I A j 4 E WM ERA 2 Road Toronto Bicycles Win the Honors TIME PRIZE WON BY A and TIME PRIZE GRAVES A McCRKADY U re iha res Seta f- tain tot to ail la Ibt wuwil ftl ft4 ft rtdtf ftt4 Hot Of flartoj ibt A Co ltd Toronto In THERECAriJDBNpOETTEn THAN THE CEYLON TEA IH LEAD PACKETS on HALF ONE POUND flETAIL fi Ctfie a IS THE BEST TORONTO fl flolouiu it A LIFE SAVED Id CHERRY PECTORAL ro Kit rtpiL Ibt lime I I DIAL me Ibt vai I ifivltfa W 11 Aycrs Cherry Pectoral THE I in I UHT TO Oct I Ktcpllio to walk In lift fjfiivo concern lot ft ralo to Co down lift tn4ftQCxwr Mi It wit for ftl Joncoro hit life M king la lie ftoQiHibcAio one end which 111 JI by right of ll ptuiforlbt erection of from higher mere ftlUchmtol to Hoi- onion that ho tie the licit ftnd the elf the of IjahiLoIdfttUmpt the Atitdlioovered the fttternpt ftod to ftroute to ifiw tanco of the by ftppca through never teat Aral and corning found feln fttouK1 to ftel is and child Urn into a hat and than even il til he lbLlaliinjtcf your J old fit hrinii in delude Conduct It only one condition of end that la to for thai iho kingdom of role H ord JiSTtMwviia4url4AdcWtyix i44rtofiUUUcaiiUJl6a4CiiO irtaUfarttnvntcouH fiom rid w Wo ro Aghtinjj no Joilnghiuo tilt Wo for no Ii MjkdfAieriv i til Witt HESS CUtAH CoMPUEXiOri TONIC BOLD AT til fht of a It not treat the rich ftnd hot we treat the Iho weak of truo la to the the retiring Are At pood for to acout A from pro- to the In to harbor Jtriproumtott for Tow ftppolnV of Niagara and Mr- Of of Ibt Tin tod ftohttTO Jorcollon Art roiriud fa How- October The Article ft I A Com moot by Mr ratmbtj for Uembeii of from and At ft flrtt ifrat Error la ft vork forming or Library of If Bolton which of and do- ftod An dodtoo firaVclAMrttfOTrtfrom ftbtCTl A tit Ontario Hal fn mining to open ft from oa for lironl to lha ind of Central it in At tending meeting fa looking for jointer In of fnatlu lion bit charge At ft of a few day Ago decided lo bold A parly convention In Toronto not decided tot the third week In tail the of an editorial in Wednesdays the line of action which the has decided to with to the civil service employee ii clearly The fact ailed that while the Confederation is nearly thirty yean old during all that period Liberals have had control of the national affairs for not more thin five years a result our count customs and every branch of public is filled by Cunseifative Govern- of whom have secured their positions in consideration of Under these con ditions itis of first importance as a matter of selfpreservation that iho Government impress upon oftkiih thai their of active in politics is an end and if they continue work for the that placed in than for the country lhal pays lor the discharge of duly will bring prompt dismissal This appear to be the course out as the policy of Hie Ad- To allay the fears however of thoe who have not acted beyond the bounds of propriety who have not engaged in proved is given ihey will not be the thought is expressed that would a to tiink departmental in- on the grounds of mete At the same time now that liberals are in power officials given clearly to understand thai is the duty to be loyal to the Heads of Department that even than ship summary punish- ment We are not In favor of the re moval of officials on account of their politics but if they prefer talcing an active part in the political arena to hold then they should be given an opportunity to At trip the Ottawa Ainprior ihtka all the without being Sound on Iptmtonert on the public the lull that to look for relied from to box bills may find ihelr in Iry and wo give oar reader this hint loath In Mr John their Hiding In bye- to to fill vacaho atoned by of Mr It It Kir Howell of MiUitgtr An other of A rnan returning hit flr lore of hit la the tame nil when ho entered John A Mac- many It now as it Hon Mr filflon A tor in the Govern Manitoba will portfolio of Mini tier of the Interior In the Cabinet It It not likely that Any will bo wade in till of the It the of Mr John Cameron of the A4nhttr ft to fill the vftcaney by the of Mr It a wellknown for ft lime of Hit brother Mr Is printer for Ontario Hallway Com Alt toe the W And bill bill in not In Ha detail to of in who depth of water In to bo de fined ftnd other guarded It It understood ft of the recent of the and Action in Willi abolition of on tho York The general 1on lb At they will tivekucoof to yield their tenure in two month At provided in Kate Agreement so of Ihit week in of ftgalntt the Hertford ft the that In this Co didnt pay over the certain creditor bad gar- It in who mi Mr Smith bat the court de cided the w I- it evening people of gave Jacob the world