Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 Apr 1897, p. 8

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IN AMD BATCHES During the Year For full particulars advertisements or to ST Ink Canada TORONTO Paid up Capital Fund nearly A llranch of this Is established BRADFORD Where mo received of and up wards and Intermit at lie highest rates We a Specialty of Discounting Farmers Notes And Note at LOWEST RATES linvobcfn itL Toll on Knur whereby coining to with PASS THROUGH FREE For fur Information to JOHN Agent Bradford For the convenience of Jiving In New I and vicinity aw dealing with Bank arrangements made by which they can their alter the p in train arrival Saturdays excepted Colds Bron chitis Sore threat etc Kenny Watson MOflTneAL Do You Wish Sound Teeth If so call on us We will crown your teeth using pure gold or porce lain for only a tooth Our setts teeth are a work of art and guaran teed to last Painless extraction for plates free All work firstclass A Dentist Cor Queen St Toronto SB Bottle One cent a dote -iJ- AT frit NEWMAMirEMA t BALDWIN BREEZES A registered letter for a is in some office in York and Ontario counties Better watch out somebody stands a good show for a trip to Her Majestys stone castle at Kingston A well known had a sorrow ful misadventure one night recently While vainly trying to woo sweet and pleasant dreams down fell slats and bed on the floor After re adjusting the concern lie again crawl ed in but alas ho was doomed to spend the cold night up and down try ing to fix the peaky thing At length in ho slept on the floor The- Misses of Queen are about to commence fashionable drossmaking at A Pig Castle On invitation last week wo visited the farm of Mr of and inspect ed venture to say the most pig pen in York county It is a sub stantial structure of stone and frame work two stories in height and capable of containing about three hundred hogs and for convenience and completeness of outfit has every thing that the porcine heart could desire It is so arranged as to be easily kept scrupulously clean Large pens on the most approved plan con tain porcine beauties that would de light the eye of a judge of To those interested we would say go see this wonderful pig house Words fail to adequately describe it Mr Station is shipping largely during the present high price of pork He is the possessor of six hundred broad acres of the choicest land in the township and the generally tidy appearance of his farm and outbuildings would indicate him to be a happy and prosper ous farmer Prof Kemp we understand is now touring through North When ho comes to examine the Owls head hell find no dead easy job We have an inkling into the reason of our young men attending church We shall investigate the matter Await further developments An Egyptian beauty says if I go Ill go all the time ha I Mrs Eliza Morton has again been very ill but is somewhat better Those who use canned fruits or meats should be particularly careful to empty out all the contents immediately the can is opened as a poison is formed by the action of the jusieos on the tin immediately it is exposed to the air An estimable young lady of Sutton is now suffering from the effects of not so exercising caution April 3rd frogs are out tuning up their fiddles Owl heard em Revival services are closed in Gum Swamp A large number of conver sions Exact number not yet made public Jos Foster our blacksmith intends making improvements to his house A great big consequential citizen of North well known as a Grit politician possesses the gift of selfesteem in a superlative degree He is everlastingly blowing that he didnt have to court the girls No in deed The girls courted him And wee wee wife just sits a smiling at him saying as he tell his fibs Our young folks are quite musical in their taste Fiddler Charlie accom panied by Miss on the piano or organ makes melody equal to the celebrated Old King and his fid dlers three Mies as an cant well be surpassed Shes decidedly dont know Mr Geo off a measured acre of tamrack bush cut 128 cords of stove wood and saw logs Chap man brothers have nearly an equal amount off same quantity land They have put in a winters work at it The Owl FOUND DEAD Why he do it He had everything live for happy home wife friends money but he himself through heart Why He couldnt given a Rood himself But everything looked gloom to him He was In a gloomy frame of mind It wag the way lie at fife that day Ho had been in too much of a hurry and driving at business through bis meals cutting short Bleep His nerves got on edge bis stomach and liver got out of order he grew dyspeptic and melancholy When the digestion Is out of order there Be trying to look on the bright side practically there isnt any bright ig Is little use tryln of thing- side This Is a dangerous condition to gel into Yet it to get into and mighty hard to get out of it unless you go about tl In the right way There is a remedy that has pulled thou sands of people right out of this depth of despair It Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery It acts directly upon the and liver It restore their natural capacity to nourish and purify the system It purges it way bilious poisons feeds the nervecentres with healthy highly vitalized blood and drives out the blue devils of melancholy and nervousness J Warner Street Sacramento Gift writes During Hip five years I have been doctoring with as many six different doc tors here and in San for diseased atom- but none of the gave me even tem porary relief Two years ago I completely col lapsed find had to give up all work Jiave fell many times that I would like to leave this world In looking over the ads in Hie San Erdiiclsec I ran across yours and I now owe my life and present good health to Dr med icines I hove taken fourteen bottles of the Golden Medical Discovery and four of pleasant Pellet and I am entirely well of til stomach trouble Can sleep nine hours every ana am now ready to go to work again r It it sold on a by all It cures Incipient Consumption and It tha Cough and Croup OLD AT DRUG STORK JACKSONS POINT W Prop Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer PINE HARDWOOD AND HEMLOCK LUMBER AND Office SUTTON Procession London April In of the unexpected number of colonial troops coming to part in the cele bration of the Queens Diamond it has been decided that the colonial procession will march separate ly each contingent escorting its pre mier in a royal carriage drawn by four horses This