Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 18 Dec 1896, p. 1

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f t I W- T- v vvv ERA livery monitor LYMAN GEO JACKSON AT HUNTING And it 2000 syBgcn Eft A4rifUalrJt Intrurtkfit la HI church GIVE ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER TO AUGUR ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL LIBERTY BANKr i YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GST No papers- tent outside of North York unless paid in advance Vol No 10 Single Copies J Cents Each J Newmarket 0nt Friday December 18 Terms Strictly in Advance within 3 or at en d of year I Branch Intercut on it DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL Draft lit attested to NEWMARKET Our new Bake Oven Works complete Our new Baker knows howto do the Work Control STARR GENUINE hookey sticks STARR HOOKEY SKATES Hoys Kim Klin Shin y Main Newmarket A ah Jr If Cor Tp Kiev Mo no fyian J WOODCOCK- L iid A J AtirJnifllfonJp If Iffy 4fceiiTfn lot lilt up Fund i 800000000 I A ts A llrtRch VherodtpiUo Discounting Farmers Holes AT HATES Toll rhb It PASS THROUGH FREE J0HKHIXIO1T 1- 1 lib ArrAtjftJJKU fa pm IX A Co ltOKCft ftfit door lie- en to A lfil Toronto Cor liiturrUi 131 And AI E GliOOME o j ho Wood Action door Pitta ta Season our Stock of China is much more coincide and varied than usual We never had as Good Good at as A Parlor Tabic Limp for cheap at and for wc you a I amp least S3 and our arc very handsome JAPANESE CHINA a nice iclctlion of ireful well votiliy of your lion Vtry pretty states Sets reduced away A Fine Silection at Special Prices for Trade from up also will have Tables of China at 5c ice and for your choice of any piece ftPPLETONS TEA In Packages Did you have a Simple Cup fait week From way is selling it certainly must have fkraictl many arc Sole Agents also wc have the lolloping lino all put up in 1 lb and Lb Per th lira la Lord put my toot fjord No I My ho lift hi mo or feci any good Ho lo Ill for my My doth ftntl Mo In of right mo with until I 1 on j Hit loving In fresh and flhIt A la oer cry tint I cattily My tout from oat doth Xliofjb With oil And deilrOi at Popular Prices My Cop with holy joy Ho Alii op and yd I tbiri for mote MONSOON RAMS I Y I Ill I wm In hue j Clothed by Hit Ion and cite j Ho will my too will If When Ho too when I Ho not I Special Line Bread and Butler Plates Hit Jlii mercy ill it DR J IoutliCid lofVr A tf it ft Ttcuiuth Wo Itlcr fates Styles Hoots Shoes for Children all new Good wearing at Pikes The above arc BLACK or MIXED We must not our famous my lift urboM III I lM With When hi bo I will in gently mo up until I llC to lotto I- I fttBluidy -A- l WMiiQ iOR THE FJNKST TURNOUT I try VKItHOH V OSV TO AT KiTAUMiilltDitiJ SIMPSON Main MtllHKH ibe xtulitilcDlvll fit to us for Rubbers GROCRKY DEPARTMENT This is where we lead friends all keep only Our RAISINS CURRANTS arc Laden and you no more Come and sec ihcrn LEMON PERL ORANGE PEEL CITRON PERI Fine Table Raisins in Small of or lbs Very Fine Choice Figs Fine Figs for ice No Cooking Figs Grahams Pepsin Cheese What is for jcc or ftf the for the Price you can find also have at and TO Ministers Young Wife ley our Excelsior Blend I is the highest CHASK SANBORNS SEAL BRAND IMPERIAL JAVA All are Fine Quality NUTS Choice and Filberts Special Value in Hanging Lamps MIB a a THE LEADING GROCER Childrcr over 12 years ot age Insured Females without extra charge HUNT received Lit tie tor lfIH foigc10 Hi it I IAWKIK NEWMARKET IN MONUMENTS and MEAD STONES El Singing and Violin Teacher for nil Voloo Voices IT UK NICEST JACK301TS POINT CHRISTMAS PRESENT I WMcDONALDFrop PINK AND AND SHINGLES but t cj very ALSO 120 fccHLorctuichurjfceltio WlcDOSALD Nov It or ale ihtro ftrolnif for Mr If or pat MAUIUAOK I1KTIANI TOWN CARTING 1AV1U MUX Idea ji IUJWUU FOR GALE STOVE CHESTNUT FIRSTCLASS find tec me I M We hear a great deal about purifying the blood The way to purify it is to enrich it Blood is not a simple fluid like water It is made up of minute bodies and when these are deficient the blood lacks the lifegiving principle Scotts Emulsion is not a mere blood purifier It actually increases the number of the red corpuscles in the blood and changes unhealthy action into health If you want to learn more of it have a book which tells the story in simple words Great commotion the pastor tin Arthur let it be known ihit lie would a wife the spring and would need He had been called to St Johns Church some months pre vious He seemed to he such a re served cold man that his id him up is not being a mar- 1 man he was declared to be veritable that loved nothing but bis books and church and good deeds The rector had made his home Judge and wife since he iad accepted the call The old had become attached to him proposed to