Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 18 Dec 1896, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA DEC 1896 v a jCi Farm Heat J Dicker Coc Buffer tlMfor GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Ww to fcito In to oat political tin In lbs Poor Of dtftl9 Township In if Shcr lb local tuff Toronto up to omoj aacin a T 8 8 he AMD WITH EACH ft At CIA HO iliT for Cut It fnrtolV- of lo la ftd i writes to labTl clear ftiloo porU4 Toronto thai Weil To And pro in 10 will bo Tbocooottf Mr In will alio ovldeooa of tfoobfal In tho fttovo 1 ftl ft for iotplotoa thai got In their fino work wUhotiloooilltonfor ibo of FRIDAY Our Toronto Despatch to Jw ft now A ranuff Ihtl Jifuta Deputy v lb off ftbo1lilfl If lli 1 MM Mr will ItH lAy Id VIcU I An IflQuaii being Hon fiotcitor0uitl of Cruel iho Over thirty of nd lo lbs during Ilia wtek A of will oon a lbs la tin fb0t w mora le g Ibsounlrol of b fboMnyor Ibo Inn la oily Ibo bud kit Ml ell bit bos to ft fi6 ftorccon L of bckvy bin lohttDlly of Into ibt J ffOtntliovllUto of to la optotdTaeidty of nlgnt I thou Ibt Crotilty or ftod bid Hon K li under bit In order be thoroughly to of gro being in inner bo el end tills ttk fi Blind el lift room or ere being Ibe Hon member or North York li worthy of bo In Tin of Club of Toronto ton In Home on of Ibeooceifon we of Hon of of J Win for Centre Toronto Mr A elected I P for Hiding fn by Oliver Mr Mr I Mr flbeppatd of Toronto end other louring Hit of bit medoelloilon to of jobi eehool annual In con wllh the Sunday School of ihfi will bo held on New night A good being pro tided and Riven all A freewill offering nil bo for Ibe of tho school UdorA intend holding a on evening December The program will of dialogues read- fogs solos duets cboruies motion tongs alio a speech by the grand worthy patriarch Brooks Wedding bells arc ringing A wed ding fs booked for near future Mr William Cordons fac tory It running En full blaif Clara of Sandford Is at Mr John Browns Miss Ethel has been sick but Is around again AURORA Key Richard Weaver of Aurora has brought lull Cafn for He Cain job of bringing his furniture to Toronto The clergyman Cain left the goods fn bis wagon on highway Some funny man set ire lo the whole outfit and How iho clergyman wants OAK Mr James who was hurt by a horse Is very The numerous ponds and lakes In this vicinity much by Ihe local skateri Wild ducks were be seen on Wilcoxs Lake a few days before lake frozen over The store at Bonds lake has been The Sharon Public School intend holding a public con sisting of fancy marching drills and In Temper ance Hall on craning the Inst Silver collection En- at p sharp PINE threshers made a sudden on last week visit ing A Toole Reynolds and I Mr and Mrs Lemon spent Sunday Mr Browns Two more weddings on deck jo tbey say forget ihe conceit at the on the evening of a if trial of petition Mr John A as member of Parliament for North Ontario look on Ibh Intl before Juttloet and Itobertton It took only minute or court to reach a dotation of Mr edinlllod the defeated abjo dspjud each party to pay their The will report to of Common bat elecllorniai been void Now election Mean while I llfyary Ma ahead of hit op be last hit actual ex peons fa attendance MOUNT ALBERT The Sunday School Convention had excellent weather but the prevented the attendance of Horn the remote All the were and IhcaddieiiesweiC very much enjoyed ihe General Secretary Mr A Way The secre tary has promised a report for next weeks County Council meeting on Wednesday evening was largely at tended and proved interesting that was after oclock before t broke up Messrs Woodcock Lundy Hid were oil present and addressed the electors The ECrvices held in the Christian Church on December 5 and were in every particular a grand On Saturday there was a Fellowship Meeting of unusual interest on Sabbath preaching at a and p by the pastor Rev and at p by the Rev 1 Cameron Baptist minisrer The house was filled at each service a vcrp deep interest manifested throughout On Monday evening hot roast brought a big crowd The supper was all that could he