THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL 1897 1 leeks WHAT ON IK ABOUT TOWN Football J York Co Football will hold its annual meeting at Lemons Hotel Aurora on Saturday May let at to up last and ar range for coming season All ore to Bond Thoro was some talk Fall on and KoswiokCirouit of hold ing In Park during two or Sundays in Juno If representatives on Quarterly Board from various churches will unite in supporting this proposition it would no doubt bo with results May Quarterly Meeting will soon bo hero and now is talk up tho matter among members a o This institution making wonderful strides according to ago was adopted Ton now members boon to number in standing and one to join next night Already this month oyer now added in Ontario Grand Workman paused tbrougb Newmarket on Monday afternoon to initiate at that and ho and to bo to membership in this this year Tompeat is a daisy Call ana examino it making a purchase a Police On Monday last a complicated case investigated in Police Court here Squire Jackson One George A Smith Br was charged with a violation of the Code 1892 by the remov al of cortatn chattels to prevent their by a creditor After a somewhat lengthened plaintiff reached conclusion that notwithstanding what he considered very saspioious business had been so conducted that a conviction was improbable and willed row tho The case was accordingly dismissed to pay their costs Mr Woodcock appeared for plaintiff and Mr for defence Attention I Byes I I What is tho reason No Co cannot a man or two to represent Newmar ket at The regulation standard for go to Eng land not lees than feet inches in height and Inches regiment will leave about Tune 1st and re torn about the middle of July It Will con for aeer- Isnt loyaltyto Her Majesty in Newmarket to of oar York Rangers by subsorip- Particularly served in the Rebellion Let the Cap tain of No Co pick out a good specimen soldier native born and pass his name around It wont take long to make Dp the amount for such a honor Applications will be pouring into Military headquarters directly and those in first will no doubt have the preference Cheese Mr Silver us that the Sutton factory of which he is president will commence operations on the of May Every patrons milk will be tested and will be paid according to quality In this respect Button is one ahead of Newmarket Mr Silver declares that the high prices for cheese were never better Some factories have the first months make of this season cheese at The first sale last season not Will it pay to send milk to the factory a question that some people are still asking It takes lbs of good milk to make three lbs of butter per lbs for milk at the gate equal to per lb for butter at the farm and that what patrons of the Sutton year Those who keep or JO know what a difference is makes to the women folhe whether they make butter or milk to the Factory and who got for butter all last summer ft Pathetic Bailed Father dear father come home with me now for ma has Borne to beat shes got all the forniturp out Id the yard horn the front door clean to the street The stove down and he in the shed and the yard must be cleared of Bomegraes for to clean house and to kick up a duet end the front windows need some new glass Father dear father coins home with and bring bologna and cheese most and theres nothing to eat Im so hungry Im weak in the knees All the dinner have will be cold scraps and and well have to eat standing up too for the table and art are out in the back I lwieb that was through Father dear father home with me now for ma is as mad as a Turk she that your lazy old thing and J that she hall put you to work painting to do and paper to hang and the y windows and to scrub for its house- cleaning time and youve got to come home and revel in and grab T rf Opening Hughes success la the topic the are most interested In these Mays They are anticipating a larger trade Spring than a year ago a It Is not true that boll is In tended to ours off will toll you so present season is said to boon best for making maple syrup Canada has seen for years A pedlar town woek and at a on a residential street polled the doorbell The servant maid soon summons when the podlar inquired if lady of the house was in i Im one of them she replied and added Now git I Tho now spring bonnet will bo largely in at next Sunday All tbo sports hereabouts aro anxiously waiting for to dry up so that they can enjoy anotbor exhibition of that tired fox and Newfoundland dog struggling in tho murky stream In flats spade hoe and exorcise is what amateur Is now getting ready for weather is In shape for spring Soon country will bo in spring spring pigs spring ens April May flowore spring poetry spring spring wagons and spring dados Fruit growors aro now placing bees In their orchards claiming that they benefit fruit Tho sunshines job an and I cant