Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Apr 1897, p. 8

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fi f FRIDAY apri L IS- the Year For full tea advertisements or apply o BROS Ltd Scott if HEAD TORONTO up Capital Reserved Total nearly A of Rank BRADFORD where arc receive of nnd at current of Discounting Farmers Notes And LOWEST AiTAitirciiicutfl have been tit this Toll Onto on Holland purlieu coming to deal wllh lite Hank PASS THROUGH FREE Tor farther apply to JOHN Agent the convenience of purlieu living In Newmarket ami vJvJiiliy and dealing thin lire made by which can transact their after the iv train arrives excepted abound the Bui WHAT AND KIND WOrfTJiY TO The Methodist Sunday School hold a very successful Topic at Mr on Thursday evening A very pleasant evening was spent in conversa tion and games Mr and Mrs W White left on Tuesday for their new homo in Mani toba Mis White will bo greatly missed by the Methodist Church and League she being organist of church and president of the League SUTTON evening was the anniversary of the marriage of Mr and Mrs their beautiful resi dence was the scene of a merry and happy gathering with its tastefully decorated rooms and hall elegantly illuminated and filled with the many friends of the venerable host and hostess We arc sure it must have been a great pleasure to the old people to be by their fam ily of stalwart sons and amiable daughters who were all present ex cepting George who lives in New York his absence being unavoid able Herald Too last week BALDWIN fact Give the Baby build The that will up a weak ally hut v is Martins Cardinal Fb a simple highly nutritive for infants and invalids WATSON CO A Procrastination is the Thief of Teeth Neglect is cause bad teeth and big dentists bills Little cavities cost less than big ones and If early filling saves the teeth Any filling costs less than crowning and f bridging and crowns and bridges are I more comlojmble and convenient j than plates modern dentistry is our crown and bridge work A Dentist Corner feYoofe and Queen GIVES FRESH 1 NESS CLEAR skin THE SHIN t Com lex ion IT An cable BOLD DRUG STORK POINT team Saw ILLi McDonald Prop Manufacturer in AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND fiHINGLRQ Post Office The Proprietor that ho now has on hand for sale hie Point about One Million Feet of Lumber of Hemlock Pine and Cedar at very low prices Also of Slabs per Cord Persona me a before Bio was duly on hand Sun day p to feed hungry Baldwin Iambs and gave them an extra Gospel feast from the text And he wont On his way icing touching strongly on his favorite hobby baptism The of tlic Elder was wreathed in smiles as he noticed the decided improvement in the general get up in the choir The Indies of the Baldwin Christian church have received a ten dollar offer from Dakota for their autograph quilt by a former As to College Cor scribes cut at me last week oh no we aint a bit mad We just chuckle and Haha His vivid of our chief characteristic was true every blessed word Thats me toaT Prof Owl makes good shoes learned friend Kemp in- the wrong pair last week and as pinched he squealed The Professor is barking up the wrong tree the Owls not there I made no mention of your highness If the Prof is longing to match his wit against an Owls were ready One of our local phrenologists not a professor who used to sing Little Johnnie cut up a caper strolled into the mill recently and ex amined Robins cranium He pro nounced it a well balanced knowledge- box I guess John Henry has got it down fine Franks proud of his good record On Monday morning a week ago some early birds observed tracks as of a little man taking long steps pro ceeding hum a residence out west The Robin lost the cigars on Cor- bett Come Frank pony up Miss Hart is once more a resident amongst us as housekeeper for Mr John Taylor Oh yes is still a living reality The summer season will soon open and Mr and Mrs Tadpole will be with us once again Who has a smarter lassie than thisn Mr Frank Morton of en has a little daughter one year of age Feb who can apeak distinct ly a large number of words Dont say you have a smarter one Frank wouldnt beleive it on our happy affidavit Another minister from a distance baa been up helping in the Gum Swamp special services He pleases the people very much Ever since Reynolds departure the people who seemed to think him perfection have appeared somewhat dissatisfied with the change Why I know not A largo crowd of jolly young blades assembled at the widows on Tuesday and butchered her big wood pile in lessn no time My how the boys did work not so much for the widow fair as for her daughters property is valuable Two wealthy land owners here have a FOUND DEAD Why did he do it He had live for happy home wife money but he through It tart Why He couldnt himself But have everything looked gloom gloomy to him He was in a gloomy frame of mind It was the way lie looked at life that day He had been Jiving in too much of a rushing and driving at business hurtling through his meals cutting short his sleep His nerves got on edge his stomach and liver got out of order he and melancholy When the digestion is out of order there is Utile use trying to look on the bright side of thinga practically there isnt any blight Bide This la a dangerous condition to got into Yet it is to gel Into and might hard to get out of it unless you go about it in the right way There is a remedy that lias pulled thou sands of people right out of this depth of despair It is Dr Golden Medical Discovery ft acts directly upon the stom ach and liver It restores their natural capacity to nourish and purify the system It away bilious poisons feeds the nervecentres with healthy highly vitalized blood and driven out the blue devils of melancholy and J I Warner No Street Sacramento Cot writes During five years been with as ninny as six different doc tors Here ami In for stom ach but none of the doctor gave me even tem porary Two years ago I completely col- In used an- up nil work 1 have fell and hat to give many