the congreation to tit up a pretty but neglected parson- fee for the new bride It was not a rich church but Judge Rowan was able to do much more ban any of the and was quite when he chose to be So the was made comfotUbie and cosy for the coming bride and groom The inference naturally drawn was that the bride would be scholarly and every way fitted to be a helpmate for the dignified pastor Imagine the when he walked up the hurch aisle with a young girlish but bride dressed becomingly for her of rich brunette beauty young enough to be his laughter It was to be hoped that he happy looking bride did not see he astonished and diiappoinied look f her husbands parishioner es pecially of the country folk The of beautiful June Homing was in perfect accord with die feelings of Mr McCreadys The young wife had a secret ladness that no fall in the barometer be in the least likely to affect It was woven in corresponding pit terns into the of two lives ihus soliloquized the happy girlish young creature Mr lived upon too high a plan and was out in these ruhing progressive selfish days of the nineteenth century He lived for the good of bis fellowman His wife never knew when he went down town whether he would come back with his overcoat or whether he would not spend every dollar his market some widow or to help some sorrowing one It was wis go nature in won the young romantic girl She adored these traits to noble and unusual Men kind ue not easy to live with They deny themselves arc self- sacrificing but are usually poor and their families have to suffer many in conveniences As the years the young who came to them with such delight in her heart roses in ber cheeks to to look dispirited to be sure the was the mother of three children a devoted member of St Johns Church and a kindhearted mother ly little widow considered it her duty to look after the ministers family She had noticed the sadness in the young wifes face of lite There was something pathetic in it and it troubled Mrs Broun She made unusual efforts to help her The unspeakable charm of was upon everything The garden would soon and bloom with roses Their anniversary a well remembered June day would soon bo here but the roses had deserted the young wiles checks All day the had not known a halfhours leisure would tell jou she wis on her feet from morning to night performing a ruund of dunes which have all to be gone iIwourIi with again on the mor row she fccli is wasted There had been floatirg through rniid and heart some sweet chords which she longed to weave into harmony She was given to composing somewhat before her marriage being a skilful musician She is still conscious of the power but time I time when and where She bad not a moment to call her own Sim looked of it all She find herself with pencil and trying to jot down some sweet notes that had been ringing within her all day Mrs was a quiet unobtru sive peinn sympathetic and tender The workbasket lull of little waists to be made and cloihinv stood in front of her She took out a garment to work upon She noticed the abstraction of the ministers wife the far away I ok After some mo ments of silence Mrs McCready said Mrs it isnt wicked lo long so for the beautiful is it I love music clothes dont love books but the temptation to buy what I want is so great I know I shock you Our church would regard me foolish and mental hut I hate to be poor dont think Im married David I loved him I would do it again I gave Up wealth for him but being poor means up sentiment believe David his foraoiten he ever loved me has forgotten how I iiied took and yet how he praised me in that violet gown If I should tell you what 1 would low to have money to spend for you would feel shocked I would love a little Trench straw bonnet with delicate pink roses and a vioe t- colored organdie gown I not to feel wicked on a June morning but for once I believe I would like to exchange places with the rich Mr Withers who can every wish I am tired so tired and with that she broke into a sob and retted her head on the back her and cried as if her heart would break Mrs was astonished j the- little wile was not given lo unburden ing Is r heart but the church had all wondered how such a little beauty with tastes that seemed lo all so different had ever come to marry their grave studious minister Mrs threw down her work put her motherly arms around the poor wife and spoke soothing comforting words of affection The wife spoke between sob saying know you pity me and have a contempt for such weakness but Im lad said it I feel belter to have opened my head to you Ive no mother or sister and Davids life is so The young wife bathed her face brushed her hair she was shocked as she caught a glance of her face in thn mirror It looked old and careworn She picked up a of her hus