l I I I NEWMARKET ERA BEG I OH ACOUT TOWN hound fill a Iht Hollo for the Ixtt of Muijhy iiilo arrogtmoAtt to a Rolling on II I IT I M Brown Utrili oil tannery Alt Ihu vili Ij to In itio 1 j fifing ft Ancwbuifd- Iti being WaU Work It of ly tttoicl alii Hon 1 1 On would not bo reel In Pauls Church The AM flttt of Work d I In Jltmlnt old A tad aril- told ftl Wi- IbavfrUotli9 to a fnl lor In foully and Wo Tito fiombtr IliO this ven- kii a iky akatlnK on I the not ry and no duIcii It it from Ilia after chill tot In Ma WJiltl lobi J iil ibo ftboto you want to buy now llin Fur and Underlying la to cavil Uracil end Mo ilium JledtlcfJaoa up on up our An not you look Hutlvf up A will John It Paying or On laK landing Warohain took it l or and Men quo clip in dli pmontod Jickton ard a amount of td a to autbup and mil to repeat llofftntoorbiior fluri nest Lost- About Mi Kill l to a IkOOiO on Mr on of GrrfillhnVury Mar Holt and aflarooon away Goods Slock com data at Book over la for County The copy of In our Hit and no or to lo pot Jq weak Church The I of I Mr Cur W M Sun- Hy oittrooon Pi Had log- Mr I w In to J Monty by bllti Mr Heal Hun day Jtoyat Away Those of wcra young hero or jeira ago will Wo clip lha from Uawion to from at p Dawson to a to operation tied a torn which alio not body itkn to with bar at A to Make a Note or Tins HUH in tbo of baa a eoty nail In hit foot knot or band and that lockjaw ot If a rornoJy for all and would apply It then alt remedy alurayi on hand and can by anyont and what It It a Imply to that la Inflauied with or Twenty in of wool will of woil wound rope two or It will allay wort Co Sertoli that Mr km run for been tor Books A books for will Icy and from to tio lit ot alow iIijuIi ipiijuir bai over tell fcUo oh a lam and but tohet will to by anioua aid On Tuesday loraooo new waoflklaIlyUitedattho Jlfht run- tour largo water fata and two troa and water to point over llio A from Montreal and another front Toronto present to that all engine baa hum to Iwoatrokealeaa to and the ilea of the driving on tbo abaft and light la brilliant Extra The IrJoiant now wlrinR lor fifty They arranged aotbat can off In parte of to a dim light In ball llgbla will colored glohoi a It wilt ell aa of a band ied at outer for alio been well All laat and who to attend iniicol ft treat moat aotoa by Cook of and delight to vocal talent In one to In la a nil Iho pipe to Mica and A a duett at well one or two cacti in tbtir oi organ by Mr very a dicdd put There Ma hardly a or public in by how time to got It done and save travelling if era any ot patting the In From present dlcatlone who a good teat will to the Town Hall when Ilia at next even- log children getting anion I and companion AgOj they alMQt In prM- licet the program la quite lengthy It will atari at oodtavor to be at com mencement theme la carried by and from beginning to of pane Storm King and Villi to School of tbo characters being In appro only and with the ralae at tbe tear of ball at 25o may at Soatb License bad proprietor North American total polled for violation tbe Act Mayor and One aworo betook in the ai a ibo proved ha J will be of the wa away from liouie daring allied Tft connected with the by trail court rwiQ that in It hit others who elated to taken a band in the deoioJ it the tbo WmK Mv are apt to think it it only thai caw to rtiy cam Alii proa W for lrla in The aaya fc cue piliw urt when a of in Toronto- They last Saturday whila Aid Society took bold ot the matter Abwi revolt A terrible ooadi- of in tor aorna lime rueuy and In tboir teena lIog diuic in caaei and on Snam la at I J fancy W all for ihecbitaren A Bio Court No than 50 caeca aro for net Monday and lo la catered A good aired fighting la anticipated if the tail day for lo printed abatement for the part year It Ureal I reading for the ratepayer for a A Bio SpW- The Salvation Army hea credit for reaoblon tar- get In connection with now all In by to Fork la week the word not Into Mr It net bate been and a wy different what ha Wo would read to read ad- In Mr Randall to Mr W If who half a mile north Town place on broke down on ac of rough the flrat day lie covered the route Very fair ero latt liundey and Hey Mr a able Hale to preach again Owing lo In angement llghta were potto week The Royal Tern- aro getting their all completed for annuel In the Town J Ml on Hew Bay V bee contented to 000 the chair on that cation and a goad literary aed program being prepared Another Shave Wc have arrangement a with to all renawala for and that paper