v fc J a north intelligences and advertiser th ibCrty J ftCCordi con8cic other liberty No advanc Vol No Single Copies Cents Each j Newmarket Ont Friday February per annum l if paid in advance Paints Oils Glass Putty Having continued demand for Hardware Paints Etc we have decided to give it a fair share of our attention and will endeavor at all times to handle stock that will please both in Quality and Price IN CHURNS BARREL DASH BROOMS POUND PRINTS HOWLS LADLES STAMPS WAXED BUTTER PAPER Who bids fur little children Body and soul and brain Who for the children Young and without ft Will no oho bid said nation For so and And iit for all good and world on the page may write Wo bid said Peer and Wo bid for and limb and pain and bright young shall dim When children grow too many Well them as our own And thorn secret places may hear tliolr moan Give mo the children Ye don wine And lot busy world spin round shut your idle syes And your judges shall have work And your lawyers wag tongue And jailors and policemen Shall bo fathers to young Oh I Ban Oh shamo that this should bo Ill little Oh them all to Ill raise them all in kindness From mire in which theyve trod Ill thorn words of blearing And load them up to God and money and the earnestly Antarctic follows its There in now in Mexico no hamlet of one hundred In- There is reason to believe that the I which has not its free exploration of the Southern Polar re public Hummer will in the future be entered up- has scon a radical change Hitherto on with something of the zeal which the schools of the republic had been has marked the persistent of the Stoves Bos Stoves a Repairing promptly done A LEGAL J ftarristcr Public Street to Loan on good t Woicl Solicitor etc Solicitor for Township of Kins no Court to Court- Reformer Block Honey to J Woodcock and A I Dentist Post Office Week opposite the Methodist Chinch Vitalized Air for ln1ulcB action J Dentist Aurora to the late Dr Robinson OtrtCB Dr late residence Street Aurora Under Diaz MEDICAL J A A and Aberdeen St Out Member Medical University Aberdeen Main Street Newmarket to a to p to p in and Campbell If- P A At Hours to a in and to p in Night at residence Street two of Church W if P 1 Formerly Assistant at Hospital London or of Worn en of Hospital for Sick Children Toronto Office Central Pharmacy and to pm Alfred Newmarket Office of the late lr Rogers first door South of Post Orricp am to3and6to8pm A at Toronto- Homo for Pearson MNTIHT Over Dr Newmarket Every Friday and Saturday Gold and Porcelain Crown and Bridge Work Irregularities corrected Appointments may he made at Drug Store- Toronto Onlee Street CD- Auctioneer for York Co Farm and Clmttel Sales will receive special attention Main St or Box Newmarket PO Duncan Licensed Auctioneer for the Co York Goods sold on commission Terms reason able Farm Sales attended to A trial solicited Residence Street Newmarket Perhaps two things which most impressed me in this fairly thorough review of Mexico were the fever mu nicipal improvement and of public schools These arc but logical features of the Diafc ad ministration probably no more re markable than the other methods of the digestion which has assimilated so chaotic a meal but less familiar since they are but now ripening to the har vest Peace had to be secured and that cannot bo hnd until it is no longer possible for rebels to combine and drill by month before the government even hears of it Com merce comes after railroads and har bors and political reform after com merce And only now is the country ripe for the other development which has loomed logical but late in the statesmanship of a decade General Bias came up by a government aiding in their support with about a year In July the central government took direct charge of every public school in Mexico This is to secure homo- in the system For the men and women now in charge of the schools of Mexico I must admit that I have never mot a more faithful and enthusiastic corps and they are on the average very fairly fitted for their In every state are nor mal schools generously endowed by government for the training these teachers and the attendance is encouragingly large There are also countless industrial schools profes sional schools art schools and the like not to mention the of private schools of which some are entirely admirable The leaching of religion in public schools is absolute pro hibited Thai President Diaz said to me is for the family to do The attitude of Mexico on this point is curious Catholics have far less rope in Cath olic Mexico than in the Protestant United States Church processions are impossible even a priest dare not walk the streets in bis gar ments From The Awakening of a Nation by Chas in Harpers Magazine for February The the Spirit In Tales of Trust Hast ings editor of The Christian Boston relates the following which shows the power of truth to convince even those who seem to be determined to resist it What part of the sermon was it that specially impressed you said a minister to an anxious who call ed on him on Monday morning to learn the way of life It was not any part of the sermon it was the text God so loved the world that he gave bis only begotten Son How often the text does more than and that means debt as well as I the sermon could be expected to inheritances not of his choosing accomplish for the sword of the There were accidental allies to be con- Spirit w the word of God 8idered and holdovers who could not l A young man a resident at be all at once swept away for stability KingstonuponThames who iB the first need and the first duty of plated the commission of an awful