Weeks bpesl Hems WHAT ON IN TOWN Good will open a few after a m and close as tho mail from the Sooth is distributed few mn after No mall from To roatojja evening bat letters posted the day will as Mr Silver of Repository Montreal will bo in Newmarket today GooFriday to bay carriage saddle and driving also a few fteavy Boa posters Mr Silver win also be here on Saturday and le to buy all kinds of good fat hones This is main chance for who have horses to sill Building The addition of the Electric Light Sta tion at the roar of WaterWorks all tho accommodation entirely off residence and the proposed addition for which tenders are now la a real necessity It is to bo foe to Bast side having brick to match main building It la that work on the new en will bo next week 189 i fit Home weather proved very unfavorable for an entertainment on Tuesday evening was a good attendance at League At Homo given at the of Mr Besides parlor games instrumental music was given by Miss Nettie and Mies Canoj little nave a recitation bat the most amusing part of tho program tho minute presided over by Mr 3 All present enjoyed evening very much Proceeds for mission ary purposes Womens missions About fifty were present at tho Easter Offering and Tea of the Methodist at Mrs on Thursday of last week A derogation from the Pres byterian attended to arrange for the proposed union Interesting papers on the educational work among the Indians were read by Mrs Cane and Mrs L An excellent solo was rendered by Mrs Hewitt and Miss Nettie contributed good instrumental musio daring the afternoon Proceeds Balmy After a severe tussle with the end log in a firstolasa Spring Is able to bo about Jack every mornirfaa if he had a to bask in bright sunshine the balmy air of these line day A We may Spring has landed amid the twittering of robins and other aong a break in the egg mar ket starting the bicycles household all the other paraphernalia that accompanies it even to the wonderful and gorgeous creation of the new spring hat Report of IIIDiv for March IllJohn Annie Morrison Roy Belfry Elsie Thomson Ethel Wright Magpie Campbell Mabel Pressor Lloyd Claude Ansel Bell Pearl May Keith Ban Hunter George Holmes Robert Wesley Charlie Osborne Robert Anderson Violet Trent Howard Murphy Walter Hunter Florence Holmes Stanley Brook Eddie McDonald Henry Beamish Class Ada Clay Edith Hugh Marsh Maude Tenon Ernest Wright Bennett Fraulj Ethel Hughes Russell Julia Clara Norman vil Stone Ethel Miller Roy Lush Charlie Cane Eves Ethel Howard Aubrey Armi- tage Lily Thompson Mary Wright St Pauls Church The Lenten Services during passion week were well attended The courses on Passion Sunday and week were on the subject Retirement Asi God had eased the solitude of the patriarchs and lawgivers of Israel so he would likewise that of the members of the Christian Church if they would but turn aside from the world as Christ in His earthly lite did During Holy week the usual Lenten Servi ces have been by abort services of half length from 480 to pm children On Good Friday Services will be held at and p The offerings on Good Friday are de voted to the fund for the christianizing of the Jews On EasterDay there will be two celebrations of the Holy Communion at and am a Childrens Service at pm Evensong at pm At all these Sunday vices a special collection will be taken up is the role of the Anglican Church so that there may be a surplus in stead of a deficit at the end of the fiscal year of la making an earnest effort to lead the congregation in the bright musical services of the great religions festival The will doubt less be appropriately decorated for Easter Day On the first Sunday after Easter the rector intends on the subject Sunday Observance Newmarket was visited on Tuesday and indications that professionals two men their in mud plainly Indicating neat pointedtoe worn by overshoes or very boots by other The Model School building was from top to bottom three doors pried open and a pane of glass broken in basement There was not a or drawer that waa not opened and things tossed Some small books and trinkets were taken but nothing of value and some slates broken A keg of writing ink was sampled they thinking that the janitor kept something on hand besides domestic water to keop tho dust from choking him But the Intruders got what they wanted on visiting the Eagle Hotel which they also ransacked from cellar to garret and everything was done so quietly that not single person in hotel heard a sound nor knew anything about it till Mr Herb came down Btaire next morning was effected by prying open tho outside cellar door in the and being provided with a rig which waa easily tracked the soft mud they loaded up at least jars of fruit On coming up stairs they Jit a lantern which is always kept hanging in the stairway and this wae found on the kitchen floor One of the sideboards is always- kept locked and both doors wore prid upon with a chisel Every drawer in the room was and con siderable towels and table linen carried off Toey also gobbled up all the crackers and batter that din ingroom They then went upstairs to second story and ransacked every room that not looked A pile of that was loft on a sofa ready to be put away next morning was upset upon the and articles that suited them were carried away were from the pocket of Mr Qua pants in the room where he was Bleeping and a overcoat belonging to Mr Herb off The bar