Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 18 Dec 1896, p. 4

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J s 1 CI ihe Kcrrin taA z neither J Worms of Slrkk NEW THAT THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OP- ON THE WRAPPER OP EVERY OF 3 it fa ctlf Ft la allow to ell a tilt t Jul Cheapest and Best Reading in Canada A in or Tin BUN la Canada Hun I ana a regular 10 us iJ to be the fullest moat In It el Wit beat ft short lry from dun Truth voJclv ft or columns Ii I hit will hoiit to any Hi Of lorMiio to the qiuI of for It Three M thru- Mils r lame for dollar In tin I Weekly will bo to end of I BUT fur lo SUH PRIHIIHQ IIiKTOl a or clock ttIt1i0 on ura j Kef llicui4 f Ct Wti SOU I or J III I ifiw in Jo Kulli fctUly Ln4 Ik in Iutttu lVobW fcnaf 1Iivf iiMtirlMf ffUlll lift if 6 It of Interior lion A of or of Com Tot Province of Ontario gtln l- bo la Qctbiilntt of Tbo Connttl that not obliged to from of AoooolAoillyptfcrfmptoroJQfOilHy fcy of the St boon doling pro rol IocJqVi to mirk the of wlH onry to tab- for paper I of joy bo to til lift an wtk u4tho wo lb III f wo turn to Jail now It of the yetr of blub of wo can not fact In of wo find fQinimtntOf to David and of warning to To David to up t4n h in womb bo no part ho fotfovr- Wholly- fho fteauloUi of In and In plain Hit mother Hoi pr6rlt0fa of Mi wo ml not so of to at Of lilt with Abraham l In cod In iby all of ibelriDwd will lo find will wmo from far country their aim any A any trot glory of a town or not in in and which Row a from Woaboaldhilog true- oar personal to rtloct HtatoUa of Canada doting Aril of hold In of of from Department at Ottawa AH told a little and it an Hoot a It It It but fair that the cannot bo regarded work of Lire a thunderbolt from a clear tbo following ihot from of and for whtoh wilt Monday with over fit to Council lent or broken on tbo road for and a to a In part Hollow Tho caller now that County hat LlHlI a of tin to lot itiwttOf All IDAUU 1ftX TffypgAwr AWVM Gum WHAT UK WhllB Hawaii arrived at Baa last from Honolulu Her political si by Oh a to bill prohibit- of at capltol United of week Spruce chilis throat etc wtioh a At a Convention Ontario a few days ego Mr If aa next prly candidate to leal tin Hiding at general tloni to the Provincial Aaiembly i from Ottawa Mr It ljura of at Deter the Cod I roller Of however fa not cauio It appean ball an employe doet not 10 retire from aervlcei of Company and it la held to ha Irioompatlbto that ao oDur of a company ableh probably oar filth of Importing of Pel- at that THf In the Woftio TO THt CUT IK IT a MtuoaTU44 note tit Ua it m toe Imi flCUl U04M Cut not add ritiig to by give to V0XO aoTiral bravery by Royal Canadian at annual la weak wo notice follow log and A fox gallant aod on tbe part odUoroloonraga and on pariol vUi i Allan a Old WLtti in a a aiuriu vu of July a toiano roulvd gold raw- and a rwid a ltlflc of Autumn Who Dread an Attack of fault at Cold Yet Catarrh Can Under Touch of Dr Catarrhal Powder This Is not a as it my leading of the most prominent clergymen of Methodist and Roman Catholic Chinches have testimony to of the medicine Mr John Mac- the popular purser of the Canadian Pacific steamer Art is one who cured of intense suffering from troubles by the use of Ibis medicine Good Samaritan like he has ever since re commended it to any who suffer Head off an attack this medicine your hand Sold at Pharmacy Gordon Ironsides of Winnipeg lost head of cattle on the steamer wrecked on the coast Ireland on Nov No of Logs Doctor Could Hot Two loath Auierioan Kidney The a farmer Kidney disease can be cured Mr John flnell a retired farmer of Wing- ham says For two years I suffered untold misery and at times could not walk and any standing position gave intense pain the result of kidney disease Local physicians could riot help and I was continu ally growing worse which alarmed family and friends Seeing South American Kidney Cure advertised I grasped at it as a dying man will grasp at anything Result before half a bottle had been taken was totally relieved of pain and two bottles entirely cured me To cure kidney disease a liquid medicine must be taken and one that is a solvent and can thus dissolve the sand like particles in the blood at Pharmacy Days arc too for a man whose heart is in his work hut the mm who takes no interest in it finds the nights too ft Raftering of an From Fifteen Hot Cored by Two Hon lli American Core No pen can the of suffering that may come from an attack of rheumatism For fifteen years sas Mrs John Beaumont of I have been more or ess troubled with rheumatism which took the form of in back often confining me to my bed and rendering me part of the time wholly for my duties At times I suffer