toronto that a of the Do- minion dollar bill is In in that Naturally wo may bills will And way fro of was detected at Dominion Bank a few days ago and morchants boon victimized Wo told rand fa a portrait of Lady In imitation Is very poor and sig nature of Harrington is on is printed from ft stool pinto on original imprints for Ministers of Finance and for also imprint British Bank Company Montreal omitted altogether in the counterfeit It was a surprise to everybody to coo so many people- in Town last Saturday con- a quantity of hotter arid on market and what was surprising the day Easter another In only bid but those with email quantities who waited for townspeople got Butter also took a drop some being bought as low as 14 and usual price and was the paid Those who had potatoos asked a bag to start on they Bold at and finally down to a bag for what was left Apples a barrel Always in lead THE VERY LATEST NOVELTY si J j FOR BLOUSES AND WAISTS A Special Importation of Dont finnoy ficighbors garden and now attention and this is season of the year when poultry breeders and dog fanciers annoy their by allowing these animals to trespass Owners of fowls and dogs should not allow them to run at largo to and annoyance of people who would like to bo neighborly Work Wo notice by Christian Guardian that Leagues confess that thoy doing In this lino none of these are in North York I in view of the coming plebiscite it becomes Young Peoples to bestir themselves on question of prohibition If It is not now by an majority it may stop legislation in this direction for tho next ton years Sanitary At this season of year very great re sponsibility upon shoulders of Boards of Health and Health Inspectors It is too to a tremendous fuss after an epidemic has brought sickness and to otherwise happy homos Health officers should tee to it that all re fuse etc is removed before warm weather arrives lot this duty be attended to at once Delay may result Expenses Guaranteed At mooting of the Town Council on Monday evening a lengthy took place as to beat means of arrest of burglars in Newmarket and finally camo to conclusion that thoy would the reasonable expenses of constable and assistant in all future Should any attempt at bur glary coop the nearest constable should be sent for immediately will to aot at without farther orders- Killed Mr Nelson Berwick of Whitchurch had a narrow escape from life about noon last Saturday while in Newmarket Ho was standing in front of bis team when one- of horses reared up and struck him in the forehead with the toe caulk of shoo ft very ugly Rash as well as bruising his and shoulder badly Medical aid was summoned immediately and the wounds properly dressed skull was slightly fractured and Very little more would have penetrated into the brain The Best that eon be The Stearns Pricey from up Also Tires Wood Handle Bare Oil Ac W The Under the auspices of the of two ladies and two gentlemen have provided an excellent entertainment in the Town Hall every night the past week to the de light of good sized and very orderly audiences but the something for nothing principal which is seizing community has been demonstrated quite clearly No charge is made at the door simply a col lectionand people in comfortable circum stances will go In flocks of and when probably the bead of the house ft though sometimes it might be a dime for the crowd About of audience go in free and many in the other half simply drop ft copper Ion the plate the result is that the hardly pay the hail rent The quartette is composed of Mr and Mrs Miss Joy and Mr Key The two letter have very peculiar voices hut all blend together well in singing while the two former are good speakers object of the engage ment is to arouse public attention to the the coming plebiscite on Prohibition connection with the sing ing and speaking every evening a series of excellent views are shown whloh makes the entertainment one of Those on Sunday evening repre senting the resurrection and ascension of our net very appropri ate The Royal Templars deserve a crowded house and from everybody that goes tonight to lift them pot of the hole The illustrated lecture Ten in a Car Room to be given tonight by special request of Newmarket citizens The scenes to this effective are im ported from England and are said to be most excellent Tremendous Slaughter The End stock at on the dollar and a quantity of New Goods also bought at alow rate moat bo closed out at once Store open every day sale is dosed and first coma the greatest Bargains Bros Christian Tho floral decorations at Christian on Sunday considering unfavorable weather day before were far superior to any previous efforts Tho platform table and pulpit looked very white being predominating The morning service was appropri ate to day Resurrection and at tho of service