was then entered by part of everything turned upside down They evidently had a strong liking for liquors and for they made a clean sweep of everything behind bar Mr that will not cover his loss The bur- glare made their exit out of j barroom door and unless some of articles turn up somewhere their identity is pretty bid The Messrs Pugsley the in the hotel tho same night and had considerable money on their persons Let people gener ally take warning to make their outside doors and windows secure Another attempt at burglary took place on Wednesday night at the residence of Elder on Pearson ave about halfpast twelve oclock but the intruders warned against admitting pedlars and traotpa into their houses Is conoid as at in instances to got the lay of premises order to assist the midnight 1 I T Christian Five more membeis were received into oh fellowship last j- Sunday morning and others are expected next Monday morn log Special Easter sermon on Sunday morn log and the evening the subject of the pastor is Half way to Canaan The Is getting up special for paster Sunday and the church will be decorated for the occasion V mi UNTO Always in load x THE VERY LATEST NOVELTY 1 J i2fc3 FOR BLOUSES AND WAISTS I way that tbe hot pancakes and as as Johnny cake disappeared from the tables in the base ment of the Christian on Wed- evening gave unmistakable their universal popularity as an article of diet Needless to say there was a good attendance and the sooial was a great success Games of various kinds were enjoyed by the youn people till about ton ffloil Softer Specialty Co shipped this week for Vancouver a very enamelled steel skeleton apparatus for holding about mail bags for use in the post office of that in sorting the mails Several of office officials in Toronto on Tuesday to examine tho artlolo and ex pressed their approval in very complimen tary terms The visit will no doubt result In further orders for this line of work A Special Importation of Fancy French At onehalf the regular price This is the biggest bargain ever offered to the public DRESS materials we are showing are up to date in every way and the price was A BRUNTON gnu The Of South End Store opens Saturday morning at Every worth must be out In days Come and get goods at your own price Bros The men were frightened away secured anything Two brothers Carl and Fred were sleeping on the floor when Fred awoke with the sound of some body outside the window He brother who thought he must have been dreaming however they listened for a little while and presently they heard Bounds of two persons conversing in the Carl got up and seizing a revolver atraok for kitchen at the time whos there The two men tracks at once and so great was their to get of sight that the tiestrap cut In two and pa rt of it left attached to the tree where the horse and buggy tied In vestigation showed that entrance into the house was effected by cutting a hole in a panel of tbe door sufficiently large enough to admit of a mans arm and thus unfastening the lock The Elder aroused his neighbor Bailiff and they decided after a little consultation to go after Constable Savage He obeyed the call and made an examination of the place The burglars seem to have particular spite against preachers and hotelkeepers The families referred to in the former para graph would only nicely get to sleep when an attempt was made to burglarize St Pauls halfaa three Mr Thompson was aroused by hear- Ing something fall in hie kitchen The re ported burglary at Model School and hotel aroused his auapiolon and he got up without a moments delay lit the lamp and proceeded down stairs- The Hash of light in fanlight frightened the burglars away and he could hear footsteps running down the lane to Church at On entering the kitchen Mr Thompson that tbe window was raised and all the vines out away as to make the en trance without difficulty or noise but in the window a loose slat fell to the floor which gave them away Mr Thompson is to be congratulated on bis alertness Since the above put in type we learn that a horse boggy harness aha whip was stolen between midnight and oclock yes terday morning from the stable of Mr Chris on Prospect ave south of the High School and Its whereabouts has not yet located This was evidently the first place visited by the thieves Before leaving the town the residence of Mr J A on was An other of clothing are missing Entrance was effect ed by removing a pane of ass in the wood and then catting a hole through the panel of the kitchen door similar to the operation preformed at There no body at horn that night Mr and Mrs Allan being in the city and other inmates the house being also away Chief Anderson- and Go stable Savage left at oclock yesterday morning to track the burglars At noon they telephoned that the and rig were found on the aide of road near Mills and it is supposed that thieves took the street cars Into the city Constable Savage Is still In pursuit Tbe opinion prevails that there is a gang of professionals in this People Depot The exports this week two care of household effects belonging to Mr for Toronto oar of horses for Montreal I car horses for Boston cattle for Toronto care woodenware for Montreal and for the following places Hamilton London and Toronto car flour for The imports in carload lots include oar corn car oil- oars coal lumber care pail timber and car stone I Tool House carpenters from Allendale