ill V leeks Items IB ON IK TOWN R not tie Scrap North a keeping record a pounding Monday night but it waa corpora tion no have made R Chance for Readers Sunday School Library is for in column collection a good and all til Mod books boon culled out arc too good to give asvay but room is wanted for a now library will bo in of part and it la a does often occur for country Gospel Temperance Intoroat still in Sunday aftowoon and Hall is filled at every Mrs Cody Sun lay and Mies Murray took program comprised readings by Mitchell and Mrs by and address by Mat thews Tito mooting next Sunday to bo conducted by tho Joint meetings A ted the Council of King is to moot representatives of East at Forsyth tomorrow to for in which both townships Representatives of Town and Directors of North York Ag So ciety aro to moot at tomorrow to got into writing about of for a playground Donations For some yoars past a largo num ber of who into this Town on Market Days in habit of making use of abode at tho Methodist Church and it costs tho Trustees moro or leas every year to koep promises in repair not a make email donations an nually to aid in this expense- The follow ing have contributed since beginning of February through Mr eon via Alex Arnold Geo Oliver K Penrose Irwin A David Geo Joshua James Beaton J Parkins A Clark Alfred TooleJXy Joshua THE NEWMARKET APRIL W8 A Council 1 1 40 SO 20 40 26 CO throe or desired their names not to be Othore have Caretaker to add their contributioneXatfl iarly date A murder ami Out The mystery the murder of Mr of Kansae the who was sandbagged at the depot on the night of hie intended de parture for City in August and who afterwards died from hie injuries baa been up by the confession of Webster now an inmate of the Hatch- Reformatory Mr Orvia a rich Canadian who married a daughter of the late Brook Dennis of Newmarket and there is therefore considerable local interest in connection with hie death On the occa sion above referred to he was found uncon scious and beside the depot plat form and only by the strenuous ef forts of the doctor hotel porter who worked with him the greater part of the night that was restored Upon partial recovery he waa unable to describe assailants in in Government bonds and his gold watch were gone- Greenwood County of- fared a reward The injured man died about two months after the sandbagging In the meantime a note reached him mysteriously stating that if he would go to Kansas City alone his bonds would be returned he did and they were returned to him on payment of Webster he together a man named Powell planned the murder and that the original to and then place his body on the rail road track Powell the blow and put the body on the but at Websters solicitation removed it then gave the alarm Powell has been located In Arkansas by Websters testimony and County Attorney Johnson has the matter in charge to cause his arrest Websters confession was by the officers upon the promise of immunity for his part of the crime The executors of the estate are having a deal of trouble and expense without result After securing the bonds wrote to hie friends here about it and said that he had sent them east ahead of him he did intend carrying so much money about person when travelling again but before leaving he slipped on the steps the hotel and received further in- caused bis death A post- examination revealed a clot of blood in head and the medical was to the effect that this affected his heart and produced The coroners jury returned a verdict of death from injuries received at the hands of un known assassins had a acci dent insurance but in order to col lect it the executors were forced into court and because they could not produce the evidence of any person who saw him fall the case went against them and they bad tho costa to pay The have also made search everywhere for the but up to the present are unable to find them Poultry Jetting And fence wire In barb plain and at A a Regular meeting last Monday Prcoont Mayor Cane Robertson Cody Road- Manning and Smith Following bills John breaking do Wm Gray do John P enow lots A Hunter do do Jos Cowan do do Grabber do do Blue do do Jos Gould do do P J do do John Gill do do coal and carting Boll Co Morrison fittings for Water Review subscription Frank for charity Warren Lookup Blacksmith Pay No 10 Light bill of for of Court Room for amounting to 820 paid bill of Roche Co for was referred to Fired Light Com and tho bill of Ed amount ing to to tho Property Com communication from Town in to Insurance a was rororrod to Fire Light Com to assist in answering the questions communication from tho Clerk of City of Toronto was to Finance Com communication from tho Sunbeam Incandescent Lamp Co roforred to the A Light Com communication from tho