eight wore received into In the evening tho pastor for hie Half Way to Canaan will be next Sunday evening TJ10 Services as rendered by Is deserving of special A boo took place on Wednesday when front walk was torn up and ground levelled for a new will bo wider than tho old and running along north side of as well as at the south It will improve tho of the front as as add to comfort of thoso who attend Reliable Ribbed heavy Cotton in stock this week Toronto Jobbing a Official Inspection Last week Mr Todd Dominion of Weights and Measures paid an viBit to Newmarket and found generally in good order Ho complimented our very muoh for the many latest improved scales ho found in use particularly thoso do the calculating as as the weighing and as a rule are not found except in cities and larger towns This shows is an uptodate placo in this not finding any fault with Mr Todd it is certainly time that the scaloyot charges was amended by It is simply an to people to pay the tariff The cor poration had to pay for his examination of tho Market Scales did not an hours time Canes Factory had to pay and every merchant fools like kioking tho government for the fees have to pay Ho was just hours in five of our principal stores and the proprietors had to pay the highest was and lowest The Recent In reference to the mentioned in last weeks Em Constable Savage hav ing wired that he had received the horse and buggy Mr went to York Mills and brought the rig home Mr Sav age traced the thieves from where the horse was left on Bathgates road across the fields to St where he lost traoe of them After considerable trouble ho learned that a farmer named Armstrong from Wfcst York had given the men a ride On going to Mr Armstrongs place that gentisman gave a good description of thieves as he had given them a ride down to the Market Square He said to one You look sleepy and the man replied they had been out all night and were tired They gave Armstrong a handful of and said they had lots more Two other parties have deBoribed them having seen them near where the boggy was found Savage went on to ths and re ported High Constable Jones The assistance of the city detectives was and Barns is also on the The Toronto Detectives think- they will keep hid or possibly go into the country again Mr Norman adjoining the Industrial Home gives the same de scription of the men who were at his place the day before the robbery After leaving the horse the thieves made a hasty meal of canned bread catsup and washing it down with two bot tles of whiskey evidently some of the from Mr had been distributed as a lot of bread a large roll of butter etc was left on the ground Mr Savage brought home some preserves and stolen The gold chain stolen from Mr Allans was recovered in To ronto yesterday In connection with above wo would call the attention of the to the fol lowing event of having property stolen avoid disturbing any tracks or other traces to be seen and notify authorities at once No delay as is precious in following a trail 8tt down With your family and write a description of missing articles Be particular to any marks however email that would assist in identifying You may say I would know it at sight but must the information as will greatly Mtlst him Avoid giving to any ablebodied persons for they mostly thieve spying out the place Binding In or brass Amines St Pauls Tho were well at- There wore a largo number of offerings of the con gregatlon amounted to a very sum Tho of a bright and heartily The musical portions of service wore well good leadership of the In morning rector preached on Importance of in subject was Reality of the Resurrection In the afternoon was a bright service hold for children during thoy given an address on Vestry Meeting held on Monday night was obliged to adjourn tijl Monday 20th its bust Lord Bishop of Diocese comas next Tuesday to confirm who are be ing for confirmation This prc88ivo and service will take on Tuesday evening next at oclock Yank District Tho annual meeting for granting licenses in the above distrlot was hold at the In spectors Office Sharon on April 20lh Members of Board all present as fol lows Messrs J E Cane chairman Webb and John Yates Commissioners and A J Hugh oh Delegations woro and heard in support of petitions for new applicants also petitions and delegation against any in crease Board after a lengthy hear ing of all parties concerned granted licenses as follows for tho year com mencing May 1 King J Harris J Sutton J Doyle Watson Prank Trent I J Hogan and Ed Vivian Hotel East John Rosamond and Noilee Boer and Wine to A Rose Brown Hill Hotel deferred North Six months to Jos Beer and Wine to SKing Victoria and Elizabeth Gordon and Lyons and Wine to Crittenden Baldwin Sutton West A tndge and James Beer and Wine months to Levi Miller Holland Landing