a to Anduntbe At the House primmed with An endfvOO In hi reply f old he was ready At All timet to defend title And If wanted chance ho was ready for Methodist Church will be held on Sunday Oct The following Tuesday evening a hot supper and entertainment will be given in the chuich The GovernorGeneral hat been recommended to comrnuie the capital sentence on the boy to be hanged on Oct 1 at Lindsay lie be sent the for life Mr a of Collide and his wife were on Sparrow by the up letting of their A of Senators and nittntrtit of enjoyed a f PICTURES FOR SOAP A Colored for or lifebuoy mo LEVER BROS ltd Tor of jary found wild the Police of Toronto for to the however them lhat the law a person charged to elect ho he tried A jury Jury that the School We think fa worthy of the as the ft now uid by VArfoaa and In the thou committed by In Accordance with reporl of of of After a full three lator had Attick on Aocoonl of the of foliliul piitlznf in were on Ibo of Civil by long yeart of lo tome ctei ibcu party had ad And have of June tide In mourner ma going About the atrcet A wilted Liailtr and the el Fenian Jo to the to provide who with and land for conveyed the that JtnperlU Wat top ply ibtictdUa and Gov make ILe In there were of who In reply lion Mr It ihn It too uIon to do Auytblcg lit that there waft of the Imperial they only prOHcu in the ficd or In Iba lie bat lb appoint ft A to AolollKShu been a of AjHcaltort It or word on of ftto la of to bo hid moot oatolmouo Ub of factor that ohoald bo brood id a Winner Comdft many thingi tfant ex- cite and of these it doubtful if Cndln Imiiiuilon moro general fntcftlt than the family Star of Montreal You may travel any- where throughout Ontario Hew Manitoba flritfih Columbia and Newfoundland and there you are lure to tec lie Family Herald and Wttkty Star a paper that it looVed forward to each week with interne longing by lis Outside of Canada too the Family ftratd and has a ycry large edition one of the highest tributes that could he paid to ill for El goes light In and competes with foreign papers and beats them on heir own around Its simply wonderful John owner of val uable farm property in this county and for past thirty years engaged the oil business is quite confident that the oil belt coming from Indiana through JJothwcil comes through running in a noitheasterly direction So confident is he Of this that he proposes to form a company wilh a capital of shares of each to bore for oil in lie says if twelve shares are taken he will carry rest bring in the plant and cotnnunce operations at once Find Men Miles for Health and Wealth and Dr ft Your Foot Certain and For raoMntAnd Health is Wealth The Heart Cure for Heart is a peerless remedy In thousands of cases where sure and sudden death seemed imminent its wonderful curative powers have de monstrated and in most acute forms relief has come in thirty Home of the moil symp toms of heart disorder are shortness of breath smothering spells palpita tion and pain in the left side Mrs J I writes 1 feel that Cure for the Heart saved my life was affected with heart trouble in a very acute form I could not and could not He down for fear suffocation I tried many of the best phjsieians without relief until oneof ihcni recommended Dr Cute for the Heart I procured a One dose gave relief and a few bottles completely cored roe Catarrh This dread disease fast ens with inveterate hotel upon the linings Of the nostrils A simple cold in head will induce it It is estimated lhat per com of the papulation of the continent are in a greater or lesser degree subject to its ravages One case has yet 10 be cited where the faithful use of Dr Catarrhal Powder has not effected a perfect cure The Rev Mungo I of Knox Church Hamilton Out who has a continental reputation as a divine and scholar was a martyr to an acute ca- This great remedy brought to his notice he used and he writes over his own signature the strongest words of corn- of lis curative powers and recommends it to all like sufferers CURED IN TO Dr Agnews Ointment will cure all cases of itching piles in from three to six nights One appli cation brings comfort For blind and bleeding piles it is peerless Also cures tetter salt rheum eczema bar bers itch and all eruptions of the skin cents Ira William Dixon a merchant of Stilton died intestate on July leaving an estate SVUn 4 a tit maihotoooaelfrflObiUlurtoOiatodli Society Register ifa or bonKOiau I V altoo to A I lib la Atn in A ltd liictllUldt ffimiii A la A Uocdty In of Id 1Mb ifl0ib rdoxiy AaronEitry Mdy LMcciU Id- arc proud of our lacrosse team who the recent finals by a of to Referee Montgomery of Newmarket satisfaction to