desired The ladies maintained their reputation in providing an abundance for a crowd About and geese with some chickens were consumed The program was first- class The choir did some of their singinKi which was highly appre ciated The pastor occupied the chair and the best of order prevailed Proceeds of parly a little oyer VIRGINIA entertainment bo given by Ihe pupils of the public school on the aand to be a grand Tho program will of readings recitations vocal and Instrumental fancy drills and marches A good orchestra will be In attendance and everything provided lo make the evening both amusing and instruct ive A small charge wilt be made to defray expenses and balance go towards buying a for the The teachers will have to work a couple of days longer this year than last This year ihe school on he Inst year it closed on he Mr and Mis Win of are visiting at Mr John Miss Mary Kay at Mr John Kays Miss Shier at Mrs Mia Silas presented her hus band with a little girl list which as one young lady described it to me is both little and Great interest is being manifested in ihe County Council elections and arc assured by many that Mr John of North lirnbsiry will base should lie consent 0 run QUKUHSVILLK Mr Woodcock has a meeting on Wednesday evening in reference 10 County Council eltciicn Mr Woodcock has announced a meeting of bis friends on Wed nesday evening He teems be the most for the scat There not much talk here about the Co Council election The cohcerl lobe given by Queens- Public School has been post- until the evening of Doc and as it conflicted with other A cordial welcome extended to all Veto Only One Week Until CAPITAL win iiy tad del- TWO Of know- 1t of entity t regular CORHKRS bit WHAT UK fcKEU 1V1 uu of ted live IVtlorti At bye to At or 1 J io Wit A maid Vim to Ibo or thri or from Rit Iim from of WoiibMtaH J of Wainy J Indian on Iltwrvo froai to Mr of Dominion dttnoctlii lbt mm bold la city of Winnipeg of Hiding or to tbt in Cor will and took Mr J ficoUicstr cm- ond Mr- Q to Polling oldti oaur- id contort with boo bun WEfifiL VOIHXS A- fit The daring bio In Clablno Mitt of with Belfry Mr Oliver fa to out Mm three or our in city with of with Cone Hun Mill I MeUoU of Bradford woo I MM leaves Monday for the Ontario Vet College to to Eat ins 11 at Mr on Andrew Hooter it Pells Jo 1 til for on to with her Ester lit Mr J ana Treat very poorly wteb Mr Hendry ot Bond war vlililn with her too Mr A Hen dry a two week The Co of which Mr J A ft eot It dUlibottog a nobby calendar among their ptSroot Milt Grange of It tpcndlng bcr the of Alice Mr left for at arbitrator to over of purcbtatd by I was considerable stir in village an Tuesday it being the Council meeting of year There is good skating on the pond now and many are enjoying it Miss Christy Winch is recovering from a severe attack of neuralgia and We are sorry to learn thai Miss is under the Doctors care Quite a number are suffering from severe colds the results of change able weather Things have been very quiet in our little burg lately But with a wed ding three and Christinas Day next week the pros pects are good for a busy week Revival services commenced at Miss S Irwin is home spending her vacation Trie roads are in capital condition now and if ihe weather contioues cold they will improve Several loads of grain are passing through the village to market Quite a number from here intend visiting relatives during holidays Tncre is some excitement elections but next week the limes will commence Mr David Graham in the vil lage on We are pleased to learn that Mr Richard Morton has successful in obtaining the stage rcuic Sutton and Newmarket KESWICK Owing beautiful moonlight many of our young people have been making of idem by at lending revival services at Kes wick We wonder why more do not come out to Bethel hear Mr Pow ells sermons Sunday after Sunday He sure and come to the tree next Monday night Its going to be a Great are being made for dinner around the coiner John while attending threshing had the misfortune of get ting two of his fingers badly cub Mr Seymour visiting Mr MmuHs Miss A has