ed intensely that I not turn In my bed and disease fait reaching a point where both myself and my husband had become thoroughly discouraged of recovery A friend recommended South Ameri can Rheumatic Cure and after the first bottle I able to tit up and before four bottle were taken able go about as usual and have been in excellent health since For site at Pharmacy Fourteen of of the ship Put were drowned in the wreck the vessel on the Sjuth coast at Comet torn hi bicycles Batches 10FkilFffitt 1000 Tola during year 1950Q fMlL7Cjalr it xji MUX GIVEN FREE EACH MONTH ClLCsT WRAPPERS t RULES attf aatr 1tUiT SaWF5S5H lii 11 Lin Tho Empty While engaged with a commercial in the city of Cleveland my business frequently called me to many of the important cities and towns of the slate During one of my regular visits to a town in the put of the state which noted far and wide for the bad char acter of its saloons and their pro prietors the following Incident oc curred The train was late when I arrived at After a hasty supper invited by the hotel proprietor aid his wife to accompany them to a temperance meeting The lecturer laid was slitting up the whole town The meeting had commenced before we arrived and I noted win the crowded condition of he stirring tongs and the pointed of the speaker that a deep was he temper ance hi When the speaker concluded an was extended to all of those who desired not only to be alio a petition the Council lo suppress by ft local option ordinance all of the saloons of the place Quite a number went up and signed among whom rrcrq a fen of the Intemperate of the previous to the closing the meeting there In the centre able a tall dignified gentleman elegant in appearance with a pleating cultured ficc who walked slowly to the desk and permis sion the chairman occupy a few minutes before closing His request was cheerfully granted He said I did not come here to night lo speak only lo listen Hut as I always lake a deep interest In the temperance nark I not be quiet until I added a few words to encourage some of those who signed the pledge tonight My personal experience help some one to be firm and sustain them In their to reform I born In the town of W- and received a careful college educa tion My father tailed me In busi ness which proved a luccci from the start I gathered around me many warm friendly I married a cultured and refined young lady of a neighboring town whose parents cre highly respected had two child- rcn a son and a daughter I was popular and presided at nearly all social and political meetings of the place and on my way home I was frequently induced to take a of wine or beer The habit fixed and I found that much my time was taken up at the club ana social meeting and that my hours hi home were late J My wife spoke kindly to me about drinking I replied Never fear will never become ft drunkard as time went on I became more and more a stave to un til my friends kindly admonished me- I then that my business was being neglected It was not long be fore a receiver was appointed to wind up my business affairs My store good beautiful home and all went to liquidate my debts and I was obliged to move Into a very poor home on the side Now nearly all of my former friends de serted me and I could secure no work for I could not be liusted At this pmnt I lost my pride and about the town and through the streets slovenly and shabby being a complete slave to the drink habit Then I sold tho few things which had been able to keep to procure whiskey and food When my cash was rgone I joined a gang of sewer and street workers and shovelled the gravel Each day my dinner pail went to the saloon and at night went there in company and often stayed late going home hungry tired and unlit I made my house almost a hell One night I had been drinking more than usual and when I arrived at home I was angry I taw a light through the window but the door was locked I tried lo gel in could not I pounded at the door in rage The only response I could get was from rriy hoy who said Go away papa you wont hurt rnama will you I will If this door is not opened soon Groping behind the door my hand fell upon a which had been used cutting kindling wood that day With ibis broke ibe lower panel of ihe door From within I saw a small arm extended through the opening and heard a small voice crying Papa go away In my anger and desperation I caught that arm and with one blow of the hatchet I cut it off and threw it on the ground The frantic screams of my wife and children brought a number of the neighbors and also a policeman Af ter a severe struggle with blood drip ping from my face I was taken to prison My boy was conveyed to a hospital and my wife and daughter were cared for by loving friends When