bands she knew had been lefi there by mistake and turned to re place it on his the study when a slip of paper fell out It read G loves beauty the plain son follows God might have made the birds of one colored plumage from wingtip to through every species He might hive made them all or all brown or russet very dull and very unattractive but he has not thus made them He has thrown into their plumage every tint the sun paint thousands of them so gorge ous that seemingly they must rainbows and got penciled with the colors Some were heard in the hall and the brighteyed lovely I daughter ran in to her mother the song service at the where she and David had gone their papa Mr walked into the sewingroom holding Utile Davidd hand he spoke to Mrs Brown at his and his conscience pricked him the re membrance that he had asked in to supper his Sunday Schoolbojs who he knew were seeking bad com- piny and hoped to help them out of it Poor little wife he said you are quite tired out lie went up kissed her her to his heart Tnough the most reserved of men there was something in his wifes face that touched him and made him forget all else save her The look of happiness with which she raised her face to his revealed a great deal His face and voice expressed the deepest love She had always been like himself but she his taught me a new lesson said Mrs Drown that there are natures that cannot live by bread alone The cold minister showed he loved his wife as she loved him Mrs McCreadys face looked trans- as she turned to Brown and insisted on her to with them Who should drive up just as the tea bell rang but rich Mrs Withers She wis a member of Mr church She was dress ed exquisitely and held in her hand a bunch of which gracefully pinned on Mrs McCreadys bodice The servant girl ring bell again the lads whom the minuter had In vited to tea were out under the apple tree with the and all came rushing In merrily Mr hid arranged for a nice little tea and If you really mean it she said I would be delighted I have felt so miserable and lonely at the hotel In fact Ive been crying all day It is the of my birth day Guy would just be the age of your Mr laid mill tears swimming in and as the seated herself at the par sonage table and looked at Ihe happy childicn she exclaimed Oh Mr my dear woman bo thankful for your treat- ores your children your husband and a happy home I would be willing to exchange everything I have on earth tonight to have what you have Qbitntr Mud mud mud has been he order week Blockades of mow in the NorthWestern slates and none here Many would like to know if we arc going to have snow or mud for The time for life of the festive key and is short The Sons of Temperance will have a grind conceit in their ball hereto- night Piiday The admission fee is away down so it is expected there will be a full house Mrs Chas Fox of Detroit has been visiting with her husbands parents here at Glenhirst farm On Wednesday night of last week seven or eight A held a meeting in the hall here There was a good attendance and the audience heard some good veal music and also hid tome heavy volleys fired at them by the soldiers The financial likings at the collection were not up to expectations year is ending with a good showing for the ladies in this vicinity On Wednesday of last week Miss Emma Bar a del left home and friends hoe and went to Hamilton to make Mr J If Veterinary happy for hie He came out on Tuesday and next morning they drove to Aurora where they took train for Toronto and were married there then on to their future home in Hamilton Wc wish them long life and happiness Two more weddings we hear are to come off on of this week hut as there is many a slip be tween the cup and the lip and as I can not wait with this news till then I wont say who the parties arc lit sure of it but wc trust there is no slip in these events Our local stonemason Mr Peter has purchased the io the village at prevent occupied by the Smith family but belonging to Mr John Davis of Aurora Hog killing for borne consumption is order these limes also winding up the tenons grain threshing The clover threshers are patiently waiting for it to up so they can get to work Now boys and girls you must all pray for snow for it is going to be very tough on Santa reindeers if there is no snow for COOKSTOWN On Monday evening the the Kindergarten Concert by the Primary pupils the Public School conducted by Miss took place and was highly appreciated the large au dience can recommend this en tertainment to any school as it is pretty Instructive and a great benefit to the little folk Miss Long for herself a reputation for training children well worth SUTTON The annual supper arid reunion in connection with the A p place last Friday night About three hundred people tat down to a most sumptuous