for at who already renewed wilt at office and net the rebate The rebate doe not ap ply to new aubtcriber who been balance of title year lLATroM MKTjrrG Kin Mis Sunday School to plat form muting on Inak at 1030 and invited to herein may be from a Primary Worker and Mr l Belfry A crowded le looked rv h to merrow It Town lint Thar night Santa will cot HribodfliafbGanUtaTaei Day School a next ext t day Town Council Monday evening logeit are Writ Monday the Jay Council Axe wo to a preen I Wheeling la gelling god Wheel actln In prlco wonder it It will rcwhtbe W CO w CO a W I Jin A aid J at home Mr- of which dacr flrearmt reach While the family at diMiv they were by report of a kqii i the Itutaamall to ww the five year lying 1 the Boor and breathing ot ru aided bar neck hecthff aod otbra than aero too tj to anyai fa bed thai ted or tba load- wai left by ihe w Saturday wa after a and bit permit Large con- greeted Roy A Crewe Toronto Sunday and everybody delighted with bit eloquence He alto the Sunday School and Junior League on afternoon at won and young On Monday the church wet again filled and Mr Crewe gave an admirable The vote of moved by and by Mr wae Crewe will no doubt be by the the da and lo At fiuoday a aud atluettjand a On evening an orchestra ltd coo Mite Fouler and Mite ting and a Mouth lend gave a 1 acred A hue load prcaent Iron Aurora and another from Snowball Cheer Candies all other bo had from Corner a Mowuay County Council place all over Pro vince on Slat loit la a new day the our no doubt wilt Now- market will be curetted In It la thrown in If mora than two can- era nominated tba will held on firat In January at time and place aa muni- election It have not yet made plain about voting Every elector who a County Council ballot can YOU tor two by an after each name or ho put two after tbe one name but be can only vote at the one place no matter bo many other Vetera a that hit name may Where mora candidate are than aequtrad any pro after tbe nomination to ptraoos who to bo In field to Aharon are TJ Woodcock J A Rome den latter baa heartily the cantata tbfe week will gel a vote If only ibtee four go to A Idea A of North Rod aloul parting a Are one evening Jt hie on and out at top of No went Into bad to make a good fire Evidently the chimney and bo carol them away at arc when tlooaly each other to find out wanted for a In order that them may bo Of ooorae iheyal- if a bird dont 1 j of year when men and young have and Vernon Tuaiday afternoon Mid badly hurt by ekate another lad accidentally running aaina Cody and her Primary at the the Central Pharmacy There a at now for A Carpet Swkbper Wringer or Lamp a very Dig variety at a The Fills hue Bill fa nothing raoro more look for In homo people than a yood local paper for that tired feeling the aged while In rnidHfo hail wck a and work it dropped for moment for a at pager Among the younger those budding into manhood and womanhood they forward for publication day that they may who hat teen who baa people who come and and I p church neve and vartoor other in a fint clan paper And but not the children coming borne in fnulro it local paper It can be nominal atom that no homo bo without paper in vi cinity In which they dwell The benefit derived it large compare With the amount ft wit We to make big improvement in next paper CiioicetT Finest Fruits at at A Corner Store a Sale A rate of tuck trotta- rat Con ard 5ararooe A tic JaUr Will hatoau or Weil t hor bla at W KL Mr Justice has given judgment the action brought by the the late John against IVL of Orange ville husbands executor to re cover damages for alleged wrong ful conversion of a machine cooking parlor and piano The caw it that of the fifteen-year- old McKenrie the ninciyycaroldjtihn Ki4d and from him shortly alter their marriage She is now in Toronto and he is dead Council met on pur wood and Wile A- McCaffrey rent charity J account gooli Dell Telephone Co Com J Collins drawing atone VA It Wu Mfg Co It A Corn Light The account Royal Co for letting dynamo use not at It tote put contract The account of Mfg and Canadian Co to Electric Light Com A communication from the King with lo Town Lino was referred to Iho Commit and Mr waa appointed Jn place of Mr The of and referred the and Committed and directs by Tho Light amounting to duo on The Property Corn rvcommccict pay account Vin Cane Mfg Co Tho Mayor and Atsr pild ch for Council in Co for fcaivilo to the work J to write you abota Wheal I tbit 4 taller id aming and t for thl Fourth form I ierlr Our a ray