morning came I was sober and then I fully realised what I had done Oh what I would have given have replaced that arm and recalled the deed of that night I Court was in session and was taken before the judge for trial I asked no lawyer to defend rne I lold ihe I was My wife was to blame and no sentence was too severe impose upon me I was responsible for the crime which whiskey and ihe saloon keeper assisted me to accomplish But with hely of a higher Power I never drunk a drop again I was placed In and had ample time lo reflect I exclaimed Oh what a wretch I have made of myself and I deter- mined to make a man of myself among my own friends at home I was released in time through Ihe influence of my I came own lown sought for ray wife and asked her forgiyeness I once more commenced business in a smalt way and have succeeded from that day until this I now have the happiest home in America I desire lo introduce ray son Fred will you please forward Immediately a fine looking young man arose from his Beat and stepped for ward to the platform and as the In terested eves of the audience rested upon the youth they knew the story to be true for at bis side hung an en ply sleeve His father placed hand upon the shoulder and said This is the best boy living- and Fred My mother sister and all say ihst father is the best man on earth around I could not see a dry eye in the audience Then tbtr were hundreds anxious to reach desk to sign the papers and later on every saloon in the place was wiped out New York WHEN IN TOWN NEXT TIME ASK YOUR GROCER FOR m I TEA Which is strictly pure- Sold in Lead Packets only All Black or Black and Green Mixed 10 and P CO Wholesale E3X The clerk who gets into kernel of business gel the of trade when he Is In business for himself i a Vox InXants and Children t CM ywvc4ivyloi5ivr While driving along the one day last winter my sleigh a little boy six or year old asked me the utual question Please may I rldo I answered him Yes if you arc a good boy He climbed Into the sleigh and when I again asked Are you a good boy he looked Yes Can you prove it Ye sir ywhamr Why my mother he promptly I thought to myself here is a lesson for boys an J girls When a child feels and know that mother not only loves confides In him andean prove his obedience truthfulness and by mother he is pretty safe That boy will be a joy to his mother while she lives She an trust him her sight that be will not run into evil Children who have praying mothers and mothers who have children they are bless ed indeed Boys and girls can you prove by mother that you are good Try to confi dence of your parents and every one else A A beautiful work is out It Is a Christmas Edition of the Wild Flowers of Canada issued by the Star It is creating a fur ore Premier wrote the pub lisher a most enthusiastic tetter on the Wild Flower publication and was followed by eulogies from Aberdeen Sir Oliver Sir Charles and all the principal arlisls of Canada and the Sulci Herbert Pickup of Preston ST mi mi Windsor Dec Willis Jordan the aged negro who was convicted of perjury was sentenced to five year in penitentiary Mr Allan a farmer who lived about two from Perth was found last evening lying by he roadside with his neck broken His hone and buggy were found further on the buggy being broken is thought that he fell out of his and was killed A man will sit on an inch edge of a board fence and talk politics for three hour but put him in a church pew forty minutes and he gel nervous twists turns and goes sleep A man will fill his mouth with tobacco until the juice runs down bit chin but a hair in the kills him A A stupend ous discovery Is that made by Pro fessor Alfred Eldridgc in the wilds of Alaska at a point beyond where any white man has gone before Suiting from the mouth of the walik river which era piles sound Professor ex plored that up through four hundred miles of its frozen course At ibis point he found a small lake A mountain side rose precipitously from it Something in tbat mountain side made it look as if it had been once disturbed by human hands He went the spot and there four hun dred miles from any he found the remains of a mighty city as great as any of the prehistoric ones yet discovered on this continent There were hatchets and arrow heads and and massive wall showing that the has been inhabited by well advanced in civilization The was per fect Some of the vases he found were three feet high were of a shape and artistic pattern unex celled by anything made even in our time The most remarkable dis covery made by Professor however was this the pottery and were identical in make and pattern with thote of the pre historic ruins of New Mexico Be yond a at same lime to long back that it makes the brain