visiting her lister Mrs Morion in Sutton past week Kilis was in Toronto on Saturday Miss Minnie is on the sick list Mr Culhbertson continues very poorly The wonder what has become of Know All The fifth Annual Convention of the Tp of King Is to place here on the and of Jan It some years since a Convention of this kind was held here and no doubt it will be a great success The first will be held in the Kaptist Church when Rev C Keam of Tottenham give an address on relation of the S S to the Church Friday morning will open Tilth a led by Rev Robinson During the morning addresses will be given by Rev- Rev Amos of Aurora and and Friday after noon session In the Methodist Church when Ihe following will give addresses Rev Mc- Hall Toronto Mr York Aurora Miss Jtssie A Mun- roe Corresponding- Secretary of the Provincial Association Toronto and Rev W Amos Miss is one of the foremost Primary Voik- in the Province and the will also give an address on Friday evening Song Service by choir will be conducted by Mr Phillips of Newmarket will also give an address at the even- In session and Rev Mr Walt of will answer the Question The program is a very at tractive one and in the Township should arrange at to tend delegate of energy TORONTO awtrMtUgttlD LO ottlclLOl up to 1 16 at at 10 ITll from otibjee FOR SALE elm cur rCriOwftvlviMocomko tub in JOSEPH MILLARD CHRISTMAS GLOVES Real French Kids lacing Kids nil colors Real Good Cashmere Gloves Handkerchiefs from Childrens White Boos from CHRISTMAS DRESS GOODS 280 buys a Lovely Dress including linings and trimmings buys a Beautiful Drees including lining and trimmings Seme Handsome AUWool at a yard Some Lovely Wool Plaids regular 76c at A Good Black is an acceptable present See our Stock CHRISTMAS CLOTHING Doing ihe Digest Trade buying in Quantities enables us to outdistance all opposition Boys Nobby Frieze Overcoats regular 3 price 2 Boyfl Nobby SH well made Mens Good Long sold by others at Best Frieze Ulsters Mens Best Tweed Suits all wool single or double breast regular price Leading Undcrtukiiig House FREE J A Air Crayon Ink Portrait Finest TailorMade Black Suite CHRISTMAS CO it 85o 76 Willi i every Ca of Furniture CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN Or Work at If Tux Mr J P or Kirco of coo- to IncrouoJ lii Sir will not to to a a quo- or l iLottcdtof ill not Utile to jii td to Mr J of lotbil plufiq cur oiUodo4 lo ttJii to CO iLli of It too Ma- of tii iiiiU4iiotooJtt4 to will Co Mr from York o few Id Town bomoto Mr been woo in bio to with bti it golog oborlly Mill Milliner boo Now- u4Hnci irci of for of lift for on Mail bo tier Urii ibo city of ber In woo lybid tor Ho Mr BurUad oil for bio wo It Iblo of week bo bio of bo took Ave tutu 4t- It cot ojo tucccoinoQ to or in ft List SnurrJiy one of Mr Thomas boys met with a painful acci dent His about five years of chopping Willi an axe when little Willie but tiro years loo and on the fool opening the joint over instep and cutting to the artery tendons etc Dr Greenwood dressed wound and the little fellow is doing nicely Miss Hush school teacher of the Jersey Section informs us that the entertainment connection with her referred to in the Coltefte Coiner Items of lat week merely the Literary in connection with me school will give a select pro gram t which tune the of the pupils are invited to be present The revival services in the Metho ds Church are continued Kith Interest is the fifth week As the time fox the municipal elec tion draws near old North is commencing to wake up and there is indication that there will be a lively Reeve David- ton is to run for the County Councillor Deputy we hear talks of stepping out of the Township Council and will cither for the County Council or take a rest for a year Councillors Silver and Fenton are aspiring for the Reeves chair and Councillor the only remain ing councillor wilt probably be look- inn for DeputyReeves chair Eat Reeve Scott is also spoken of as a candidate lor the County Council Miss of was visit ing friends for a few days this week Mr of Mount Albert spent Sunday bis Mr W Mill Hose returned