PAINTING- LIVERY r Opposite Fire Hull of Street Vernons For Fluent In Town any government But both these factors are now practically eliminated Diaz has outlived nearly all his first associates and in one of the most extraordinary games of chess ever played in statecraft he has shifted cornered or jumped the holdover im possibilities There is left today in Mexico net one important figure that could by any reasonable probability set face against the government nor one that is to its serious present dis credit long era of dishonest little and big is past There are no more brigand governors no more customs collectors wanted to fix the accounts to suit themselves mis a President once told a friend of mine to do There is probably no other country in the New World whose crime who passing one Sunday even ing along the street when his atten tion was arrested by the lights in the chapel where the John at that time was minister He went in at the very moment when Mr was announcing his text Be sure your sins will find you out The effect was both immediate and per manent The commission of the crime was renounced and the indivi dual became a faithful and consistent Christian The following was the method by which the Rev Mr well known as a highly useful preacher of the gospel was brought to the know ledge of the truth He was possessed of a dangerous talent for mimicry and frequently amused his companions by Special Attention paid to all of the vkt Glazing Graining Natural Paper and door North of Primary School Church Street i- Bolton Practical Painter and Decorator j Street South aide -7- it carriage Keep up hope There arc thousands of cases where re covery from Consumption been complete Plenty of fresh air and a body will check the progress of the disease Nu tritious foods are well in their way but the best food of all is CodiHvct Oil partly digested as in Scotts Emulsion it dis- the stomach body secures bene fit of the amount taken to read about at let us you SCOTT l J- f m clean and this large assertion is made neither carelessly One has not to re member long to a time when even the presidency of Mexico was a den of robbery nor half so far to thievish governors and petty officials But the Diaz administration has never had a stain and it has kept up its steady pressure until now not at a state in the republic is spotted as to its govern ment Even to one- as familiar with swift development of parts of our West as with more Conservative growth of our it is surprising to watch the gait of almost Mexi can in municipal improvements Modern waterworks to replace fine old Spanish aqueducts modern sewerage to replace sinks of modern lighting modem transit modern health departments public buildings bettor than our aver age towns of like population think they can afford splendid prison asy lums hospitals markets- training- schools these are the things the despotism of Diaz is planting through the length and breadth of the country As for schools feimes made mo smile but turned my eyes moist to note the per- feet mania to have to have them of the- beat Every state capital its free oodffl on wealth of love charge of the municipality the North Pole Unless the present plans miscarry it is likely that three well founded expeditions will shape their course this year for unknown land and sea that he within the line of An tar tic Circle Of these one will start from the Old and two from the New World and all three from the Northern Hemisphere Belgium will despatch an expedi tion from Antwerp another is pro jected in New York by Dr Frederick NCook of Brooklyn an Artie ex plorer of considerable experience and the third will probably make ready in Philadelphia under the auspices of the American Society of Naturalists All of these are being organized strict ly in the interests of geography and general science and it is safe to say that before many summers and winters have passed I he spell of mystery which now broods over the vast regions are shut in behind the majestic wall of the Antarctic Barrier will be broken How comes it that through all the long centuries of Arctic exploration with its lavish expenditure of life and treasure men have been content to let the secrets of the Southern Polar regions bo so long undisturbed Per haps broadest explanation is to be found in the fact that activity and intelligence of the world its wealth and resources and indeed the bulk of its population have always been found in the Northern Hemisphere and in terest has centered in the polo which was nearest and most readily accessible The particular cause in the earlier explorations were to he found in the effort to discover a northwest passage from the Atlantic to Pacific and in later times in a certain emulation and romance which has led successive Polar explorers to select that field which was already rendered famous by the success and failures of their predecessors But whatever may be the explana tion the fact remains that while we probably know either by observation or well founded inference the main facts regarding the North Polar re gions those to the south are relatively as much unknown as they were a century ago for whether the inter minable wall of towering icecliffs hides a sea or a continent remains to be proved and is one of the in teresting problems which the project ed expeditions will endeavor to solve Our present knowledge of Antarctica is extremely limited and the sum of it is soon told What we do know seems to indicate that the South Polar region consists either of a vast ice- covered continent or a collection of islands cemented together as it were and capped with ice From the earliest