procession will leave Bucking ham Palace ten minutes before- the Queens procession On arrival at St Pauls Cathedral the colonial forces will he drawn up round the west front of the sacred edifice and the wives of the premiers will take assigned places near the Queen Thus on her Ma jestys arrival all the colonial visitors will have a splendid view and will be able to salute the sovereign Xo leave to inform the Public that on for at his yards Jiicksona Point about One Million Feet of Lumber Hemlock Pino and Cedar at very low prices of 81abB per Cord Met Building should me a call before elsewhere v on Farms at Five per up to value WALTON yoroato April tmm attached to a wagon and driven by a young man named Harris be came unmanageable at the market and rushed down Front street at a tremendous rate The driver kept them on the road until reached Turners grocery where they ran in to the verandah The posts were knocked out letting the wholestructure down on the horses and wagon Harris was badly and cut arid at once placed under a doctors care- The two glass windows in front of the store were smashed BRADFORD Holland River is free from ice Mr Stoddard of Toronto is home for a few days prior to leaving for where he enters a dental oflice Miss Fannie frill has secured a a position of Assistant in the Public School and commenced her duties on April 1st Mr Fleming of checker player of the Dominion was the guest of Mr A McLean on Monday It was the editors privilege to have a few games with this player of note but to use a pugilistic term we were knocked out in each round Mr Sinclair has purchased the David CO acre farm iri the Scotch Settlement for and Mr Henry is the purchaser of Frank farm lot con West for Mr has leased for one year the Macartney farm lot con West formerly oc cupied by Mr Fred Archer who has moved onto the Rogers farm in the Scotch Settlement and Mr OBrien has leased for a term of years the farm southhalf lot con The ice on Lake is getting very Another week of this kind of weather will leave it clear Miss Cain of Newmarket has been engaged as pant and vest maker in Mr tailoring es tablishment Witness Some Water Uses Well Remember The Phrenological Journal gives the following useful hints on the applica tions in severe attacks of illness The adult members of a family should keep them in mind for an emergency A strip of flannel or soft napkin folded lengthwise and dipped in hot water and wrung out and then ap plied around the neck of a child that has the croup will usually bring re lief in a few minutes A proper towel folded several times and dipped in hot water quickly wrung and placed over the site of tooth ache or neuralgia will generally afford prompt relief This treatment for colic has been found to like magic Nothing so promptly cuts short a congestion of the lungs sore throat or as hot water when ap plied early in the case and thoroughly Hot water taken freely half an hour before bedtime is an excellent cathartic in the case of constipation while it has soothing effects upon the stomach and bowels This treatment continued a few months with the addition of a cup of hot water slowly sipped half an hour before each meal with proper atten tion to diet will cure most cases of Ordinary headaches almost always yield to the simultaneous application of hot water to the feet and back of the neck vv-KVv- jfefit for Day For quid and easy For cleanest sweetest and whitest clothes Sarprlss Is for Every For every use about the house Surprise works best and cheapest tor JSg K r V r V VH owr ED AND Central Telephone Office Wo ARR Is the quickest remedy ever known to cure Burns Bruises Scalds Cuts Sores Boils Sprains etc The many known people of high standing in the community who have spoken and written of the merits of show that it is remedy of great efficacy It is no wonder that rub bers which are not the same shape as the boot should be uncomfortable It costs mo ney to employ skilled pattern makers but the result is a satisfactory fit Each year new patterns are added to fit all the latest shoeshapes and Rubbers are always uptodate They ate honestly made of pure Dont Draw the Feet rubber thin light elastic durable extra thick at ball and heel They Fit the Boot TV It takes two to make a bargain but only one gets it Mr Gladstone notwithstanding his great age has Joined the ranks of the wheelmen He hag written to a friend in London saying that he has fairly mastered the machine WE CANADA association Colemans Gujjaoteeprompi Fine Con or Salt DP WOODS CURES Hoarseness Asthma Bronchitis and all diseases of throat and lungs PRICE FOR BY ALU FOR SALE W Main NEWMARKET LATEST Monuments and Head Stones Call Ordering Altai Sis on the a Dip Bow recovery will bo suitably rewarded We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind Printing done see what work and terms you can get at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro verbial FOR YEARS BAKING PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music Accommodation for TERMS of Millard Head of St RAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN TIME TABLE s s S a SIS in hi A 3 CO 4 W rf WOO oo CO to ti to I id CD 9m St K It wi B en w a ti ti QO g V I Sale to Kent Or will for Farm Property a large JO room Uriels on Prospect Ave Apply to HItlCIfAKDSOX SOWN On Street Situated near the old For Sale on Apply to JACKSON Estate Agent Fine Seaidoacss IN For Sale Cheap or would Exchange for Farm Property SO Five acres in rear of lot Si 2nd Con Whitchurch Comfortable liouc good we cistern and arables Apply to CLAYTON Newmarket P j For Sale to Best OX TERMS The North half and feouthWeet Quarter of Lot No in the cession of East Apply to E or to J Newmarket Valuable farm on Yongo Street For Sale or to Rent Acres being Lot 7 in let Con of Wee side of St Good condition Acres of Orchard Apply to Newmarket or to DAWSON Brunswick Ave Toronto Bent The West half and Lot in Con containing acres quarter of of East FRAGRANT DELICIOUS Sir la packed under ibfi of the and it advertised and by the and that reason that ncrc the into Monsoon That is why Monsoon the Tea cat be Bold at at inferior tea ft put In of J lb 6 lbs in at K arl STEEL CO St Toronto TRAOI An quid probably for tending a sketch and in patentable WentffiT Oldest wjJJW- in America bate taken through 801ENTIFIO AMERICAN month Sped en book on St New r Carting All kinds of on fibortNottce PA VXD Cor Mai Ontario J I tWEbttttM2yi vi

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