THE- NEWMARKET ONTAKIO BANK CAPITAL head- President REST General Malinger NEWMKET BRANCH Business General Banking Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED AT Sterling American promptly attended Sunday Lesson Easter Lesson April I Cor 1220 Now Is Christ risen from ho dead and become first fruits of thorn that UNYON TRIUMPH Standard Life Assurance Co Invested In Omnia over Children over 2 years of age Insured females Insured without extra charge District Inspector J A Agent Joseph R Cody INSURANCE IN ALL IinANCIlBS iOviR Tuesdays and At Town Clerks for tiro and to at Current Rates At Newmarket Converted at Acta 1020 Ikxt bath God to Gentiles granted unto INTJIODVCTIOIS Wo flaw in last quarters lesson how was by disported and bad Ha carried wo turn back to scattering time again and follow another band of spreading glad tidings as they go footed by national prejudices wo them efforts to thoic once By some means these men found themselves impelled to toll the story of salvation to socio of at result was astonishing SUGGESTIONS was established as re sult of it was trained by trial and was to endure hardness It was a of It was a of earnest workers It felt spirit recognised ohurohosof Judoa and of Syria as one and gave aid in common interests Here is s for taking in churches was the flrat to send out missionaries to field ELECTRIFYING OF HIS Of NEW DISEASES bmiflQ IK THE EVERY DRUGGIST HAS THEM R Agent Isolated on Risks and Town Property OrflCEpverltodgeoTIn Shop Agent Newmarket MA AGE LICENSES Issuerof MARRIAGE- LICENSES At the Office Newmarket private Papers Issued at private residence if desired Special Attention to Shoeing Street April To ike Alitor of the Era We have had a long of winter bat snow is fast disappearing and hero indication of an early Spring There has been good sleighing ever since 1st of November but in consequence of the light showers and warm sunshine of past few days wheels are running once winter has been very steady and quite free from blizzards with ex ception of last November farmers are hiring their help wages ranging from to per month for the summer months excursion trains are pretty well loaded with settler and returning and among them I noticed several from East he district in northern Mani toba is booming at present and home steads have been taken very rapidly On a rsnob where only last fall wheat was harvested now stands the town of with eight hundred inhabitants The only if it may be termed such is the old story of keeping batch and which the poet describes in one of the Oil the Prairie Land Theres many a fine young bachelor here Waiting and for dear j Bat bye and bye shell come Mr A Gibson Mount On- I doctored with many doc tors and used remedies daring the past sixteen years for neuralgia It first appeared bead and gradually worked its way to my I could not get relief until I tried Cure Two bottles of that won derful remedy cured me three months ago and I had no return of Rheumatism Cure seldom fails to relievo in one to three hours and in a few days Price Dyspepsia positively cures all forms of indigestion and stomach troublo Price Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and breaks up a cold in a few hours Price Cough Cure stops coughs night sweats allays soreness and speedily lungs Price Kidney Cure speedily pains in the back loins or groins and all forms of kidney disease Price Headache Cure stops in three Price Pile Ointment positively all forms of piles Price Blood Cure eradicates all im purities of blood Price Remedies ate a boon to all women Asthma Remedies relievo in minutes and cure permanently Price Catarrh Remedies never fail The Catarrh Cure eradicates disease from system and Catarrh price and heal the parts Cure is a wonderful nerve tonic Price restores lost vigor Price A floparato for each disease At ell druggists mostly a vial Personal letters to Prof and Albert Toronto answered with free advice for any disease Acetylene Gas fop Battle Last Saturday considerable attention was attracted to the new placed in bis premises by Hughes flame from the acetylene gas is pure white and much and steadier than that from ordinary Acetylene gas is made from calcium carbide dark semimetallic mass closely resembling in appearance broken pig iron and composed of pure limestone and highgrade coke finely ground and intimately mixed It is then submitted in proportions to the intense heat of the electric furnace when cool it is packed in air tight cans holding pounds each and shipped to any part of the country To produce acetylene gas the carbide is placed in a sealed chamber and water is allowed to come in contact with it when gas is immediately produced and passes into a holder from thenco to several fixtures throughout the building where it can bo used as required the same as any other gas The plant put in by Mr Hughes has a capacity of 15 lights of from to Co candle power each The cost of the was and the gas will cost per thousand feet It is claimed that very soon acetylene will he cheaper to use than the coal oil lamp Examiner Barns Cost Money to build and will cost money to replace Paint em and save em of the sod care- used will give good returns on the invest men The Urn will last longer and look Lumber has weather is beginning to Good paint clones the pores of wood stops decay and the pre sen 4 TUB CREOSOTE PAINT s the best hare paint It- is made coarse grained It is for an- roofs and fences The are paint is right It is economical use on the It is free Send for it taurine Street Montreal ay For booklet THE at3400 YORK From Which