wick on Sunday after a weeks vitic at her fathers home in the Hope A match for pigeons and Kte ts to take place at the House Tuesday Ho doubt our still by ibelr band Mr busy moving fences and otherwise improving the appearance of his farm Mr Win has also been up around his premises Mr has returned to Second St where he has for the winter with M At Stephens the ice was very thin and damp there was guile on it last week they were geese Our blacksmith Mr re ports business in his line very good The extra amount of work has com pelled him to get another hand Report has it that someone almost got into trouble about culling wood last week The public no doubt are aware of a hint given in a previous issue about the condition of the hill south of the Corneis News has reached us that a parly driving a spirited came within a few inches of being thrown into the ditch those fogs and to say nothing about a sudden drop of between throe and fur feel for a send off We have had change in government lately and think it would be advisable to have likewise in our Council A- wake ye people and hustle around Mr and Mrs enjoy ed a very pleasant lime Thursday of last week about 50 fifands met to celebrate their Colder Wedding A very nice time spent together They received some very nice presents also a purse of gold containing The old couple were born in the County of Tyrone Ireland in the year married in migrated to this country in and are still residing within two of where they first located We must alto mention that Mis Far land who is years old was present at wedding in and also the golden wed- ding- Following is a copy the ad dress which was read at the golden wedding Iff end option and to our burs it one of book of life Our of bond la bond bill bond in band ihoy lotoltiovolloy lighted with the loye for no to bo here to to too of in tool Time fresh in dear old ihno boo with floworw which liko fcoi wine Aye Itoroved age We CO in CO fittiolb of to with many fang yet they sotp Jiok Undo bark may soil cm tbol may bo bright oar you with Gold at a lofceo of q of family and friend Iter Methodist Mr Albert- is calling on friends this week He reports times good in Parry Sound Mr Will Douglas has returned for the winter JOHN II Pure Irish Linen Table Napkins Xmaa price Linen TnWo Napkins 1 Wide Loom Table Linen Table Linen very fine tin el wide Twill Sheeting yards wide Kelt Cloths in all Choice Currants hold clean fruit Choice Valencia new 8c lb Crosse Citron Orange and Lemon Peels Pure the Dinner Sett away down Tea large variety Toilet Seta ace them great value Every article in this Department marked away down it A SPECIALTY Night colls Attended to at reaWenc ell iutUHGtnQaktStCoD of wife Jet AAoa VUu Std loit to J of If bf Ifotatr town MUNftOa il J Yum I lr A to It IT JT6UMftO 4 of North to iJUi Arwjltfc Tomb At on Ma W too Ktd J A ft CO CO SL ml AT WS V W v J a re E2 a p O Xmas is almost hero in it is just around the corner A great many dont realize that it is so because there is no snow but count She comes whether there is snow or mud it matters not The past Two we have been kept very busy manufacturing our Candy and we are also receiving Orders from places for our Confer which beeps us hustling Remember our Prices cant be beat and the are strictly pure See our Steele of Fine Chocolates and manufactured especially for the Christmas Trade J III Krojvi dQhtr Mr hi UNION STREET The annual conceit held at No in GwillfmUury consisting of songs recitations tableauK etc will be held on the of Dec Doors open at Collec tion defray expenses A large number attended the vivat services held in the Metho dist Church here this Miss who has been attending Model School in spent a very enjoyable time friends in this vicinity on way home near Sutton Mr Hayes little boy met with a sad accident one day last Reek While playing with an are he cut his foot Several stitches required to the wound People ought be more cautious where they leave their sharp edged tools The freshet of has again dis appeared We miss pleasure of snow balling as was indulged in one night last week Another one of