repast Judging from the enthusiasm displayed a most enjoy- time was spent by The en- was opened by P Cote D G M In a short and pithy speech who Introduced Grand Masteiworkmm Until of so many ladies teemed to embar rass the G M whose extreme modesty is a prevailing trait but as he warmed up and finding that the ladies were all Inclined to be at tentive he greatly amused all present with the many clever stories he told in illustrating his good opinion of the working of the Order After supper had been disputed of all again repair ed to the hall Dancing as usual was the theme of the evening Music was dispensed by the orchestra whose number was increased to six by ihe welcome addition of Mr Site Soules of whose profi ciency in bringing those deep resonant tones from old silver horn brought past memories back to many present U 1Kb from who Declared Been Completely Cored testify Tit for Tat A British sailor being a in a murder case was called to the stand and wis asked by the counsel for the Crown whether he was for the plain defendant Plaintiff or defendant the sailor scratching his head Wfty I dont know what you mean by plain- lift or defendant I come to speak for my friend pointing to the prison er Youre a fellow for a wit ness said the counsel not to know what plaintiff or defendant means in trial counsel asked the sailor what part of the ship he was in the time of the murder Abaft the binnacle mc lord said the sailor Abate the binnacle replied the barrister Whit part of the ship is that Aint you a pretty a counsellor said the sailor grinning at the counsel not to know what abaft the binnacle is The court laughed Old Man has to Say If ro Ask Nearest Drag- gill for a Cent Vial unci Ave Toronto says For months I from dyspepsia and liver complaint of a nature as 10 be considered Incurable by both gen eral and special pbyaieiant and my case was given up as hopeless After a short treatment by Rem edies I found myself entirely free from pair and vomiting and I am able to eat with exception a little weakness I feci as well as be fore my trouble began and can con fidently and with great pleasure re- Remedies to all who arc Cure sel dom fails to relieve in one to ihce hours and cures in a few Pile Munyons Dyspepsia Cure positive ly cures all forms of indigestion and stomach troubles Price Munyons Cold Cure prevents pneu monia and breaks up a cold in a few hours cents Munyons Cough Cure stops coughs night sweat s allays soreness and speed ily heals the lungs Price Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the back loins or groins and forms Of kidney disease Price cents Headache Cure stops minutes Price Munyons Pile Ointment positively cures all forms piles Price Munyons Cure eradicates all impurities of the blood Price 25c Munyons Female arc a to all women Munyons Asthma Remedies relieve in minutes and cure permanently Catarrh Remedies never The Catarrh Cure price indicates Ihe disease from sys tem and the Catarrh Tablets price cleans and heals the pith Cure is a wonder ful nerve tonic Price Vitalizes restores lost or Price A separate cure for each disease At all druggists mostly cents a Persona letters to Prof and Albert St Toronto an swered free medical advice any disease Objections Christians think that infidel are formidable while the truth is that most of are very easily answered As an example take the following interesting remarks from the famous pamphlet of k Hastings of Boston on The Inspira tion of the Bible to show the ease with which that wellknown writer dis poses of one strongly urged infidel objection Men love objections and so they say there are difficulties and absurdities and errors and con tradictions in the Bible You have all heard such assertions After speaking once in the city of Boston an exminister came to and told me that the Bible was not true for there was that story which told about the quails Israel lusted after flesh and the sent them quails to and they fell by the cunp a days jjrney on each side or over a forty miles across and they were two cubits deep on the ground and the Israelites ate them for a full month I have in my possession an infidel paper which wis published in Boston in which theie is about a of arguments and figures on this quail story giving an estimate number of bushels of quails that were piled up over the country and showing that when they were di vided among the people each one would have bushels quails which they were to eat during he month giving each poor Israelite bushels quiils lo eat at each meal for thirty day and there fore the Bible was not true is the meat on which these so wondrous great I sad to this gentleman hie not say any such thing He replied that it certainly did but I answered it did not say any such thing He insisted it did Well said I find it I And when