Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 15 Jan 1897, p. 2

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I A J illdQJRVT hi la A- Brock 0 Tenders far fflTB HSU Prist Horn- iba Tlirecrnft Ilia I CM Tin hi J tor Qocbj of A Cirob and Sor la politics from to ft Ill I a ft Despatch Bra AH tin of itglUMtd UtoUrkptHca- waft Port Hop Mid A Qeori thill DkiMldKUondiy DoiIds la and faMitic lohloiiMidlOffMchhe w MXI will in ftfumooa Dr lot ftmlittooftry Victor canity day ibd din- At on felr J Ku ftud Ww Tiero all Id on the for ar rived It will to Workor lUctlbftOfk ha of will city on annual at1 on from iia will interview afternoon OilioiUctlon agalhftMr P aa Ml or Wtn It look at thero iory The a In cat by and ill tit 80S limy a aa it Ibal aba finally wutitd money to lb Pilch of wifffa WUIIara iht fiioofffllla tot for raaliotorfi alto a tall aRaiaii too- application to parlia ment from Manitoba and lor to road alio railway to Day Donald ax who If ft a doling tanora for now a at Toronto popart on tut Derated a allow for ycaiaext a repKaintalivo and Toronto Many will 1trn dutb eincars regret II and A dotcom hating lo by Opiitrm not Ititantton Government to Intro- daw a Bill next member not only contra dict rumor a would bo to irtd acoept Provincial lll at future ffatKbliO lor Do minionthereby aavtnji a juericr a nlllcn for li bo people wo vji thai country paying too and Hempen in order to adnata the fact adverted for idera and of 130000 now fitvao to the Hank Nolo Co Dot what the contract that the work lo wholly aint eavtd tor change A com iliat Wm Unlock Id of a l ijfvolant ilmliiiU4tor of The iwo lot Office he Frnii member of ill hrnuUinl lot llwdulHUBlof on Mr Moloch do i ha lnlicr Ifviwf BtUfpry luvi wef I ho Itra The nnul of the King Association to hotel evening ihq f4ih Every pre- being- made for a crowd Hon J ha cod- iCQicd ibe PLEASANT VALLEY Toronto at home Mr received uch injury from a colt that he con fined to tbe house last Rev Mr of Schorobcrg tt announced to lake of next Sabbath The special were to have opened at the Year postponed Mr quite last Thursday evening at horse broke loose while tied in market and vr as not secured until the next of jit of i1l rncc for recovering the mild e have had rota Santa Hi spending a ten at bis old home The school reopened week after A wceka holidays on account of the serious of our brother t visiting brother at Thornton and at for a Miss Is visiting her Mrs Mr and hit ftorri Bethel Church Sunday The union held at Bel haven being continued this wceV and are well attended A number of our young men have made a start in right way and yet there Is loom for more We are pleated to hear from the CM once more It docs us ood No wonder how he can be so cheer til In hit lonely as we arc glad to hear that he Is very a bird Into hit cabin Huh all ret The farming community this should be thanTcful to the York Farmers Institute for arranging a public meeting for iheJr benefit on Feb 3rd at Hall both afternoon and evening have been en- and those who do not the trouble to attend will it colder weather has enlivened our little burg degrees below on Tuesday Miss Glover of his been visiting at Mr Mr Selby has passed the Civil Service Examination on which he wrote in Toronto last November Mr Frank Bah Queensvilte was visiting with friends in he village last week Miss MrKay of Sunderland is visiiii with Morton There was considerable village on Monday it the first iniltng of the new council and doing duty as j in Torontr arc being con- this week in the Hall and rim It go is do The Methodist choir assisted in the on Tuesday evening COLLEGE CORNERS X In the Macdonatd constttuf net elect on irial Man one having been he in thi ballot boa six ballots marked for Mr the and it is said tins billot rv fli ylacein motethar one in the No wonder the rercKOsure of the result general The been to laid for public sentiment that look a political convulsion to create a reversion and the methods art being through the election count When Government official and private can go into tin witness box and with and cynical admit to taking of bribes etc and the commission of violations of the election act of the people it ii the penalties such offences be more strictly enforced and both bribers and the bribed placed be hind prison nothing short the most drastic measures can keep down this growing tide of elector a in the Dominion Every election trial which has tbugjar taken place since last Junesdppel to lb electorate tutntthes of political cor- and it hoi be matter