records of discovery down to the accounts given by of the late voyage of the Antarctic navigators have the existence either of high land or lofty walls of ice A glance at any map of will show where this continent of land or ice or both has been touched and named by various voyagers The line which indicates their actual ex ploration of the coastline is so frag mentary as to give as reason to believe that these regions are filled with scattered islands as that they contain an unbroken continent Victoria Land is the most extensive tract It lies degrees and 170 degrees east longitude and it was here that Captain Ross the moat dis tinguished and successful of all Ant arctic oxplorers made longest con tinuous exploration of the coast or ice lino that has ever been attempted He found it to present a perpendicular wall of iee two hundred feet high through which at times the land promontories protruded and he kept in touch with it for without noticing a break The same expedi tion in penetrated to most southerly point ever reached by man latitude south where they found themselves among icebergs of colossal size It we follow along the Antarctic the next stretch of supposed continent is found between degrees and degrees east longi tude and is known as Kemp Land and Land Following the water The circle miles long passes over than miles of water whereas present indi- that on Antarctic circle the proportions of sea to land are about as five to one Beyond the facts which we have broadly stated above practically noth ing is known of tho vast Antarctic As one contemplates its un known solitudes a hundred questions arise jn the Is it inhabited and by what manner of people of what nature are its flora and fauna what wonders or wealth of mineralogy can it disclose and what is the geography of its interior To all of Which there is no answer nor even such indications as might form basis of reasonable conjecture Out knowledge of Antarctica is so limited as to render this preeminently the unknown land among unex plored regions of the earth Edin- Pa Independent whole service is today so its exercise One evening a number of them who were assembled ha tavern requested him to go and hear MrWesIey who was to preach in neighborhood and then to return and amuse them by a caricature of that venerable servant of God Mr consented and repaired to the chapel Reentered it while Mr Wesley was taking hie text Prepare to meet thy God Mr was deeply affected he returned to his they inquired Well have you taken off old Methodist No gentle men said Mr but he has taken me off and from that mo ment ho abandoned their company Pain in a Day Unable to Attend to Eer Daily And a Great Sufferer from Heart Trouble Induced to Try for the Heart it Proved ft Wonder Worker These are the words of Mrs of I was a great sufferer with severe pain in the region of my heart For a time I was Suite to attend to my house- duties was induced to try Dr Cure for the Hearty and 1 must say the result tos- wonderful The pain immediately left mo and first day I had no pain or Sold at Bentfeye V to degrees west longitude intersects Land which lift between degrees and CO degrees west longitude or to south of Cape Horn and the Falkland Islands Compared with the North Polar re- those at South Pole present a much smaller proportion of land to County Council again on Wednesday day and Friday oflaat week The Property Committee in its report said that while the committee- in sym pathy with the widetire movement in the city has asked cooperation it thinks it weald be great hardship to make the application in rural districts The following grants to High Schools were passed Toronto Junction High School j Richmond Hill- Newmar ket Aurora Toronto Junc tion and Model Schools each The grant by towards the continuation classes which have been formed was refused The report on Equalization passed as follows Average Equalized per acre value par acre 1897 Etobicoko 6800 2100 2337 King 3237 4867 Vaughan Whitchurch 3550 York In the there are children The Council pays each for their support and the Province Some members think that the pay more A committee on the Metropolitan ail- way reported tbat be accepted from the company Its share of the cost of the of the proposed bridge at York Mills The matter carried in com mittee of whole by a vote of to In CouVicil it became a tie Warden David- eon voted in favour of it and the was adopted Council adjourned till Juno having sat days and after April 1st mail will be distributed from instead of Unionvillo as present A bylaw to limit tbc number of tavern licenses in the town of to three and to fix the shop and tavern license duties to per annum was passed by the Council last week j A grand powwow tea meet ing will be held on Island on Thursday the Ad dresses will be delivered by Revs J Stewart of Sunderland J A Swyers and Powell of Sutton Miss Maud Morton and Mr Gilpin of will give several selections in elocution and song Manning preached a good sermon atVhitby re cently on selection of literature to read His main attack ia upon the books which have no other virtue but a plot which exoites Ike mind and nerves to a great extent over a piece of pure matter of imagi nation Such reading cannot improve the mind and will certainly wreck nervous system exchange says that nine men out of ten we presume women- too for that matter persist in wind ing their timepieces at night whoa they retire instead of when the get up the morning testing done at aid the winding of a watch done between and oclock in the forenoon so that at its when the watch teunooek to joite and fthockaor jBoto the J spring v fa 3 Si l I M J