Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Apr 1897, p. 6

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f THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL A around the tab WHAT WIIIEAWAKK AND WORTHY TO ho Conservatives of East on Friday for of and business trip between here and Keswick on Tuesday when the- were at their worrit When they met each other they exchanged all the parcels but for got mail It was no joke cither MOUNT ALBERT Our villftgo vory quiet and is scarce Mr exchanged work with the liev of Button on Sunday Mr preached two sermons Wait Thomas met with a very bad on Saturday night in the Ho got tho cords of his hands out so that his fingers dropped Mr had a runaway last week He was on his way to Vivian when his team took fright and broke loose putter Not much damage done P M to preach hero next Sunday in the Methodist A very pleasant event took place at of Mr John on Wednesday the His daughter Ada was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr Pino Orchard Wo wish them a long and prosperous life Mr and Mrs Frank Miller moved to their new home last week Mrs It is spending a few days with her daughter Mrs J ham at Zephyr Mrs has returned homo after spending the winter with her daughter in Scott Miss M J has gone to To ronto Wo understand that she in tends taking a situation there Weddings are all the go around hero oh be no girls GLEN VILLI The J J Ferguson A of will preach a Missionary Anniversary Sermon next Sunday morning Mr Ferguson is highly by those who know him VIRGINIA Miss Charlotte Ego is visiting in this week Miss Mabel baa returned from a prolonged visit to Brack Miss Hudson of Toronto has boon visiting at Mr Daniel Kings A couple of Boys passed through here en route for Toronto Quite a number from hero attended funeral of Mr- Brooks of Button on Sunday was a a prominent member of A Stockholders in tho storehouse arc rejoicing over a divi dend of fifteen per cent Pretty good investment HOLT As fipring is fast approaching farmers- getting implements in shape and their horses clipped ready to start seeding Some of people attending Ktug City Methodist Church last Sunday evening to hear what was called an educational sermon but they thought it very unnecessary for such personal remarks by the preacher Mr Henry Rogers has been danger ously ill during the past week but we hope to soon hear of his recovery Mr James Ferguson is on jury at present and has engaged Mr John Burns to run the sawmill during his absence Mr Frank Lloyd who has been ill for some time is able to he around again The visitors of last week were Mr J Wright of Mr linkorton of Bradford and Mr of Toronto at Lloyds Mr A of eighth lino Wells Wood of Scotts Cornels at Lloyds and Mr B Lloyd of Balmoral Man at Jane Ness KING CITV- Our schoolmaster who has been laid up for some time has again taken his old position Mr J his farm and is now living in Normans house Mrs was the guest of Mr A last week Are the Rovers going on the warpath again this summer Leaguo held their literary meowing last evening and was great When will King City have a band I suppose when the moon turns to cheese has been is parents to here returned Sams dominions sold his entire stock by auction and will probably starifrJhe western gold fields The farm has been rented to Mr Smith who in on Tuesday Chester Elliott who has been at tending the Public School during the winter returned after a weeks vacation with Mrs McLeans family to his home at will be cordially welcomed back next win ter who died last week was buried at the Methodist Church here One of the events of last week was a pleasant eveningparty at the residence of Mrs Douglas There was an abundance of music and an exquisite supper was partaken of by the guests In the wee hours carriages were brought around and all departed glad to meet sorry to part happy to meet again AURORA A very successful social was given at the residence of J in connection with the Methodist Church on Tuesday evening On Monday evening a number of young people went down to see the closing of the old brick church at In that church was erected under the pastorate of Rev Mr and was one of the beet country churches A new and modern structure will take its place of Whitchurch was brought before Magistrate Love charged with being dangerously in- He was discharged the matter being the outcome of a family The young man was ar raigned before Magistrate for nonsupport of his wife Judgement was reserved and he was then called uppn to answer the charge of perjury he having sworn