for n one and severest fights vet in Canada will nut ion pure and honest It will have to come am- the btltei not only for morals if the elector ale hut or themselves as II as the of the political of the two leading panics in Mr who fl Into and In ho mall of new ni ftvHuW Gntr- many while fifty iwUiita who areoiinl aslaid have been WaryJunriind the whole round floor public- of of in a rum hallowed of lb Is a the and era we ia al round for handling she If en agent 10 to much towards fn erFtalntf and dozen and their on we Mr will lend some one to some of then days the thing and crowding too fiveningi terrible ROACHS POINT We are having ft very cold be zero repotted There also a great of in the neighborhood this tick- So far have had fine weather but look for a raging or two to pay for ft The and our prophet the mc opinion ire expect it The Dry Town a decided and a number Becking Mr John former of paying tnd frtcndi lengthy viaii Wc arc pleased to him as he a clever and Jolly fellow among hit The tied ion once mote we pleated with standing result Mr IK my jiag has made a nan on cartel and we wish him A a continuance of upport And fluence of Staff hop the ditch affair put action corupluted You all know that it is a expense gfavel on the and have it by flodr year after A would can ail the water where it go and we would have a piece of road as the public could wish A of our young men are in ivf nice L Never Kin to curl while in lender sine it to the It has been remarked by all young a fine much to beauty of any fa limes is cry those If to rich a ibiii it three days of this who car medical 10 replace you on men Dank Crawford it I foot and a months a to re in lha It an utter Store ynur for him to Apparently he men lotbittr on contrary fin fciriromtr and an dive a dock- The wet pleated Rev lMVtclierA wrmon en lh Grandpa and Owl he did remarkably wet A larger I ban of w A very hero rrtently A man In order to hit made a fake of and then openly A convicted chat their little scheme wouldnt work worth a men baa bcr ia girl the ho a care wo one to the And there may bo hair A like Hon the ie to hie own Riding out of a and a largely to lha the much Mill Maude been slihtng In the city the Mr Willton al ihc guest Mti Henrico over Sunday- Rev Mr Spencer preached a very iDttrcjiinj on- Sunday after htch be took tci the MUiea A- her mother Mia Morton Mr Chat Eyie hat gone to attend Military school for the winter term- Our worthy Mr A Born visiting daughter at We arc to he has been in poor health for sometime and la failing of late We should like to ice able to be around The were At Homr to a number ibelr on Wad- Our winter aporiahjvc commenced the rink opened on Tuesday Mr pott new letter box be no trouble for to know Walnut We notice Mr In our an absence of over ycari the We regret that nothing was in the Sharon of the closing school entertainment under the manage ment of J- Totncr The child ten did heir and teacher tieecvM great for the he took afiari the general of the iloHiblej BALDWIN no lie ton pie from Lit ton got all on the iilfci lilt week On tbtlr return from their trip a rccejjllon Iry trim qtierttttt on in flih rntottng of hero on MonUy wo and Of ihlr at bird of Mr latg of now of a villi to hit old home Ho fill crops aeiioo Ho tooklnij floe Mr i3itirm were of old South will bo in ilit t at It that Mr A Bora In a to much to lb he for a time at loatij op th which lie cm for over ft Mr at Eva hat a at tor ihocnriyt year The i oanl for itton on TuvHay birring and number availed of for etfjineuL trio mod homo after ad vtalt to A Mir ting on Mon day evening in the Church not a iLndrd- Mr St Church Toronto the of evening He for hour on ihc woik the So sc present ycd a congregation not of en have the iirivilegr of bespeak for htm a full home if he should visit next year lit the 1 Society Sunday School will hold their on Sunday and Munday tbe being put forth to It the one has held In con the Rev Mr Powell of the Sutton Circuit hat been invited and it that he will preach annivertaiy on Sunday morning and evening Mr had a very severe aitack of kidney trouble one day this but getting abound again art right and Terry are having fine with their Ihli The ice is lo splendid condition for It It reported that our Municipal a quiet time ftl their on Monday fatt There la a at he firt and this year there over a present at any tint time Prob ably it due to the change of time of meeting most of the people being aware of the change That value taking a Mr wa a away in j a had of bay w-ftk- Mm of Tor mo