yrvirirr7Vnr VV r the Newmarket era Friday april around the Bub WHAT WIWSAWAKK AND COR- JtEttP0WNT8 FIND WORTHY RECORD Mr a John ingle and Master Harold left on Wednesday for a visit at Cadillac Mich Mr Win is preparing to build a now bouse The League had a literary evening in the basement of the Church on Monday Burin the Year for full particulars tec TORONTO HEAD QlFWK Paid up Capital It Wived JLoll Anafela A of In at BRADFORD mo rWifivwl of mid paid thereon current rates We make a Specially of Discounting Farmers Notes And at LOWEST RATES A boon made Toll Gate on the River Road whereby parties to deal villi tlic Hank PASS THROUGH FREE For further Information JOHN Agent convenience of parties living lit Newmarket ami vicinity and dealing with thin Hank are which they their after the i in Saturday excepted Give the Chance on will build The that win up a weak cons titution ad surely is J a simple scientific and highly nutritive preparation Tor infants delicate child ran and invalids Kerry watson Co pRoimcTOAft d A SUITOM Messrs McDonald ami have dissolved partnership The factory will open this season on May Mr James Sharp of the Mansion House and went for a drive last Monday along the lake shore enjoying the scenery and balmy spring ait to the utmost Some where in the vicinity of flaw mill their got away throw ing out Mi and then took its Way home at a galop which it reached in short order dragging bo hind it a badly used up buggy The passengers footed it up as rapidly as possible and report the walking good and qui to an enjoyable change after the drive AURORA The High School Football Club re- organized on Monday evening and elected officers for the coming year Arrangements being made to run the cheese factory again this summer Mr A Phillips will charge again Mr and Mrs James Davis and their two daughters Miss Lena and Ethel left for their new home at Eagle Lake on Tuesday morning Mr Baldwin Dennis has purchased the Stephens farm of on the west side of St about miles north of here In accordance with the request of Mr Win Willis the assessor who fell and broke- his leg last the council have given Mr- Alfred Love permission to go on and finish the assessment of the town Mr Willis had about half the work done when he met with the accident afternoon while play ing in the public school yard Samuel the sevenyearold son of Mr fell and broke his left log between the and thigh The same afternoon the fiveyearold daughter of Mr Henry Taylor of Victoria street fell while playing in woodshed and broke her left arm Banner A Padlocked Heart How many women their troubles and bufferings in their own hearts and Icnlly endure misery a pain which would- men to cry in agony suffer- women arc more than half unknown and un appreciated The of their or- liable to a thousand exquisite torture which a coarser nature can never experience or comprehend The least derangement or disorder of the delicate special organism of their sex over the whole mid mental be with weakness aim wretchedness Hut it Is a mistake to suffer these trouble in silence They may he cured in the per fect privacy of home without the repugnant ordeal of examinations and local treat which the family doctor is sure to insist upon No physician in the world has had a wider or more successful experience In the treat ment of womans diseases than Dr K V Pierce chief consulting physician to the Invalids Hotel ami Institute of Ills Prescription la a positive cure for the obstinate and complicated feminine difficulties It is the only medicine of pre pared by an educated skilled physician Mr J I finecd of Omen Texas writes My wife was badly with We three of the best physlclnus in the country without tint nt jfrcflt expense My grew worse we wave Up in de spair She could not net in opt of without help was not able her feet Ion t lime complained of dragging down Sains in abdomen Nothing hut rii untimely seemed awaiting her when happy thought I the name of Or to my mind I lo Or Pierce received advice followed it my wife improved pcrccpllhly from the first two weeks treatment continued the treatment six mouths and pronounced theory a cost of less than one treat ment by the last physician we employed before consulting Pierce She nscd Or Pierres Fa vorite Prescription and the lotions recommended by him It has been two years since effect is permanent- BRADFORD An Laxative end Bold by or sent by Mail per package tree SOLD STOKE Pretty Teeth Are the prettiest thing about a pretty woman How often have you somebody say Miss Blank has stick pretty Modern dentistry makes it possible for everybody to have pretty teeth and every approved method of modern dentistry is found here Remember the time is now the expense and bother will be much less now than next year or next month A Dentist a Comer and Queen St I POINT Mrs of Newmarket spent a couple of clays in town last week Mr Stewart was here on Thursday Mr and Mrs Cane of Newmarket drove to town on Sunday to see Bertha who was and is still seriously ill Rev Mr Amos of Aurora and Mr Davidson of Newmarket spent Fri day last with Mr of the Scotch Settlement We understand that Mr Lewis has become the sole proprietor of the Park property in town better known as the Agricultural and Race Grounds The deal was effected last week and the consideration given therefor was 1500 The Park consists of about acres is well fenced has a good race track and has Fairly good agricultural buildings thereon is our misfortune to lose this week one of our most popular young men in the person of Mr Briton Kinstery who leaves on Tuesday for where he has secured a situa tion in the of Mr Prank a former resident of this town Dur ing the past eight years Brit has been in the employ of Mr and while his ever ready and obliging manner has won the favor of the public it is on the lacrosse field that Brit won his popularity being one of the best stickhandlers in the northeastern district and should there be a team here this year he will he greatly missed Witness All accounts due the corporation of for water rates not paid be fore April will bo placed in the hands of the bailiff for collection by distress California has solved the problem of convict labor- The convicts in the penitentiary are employed in quarry ing and crushing for roads The stone is sold for cents a ton loaded on the cars and the railroads haul it at a special rate so that roads can be built at the rate of to cents it cubic yard at almost any place in the state The same plan might be tried in Canada Ontario butter is now