when applying for license that he was years while his mother swore he was only 18 or in the suit with Proctor Mr Aaron Love who was so seri ously injured by a fall from his wagon in Newmarket has sufficiently recover- d to be on the street again Mr Edgar Andrews had a very serious accident Monday evening While lipping a small piece of the saw caught and carried the piece back All fingers of right hand were terribly lacerated On Tuesday Mr Paul auctioneer and constable passed away had not been in good health a severe attack of left him with heart trouble which tarried him off Sap is running this week in earnest Many are compelled to boil at nights in order that none may waste Mr Flip toft has engaged with Mr Dennis for the season Mr Bogarfc intends working for Mr Clubine for the summer Moving has commenced and the general opinion is that its a trifle muddy Mr Tom baa been drawing posts and is making arrangements for a nobby fence along the front of his farm Mr P is also getting the necessary for improvements this Mr Simpson expects to be busy with his during the summer Mr- Simpson was unable to at tend a week ago but has so far recovered that he was at his post last Sunday Something unusual for Fred to be absent Mr Stringer is about to leave this part and we understand he is going to Vivian to work for Mr Owing to the condition of roads not many from around this vicinity attended the special meetings at Pine Orchard last week Rather a sad accident occurred one evening last week A man was found lying on the road that had doubtless been shot and rumor that John Barley- Corn is guilty of the act Mr Dennis acted the part of the good Samaritan and conveyed him home and report says he is considered out of danger Ruby The roads through this vicinity are owing to the springlike weather and late in a very critical condition from our leather manufac tory is but little Mr A who has been working in the tannery somewhat has engaged with Mr A for the summer months His smiling face missed in village as he will be moving to Mr house in tho suburbs As Mr children wore playing about the house Monday morning one of them by hap pened to get its hand fast between the door and casing Tho result was the hand was severely bruised The basket factory is still booming but will soon be closing business W and Bishop are cut ting lurge quantities of wood The boys are pleasing their customers Our village is kept quite busy Our school teacher who generally goes home every week was afraid to venture westward during the rough weather of last week Mr has succeeded in securing a position the Ho intends to begin in May When we come to look into the faces of some of our young men who have been spending vacations in To ronto wo would advise them Never to go there any more Mr Hayes who for a few weeks was not in the Methodist choir at King is now able to take part again Tom Johnston of King City has ad ded his name to the list of tanners here The Tho bill in amended ban On flrot introduction bill aroused a great deal of hostile criticism notwlth that it explained at that it woe only a JO bo amplified and amended daring passage through evening Mr in measure which the Government after bearing of the parties in- forested ana carefully them deemed it adviefrble to submit In a mas speech lasting for two hours ho outlined the legislation temperance by this House in twenty years the government boon In power He showed that each of acta passed during that time was ad vieod timely and in harmony with spirit of the people who consequently made these laws effective Under their operation the had been reduced until now tho drinking habits of years ago wore utterly unknown- The Treasurer brought forth comparisons number of convictions lor drunken- in Ontario under license law Maine prohibition and Nova Bootia under a liquor law which has been pointed to by temperance advocates as a system to be envied and his figures showed that Ontario was far superior In regard to temperance either of those to all other Provinces of the Dominion The new bill is In many respects an improvement on the droit first submitted The machinery tor the removal of a tavern is altered bo to make snob removal more easy Hon Mr Day speech upon the tender system was one of the moat forcible and important deliverances the session Mr simply laid the facts of the case before the House in a clearlythoughtout speech showing that the tender system was applied as extensively was economical to do so Mr market fees bill passed the Municipal committee on Tuesday morning after