both sides has left for she intends to re main for a time BRADFORD The early closing bybur comes In to effect on the 1st of Oct Miss of last week and part of this town the guest of Mrs Thorpe Mr Cook lost one of his horses on Monday We a tumor in the throat caused Its death Complaints hate been made to us that the Day is being detft- almost every week by parties engaging In boating and bunting on the Holland River 9 SUTTON Mrs Rich resides with Mrs Graham and Is bout years old fell while stalking in the garden one day last week and broke her arm Considering her age she Is progressing favorably fillet obtained a search boat which found at the landing of Wesley Jackson A court followed and that he had bought the boat from The latter swore he purchased the boat from Phil lips who cannot be found another court John Allan jr was fined 1 and costs for assaulting his mother During the Saturday the parapet over the south wall of ihe Wellington Hold stable was hurled the ground A man named Tail was passing the lime The bricks tumbled upon and he was knock ed to the ground Although re a shock he was not other wise abose a cut on the back of the head While and Cartridge were in plastering at the Central School the scaffold gave way and fell to floor carry ing its occupants with it Bishop was badly cut about the head a few flitches by a phy sician Partridge escaped with a bruited hip James Kavanagh blacksmith was engaged in blowing a bellows to heat a long Iron sod Having heated it red hot the latter it out He it around intending to do tome work with it The point of the iron came in contact with hip and the healed metal pierced the to the bone HoT7 many wo men do you know struggling along with burdens Us meant to bear be cause husbands have lost their health A man health Is an easy thing to loco A little care and the right medicine make it easy to loot health Neglected disease breeds death Over work expos ure wrong eating wrong living generally may engender dfceise Symptoms vary but by far the majority of diseases arc marked by a loss of vitality a wasting flesh The lungs and the stomach suffer Disease germs enter the system through these two or gans Recovery means driving out the germs and building up strong healthy The medicine that will do it quickest and thor oughly the medicine to take That medicine Is Golden Medical Discovery tt scorches out diseasegerms wher ever they exist and exterminates them It Is a powerful invigorat ing tonic It promotes digestion creates cures biliousness and all liver kidney and stomach disorders and to nil blood medicine Idea HUM In tlti fcctrortr oifLt no fu fcb Is Mr A Snider is attending the fall assises at Toronto on jury Mr Cocking astiucd by Rev Mr Poller is holding revival services at his appointment on line Wednesday evening a number of members of the divisions of the Sons of Temper ance paid a fraternal visit to ihe lodge of this place and a very enjoy able evening was On Sunday last the English Church was very beautifully decorated on ac count of the Harvest Home service- Rev Mr Williams was obliged to fill his usual position as he was unable lo secure the services of the prominent whom he expected The Harvest Home dinner was on Wednesday evening on the church grounds During the afternoon la- crosse and football matches between teams from Toronto and Bolton and and Aurora In the even ing a concert was held in the Tem perance hall The new Methodist Church is completion and preparations are going on for the opening services which are expected to take place on Oct and dinner on the follow ing Monday evening lot for UNION STREET Mr Rose has returned home from where he has been visiting friends and relatives the patt week Miss Ida came home from the week Paring bees are all the rage in this vicinity All old maids are look ing forward to the cheap Thanksgiv ing Festival the duck his in store for them Remember this is leap- year Mrs Alex Eves intends moving away from the farm to Sharon where she sritl make her luture home- Rev Mr Reynolds leave next week for Kingston where he intend taking a circuit We wish bin much success A number from ibis street wilt take in Markham Fair We understand the bear has been seen by ihe Swamp Angel prowling around again Visitors Mr Mr James Harriett Mr John Mr and Mri at Mr James A Roses and Mrs On Sedore at Mr Grant OB BIX VtAU Ii Diced All The demand is big The pills are little easy to take results no pain to in a vial and cents at alt In supplementary mites there is a grant of for harbor impioiement m NEWMARKET A Full Stock of the Best just re ceived A Y Night Bell The incandescent lamp consists of a filament of carbon to give