Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 26 Mar 1897, p. 5

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If J if THE NEWMARKE ERA FRI MAftCHv v y -v- 7 1 ONTARIO TORONTO General Manager NEWMARKET- BRANCH General Ranking Business Out in the Days ft TRANS Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT AM IftlliTfl Sterling American bought and sold Collections promptly attended to Standard Life Assurance Co Invented In over Children over years of age Insured Females Insured without extra charge M HUNT Inspector J A Local Agent Joseph R Cody NCE ALL- ITS BRANCHES At Town next to Hall J Agent Annul Honey to Loan Interest at Current At Post New market A Ramsay Flic Agent Low Hates on Farm and Town Property Over Hodges Tin lop Newmarket Agent LICENSES Iiyman LICENSES At the Era Newmarket Issued at private residence Office if Attention to Shoeing Eagle Street paid to alt branches the vLsi Glazing Graining Natural Wood Paper Hanging and log Satisfaction guaranteed 2nd door North of the Primary Church Street Bolton Practical Painter and House Decorator In Washingtons first an effort was to speed to them at the of in twentyfour hours or about four and a half miles an hour writes Harrison in the Ladles Borne Journal This would have been a notable advance for the carriers were then taking nearly thirty hours between Philadelphia and New York The were bad and were many slow ferries In were only twentyeight in Colonies in 1Y05 thoro were four hundred and fiftythree and in there were The rates of postage when tho department was organized under the Constitution were high for thirty miles flix cents for letter sheet for sixty miles cents for hundred miles ten cents and so increasing with the increased distance to the maximum cents for distances over four hundred and fifty miles Stamps were not in use in those days nor was sender of a letter required to pay postage in advance The postage six cents or twentyfive cents as the case might ho was written by the post maslor on the letter and if the sender paid postage word paid was added if ho did not the postage was collected of person to whom was addressed These rates soon yielded a surplus over the cost of the service spite of the franking privi lege which law gave to Congress men and the of departments The demand of the newspapers and periodicals of every class for cheap postage seconded by their subscribers has led to a reduction of rates greatly below the actual cost to Govern ment In his report for 1H92 the PostmasterGeneral after stating that the present lottor rate pays twice the cost of letter mail says that the book and newspaper mail is carried at a loss of six cents a pound In re cent years the Department lias been characterized by a very pro gressive spirit and it is now render ing not a perfect service but a high- class service No other department has more nearly kept pace with the marvellous development of our coun try Disease Death Charmed Away Under Spell of Dr Cur for Heart- More Wonderful Than a Pairy Tale the Story of Mis of Wills- Out Where disease has affected the heart the remedy to be applied must be speedy in its effects or all may lost Mrs of says Cold sweat would stand out in great beads upon my face be cause of the intense suffering from heart disease I often felt that the death struggle was at hand No medicine gave me help until I used Dr Cure for the Heart In thirty minutes the severe pain was re moved and after taking little more than bottle the trouble had vanish ed I know nothing of it today Sold at Bentleys Pharmacy MUW Stand against old AN AGE OP ENLIGHTENMENT WAX to HUNDREDS ARK BEING CUBED If you are Ailing No Matter what or How Many Doctors have- Failed to Cure You Stop into Drug Aek for a to Health Buy a and Yourself What may- Yet Be Johannesburg though founded only ten years ago has a population of persons Of these Europeans or whites and be long to native Kaffir tribes the re mainder being classed as Asiatics or as mixed and other rates Of the white population wore born in the United Kingdom in Capo Colony and only in the Trans vaal- is fourth on list with and Germany comes next with There are great possibilities for The Coming metal Mr Emanuel Harrison a wealthy resident of says I suffered with rheumatism last February and pain wuo so at that I could not was to mo and I a took three doses that night and ho next morning greatly relieved I only used cent and am now entirely I consider this Rheumatism Cure moat wonderful remedy I over heard of Rheumatism seldom fails to in to hours and in a four days Price positively all forms of indigestion and Price prevents pneumonia and up a cold in ft hours Price Cough stops coughs night sweats allays soreness and speedily lungs loo- Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the back loins or groins and all forms of kidney disease Price Headache stops headache in minutes Price Pile positively cores all forme of piles Price Blood Cure eradicates all im purities of tho blood Price Remedies a boon to all women Asthma Remedies relieve in minutes and permanently Price Catarrh Remedies never fail The Catarrh price eradicates disease from system and the Catarrh Tablets and heat the parte Nerve a wonderful tonic Vitalize restores lost vigor Price 81- separate cure disease At all druggists mostly vial Personal letters to Prof and IS Albert Toronto answered with free medical advice for any disease Aluminum is now on a rational basis There is found to be plenty of it for all that it do It forms onotweHh of the cruel of the whole earth The process of extracting it has now become so nearly perfect that bulk for bulk aluminum is cheaper than copper and unlike copper it is entirely nonpoisonous It has al ready taken the place of silver in many surgical and other instruments It will not corrode or blacken as silver does It will make most splendid and shining tableware of the future It is fully as beautiful as silver lighter in weight than silver and will not make the housekeepers lifeline long slavery to scouring blackened spoons and tea pots It is par excellence metal for cooking now that the manufactures have learned how to make it The first aluminum cooking vessels were a failure It is a little odd that the progress of aluminum and of electricity should have ad vanced with almost exactly equal step They will also go hand in hand very often The ideal kitchen the future will be one in which electricity cooks a dinner in vessels for Inventors A AND TUB A of Street Lane and Geo Sign Carriage Painter m riT MISCELLANEOUS Simpson St Sundries and Fancy Goods