as sisted the aeotionmen here last week in the erection of a neat and substantial tool house at the aide of the traok just north of mil is a great improve ment on one that stood at the foot of Ontario which has been torn down and removed The superintendent of this vision has also promised to send four or Ave oars of broken stone here to improve grounds where busses and carters oc cupy on the arrival of Canes Factory A good deal of overtime was put in last week in order to catch up to ordera in some lines The men are still as busy bees on the screen doors and windows The firm started out to make season doors and windows but from way are coming in they fear will not me the demands of the trade and the output will still further be increased before leav ing this of work The inside woodwork for a fine residence at was shipped on Tuesday The factory is very busy on this class of work which is giving universal satisfac tion CHINA HALL April BAKING POWDER Fossil oaf fa TEA Worlds Blend Tea the beat Packet Tea or mixed Try it on market in School Standing of pupils in for March Br Class Sutherland tern Clay E Trivett P Millard Peppiatt Perkins Meyer Armitage A O Hodge M Cody Vernon I Lush A Hughes SCody Marsh Intermediate III Grey Fletcher W Kelly Hendry A Thomp son Miller Mann Foster Eves Roe Brook I Robs A Hunter M MoMaan L Cooke S Gould Thompson A Lloyd Public School Board A regular meeting took place on Tuesday Present Dr Scott and Messrs Davison Pretty and Bunney Accounts were paBsed amount ing to over of which was for coal and for extra teacher during The Principals Report on the roll for with an average attendance of In future the is required to furnish the Board with tbe names from whom fees are collected month Mr was appointed to represent tbe Board at Educational Association in Toronto on the 20tb and The Inspectors annual report wae read criticism of the various teachers severe but on the whole very satisfactory Reel For several years the necessity of a Hose Reel being kept on Prospect Ave has been very apparent for the protection of proper in St Georges Ward against fire but where to locate it has been a problem Some people favor the corner of the Model School grounds while others strongly op pose It considering that a in so prominent a position would be an eye sore The west end of St is unoc cupied and would be Just as convenient as the school grounds Why not put it there J Tenders are for a wooden feet standing about feet from the ground to the apex of the roof covered with steel siding and steel shlnglae which will make it practically fireproof and be sufficiently Urge to a Polling for that Ward in oil elections The will probably be decided at the Conn- next Monday evening Hughes lot Corset Gloves Hosiery Veilings Laces Chiffons Ribbons W 1897 EASTER SALE Our Spring Stock of BOOTS and SHOES Will bear close inspection for style quality and price Ladies Bong Oxfords and No matter what price you we can suit you and the wearing qualities will give perfect satisfaction Mens both fine quality in newest styles and coarse strong serviceable for a good useful pair or for a nice fine pair is we think getting pretty near right goods at right prices Mens Bicycle Boots 176 Misses Boys and Childrens to suit all in tans chocolate and black black FRUIT Good Sweet Oranges from dozen to Choice Bananas and Malaga Grapes WEDDING CAKES If you have any notion of getting married as that is all the rage you ahould get your cake at Robertsons and you will be happy ever after A ROBERT The Leading Baker Grocer and Confectioner C Hanger and Stretcher FREE A c China Glassware Have you seen Extra Heavy White Toilet Sets for or our Printed Toilet Sets at 225 were We want to reduce our stock All better qualities Toilet Sets reduced away down in price to clear them For quality at a low price examine our 650 Dinner Sets Job lot Colored and Saucers No stock on sale next week at dozen Easter Eggs Something new and pretty See them fie each This is a very useful article and should be in the posses sion of every gentleman not only for keeping his trousers in shape but it is a convenient way of hanging them up They retail at 15c but we are going to make you a present of one with all orders of Three Dollars and upwards A nice assortment of New Spring Goods Call early and secure your choice NN v MY TAILOR The above article cannot be purchased elsewhere in townf J QUERIES To clear out some odd lines we give Special Reductions Pure Cod Fish lib blocks Boneless Fish lb regular No 1 Corn 5c can Baking Powder can Prunes for Choice Figs lb regular stock Apricots 10c lb Prime Pink Salmon 9c can R A SMITH The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts FOR SALE A Burton Bill Fit for service from a Milch Also a couple of Grade Cows for sale P Money to At per cent on by David liloygi for taking Affidavits Es tate Agent lasafep or Etc Also Agent for fir Insurance Queen tor tendon and Liverpool England Montreal Gore District Mutual established in also Confederation Life Association To ronto Old Registry Corner of pod Lot H Teas A SPLENDID VALUES Our Japan Tea at is giving satisfaction in flavor and value In Ceylon and Assam at and we find a demand Our Package Teas are choicest in the worlds markets the at and the Monsoon at the most delicious of all package Pungent and Fragrant We solicit an early trial of these goods DAVISON CO GOOD CLEAN No Stock on hand it t rrn