fair damsels captured in thepeison of Miss who was joined in the holy bonds of wedlock to Mr Duncan Mcintosh Congratula tions Patties seem to be the order of the day and night The hunters have returned from but weather is fast approaching Friday is Christinas We wonder the Duck give another An explosion occurred match Bavaria demoltihiog the building Jrilliog fif teen women and children and Injuring HOLLAND LANDING The School Board held a meeting last Monday evening for the purpose of engaging teachers Some applications were received The two lucky ones were Miss and Miss of Toronto and Clin ton re spec lively Salaries and Miss of Bradford has been visiting with Miss Grantham past week he Misses Morton gave a parly in honor to Mr John Dunning princi pal teacher of public school on Thursday evening and a very itiiiewas by all We are very sorry to lose Mr Dunning and especially some of the ladies He leaves for Vandoifo commence duties there as principal of the school at New We wish him success and prosperity in his new home and hope he Kill soon make many friends as he has the thou time he was with us Mr Farncomb of hat been appointed rector of this circuit and moved into the village last week sports a turnout now The vehicle he uses is one of the latest He treated a number of the boys to a drive in it last Tuesday evening An old folkY party is to take place here in a short lime so we under stand A bus load from here with several ladies attended confirmation in Brad ford Wednesday evening The County Council election is be ginning to demand some attention Mr E has a meeting on Friday evening The desire us to thank those who to kindly contributed 10 make their recent entertainment such a success Several depredations having been committed of late upon she premises Mr he hi caused notices to be issued offer a reward of for information leading to the of guilty party or patties Tbe destruction is scandal ous and It it hoped fn the moral interests of the village will 1 to Justice jiiii Hi llil In Ike IS ISS Olivia Kr0iSd Am Jo Imt Mr Ji-t- atJ 3 a a choice line of Fine Goods in suitable Boys remember your best Girl and buy one Fit si AI oiitfol j S5wseite7i5 W ANTED fcuie price- II ASTOUKKIL INFORMATION to I It wbltlt ytt5y UltKLLIOtf IS ASTRAY i lit Cm- 80Et Grey a SVbiCe to sjrvTr tti It OR SALE t Ivl Cta 5h ltckl44 Wei hie Apply trt TWO GOOD FARMS TO tori roll it tfAr far osd W to Stilt lit A Per J tiK THERE are OTHERS We have also Christmas Presents Come First Choice NUTS FIGS OR4MGES GRAPES RAX BERRIES AMD BAHAMAS Lowest possible Price- We have a very Large Stock the Lines GROCERIES Drop in Not Gold Splciaclls Sir no SllVLK ToiLKr AND SlLVtft TlllUBLLS AT Etc Who ith Si to ihe iul we tin- OTHERS Who show a Utter Selection or LoAcr Prices WC this month r init to you much about our or but it will kindly call lo oso then- to ShowQoOiB vcd nt 10 be posted in the of Roods but we know all line we handle Wouldnt you rather buy from such a dealer free of charge 11 bright litre ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician 8 Alain St The County Councils Act TO TUB OF SHARON MY a Feast in store for of God Examine our C Worlds and our and when you a Cup of come to us we have the Coffee mates it and that longing Our Peels in Orange and Citron art the in Town and the Price Remember Imported direct low in Price that our Currants and nukes the Christmas Cake and Pudding Come am Deal with Us and you will me rnonty Come Early and avoid the Rush then you will get ratisfictoily A ROBERTSON WE START A SALE SATURDAY Our Stock Must bo This is an Opportunity to buy Winter Goods at Reduced Prices just when you want them TS liHeyilD I ii A W I I fi S WAYSIDE SONGS BY A LJf Mit r lit l REDUCED TO 700 FOR THE HOLIDAYS Very nice On talc at Stairs Roche lira rd Laii fcitavtX- WATIOWAL ftUIUlINO FAT rfitoJ kvhm it Uf till ataertu FOR SALE CO- We have a Choice FANCY GOODS In Celluloid Silver Leather Oak and Flush Also Choice Perfumes Be and clt before your X PRESENTS Prices Reasonable leys Pharmacy i t fc DR

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