Jane pres ent extended three months Miller and J Mar tin Newmarket John Ough Margaret Evans Lundy Hannah Flanagan Samuel Johnston and Jos Shop License to Frank Stewart Aurora Waite Wells and Geo Lemon At onehalf the regular price to the public loll French This is the biggest bargain ever offered never lower j The dress materials we are Showing are up to date in every way and the price was OF The Department Store ardware All sizes at the Lowest Cash Prices The Hardware Department we carry on the same as all other Departments without giving credit and sell only for cash If you intend to build just find out our prices before you buy Received by Express this morning Horse Clippers and Meat Mincers H CHINA HALL April If You Want A good Oil see what A has at per gal The new License Aot is to come into force on the 1st July next administrators guardians trustees eto have a right to name the newspaper in shall appear notices of all kinds as are required under the law to be and we respectfully ask all our friends to remember us in matters of this kind Showers sunbeams early birdsongs fresh violets rainbows spring bonnets snow flurries are among the incidental diversions of the hour Horsemen who pet their roate bills and pedigree printed at this office will re- a free notice of the routes of their horses in this paper Mr J has purchased the balance of the material on the old tannery grounds at the North End and is making a final cleaning up Considerable wood is coming into Town this week Some farmers in this vicinity commenced seeding on Good Friday A very nice spaniel belonging to Mr was out in two by a train coming into the depot Thursday afternoon of last week Good news for the farmers there is a favorable change in price of grain Wheat went up this week Mr at the North End invent- an article to keep from eating their eggs It is called a Patent Hens Nest The high wind on Monday broke a couple of large off the tree on Timothy near Allans Foundry We regret to learn that Mr Patrick Young on the of lost fourth last Sunday within the past six weeks from scarlet fever While fishing in the last Saturday Mr Donald Morrisons little girl fell in but fortunately no serious results ensued The Canadian band has commenced their evening open air concerts Mrs Nelson Vernon of has purchased the brick house on the corner of Church and Timothy ate and to remove to Newmarket next month accom panied by her daughter Soma improvements are being made to 1 Our Spring Stock of 00TB and Will bear close inspection for style quality and price Ladies Dong Oxfords and No matter what price you want wo can suit you and the wearing qualities will give perfect satisfaction Mens both fine quality in newest styles and coarse strong serviceable Boots for a good useful pair or for a nice fine pair is we think getting pretty near right goods at right prices Mens Bicycle Boots l75j Misses Boys and Childrens to suit all in tans chocolate and black It is Boots and Clothing we are talking about now If ever there was an opportunity to buy good Goods at low prices it is now We are showing Shoes and Clothing at prices never heard of before We do not want all the business done in but we are convinced that if you will compare prices and goods you will be surprised at the cheapness of the goods Mens Solid HandMade Boots i Mens Solid Plow Boots Mens Fine Sewed Boots Boys B Calf Ford bals Ladies Pebbled Button Boots Ladies Fine Kid Oxford patent tip razor toe 98 Ladies Fine Oxford Ladies Fine Kid Button Patent Tip 98 Misses Buttoned Tip 2 Ladies Carpet Slippers 25 Mens Good Tweed Suits 50 J Mens Good Tweed Pants 75 Mens Fine Black Coat and Vest We have not space to give any more prices but we ask you to call and see these goods China Glassware Have you seen our Extra Heavy White Toilet Sets for J or our 10piece Printed Toilet Sets at were We want to reduce our stock All better qualities Toilet Bets reduced away down in priceto clear them For quality at a low price examine our 650 Dinner Sets Job lot Colored Cups and Saucers No stock on sale next week at dozen Easter Egos Something new ahd pretty See them in window each To clear out some odd lines we give Reductions Pure Cod Fishj lib blocks Boneless Fish lb regular 7e Nov 1 Corn can Baking Powder can Prunes for Choice Figs lb regular Apricots lb Prime Pink Salmon can The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts Try Our Own Baking Powder put up in one pound cans ex pressly for ua only 15c can Worlds Blend Tea the best Packet Tea on the market to- black or mixed Try it FRUIT Good Sweet Oranges from dozen to Choice Bananas and Grapes wi OAK If you have any notion of getting married as ihhi is all the rage you should get cake at Robertsons find you vill bo happy ft A The Leading Baker and

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