a spirited argument It was a con test between the and the country and the won all the line The bill a0 amended prevents and towns from fees on anything except hay straw wood or cedar posts The Metropolitan Bill passed the Railway with some amend ments They asked for running powers over the lines of the Toronto Street Sail- way to the Union Station and the right to supply power in Toronto and all along the route of the line but neither of these powers were granted as to Toronto- Power may be supplied on the rest of the line The Co may extend their into the County of to OriJlia etc It is poor economy to buy cheap Tea and use twice as find not get half as much satisfaction as from a good one BETHEL CORNERS Farmers are preparing for an early spring Mr Dewey of Albert preached at Bethel Church on Sunday a most excellent sermon All were well pleased and will speak for a full house at any time ho may return There is to be a committee meeting on Thursday night to see about re pairing the church arid not before it Is time There was a meeting in the Free Methodist Church one night last week for the aid of missionaries of China The amount received was 7C That is pretty good for a smalt church Revivals start this week Mr Mann is very indisposed also Mr Miss Estella returned homo after spending the winter in Totten ham where she has been taking music Miss has home after spending a few weeks with her sister A number of Workmen from the Corners followed Mr Brooks of Sutton to his last resting place on Sunday i Mr Jim loft this week fertile He wilt bo greatly missed Mr and Mrs Earl have re turned from Chicago to their farm Mrs Shaw and family have moved on the farm recently vacated by Mr Morton The snow storm of week made good sleighing for a few days and there was a great deal of traffic Mrs Darius Mann intends moving from Keswick to our village Mr Homer has moved into Mr Manns house Mr Mann intends to Lake near Orchard Beech for the summer Mr James Morden of British Columbia lias been visiting old in this township He is interested in a mine there and is appointing local agents to sell shares Now is the time for stickiness and sweetness There has been an ex cellent run of sap this year Mr Caleb Mann is suffering from a stroke of paralysis and as he is an aged man slight hopes are enter tained for his recovery Our village is certainly improving We understand that Mr I Gilpin intends opening a furniture store The millinery shop opened up with a grand display of the latest fads There are to be two blacksmith shops run ning next week and it is rumored that there is to be a harness shop opened soon Mr Mainprise of Albert was in the village on Tuesday Mr Jas loft for the Tuesday Mr Mann of Newmarket was in the village one day this week Suckers are up I So say the boys In spite of the disagreeable roads last Sunday hall was nearly full at the meeting of the P E Many a man will find anew fore man Monday morning School or or No East lit George Flanagan John Mortimer III Howard Shier Charles fioyd Fred Frank Hopper Jean Barker fir Mary May Lucy Smith Esther Jr II Lepard Moulds Shier Part Mortimer Joeepli Smith Tablet Gordon Pitt Florence 3 P Teqober Mr Samuel Moore was killed at a railway station hear York station Mr 11 of Roachs Point refuged a handsome for his old driver James May of was put to sleep by a hypnotist at London nearly a week ago and now the professor is unable to wake him up At Comber a boy named David Wesley was shot and wound ed by a companion who was shooting sparrows Council Met following bills were passed Joseph Ballard repair gravel tools J Field printing John opening pit Watson do W35 A Brown repair fithoon A Davidson re school Atkinson gravel Jackson do A do W j Jos Billing labor Tonga St Cherry expense to Toronto Ira tile Neil J Sturdy grant 86662 Neil McDonald laborers pit services as auditor David do John repair Moved by seconded by J Hambly the auditors report of the treasurers accounts as now presented for tear ending Dec 189G be and the are hereby audited the reeve and be acted to the name Carried The was instructed to purchase a car load of sewer pipe and also to prepare b bylaw to the polling fiob- wA3 a to Joa Billing for one month to look Kings Phare of was also appointed a com mittee with to meet at Hotel on April next at oclock p to arrange re improvement of the lowidine between the respective muni- Doyle in in place Lodge de ceased No a new school out of parts of school sections 2 ti 11 and was passed Moved by J seconded by that this Holt the sum of in fall of damage