is visiting friends in this this week The ihodt Church Went to lhaven on Tuesday evening take charge of the singing st ih re vival hi hi the hall by Winch and The choir numbers now hcn all are present They to aing at the speci al which are conduct by and ex- tie do tu as loon Mrs Tmlinson of wis visiting at MarriitathiK Mr Ira Mutton word a days ago of the of his Mr who vw formerly- resident of hot or the has rcudeo in York Siats vu and the at Mr Sragues on lueidi of last and had a lime feat icv Morning SELLING SUCH an enormous sacrifice attempted in Newmarket before Reason our stock is too and must reduced also our payments on February are heavy and must be met Now for a few prices but remember every department is full of Bargains f BOYS to that were 10 5 Signs Suit Mens Suits Men Mens Overcoats ie yj Mens Capi co Caps fl Mens its Mens ad wool 1 75 Top that were if Mens Kid Gloves Mn Pi Mens Lice 1 j 55 a Mos Pelt Mens solid leaiher reducci heavy Mens Ciillar were red to for 6 a I a 0 5 IS r j u37jctduted fic uclc Goods ai 50 wool wide Sheeting wa dor were all at finest wo Vet to Childrens wool Undenuitt reduced l 35 Facto Cotton mi J Fine Cashmere Gtovei J g Invn pair V y Hcivy ShiI 1 1 Strong Lace Bobra special price Button Boots AT Pine 01 Pebble Skaiioi It will pay you to drive thirty miles over bad to thjssale Thousands of Dollars of New Goods to be turned into cash in days Come during if possible Leading Furniture AMD ailing House CHINA OF LIVE bUklClD Willi AND heir the Owl Jut tuck The York Firmed 111 hold a meeting Tuesday 2nd at which imp mam he firings We in the vi- along his boys attend met ling which is to it one oclock An evening also be held at aid it is tcttd that will be The out till kill If Mb mm 111 loo or of Pah- 10 far intent us Ji ft Tut of UftaflguAubn Mr lb ild bo rf jpji jKtdcI A ffoca re roWx Ibtt Cb ii pau lota fty Mk lis to llo uuider Hf The out village ha jcji iricrtased by the addition tn on St Geo A regret to Mr Frank ict in of Mr y beta ill for some days is in attend annual fchcKit The School vill old an on A lim The Public F II re- last wiih J A M in m Cntsui fiiiHf J i J If PI IM If ti Mot mot iidiiiibfifi blMVMUp tHrQ CAUTION FOR ALE Miss Longs Concert on Wednesday night of last w was a success in Jhc lull was well filled and every body highly ibe which consisted of no less iban separate Miss Long has a ide reputation a kindergarten and way the folk vent through their showed the thoroughness of their training and one consider short time hiy were in training does appear are a benefit to the iacues in a very nark- decree and costs their parens noil fur their extra schooling The of to Mr hit here where he is Maying a while before gruig to the S The of the Cemetery C iituny ilt hold their i irg in Temperance JOh Shaiehuldctiare to Mr and family are re- lling tin the hill and repair ratfy moving I spring Rumor says will be three or four many weeks have pitted oyer Guess the I ides have been active during year knowing that the not return again for a long period There was open Division here Sit- night and their hall was filled A pleasant time was spent ine debate being interesting ami lug tramp pa along our a Sunday callingat pore fi Mr Richard Mahoney of Raven shie keeps very low We hear he is not ito roving very much Mr of is doing a rushing business According 10 the orders he be forced to engage an apprentice For a cosy pen take a look at Mr Ron Rose It just the right one Downs as wod is and it keeps the din from going into it Mr James hat erected a large pigpen The appear is he intends to heavy io this line A curious sensation was felt on hearing of Sampson staying the Philistines with the jawbone of an ass We think the same has felt with the same weapons slaying and slandering the characters of some of our highly esteemed friends and neighbors A- it promises future injury it should he stopped It s said that have holes and birds of prey have wings but not prevent hunters from capturing those creatures as they are poultry Mr Alfred McNeil of Queensville has moved again into our midst Some of our young attend the annual ball at Gilford All the lovers of the pastime of the light fantastic ttps it was the best held We are delighted in receiving the breezes as they art com numb hie Some say that the Duck had better keep close quarters as the 01 will light on mm like an aerial kite No not a nit of tt We never spat like Tom cat but are in unction If any one needs th ir jtlificaiion tickled we have in store ipicy quo of interest At we turn the