to4kt I nore and for a irrit ihilfjly I I lo bero ro cm a djr weakly Hill I merciful ifti win bo kVi When la ail and for beillag cur dCbitiiUoKadftvorlo la miad aid Wo to to either or at AHhuwa 1 a ho In our en I am on lit to committee cur Hymn lk very uttful for intnow have In tbe Sunder eveolcz are mora trltfc trie I much for you rca and think God for vaicCttd In you o wish to retdyourktoStetttratyjur If t I to aW The feeling in ihe United States is growing There is talk of armed compniV former 11 vitious fight Spam or to free the Cohans Mr Frank Maxwell a teacher if tnde at wife and she left him and took a position as house keeper Mr Maxwell icr a boil- ma lye into his free is burned and will probably loie his eyesight Dec sue- attempt escape from Ihe til was made by the Mc Donald the burglars of the Bradford churches who were ten- tenced to five in the Penitentiary Aide- J by some Colic 9tinog We they lined of this ha nearly in cutting through one of the large bars on ihe comdor door when were detected at wort It that they intended 10 of the cor ridor seize one of the taVe his keys and so The wo who were considered the dangerous ever impris tned in the will be to Kingston on Wednesday In meantime each has been placed in a Separate cell with no furniture save a skeleton bed officials here will be de lighted when they have departed s HI Sills EmmoiMa Sodfty HOW SIMM TO BUY Over Tvelve Hundred Handkerchiefs to choose from The Trade would like to buy hem at double the price I am offering them at to the Public only Powder a A P ROCHE GO Store ToDay in Bout it has ever been in Years to give ita good y service You are Invited to Visit on the Basement Ground Floor and 1st Floor Take a good Look around THE BASEMENT Groceries Fruits and Confectionery GROUND FLOOR Fancy Dry Goods Fancy Goods of all kinds Gloves Handkerchiefs Umbrellas Books EL Games for Winter Evenings Fancy Stationery Fancy Books FURNITURE BERT Fancy Tables Writing Desks Dinner Wagons HARDWARE Skates Cutlery Silverware On Saturday we will a Cash Desk on Floor 3 ROOHE Toronto received ihe Newest Styles in Watcher Musical CiocVs StickPins and other alio a Special line of English Silviiwire on Nickel at very low cannot be fitcding Silvti CALL AND OUR STOCK BEFORE MAKING YOUR SELECTION or will ia COB of dooUa Q A u a DM a Tm OH a Olio a m- Oil a J On a lf fl CO a I J a CO owl A IS ICO flwUc4Qi CO ICO a 044 I lb- Markets Dm ft fit 1 1 1 1 1 1 IIMIIt I t r Hour IVLhe fUd tr rill lb Apple Wool per lb Quo per lb i 1 4 or CO oil CO SCO a It on on ow ot on on vie It ITS 1 w Boots Shoes Rubbers and Valises Alio we axe With every GoldPlated Vatch or by Now Ii -chiuc- ft NEXT POST We are Article rrd in Celluloid Silver Plush and at Prices rj A CHOICE PERFUMES KEEP ON That Prices hero are ALWAYS THE LOWI The Great Slaughter Sale mil on of Goodr thit be Sold your f Fresh Rendered Pure Leaf Lard only lb lbs Fresh Rolled Oats for We are Selling the Pure Wihdtor Salt in ill of at leu than Vholeialo Price Oranges Lemons Candies Raisins Currants Spices Etc Everything for at that the timet Grotcr Stiapi than in CIyiHING BARGAIN MOUSES Wo have opened up this week a largo and well assorted Stock of rift EC AND in County Every article to be found in a Grocery you will find on our Shelves You will find our Prices as low and in some things lower than any house handling Groceries ask for a trial order and we aro sure that we will win your patronage Thanking our old Customers for past patronage we trust wo will bo able to still serve them THE STORE HAS IN STOCK SUITINGS OH DESCRIPTION TROUSERINGS IN GREAT VARIETY OVEROOATINGS IN AND WORSTEDS ULSTERINGS IN CANADIAN AND IRISH FRIEZES AND IN SCOTCH TWEEDS These Goods are up without a fault 2nd Low in thai cannot afford to ftiihcut them Next to Jcwclrj ii a partial lilt of the Good we are ihowin Celluloid Head Work Aluminium Marks Mat Necktie Boxes Fancy White Metal Jeel Childs Knife and Fork Setts Rings Furrier Goe and Hand kerchief Sens Fancy Mirrors in White Fumes Pins Blouse and Cushion Sofa Stamped Tides Tray Cloths new kind White Sideboard Covers Feather Wool Hois Sk Mitts at reduced prices C Materials for making Fancy Goods In Order to clear balance out examine our StocV of Truly HUGHES DAVISON i CO Arc Stocked with in GROCERIES Valencia Raisins California Raisins Cluster VKtiui CuranU CutrinU Natural and Fine Figs Lemon and Citron Flavoring Vanilla Cinnamon Pine Clover and Seet and Hitter Pea Hull Grenoble Tarragona nd Beat Bund Our is to Beit acd ths to buy at m iV I