of Boston to the chief of Fire Brigade Mr Hunter presented report of tho Properly Com in reference to Band In struments Aftor carefully into the matter find 20 between amount Band has paid out of their funds and tho amount received for of The Com recom mended that no grant be towards deficiency as thoy considered the cornets wore sold at a sacrifice but in order to have full possession of the instruments tho tho report by that tho Band bo paid in full of all claims against tho instruments and in future no instrument shall bo disposed of without consent of CounoiJ Mr presented report of Light Com whioh was adopted It That Com for Elec tric Light Station required That current for Industrial Homo for p lamps bo supplied at per annum provided satisfactory arrange ments can bo made for building lino That so far applicable tho condi tions of Underwriters to remain in have been with except in the matter of two firemen sleeping con stantly in the Fire Hall and the Com recommends that be taken to carry this into effect The Road Bridge Com was instructed to what tile is necessary for A committee composed of the following members Mayor and Reeve appointed to meet a special appointed by the in regard to the settlement between the Corporation and the Society to an drawn up and signed by both parties At tho of the Committee having in charge the proposed Firemens Tourna ment on the 1st of July the Council on motion guaranteed to pay any deficiency in receipts on suoh occasion to the extent one hundred dollars of the usual Brant of fifty dollars from theCouaoil to the Fire Brigade shall form a part The Clerk waa instructed to ask for ten ders for necessary scantling and plank for sidewalks to be in not later than next of Council On motion the adjourned The Ontario The announcement that after Wednes day of this week the House will hold morn ing sessions gratifies all who are connected with the Legislature with the definite promise that this will be the last week of the session Ae the session draws to a the interest of the proceedings de creases Second readings and of the wholo work take up a great part of the the House and it is not exciting to the finishing touches being put upon bills by adding the word to after the the word hope in the second line of the third section and Bimilar verba changes As the time for adjournment It is only natural that many of the members should look over the work of the session and how the new Premier and the new Cabinet have acquitted themselves At the opening of the the Conservative members appeared confident of gaming many advan tages with Sir Oliver no longer at the helm elate but this confidence baa not The new Premier has House with ability and good sense which has left no opening for attack The support whioh he baa received from the members of hie Cabinet and from all the Liberals of the House has of the most hearty and effective kind minister of Crown has had to ward off attacks upon his department and each has done it well Mr Davis who has Intro- a number of important measures this session in addition to keeping a care ful watch proceedings of the Accounts delivered one of the ablest the cession in justifi cation of course pursued in connection supplies for the public institutions of the country and has shown throughout session complete familiarity with the workings of the department over he has been calied to Mr Rosa that com- favorably with any in this Col Gibson now lands has aa of Private Bills had a great deal of work to perform and has to all interested under whoso dopartmont tho license bill cornea soyoral times ad dressed the House on that important and aubjeot hie speeches on being marked by eloquence and sound common sense Mr Dry don not been heard so often bat hue always ready to defend department from the attacks levelled against it Of the new members Mr Pattullo has the most favorable impression tt has proved him- a Valuable addition to the debating strength of Government benches It however only fair to that Mr Whit- aa leader of the Opposition has ac quitted himself with great courtesy and and displayed considerable ability a loader He is of course handicapped by the fact which la generally admitted that ho practically no good at his Upou the question has aroused probably moro interest than any the bill tho member of the Opposition have practi cally said that it none of their business and that they have no on thosubjeot as a party This week there been out little debating The now mining introduced by Mr has not yet boen to the is really tbe only upon which there likely to bo any more debate this year Mr bioyolo bill has passed through tho Municipal Committee and will no doubt pass House in its present shape It provides tbat a person in charge of a meeting a