times that would like to leave this world in looking over the ads in the San I ran across yours And I now owe my life and present good health to fir I have fourteen bottles of the Golden Medical Discovery sod four little viati pleasant Pellets and I am entirely well of ill stomach trouble Can sleep nine hours every am now ready to go to work ELEVENTH LIKE KING The recent spring thaw did con siderable damage Many had holes may be seen in our roads The on our lino a had shak ing up with the ice and is rendered unsafe for a team to cross Archibald Robinson is spending a month in gaol for helping himself to from another mans yard James Ball while riding home night on a box had his left jammed between the runner of the sleigh a large stone on the roadside breaking ono of the small the ankle and tearing the flesh from the bone Tuesday afternoon John proprietor of flour mill in Not- Township was working in his mill when a belt with some block attachment broke loose and gave him two ugly blows in the head knocking him unconscious to the or Much machinery adjacent to the belt was wrecked UDORA A number Udora people attended the marriage of Mr II Umphrey to Miss Minnie of last week Miss Tennyson is suffering from a clogged artery in the neck Miss J Webster who has been visiting friends in the east for the past seven- months returned home Satur day night A successful entertainment- was held on Wednesday night March 17th under the auspices the Sons of Temperance and sidewalk commit tee An excellent program was pro vided by the Temperance Division consisting of music by Zephyr orches tra solos by Messrs O Webster and J Webster Recitations by Miss Belle Eraser Ohio Miss May Webster of Udora and Mr Zephyr music by Mr W and Masters Lester Webster and Luther Tennyson Proceeds in- eluding contributions amounted to about 100 The flood on the timber this year was the highest it has been for years Mr George Moore of the ninth line met with an accident on Friday of last week that will dis able him for life While feeding a straw cutter run by steam his left hand got caught in the rollers and was drawn through to the knives Before the engine could be stopped his arm was cut off a little below the elbow A man advertises a new machine for compressing straw for fuel and building purposes which he claims to have prove a great success By this system eight pounds of over line fences in which is in- i an oven of IN cent up to half of cash value SMOKE Toronto for the Presidency volved about ten acres of land neither being willing to let go Perhaps the lawyers will have a nibble at it One of our good local Free friends on being asked to do a partic ularly dangerous bit of work replied Yes Ill do it my life is insured up above We are told that Tommy Latham has removed from this flection to the farm and has engaged with John who is reported to have purchased the above property The annual meeting of the Can adian Association will be held in Toronto on Good Friday April Thereare several bread and the cost of compressing and preparing that straw does not exceed per ton Fifty tons pressure is put in every bundle It is claimed that one ton of straw will last a month and give heat equal to coal or wood For building purposes the compressed straw is submitted to a solution of cement which gives each block the consistency of stone or brick and is much cheaper The Canada Salt CLINTON Guuulfca prompt WproeaU TM or Dairy iaKiefijwcssaiMirasfcaBfew NEWMARKIT DEPOT- GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TABLE Try our iv AND Central Telephone Office STARR Tooth and The Great Modern Remedy for Ache All Pain II Has received more honesty unsoli cited testimonials from reputable people than any other remedy J of the age I n a g Qn s Br Eg MO COO CC GO I CO it CI i i ft SctOoo w p- W W l 0 CT J I S3 A to A on gftlo or to Seat Or win for Properly JO room Brick on Prospect Ave Apply LOSS On Desirably Situated near the old Woollen For on Easy to JACKSON Heal Agent Stick I ForEiilcCheartor would Exchange for Property 50 Honestly nude of pure Thin Light Elastic Stylish Durable Modelled each year fit all the latest shoe shapes Extra thick ball and heel Sold everywhere They Wear like Iron Five acres In of lot Hi 2nd Con of Whitchurch Com fortaWe bouse good we cistern and startles Apply to CLAYTON Newmarket P For Bald or to Seat The West half the quarter Lot In the Cln of East containing acre AND ILL JOB Sale or to Sent OK EASY TERMS The North half and quarter of Lot No In concession of Apply to Mrs E or to- J ROBERTSON Newmarket Valuable Farm on Street For Sale or to Rent Acres being Lot 7 In 1st Con of East GwlUIinbury of Good Acres of Orchard Apply to Barrister- Newmarket or to MRS DAWSON Brunswick Ave Toronto arms for Sale WEAK PEOPLE At Alt Druggists Price per Box or for 150 Sent by Mall on receipt of price A CO Toronto lacks FOR SALE Main St We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind ot Printing done see what work and terms you can get at the Era Office before vou order Our promptness is con con IIIOU flft FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS H0N80QilTEA under of the grower and a and told by them at a of Indian they none but leave go Into why lie perfect Tea can be told at tho tunc price tea It put waled lb lb jd fi lb and a flavour fiOc and CO front St Toronto sale in Canada WHS PRIVATE SCHOOL English French ana Music Accommodation for SO Pupil TERMS MODERATE South fildo of Ave Head of St of Estntc the late Edwin invito propositions for the following fniuis ICO half lot Gtvillimbitry 100acrrsEdt Jot acres East fl9 ami con ftcresr of acres Part lot in the con of Apply or send propositions to Mr J Barrister Ontario or to Mrs Annie Hunter at homestead or Street mile West of If not be relet as lease expire bo veAna o- a may Sole ether WODdeat America bare a taken ode We raj la 80IENTIFIO lUaatra digkUoo of 8pcJmen I BOOK WUNN A CO York Town Carting All kinds of on Short Not and Ttrma DAVID MILLARD Cor Mala Ontario I

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