mile post tfro- find that the Era ft Is its among the local papers to none Any one the New could not do bene than as 11 is the in North York The party held at Mr Frank Lloyds on New years was cell attended Trie music rendered by Hes Chap ell was fine and M- Henry Smith a proved 1 the Mr Ju Id t of relatives ana friend Miss Re Crittenden with her brother and were paying us a ed Mrs Jimis had the ure with Mrs and a I young people a time on New Year- day as a memorial of old time as sociates Mr Thns and wife spent a happy time on New Years at Mr Andrew A welcome visitor came to James in the presence of a stray h3und as a replacement of the one he lost while hunting but one morning when he arose the dog was gone It made lis escape by breaking ft chain aditr of sJw fisWpfHai iL Year start cm and the 1 lie of Pink after oilier GratiTrtAuf flifttotr root is an affliction is by every and ihc fust usually with an aUtrnjit on the of patient to and kill it tht moil skilled 2nd sufferer a round of agony such as those who are full enjoy men f can have no concep tion of Bui when Ian a medi cine is found that will cure ill worth cannot be in dollars and cents It is without Such opinion of Mr and of Mr- kits the story his wifes and cure as fallows For three or four years my had failing in health The firci of languor and lss of appetite accompanied by bear down pons headaches which affected her periodica As time on she attacked with pains in rej on of her kidneys that be ame almost unbearable owing to their seventy and difTftnt mfdicine vttc but no good reuttB grew to and helpless thai I was to seek ait nd accordingly sent her out to where she received best medical attention the result of which as slightly beneficial her ff no doubt tn he tedious- the the ftm a and her rouble came In a form more aggravated than he- fore I noticed in which I reading one day a testimonial one had been cured of a trouble and although know- t at otter had failed in y case a ray of hope a of Wil liam Pink and oh first dose to wife nrtdltss to latr was xhautted she great commcnctd to a buoyancy of spirits ft d on the Pink Pill with results By the time the hid six boxes her had to her to believe the I their own see the change IK tore making he pills was a severe raich do though not havfnx used of the for months attends all without the slightest fncon Taking alt things into consideration feel it duly I owe to other sufferers to these little pink of health stood my well distracted wife and the of a lingering but pertain death The experience of proved that there is absolutely no disease due to a violated of blood or that Williams cure and bo Alt from such much and e prvn it Get ihe every tltfl and do Air Brush CiaYOnInkPoitrait With Cah Purchase of Furniture CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN Wot NEWMARKET Extra Quality and Good Value Sight and map to Fit NEW LINE OF- I A SPECIALTY stuped to at AND A lto rottlo A on kw Mr t5 UrCJ fi filter lfiroi Wdns AP Ore- Uttrcrto At lull siuriuy Thy Tomb to It Ilia loM Co to U aLblbe T XlcaToott Rd ti ibi Jisti i si riratrf wft Mr Jin Special AT To make ihe heart glad We are Agents all of Instruments and Sect Music If Of Limps To make Clew StTiCp yive idem at which will mike it wutth iur white and jtl one We hare a lew ih Lamps Now lime wan- a All J11 f FOR ii a d fi a It pitta ld34ry It flrodUb ibfl t aid flroi ftf fcj lb ipitKf ii tit a- lUicA ill ir WOOD CEDAR STONE ItikTLiU Jivdwocd We are hiring out lines of Fancy in pice bare a few Tea Sets orth we ai some worth a l more a a Primed ToiKi S op BOO SHOPS RUBBERS OVERSHOES All Cloie to 8lock We hive the belt proof Hick iu can find Just boot in tbe Silverware arriving eck Mnuih Siti is jut and Violio Mien lour Eyes co rot from of sewing or if blurred and tun tcgeiher it is a sure Glasses are needed our Optical about your JEWELERS Toilet Articles in Celluloid Silrr OA and Lather at Greatly Prices A arge isgoment PERFUMES I Grocery Department Good Raisins Prime Currants It J A 5 Boxs Choice Figs ft ends a The Leaping Grocer A ASTRAY QirfJ li IWb tea is cbuitt STOLEN 41 Wewmarkot OH MondayfEvg Jan 1897 ItWBOQanT Jo krut lfc 4Uv4 W THE LONDON MUTUAL Flie Insula nee Co of Canada I MR JOSEPH A OODY vbisYtbMJJLitj butitMtd lt ti l atruMi Mr DONT pur iroFP tin tick fcU POST OFFICE MORTAGE FARM IN WHITCHURCH L r rfcdJ iid I lb an- Saturday Jan r tfc It 1 I ojy l r Uts4KriMipy f ksV 4 I WWW ta A- CODY it I 4sVTJ l ooro il J l I J NO l ICE ft ApJ AY4MAISA fft

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