litis or the of April All orders will delivered at the i Careful Gents A gentleman standing in a hotel lobby while taking a match safe from his pocket accidentally dropped a cent on the floor He picked it up care fully and as he did so said I have only lately realized value of a cent I have a small account with a trust company and other day I received my book with interest computed at I worked at the figures quite j awhile and found that the exact To cheer his heart and brighten hie home j amount was Then I argued J with the secretary that it ought to be 14 but he would nob consent to the increase So I came to the Bolton Practical Painter- PaperHunger and Hon Decorator Church Street and Geo t H6uBe Sign Carriage Fainter 193 Main He Obeyed Oidefs Painter Special Attention paid to all the business vl Giving f Wood Finish Paper Hanging and Sat laf action guaranteed line of of the latest designs Wall Papers the Primary Church Street MISCELLANEOUS C Simpson Main St Sundries and Fancy Goods Is to do Sew at private Perfect lit guaranteed In all the Ordca scat through Newmarket P prompt attention it Reg Member of the Ontario Association of Consultation invited with parties or lteiiioMlInu their Arc ltKsnKNCE Main St PUT OFF Delays are dangerous never can tell what day you may he sick You have not had your photo taken for years Make a note of It to call at Gallery the lay you in Newmarket and leave your shadow ere substance fade reduced prices still obtain An Irish member of the Regiment of South Carolina Infantry on the beach of Island with orders to walk between two speci fied points and to let no one pass with out giving the countersign He was one of those soldiers who believe in obeying orders to the letter Two hours after Hugh had been stationed the corporal with the relief appeared in the moonlight- and was astonished to see Hugh walking two and fro up to his waist in water The tide had come in Who goes there demanded the sentry Relief answered the corporal Halt relief Advance corporal and give the countersign But I am not coming in there to be drowned Come out and let me relieve you a bit said Hugh The lieutenant told me not to leave my post Well then said the corporal starting to move away you may stay there all night Halt thundered the sentry Ill put a hole in ye if you pass without the countersign Thems me orders from lieutenant and ho cocked and levelled the gun Confound you and the lieuten ant I answered the corporal Everybody will hear it if I bawl it out to you me darling and the lieuten ant said it must given in a whis per In with me fingers on the trigger There was nothing fur the corporal to do but to wade out faithful sentinel stood Fnix said that worthy its well youve come 1 The tide has almost drowned me that if a company with a capital of can figure on half cents I ought to be careful with cents Good Woman When Gould the Life of a Loved One be more Uncertain than when Attacked by Heart If you have a flint of it Save Dr Cure for Che Heart Always at Hand it the only Remedy which can Relieve yon in Minutes and Cure you This is to certify that wife has been a sufferer from heart dis ease for over twenty years having tried doctors and remedies in numerable without benefit I procured two bottles of Dr Agnews Cure for the Heart and she has received more benefit from it than from all the doctors and all cures used hereto fore I am pleased to certify to the excellence of this wonderful remedy AARON NICHOLS Smith Sold at Pharmacy The Womans Bonk fit Son tudGtfftkiag and Prompt all Wonderful Piles Cured in to Burning Skin Diseases in one day Dr Ointment will euro all cases of itching piles in from three to six nights One application brings comfort For blind and bleeding piles it is peerless Also totter salt rheum barbers itch and all eruptions of the skin Relieves in a day cents Pharmacy A poor old widow living in the Scottish Highlands was called upon one day by a gentleman who heard of her need The old lady complained of her condition and remarked that her son was in Australia and doing well But does he do nothing to help yoti inquired the visitor No nothing was the reply He writes me regularly once a month hut only sends me a little picture with his letter gentleman asked to see one of the pictures that she had re ceived and found each one of them to be a draft for ten pounds That is the condition of many of Gods children He has given us many exceeding great and precious promises which we either are ignorant of or fail to appropriate of them seem to bo pretty pictures of an ideal peace and rest but are not appropriated as practical helps in daily life And not one of those promises is more neglect ed than the assurance of- salvation An open bible places them reach of all wo may appropriate the blessing which such a knowledge brings It is said that a sharper has been swindling a number of farm ers lately lie went to farmers whose farms were mortgaged The mort gages were of course bearing the cur rent of interest percent He otter ed to advance money at per cent and in order to make arrangements for loan required a deposit of 10 in advance In this way lie is said to have taken in about After get ting the money he left for parts un known and his victims are still pay ing per cent on their mortgages Though very extensive the Can adian pulpwood area is The present demands of the Canadian trade deplete about acres a year those of the United States mills clear out acres a year and there is no replanting The time is coming when the value of the wood will be greater than it is now though it