spin to ihink of it the climate all over North America possibly even to ihe pole warm and inhabited throughout its whole length by one race of people Who or what the race future scientific research deter mine Ont aged a was drowned testing the Ice on a dam He broke through ihe Ice and fell into six feet of water in to Night Dr Agnews Ointment wilt cure alt of itching piles in from three to One application brings comfort For blind and bleeding is peerless Also cures Teller Salt Rheum Barber Itch and all of the skin cents Sold at Pharmacy If you cannot do what you want to do grapple with that next to it which you can do EST The days of the glass bottle arc It is announced the near future will be made of paper The intend to erect early next year a new elevator Montreal a capacity of bushels and another in iiih a capacity of bushels making their total elevator capacity lor Manitoba wheat els If Comb III Mai Is lb editor end of AnttIo0dt Library which many paraphilia of Holy teen exception ally well one them pamphlet of Mr Iwloro Kill of which 1 Moody I wootdwaik ten miles lo hear it Other laiots of this Library are Who mado Skeptical to meet thorn A pamphlets bo had tor CO Every and oil having ahoold send for copies of iti cut Apply lo Akci 9 la mi ten hoi UJkj bird Tit dry cm JAfl BROTHERS Lied Icy For SalrA or to Rent SAWS AXES COW CHAINS GIRTHS AND PUTTY HORSE BLANKETS PAINTS GLASS OILS SHOT POWDER SHOT AND CARTRIDGES OrloURJAlfl Of curded Farm Street For Sale or to Rent SL BOX STOVES COOK STOVES COAL STOVES FURNACES Tinware EaveTroughing and Rcpaining Promptly and Neatly Done J A W ALLAN AY to I lo of En fir Orchard At7 fiHronjifloV Art Tons 1 1 and IK CEYLON MONEY TO DAVID LLOYD CtsataUbser tor AeSftTiuTtui Mir iJiraitaAwau 10U4Jl MORTGAGE SALE FARM LANDS In Lead Packets only Specially Selected- Black or Mixed Half Pound and One Pound Packets At all Grocers a and cents a pound DAVIDSON HAY WHOLESALE AGENTS JLMIUDIHK CEYLON TEA It oil Tut filtd to Ibi petition tilting meed- Mr W td osj-ftH- Mr Si thou lboa4meal of lo tow lor the elect lbtoc4aiLdcDiDi ben nod aiiuiflg hit lif Cook by mum cbsfgii check u to Died Id Stlfconml is a fruitful of mind in ii bo to SiROUtncx It aWll all It cut u4 SOLD AT 1RC0 Will Will J While It ii no that fthich arc not the shape a the boot should be uncomfortable It mo ney to employ pattern makers but the result is a satisfactory fit Each year new patterns are added to fit all the latest ihoehapes and Rubbers are They are honestly made of pure Dont Draw the Feet rubber thin light clastic durable thick at ball and heel They Ill the ltt 3 At liiza iLere will tit Tuesday January Atlhtfcoarcr oclock At Ifo- laiti OF NEWMARKET All Orcrat 1 turn In Jyt Jo iho Towriilpcf it York mo aVrrtt orient tufZf tout tiro CD torfidcKi1tc4 Tre tfcriy to to a fell of d tile its Im tf till CURTIS iho b Nor- Newmarket Laundry EVERYTHING IN GOOD WORKING ORDER Why Hot Wagon for and delivers work I and deliver f Wednesday and deliver Proprietor ppjaitc Lice done up equal to Special term sashing be cut ft lo ill avoru trouble ud mil- bat tt tauch worn bu ftomc of Ibc people a Oat wore out EttrttlLlaa be- ibit liihtrlu from bU todlccf Oct that It fee from do will in body f- of owed gel IcjpoTeriihed ud will ftp la Iht of ft fa Ihf or tff tad out of Medical tKtittM It the power lo of ricb ted into ftl jw ftfcuUa of iwrauj latr Hutu ire itc ftct fttfiAttbbaiifdcrl Li Idea TAX IN fiuktt IT Harpers IN Ij la a 1th d9Vfki full w aiLort Pi ijavii lb Of Og Lb Magazine it afaC1Ui twain IUkdino lb J4Ubtitr J wj in a for qdt ftJlTf ftod If ft AmirltD tic OODBOW Jbilli MO list AMytjUftllldbf A lIOtlaVJ flf P rtLTlaftifwrftH Its so bur aittlAlct4 tflft Victoria to iH hOIo I fcflr AHffM in stfOf ttirtW Adli4 A CO AWE OP NEWMARKET I dial iJ aitlid fclAjtl Wo ire ih fioun y to W fijf llB ttt4i03 tf It gHEEP ASTRAY litjr i- Orerlifcesol cfo Wit STOLEH- itc ONE STEER ROAN lih Red little l t A pj re to It JOHN TRY OUR tuus Clothespins AMD Building Material 10YOLE Wo fiilWJ up In with oar ari c all tp Wheal I He In All New and Forks New Hearing iriRgi Cora pit le Bar Tiro into fto til Wheels i tosirneRciDit ftficiber We are alia i to any of We sill its Call sod ice it THE Wit CANE SONS MFG CO NEWMARKET Jkj fe3 ID llss nitefn the ihe aocreiioai u i suae time of ibe of Din Fluttering of the izdGtrBUm CLUBS For ilebcnfft of the Rjus I Km Weekly Daily World News ami 26 si Kvi iSun fur I tint and Weekly 1 ft i VEjf0 Notice to Creditors Elder I CLip a- 1 lctitftLrchrE or Mil J 1 i j teiUrai ft3Cc Itj urtWf entitled l1 it tto all FOR TWENTYSIX YEARS THECOOKS BEST FRIEND LARQCOT CANADA EXT OF Sk HAS A K0OftO Of 40MlAatr Ktf fc ACCQntiny U J

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