on top at Manchester best creamery from Perth having brought the highest price yet paid for colonial product nearly as high as for best Danish and several shillings above best Australian All the factories some ten or twelve in number have made a uniform article as to color salting and texture just what was demanded by the mar ket to which it was shipped and all was put up in the standard square pound package So far about lbs have been shipped and the cry has ever been for more The suit of Smith v Lloyd brought by a farm laborer of Aurora against a wealthy farmer of King Township has been settled out of court for including costs The settlement however which was with out the opinion of the counsel may not hold good Smith accused Lloyd of alienating Mrs- Smiths affections She left her husband saying she was going on a visit to friends but went to Toronto and did not return to her home Smith then thought some- thing had happened her- and asked the Toronto police to find her Star Pay Best When a pig reaches 150 pounds it worth fully as much as one weighing Do you think of If you do write he IMS THIS SUMMER LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And got prices of Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork Largest Factory in Canada for the Manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS ETC We construct and Repair all kinds on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co limited NEWMARKET for The eminent surgeons of the day use it as a dressing for Wounds Bruises Strains Sprains etc and they find that for speedy relief of pain and for quick healing there is nothing so good as It is the family emergency cure Always ready Easy to apply Never fails to give relief For sale all druggists or THE COMPANY Ltd QUEBEC Cam A I I dw Mcdonald Prop Manufacturer ana Wholesale Dealer in PIKE HARDWOOD AND HEMLOCK LUMBER Post Office BUTTON now on hand for at yards Point One Million Feet of Lumber of Hemlock Pino Boxwood and Cedar at very low Also Cords of Slabs pcrConJ Net Persons Building should purchasing All Canadian sugars have been advanced oneeighth cent a pound mom Modi Like Other Mortals he fell Victim to Die Or Agnewo the Agent him to and he Gladly Allows bis to be Used in Telling it that others may be Benefited too- Rector of St Matthews- Episcopal Church and Principal of Matthews Church School Hamilton was a great suf ferer Catarrhal Powder him and now he proclaims to the world that as a safe simple and it has no equal It never fails to relieve catarrh in ten minutes and permanently Sold at pounds as it will bring a higher price per pound than the larger one When the farmer keeps a pig until it reaches 200 pounds he sacrifices pounds which may have cost not only the additional feed but extra labor There is a period in the life of an animal when it can he sold to the best advantage and that is where the farmers business ability can he applied for the farmer must be a business man and be informed regarding the markets if lie desires success A new swindle is being worked in a number of towns by two confederates in this manner them goes in to a store and purchases a small article paying with a bill has been previously marked Picking up his change he departs In a few minutes toe other enters and buys a cigar j after standing around a few minutes he asks the clerk for his change The swindler insists that he has paid and remembers it very distinctly because the bill he gave the clerk had a very peculiar mark on it which he describes The clerk looks in the till finds the bill as described gives him his change and apologizes for detaining him At two oclock Thursday morning the largo barns and out buildings of Abraham on the line were discovered to be a mass of flames An attempt was made to save some of the stock and three horses and some cows were saved but head of cattle horses and 10 sheep were burned besides about 1000 bushels of grain As no light was used in the barn the evening before it that the fire was the work of an If so it was a moat heartless- proceeding Mr has lost what has taken years of hard toil to accumulate The premises were insured for 600 so his actual loss will be about We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind of Printing done see what work and terms you can get at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro Look for this Print in the Snow It is the pattern of the heel of Rubber and Overshoe The next time you buy a pair of rubbers or overshoes ask for Granbys and look for pattern on the heel There is need to a that is not the shape as your boot because are made lo fit every of shoe A rubber that doss not fit boot will draw the foot Rubbers are thin light elastic and They wear like Iron RAND TRUNK RAILWAY DIVISION TIME j a 5 p p I en GO en to P to 4 CI in rt v w w S3 Sp it loexne to si V ft ft on CO te- I For Sal Or wm exchange for Property a large- room on Prospect Ave to fn SOWN On Desirably old Woollen Factory For Sale on Easy Terms Apply to JACKSON Heal Estate Agent Sesidonoos IN For Sale Cheap or would for Farm Property y Newmarket- TO M Con house we and Apply to CLAYTON Jiewmarfeet ON EAST The North half and I hot ho in the fitli II m1M Apply to Mi Valuable Farm TERMS of cess Ion of Gwtl- E to on Street For Sale Rent being- condition tea In let Con of East Wests of St Good Orchard Apply to r Newmarket or to DAWSON Ave Toronto FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS FRIEND LARGEST SALE If CANADA PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music Accommodation for TERMS South of Millard Ave Head of Niagara St Newmarket NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS FRAGRANT DELICIOUS TEA TEA pta TEA packed under be supervision the advertised flnd sold by a the best qualities of Indian Ceylon Teas- that reason they e that none but the very leaves go into Monsoon packages That is Thy Monsoon the perfect Tea can be sold at the tame price at inferior tea It is put up in sealed of lb I lb r lbs and sold in three flavours at STEEL CO St Tnonio BO LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Before Ordering- Elsewhere Allan At of Mailed Receipt of by CO Tofato Sutter Poultry OUH Kb cat Prices References our Correspondence f park ltd gig All JplSiSSUSS lW5froniljtMYone St on ndllloU All to recovery vIU bo Agtitoj wo toTetto4irt COPYRIGHT Comciun lost trK2 a W Patent taken la AMERICAN J lUtistnUed terms Tgf eopleVand 4Dt CO Town All kinds of Teaming done on Short and on ltooaonablo DAVID n Cur Main 1 if 1 f