lias increased by some per cent within the past few years Looking at the facts and further at the other fact that workmen thrown out of employment in Canada through the operation of the new duties will be treated almost as crimi nals if they seek to cross the border to earn wages in the United States pulp mills that use Canadian pulp it is asked that a duty of I a cord be put on all exported pulp wood There could not well be a stronger case made out A new power of the air has been discovered by E who ex pects by its help to revolutionize me chanics He professes to liquefy the air and make it take the place of steam and produce energy at the low est cost When the air is at a temperature of degrees below zero on the Fahrenheit scale It boils or again at degrees below zero and it is from the expan sion consequent upon this vapori zation that Mr obtains his power is transmitted through an engine exactly as the power gener ated by steam from boiling water is transmitted Mr Tripler declares that this liquefied air in boiling or changing to vapor again absorbs the heat in the surrounding air so rapidly that it in turn is liquefied and flows into the reservoir which in this man ner is always kept supplied That is once the apparatus is charged with a supply of liquefied air it feeds itself and will practically run forever with out any cost of fuel The bones of birds are made in quite a different way from those of fotirfooted animals These bones which look very ordinary are made of layers upon layers of a firm elastic substance and the hollow in the middle is not filled with marrow but with air If you were to take two inches of the leg bone of a rabbit and two inches of the leg bone of a goose both measuring about the same in thickness and weigh them you find the bone of the rabbit to weigh very nearly twice as much as the bone of the goose yet the rabbits bone you can snap across whilst you will cer tainly fail to break the other be your fingers ever so strong Air stored in little cells all through the hard sub stances of the bone itself makes the birds bones so light These cells are connected other and with the lungs by very minute tubes run also to the ends of the quill- feathers All this air is heated by the natural warmth of the creature Choice Canadian Grown Nursery Stock Nurseries I orders sent to me on rest mat I on at the following cut prices No Apple trees to feet liitfb Except Jo Pear ircra of oil the leading No tree of nil leading to feel Except Grand Duke and Plum trees No 1 Cherry of nil the leading to feet Apple trees ties feet high it SI per per VI CO 14 CO 19 per ICO- en lost Mr Aurora twh orchards and only lost one tree Address all orders to It Toronto Teriim on Delivery Salesman for the Celebrated Hamilton In a runaway accident at Marl- bank George Johnston a farmer was thrown from the vehicle arid instantly killed ARK PILLS AND PILLS HOT LIVER PILLS CENTS A VIAL LEAD IN THE BORDERS OX THE PHENOMENAL SLUGGISH LIVER CONSTIPATION OR ROWELS THE PRECURSORS OF MANY PHYSICAL DISORDERS The little remove the Cause They are entirely vegetable They act on the liver and bowels without disturbance to the system diet or occupation They never gripe They act pleasantly in a vial for cents Sold at Bentleys Pharmacy The rate of interest in Govern ment Savings Banks is to be reduced to per cent A Point to Remember If yon wieh to purify your blood yon should take a medicine which blood diseases The record of cures by Hoods proves that is the best medicine for the blood ever Hoods the stub born cases the medioioe for you to take it your blood is impure Pills are the beat afterdinner pill assist cure headache 25c The true standing of an editor is appreciated after death if not before A lawyer sent the following words of consolation to the widow of an editor- I cannot tell you how pained was to hear that your husband had gone to heaven We were bosom friends but can never meet again MraTS Hawkins Chattanooga Tenn SAVED MY LIFE I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used For Liver or Kidney trouble it excels Price Scotts Drag Store CURE is sold on a guaran tee It cures Incipient Consumption the best Cough Core Only one cent a dose Scotts Drag Store ROOT the great Blood purifier gives clearness to the complexion aud curea Constipation Store- A clergyman in a neighboring town who recently married a couple whose names were Benjamin and Annie said that they were Anniemat ed and BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION SICK HEADACHE LIVER TROUBLES Ana ai YES IN Our True ftnd will you Comfort They help to Preserve the Sight Spectacle Frames in Sold Stiver o New Assortment of Electro Forks Spoone ta to hand at Low Prices A Call Solicited Organs and Violin Strings JEWELERS Newmarket Liver Like dyspepsia headache nation sour stomach are cured by Hood Pius They do their work Hoo CASTORS A For Infants and Children American for easily and thoroughly Best after pills All druggist prepared I Hood Co The onbsPlU to take with Hoods I Websters IM5li6nary from Cover to Cover Print ing Office toe US of nearly the School hoots Warmly vj of and other Kit a without her One Great Standard Authority So write Hon J JuKlc A College For eaie with the of frtVtr anil for maetlcal Mictionary excels any other single CO Ver fee ire t tmK A CO SSI flaoiDWAT out a notice tree off woriii tipienldlr without Largest of any tipienldlr rated No to without it jcAri ii April Some is with weeks first- class- doga ablyspentattho ftg Central Business TORONTO Bo As Teachers and July hers Got particulars and Yon I