shall allow sufficient room on tho travelled por tion of the highway for tho bioyolist to pass to right A overtaking vebi- or shall give audible warning of approach It a bicyclist overtaken by a vehiole or he shall quietly turn out to the right and allow vehicle to pass and tbe person overtaking the bi shall turn out to tho left far as may bo necessary to avoid collision Tho one debate of week that upon the license bill chiefly noticeable for maaterly of Messrs Hardy and Robs Mr bill to impose a special tax on departmental pro voked an hours debate in whioh different members declared that something should bo done to lessen the injury done to local tradesmen by big Blores but no feasible plan was suggested The bill with drawn By the unanimous vote of the House was granted to the widow of the late Speaker A STAMP SO OF TUB VChis Davidson J King AAVitlker Jr I Mann M Morton Pollock A King J Bird Morton Scott HI Draper J Ill Pollock M Council Jr IllO Macintosh P Draper MMorton Sheppnrd H Winch Draper Jr Smith Smith D F A Mann Cook Jr I I Pollock Mahoney E Council Present everyday Davidson I Mann Morton J Bird A King Morton Council Pollock M Morton Hartley Conn til Pollock Butt Shaw Teacher Jr P Ben Hose Ambrose Jennie Williams Ella Milne Watson Lulu Minnie Lewis Frank Wright Carrie Nora Clara Watson Mabel Milne Frank Sen I Lottie Leonard Ross McFnrland Ida Hoy Wight Albert Maries Sen I Byron Herbert Wright I Dillon Lewis John Fogg Ernest Watson The following mention Tor the rapidity and accuracy with which they combine numbers For adding four columns of cloven length they average from to Wgeconda Jennie Williams Ambrose A T V Class Alma Emily Emma Terry George Held Lewis Ida Frank Pearson Ernest Wight Class- Patty Alex Sprague Willie Gertie Annie Wright niDonald Gordon Kenyon Wight May Kavanugb Emma Sinister Samuel Wiley ionics Mary Wiley Jr Ill Amy Link Ethel Hose Se Orel Jim Morton Sharon r Haines Fred Lena Daley Rosa Stephenson Bertha Jr Fred Kitcly Crawford Frank Wesley George Driver Br Ill Mary Wesley Earnest Vernon Annie Minerva Hose Herbert Martin Oliver Tench JrIHCuarllc Bawdoii Henry James Frank Joe Etta Stephenson Marshall Hull Laura Walter Jr Dram mar Arthur Maud Saw don Frank Tate Mary Julius Tench Ada Wright Charlie Jr Morrison Wesley George Ill Tab Jimmy Tab Hoy Vernon Vera Morrison Sarah I Tab Albert Frank J Turner Teacher HOLT Florence Oil Icon Hannah J Cunningham Kay John Hopkins Norman Douglas Frank Cunningham Bona Frank Gib Jr Harvey Lottie McLean Florence John George We are Agents for the famed Common Sense Bicycles They are See them T2 INT We are handling the same Brands that we handled last year and that Mr handled They give the best sat isfaction Maries May Hopkins John Hogg Stewart 3rd Libbie Lizzie Fletcher Chester Elliott Levi Fletcher 2nd Charles Kay Jack McLean Mabel Fletcher Case Louie Wilfred Hodge Mary A Thompson Smart Case Lloyd Gibney Bert Wilfred Jr 2nd Nellie Hodge Albert Robert Sam John Case Mainprise Ed Stella Amanda John Part Ben Travies Byron Hopkins Stord Thompson Part I Frank Roy Peter Flossie Lepard J A Out of sixtythree applications for the position as teacher in the jun ior department of public school the trustees have chosen Miss of Bradford gdwrtlmcte FOR- The Flower Garden The Vegetable Garden and The Farm and AT Next Post Office SowmarkQt Newmarket April Flour per barrel W White Wheat per bushel TO lied Wheat per bushel Wheat per bushel Buckwheat bushel Oats per bushel hi Peas per bushel bushel 0 WOO per ton 11 nutter roll per Butter tub per lb Potatoes per bag Apples per Sheepskins AW Wool per lb IS Hay per ton Beef per lb pair Turkeys per lb a a a a a a a on a a 12 CO a a 0 17 11 ID a a I a a a a a a LLIN N aturday April A The ladies are cordially invited to inspect our unusually fine display of Uptodate Millinery A nice lot of Laces fflevos Hosiery and just in for the Spring Trade Everybody should see those we are Belling There are three makes Dayton Tempest and Favorite Tempest worth selling at HAS THE T HOE TOWN Mens Strong Working Boots only Ladies Extra Fine Oxford 1 50 We cannot begin to mention many excellent lines of all but invite you to Call and see for yourselves that our Goods are No Prices the Lowest and SIGN RED BOOT council gives their pub lic library a grant of SPRING TERM flora to now entering either department of the TORONTO On and after the Inst Graduated and senior students frolng from into leaving vacancies for thing to Mtoat good With Seven Idea Money to Loan At per cent on Farm Security by David for Real tateAKeut Convcyapcer or Also for following Fire Insurance Companies and LiverpoolEngland Citizens Montreal District Mutual also Life Anoolatloii To- good results Get particulars now t AW Principal Office Corner of Mala and Lot