alleged to have been sustained on sideline between lots and in con of King This is made without prejudice- Carried Next meeting of Council will be held at Doyles Hotel April 24 The Diamond Jubilee March Australasia is sending seven Premiers to the Queens diamond jubilee If Canada is only allowed to send she will be in ef fect penalized because she is federated A strong and immediato expression of Canadian feeling on tho matter would secure an invitation to each of heads of the Canadian provinces Considerable pressure is being brought to bear on Mr Chamberlain to induce to invite the provincial Premiers of Canada to the jubilee celebration as well as Mr It is felt that a solid Canadian phalanx of Premiers with Mr at their head would a splendid object lesson to the Aus tralasians in of federation Mr Chamberlain has expressed a special wish that the two hundred Canadian troops to be sent to England should include a dotaohment of the Mounted Police other colonies have a much force coming than has Canada TEA is a good one- and sure please In Lead Packages only- SO or cts per lb From Leading Grocfers Everywhere HIS The Finest lot of ReadyMade Suits made- for the Best City Trade which we are Offering at Half Price It will pay you to Examine these Goods See our Stock of Toronto Jobbing A Slew To j A Hereford null will kept for service on lot In the con of King Terms SHANKS Clydesdale Sale Ketriatjrrcd In Canadian Stud Hook old lbs hay with white nose am white hind feet Stock good right a Seed ate A lunntfty of clean for A CASE Holt PO Health Notice The up to from parti the sixth of esirousof win receive applications of Scavenge for the of Newmarket madam PHUEXOtOOKT S for a few Jove and marriage and what each person Is WW duties apply to the By order of the LtOYD I Board of Health Sutter and Poultry OUB SPECIALTIES References our shippers everywhere Correspondence invited PARK House Painter c Special Attention paid to all branches of the business viz Glazing Graining Natural Wood Paper Hanging Satisfaction guaranteed Full line of samples of the latest designs in wall Papers Ask to see them at ace Eagle A Astray St on the to recovery will be suitably rewarded WESLEY Newmarket TO An Ohio Whitchurch Chester White Bo on lot the CH DENNIS Mile South of Newmarket I to fffiriMMdThJioSiE J Reside 2nd door North School Church Street Notice is hereby given chapter HO lift to section creditors the of deceased who died on or about the a chapter no of the Primary and having claims against of John Forester of the wilder W Toronto St solicitors for executors or to the executors North York License District a in writing of Aw full names aid The Mating of Board of on Is hereby given at 10a in for purpose of of the said- deceased the parties en- and granting Licenses for the titled thereto having regard only to License year claims of which they shall then notice A J HUGHES the said executors win not bo liable for Inspectors License Inspector so tiDafOQ April let Jflril 1 persons of whoso l claim or claims they not have notice at the date The following named persons have applied Gin ON SNIJOER for License in the District for the year Toronto t commencing May Toronto Solicitors for the executors George J Harria John J Robert Watoon Trent John at Toronto this day of A Isaac Francis Cosgrove- WHITCHURCH TOWNSHIP Tavern Ed McQuillan fleer and Wine Norman McLeod EAST Tavcxn John Rosamond applicant but premises now licensed Robert Pollock and Wine A Rose w Monuments and Head Stones NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST IN Samuel g Victoria Stepuen new TOWNSHIP Hugh Lyons Beer and Wine VILLA OH WEST Tavern tt A 1 James and wine nix months Levi VILUOE OF HOLLAND Tavern Jane VlUAnE Or FD Miller J Martin Edward applicant TOWN OP NEWMARKET Call Before Ordering Elsewhere April t Hour per barrel Wheat per bush el 0 Wheat per bushel j0 Wheat per bushel Buckwheat 0 Barley per Tavern Margaret Evans Johnston Oats per Hannah iFtanagau Jos hopfrank OP Wells George Lemon Licenses Issutd for current year Taverns Shop Applications for License year Shop Any petitions of or undersigned the day named All or premises- be fikdwltbtfie four days before Rye per bushel 0 Bran per ton to CO Shorts perton i 0 sons concerned will govern themselves ac cordingly A J HUGHES to At Low JIM J of Apply to MWBOOAUT Butter per lb Potatoes per Apples per us Wool per lb Hay per too Beef per Fork per lb Chickens per pair- per pair lb l 15 CO on a W 110 1 a o 01- I a it a a a a

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