help from that spring is nearly hero The air is full of btoBBin to a feller Dont talk to mo of troubles say whats that polo V It was with groat reluctance the boys turned out last Saturday morning to re move about three inches of tho beauti ful off the sidewalks A fine now piano was delivered at Mr reaidenoe last Saturday A neatlyset ad in an attractively print ed paper moans money in advertisers pocket readies all the prompt paying homes of this community Great joke that taffy doctored with popper that got into the Christian Church last Sunday Several pieces of on Main St are In a rickety condition and should have immediate attention A North York man Is getting out a bal lot for parliamentary and municipal elec tions which Is far superior to anything that has yet appeared in this line Mr Hunter met with a serious last week His bay horse valued at 75 died from inflammation It only two days Inspector Anderson has had the holes on Water St Eagle St and Park Ave filled op making them passable for the time being Mr has purchased the vacant lot Mrs James residence on Main street and repaired the fences Mrs James baa ban considerable improvements appearance of her property by the Cogs We clip the following particular rela tive to the death of Mr John Miller from the of last week A gloom was oast over the community last Thursday when it was learned that shortly before noon John A Miller son of Mr Miller of the City Flour Mills had met with an accident in the mill that would probably result fatally The apprehension of a fatal result proved only too true for notwithstanding all that skilful eurgeons could do the injuries were of snob a nature that the young man died during the night It appears that he had upstairs in the regular performance of hie duties and while adjusting a slide hie coat sleeve was caught at the wriat in the bevel gears of the roller machinery There was no way of freeing himself and the unfortunate victim himself being drawn into the machinery tbat eventually mangled bis body and tore the flesh from the bones hie for help being drowned by the noise of ihe mill His younger brother going up a minutes later saw the horrible speqta- below he gave or- to the engineer to the motion bat firmly was he caught in the cogs that the engine had to be reversed before be could be released When found the body was stripped bare of every article of cloth ing and the flesh torn from the arm and from the to the hip on one side exposing the ribs arm and thigh bones Other parts of the body were oat and the akin was almost entirely off the back Singularly enough no large bones were broken and the yonng man retained consciousness throughout and was able to give a detailed account of how the accident occurred- So great was the pressure that one of the cog wheels was broken Drs were promptly attendance and the yonng man carried to bis home in rear of the mill Hie wife visiting her parents in and did not reach home until late in the evening His mother came from Wash- ago and every upon her son until he passed quietly away in the early hoars of the morning Mr Miller was scarcely twentyfive years of age and was a steady and industrious young man respected by all who Knew him He was married on Christmas Day to bertha Goring youngest daughter of Mr Goring of Newmarket Deep sympathy expressed for the of three months who now a widow as well as for the pa- rents and relatives The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon and wae very largely attended Rev Grant conducted service at the house And on Sun day referred in his to the brevity of life as exemplified in the case of Mr Miller The was a one from the text Thon not what a day may bring forth v m Opened store at North End Is under new An the was bought at a rate on tho dollar bargain hunters will find big valoo by deal ing there See ad elsewhere ll i ij St Johns Service on Good Friday at and Usual decorations and Easter Service on Sunday at 11 a with special by the choir and sermon on the p Cleaned Tho fire under big boiler at Water Works was lot oat on Sunday morning and Monday and Tuesday it was cleaned at thoroughly The feed pipe was also changed bo that wator would retain heat better going from the heater to boiler and is considered to be quite a sav ing on fuel Gospel Temperance Mr N Starr presided at tho meeting last Sunday and gave an address Murray took charge of organ Mr Rogers a minister of the also gave an Headings wore given by Miss Minnie Ming Minnie don and Mrs Louis recitation by Jcasio Alcock and by Mr k m a o Church The prayermeeting this week will be held on Good Friday in to the moat sacred event in the on Sunday morning and muslo by the choir The Aid will decorate the altar with appropri ate flowers a of the resurrection Evening What is conversion liights Mr the Town has added or lights to the incandescent service this week being placed