miss la prepared to do private res I dene Perfect fit In the latent sent through I will receive prompt attention fiunney Reg Architect Member of Ontario Association or Consultation Invited parties con- or their Buildings lessee by lire adjusted St New market PUT never can tell duy you amy lie You have not liad your photo taken for a note of It to at Gallery the llrst you are in Newmarket leave your shadow substance fAde The reduced prices At one of the mills in the city of Boston a boy was wanted and a piece of paper was tacked to one of the posts so that all the could see it as they passed by The paper read Boy wanted Call at the office to morrow morning At the time named there was a host of boys at the gate All were admit ted but the overseer was a little per plexed as to the best way of choosing one from so many and said he Now boys when I only want one of you how can I choose from so many After thinking a moment he invited them into the yard and driving a nail into one of the large trees and taking a short stick told them that the boy who could hit the nail with the stick a little distance from the tree should have the place boys all tried hard and after three trials each failed to hit the nail Tho boys were told to come again next morning and this time when the gate was opened there was but one boy who after being admitted picked up the stick and throwing it at the nail hit it every time How is this said this overseer What have you been doing And the boy looking up with tears in his eyes said You see sir have a mother and we are very poor I have no father sir and thought I would like to get place and so help all I can and after going home yesterday I drove a nail into the barn and have been trying ever since and have come down this morning to try again hoy was admitted to Many years have passed since then and this boy is now a prosperous and wealthy man and at the time of an accident at the mills he was the first to step forward with a gift of five hundred relieve the sufferers His success came by perseverance A highly interesting competition be tween a large number of new inven tions has just been decided by a very distinguished Board of Award and a handsome cash prize and solid gold medal awarded as the result of the decision For some time the patent firm of John Co of Washington have given a monthly reward of SI to the inven tor who should submit the best inven tion from the point of simplicity novelty and utility The prize of goes to Taylor of Kearny the inventor of a bicycle brake of simple construction and the gold medal to Theodore Thomas of Texas for a monkey wrench of novel design Piles Cured in 3 to Itching Burning Relieved in Day Dr Ointment will dure all cases of itching piles in from three to six nights One application brings comfort For blind and bleeding piles it is peerless Also cures tetter salt rheum eczema barbers itch and all eruptions akin Relieves in a day cents Bold at Pharmacy Captain Diego says Remedy is first I have ever found that would do mo any good Price Drug Store CURB great Cough and Croup is in great demand Pocket size contains twentyfive only Children love it Sold at CLOVER ROOT will purify Blood clear your Complexion lato your Bowels and make your head clear as a ball and Scotts Drug The contract for carrying the mail between and has been awarded to Arch of at This is the contract previously held by Mr Edgerton at Mr contracts to drive upwards of thirty miles daily ac all seasons and in all weathers for about a- day ASTORIA OP TO GIVE YOU GOOD HEALTH FOR THE OF DR PILLS SURE SAFE QUICK AND PLEASANT TO ACT NO PAIN NO GRIPING For Sick Headache for distress after eating for Biliousness for coat ed Tongue for Conatipation They work wonderful All druggists have them in a vial Bold at Pharmacy Weight Son Prompt attention to orders Last year the electric light plant netted the town of the water works went behind The people of that town evidently prefer something stronger than water Mrs Larway an old of years residing with her Mr Albert Smith on the con of met with a peculiar acci dent Tuesday She was getting out of bed in the morning when she fell and broke her leg Talk about money said a veteran millionaire to a newspaper reporter its a hundred times harder now to keep cash in your pocket than it was when I was a young fellow didnt spend a cent I tell you its hard for them to save in these times Every young man wants a and its mighty hard to stand on the street and see your friends spinning along on wheels and not invest in one yourself Again a great privation for a young fellow not to ho well dressed The distinction between good clothes and poor is so sharp nowadays that it is galling to bo cheap attire Again there is theatre excursion boat the races and a score of other Inducements to spend money which hardly existed in my day and Im glad they didnt for if they had I honestly think I would have boon a poor man now For Infants and Children The straw hat the lawn mower and the will soon be on deck again An exchange remarks The present year 1897 began on Friday will end on Friday and has fiftythree Fridays in it Superstitious people believe that this is ominous and are looking for all sorts of terrible things to occur iOiousne Is caused by torpid liven which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and follow dizziness headache nervousness and not relieved bilious fever or blood poisoning Plus stimulate tie stomach cure headache dirtiness cents Sold by all druggists The only to take- with Hoods so ot Box or 6 for At or Malted Receipt of by CO Toronto liflg lh Stomachs Bowels of IMS Promotes neither nor Mineral Mot SIGNATURE OF it I I Remedy for Constipa tion Sour Worms and Loss of Sleep Signature of new Stork IS ON THE WRAPPER OF OF WRAPPER tip in It Is not sold la Dont alio anycr to yonanytblng else on or It is i else on pies or ft as good and vill every tHf that yen get I Mi I ft st-K- -x-r- Fjf- r iL LI AND SAWS AXES COW CHAINS HORSE BLANKETS GIRTHS PAINTS GLASS OILS AND PUTTY POWDER SHOT AND CARTRIDGES ITS BOX STOVES COOK STOVES COAL STOVES FURNACES and Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done A W ALLAN Pptfwiiwrij Do you think of THIS SUMMER If you do write Oil LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT get of Vaneerecl Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ALL LATEST Artistic Effects Inside Woodwork Wo construct o3 Repair all on Canada for the of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc I The Wm canb Sons Mfg Go ONT

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