high resistance enclosed in a receiver made of glass from which the air is exhausted the conductor being seated ihroueh the glass connected with the filament searched the world over for materials for Ibis filament and hit upon bam boo which was imported as dunnage from the East evenly cut into fine splinters and then carbonized To produce this lamp the Factory was established at Harrison New Jersey now employing several hundred girls and men and turning out over six million lamps per year the largest product in the rid Of late years squirted filament has taken the place of bamboo or other pure cclloloc is digested much as the human stomach food into a brown fluid not unhke thin molasses which when squirted under pressure through a finely cut steel die or lube is deposited as a continuous spiral in a vessel of alco hol slowly revolved below The alcohol washes out the acid and the white thread which is left cut into strips is packed in a crucible sub jected to intense heat and charred into black carbon filaments These are mounted with carbon paste upon platinum terminals which have al ready been securely fastened into the tiny stopper or glass Meantime the ftlass bulbs have been made in the glassfactories and into these glass stoppers are hermetically sealed At the end of the bulb there is left an open tube of glass- In ihe uunnoom the lamps arc hung by the conductor to connections and ihe open tube is connected to a glass lube through which is a stream of mercury from the mercurial airpumps This mer cury sucks the air out from bulb and when the air is practically ex hausted the current is turned on to show whether the vacuum is to- and drive any air out from the carbon way The bulb is seated Rich lamp is now in turn inlo a photo meter where one girl adjusts the lamp to standard while another reads off and marks the voltage Recently an Italian for producing a vacuum by chemical means has replaced in measure the mercury pump The variety of lamps made at the Edison Works is extraordinary at least a thousand kinds being produced ranging in illuminating power from candlepower for miniature decor ative lighting to above candle- power From Magazine October fill I at la tub work VO- NURSERY tbtel to ftf osd re J I tiV Children Goal FOR WJ DENSE liiilll 1 DAVID LLOYD ifjaMu clothes sweet clean white the least labor m Newmarket economical and Day c EVERYTHING IN GOOD WORKING ORDER Some Wagon calls for and I Aurora Call Tuesday and deliver Thursday delivers all Bradford Call Wednesday and deliver Friday EMBURY Proprietor f Opposite Curtains done up equal to new Special terms for family washing TRUNK RAILWAY TRY OUR PAILS CborESPins Am IB ft OP Building Material BICYCLE REPAIRS Wo fiUfl tin dot In coonoetloa itb oar flhip tor frA all in All with lit Tiro itrl r fining up New Sew lj Whcslo into All Viiii tnvn We are alio to Wt will WhtI at the Call It CANE SONS MFG CO vihiic can always Feel Gay mailer how you have fill and winter interlined with Chamois This popular style ard giver Sails now for a yard to lhat every can afford enjoy the comforting it extra weight or hulk only a pliable itiiTnecs end a of which the winds or frost- cannot rob you that it put in all ordered clothing ok for the label which shows that a Interlined with it You really cant to do without it V V vyVVVVv J of pure Rubber J Thin Modelled each Durable year to fit all the thick ball and heel Sold everywhere They Wear inv I 111 I I CURES Summer rjvAPtuKfijfe elyldwiaAJulfs m mmm i- not alio any Office to outdo us in this either in style or price If jou at iry kind set what and teims l get at the Era Remember I they are priceless care of them no one will take arc rr A If you need or Soul I call on us and get I prices ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician Main St Newmarket i before you order FOR TVENTYSIX YEAHS DUNNS I- HKSAIK BEST FRIEND in NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS IS MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES LAfiplDY ALLAN Private School English French and Music AT 1 k SALE SifliiiKiigfg i i ljgj ft fc y w rt FOR SALE Kir- A flrttt fcfJ In a pin it v Market to I AROKItcrfitlfMD VaijIcJj FLORIDA GARDEN LANDCO PASTURE TO RENT ARM TO KENT Vil ft in a to tiro i ut For Sale I tike FARM SALE A wtli ACS P to I hliAVIDLIYi- iU HOUSE AMD STORK TO LET fcii TWO TOWN LOTS Ikt Wiea cm AtI Agicl FARMS FOR SALE lis iti J acres half lot con acre East lot con a acres Ion siA ton King acrts half con lot OS con Kin lot in con of White J IVtK- lilt Anaf IK- a tlicvC III oi- ACoy ftr r etc- I WANTED Kit IVxUilva iff J fillet ALLEN NURSERY CO WAYSIDE SONGS FOR DAYS Co it Z ik llh 1 tU IS