in the store of Messrs Co at the North End The Trustees of the Christian Church considering the advisability of putting in the light It is thought that lights will illuminate the edifice through out House Furnishings New Curtains New Curtainings New Window Blinds New Curtain Poles New Oilcloths New Carpets New Wall Papers TAPLE New Table Linens New Table Napkins New White Quilts New Sheetings New Towellings New Cottons iWIAR HARDWAR New Tinware New Graniteware New Paints New Bicycles New Boots and Shoes New Mens Suits New Boys Suits New Bicycle Suits New Sweaters New Odd Pants New Odd Vests New Hats and Caps New Furnishings LADIES New Shirt Waists New Wrappers New Prints New Lawns New Muslins fa New New Dress Goods New Laces New Kid Gloves New Hosiery New Corsets New Shoes Tho attendance constantly increasing the church was crowded Sabbath evening Tho pastor gave excellent ser mons last Sabbath both morning and even ing Thursday prayer meet- is also being well attended The P in a flourishing condition The subject on Monday eve was a Missionary one and was very taken up by the leader in an instruct ive manner All young people who do not attend any other meetings on Monday evening will be most heartily welcomed 4HHfaHBV Fast Wheeling Everybody should have a Tempest or Dayton Hughes sell them and guarantee them A I wheels a A Demented Woman The Town authorities took into custody on Sunday a woman who was apparently In a demented condition- She said her name was Mra and that she from Charlottetown P on a visit to friends in Toronto and she wandered here without friends or money She Is of medium build and dark complexion and has two gold rings on her finger The police at Toronto and Hamilton were com municated with on Monday but nothing farther as to her connections could be as certained On Tuesday morning the Mayor authorized the purchase of a ticket to To ronto and Mr Woodcock accompanied her to the placing her in charge of the proper authorities Public A meeting of the Board of Management took place on Wednesday evening when it was ascertained that volumes were added to the Library this yoar at a total cost of They comprised the very latest works and are distributed as follows Biography Fiction Historical Tales Miscellaneous Literature 8 Poetry Religious Travels 26 The Secretary was instructed to increase the insurance on the Library to The printing of a new catalogue was disoussed bat the Committee have discovered that 28 books that were taken out when the Library was over Mr Starrs store have not been returned and steps are to be taken to recover the same who have had books out for a longer period than 4 weeks should return them at once and save trouble PU ALONG We Run Easy ND AND ORE The Leading Wheels of Canada The Cleveland is Value AND Ink fiops Good Friday I Hot buna I bonnets will bloom Sunday Bank closes on Monday The kids will be let loose next week License Com meet on Tuesday here next The Crescents and Strictly Uptodate and Fully Guaranteed Complete Stock ot Sundries Tires Cyclometers J Bells Lamps Oils Cements To the Editor of Bib In tho Town Council notes of weeks Issue of thoEitA there appeared notice of a bill of being paid for rent of Court which is considerable Comment among a number of who would bo pleased with a satisfactory explanation If possible through your columns as to why the townspeople who are Indeed sufficiently burdened with taxes should av to boar Imposition of tax when tbo room la ques tion Is solely for Conoty purposes and If the Town la bound to pay such expenses why Is not the Council Chamber placed at disposal of County for Division Court The Rev James Wilson of Knox College will bo stationed at for the summer in the place of the Rev Mr Rett who is ill Hardware Stoves Tinware Mr Proctor passed bis birthday on Saturday He is one of the oldest residents re maining and 8tiU good health The death of Miss Sarah occurred on 10th after a long illness The funeral on Monday was attended by a very large number of friends who came to pay their last tribute of to one whose life has been ono uninterrupted response to the call of and duty service was conducted by Elder in the Christian Church inter ment was in Kcttleby cemetery The pallbearers were six nephews of do- Among the visitors in this section Thomas Moore of Newmarket the past week were Mr Howard died last February leaving an estate of Toronto Miss Lily Spink of worth mostly mortgages to and Miss Nettie Forster of New- He willed it to his wife and dau market Mr and Fox have returned from visiting friends in the city Mr John has leased Hunter farm here for a term of years Mr considerably of late w a term has suffered- pneum FROM the A term of fifteen weeks may bo most ably spent at Central Business College TORONTO CEYLON TEA toad Packets W1 Btvi IDtiClftl As me eo iS from July to July Mth for Oct particulars Principal i