you an infidel find anything in the Bible you generally have him He could not find the place so I turned over to the eleventh chapter of Numbers there read that in- of the birds being picked like cordwood on the ground three feet deep the account says that he Lord brought the from the sea and let them fall by the camp as it were two cubits high or three feet high upon or above the face of the That is instead of fijing over head and out of each they were brought in about three feet high where anyone could take as many of them as he chose And this skepti cal friend hid got the birds picked three feet deep over a territory forty miles across At if I should say a flock of wild geese flew as high as a church tpire and some one should insist lhat thtv were picked from the ground up a hundred feet high I This is a simple of the kind of argument infidels bring to prove the true Stilts 4 I and the cares and increasing family with much cordiality invited Mr uakei more than of aid told Winter to Rum in the United ftvtry day The cause of hard times among the people is the fact that too many per sons lake no heed of the morrow They act upon the ideas lhat cient unto the is the evil thereof and make no provisions whereby to avert the that certain to come now and then Too many live up to their incomes as they go along This may do for a single man with no one dependent upon him for it is a bid practice A case in point A young man has been enjoying income of about a month for years He was his own boss he He spent his money as he earned it and when he married he hid to stock up his house with He bought furniture and carpets on time inducing friends to go his security is the He begins hi married life behind hand His wages are always spent before he them for the furniture dealer has to be paid the landlord is inexorable the grocer wants cash He cannot a dime ahead and if he should sick or lose his situation he has no idea would become of him Tnis is Only one instance of thousands It is the experience of every man who lives up his income- He is always at the of the trying a load that grows heavier every year When he fails to pi he defrauds somebody out of his just due and ii goes Nine ducks and a chicken disappeared from roost of Wot Sibbald one night list week Frederick Small contract or who pleaded guilty to the Hamilton House of Refuge out of wis sentenced by Jclfs to pay a fine which he at once The boiler of a threshing at work at the farm of Mr- Arch ibald Ferguson Yarmouth Alexander Forbes who owned the engine wis by a fljing piece of the boiler in of left and killed Three other men were injured ay a fflllrij SAVED MY I il fir a I mud For Kile is Dreg Blot CORK ij ItearulcIiutCVKasiafilko la tit Cart est 0oc4Va KARLS ROOT id cud The man who complains hi cant make both ends meet should begin on ox tail and finish on beef tongue The ratepayers of will vote on a bylaw jo raise to provide for the city furnishing its own electric light -CS- Mr Bailey Whitby was caught in the red of his mill and man gled He cannot recover The man to marrow whit he earns today may all but when he eats today what ex pects to earn tomorrow he is in 1 bid fir Two children Mr Prove of Cheltenham broke through the tee in Credit River The little girl was rescued but the boy Thomas was drowned About six hundred persons living in Milwaukee were poisoned some seriously by bread obtained from a biker I contained arsenic and il is the poison was put in the bread by tome enemy ihe biker A Not ft Bat Wcro Pbiiical Dotoci Skill Cartlbr Nervine Prostrated by nervous debility Mr lumber merchant and mill owner of Merrickville wis breed to from the ivities of bus nets He says I tried everything in the way of doctors and proprietary medicines but no thing helped me was to use South American Nervine and I lay I half a before I found benefi cial results At a result of several battles find my self today strong and healthy and ready for any amount of business before my nervous system wis so undermined that I could scarcely sign my own name with a pen pencil feelingly and knowingly get of this wonderful Pharmacy The youngest child of Mr John Neil of was burned to death through his nightdress catching fire from a gas grate A a Almost Bat for Car for lb fitory a A death to be dreaded Is that from and yet this it one of the usual phases of heart disease- Mrs of as near dangerous point is say a Sjld at need be She I was much afflicted heart failure in fact I could not or tie down for of suffocation I tried all the doc- tori In of the country but they lined to give me relict A recommended Dr Cure for the Heart I tried to awl immediately ease gWVv not know before and v of the tatdWat- trouble left not too much to T4 V j Ufa at ftosMC

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