NEWMARKET ERA OCT A4vwiljmfat3 Art Oilier Hall lot he Bra til Homo CIS 0 S4ISM w trill tomorrow or Monday a Our Toronto Despatch to Oct I Hon Mr of at Soolh wan unlKi In to W In HI were InsHod ilia of Hallway hi and mail lo Toronto twin from Mil n to Garrard a Hit Young Ilia otter on motion 0 Ontario dabbling In It that it vast Jilts AM ft Wait Ontario Juno sud who Hit galls ftcd lit sod for four JhoHanday ajjald foro In An Irs two filing bat way decline lo ftocpl It of fed IrotnUr Hardy family littt moved Into tbo by Mow at on HI HI girl only of on of ftUoyeloftM to dty In Work mm on Mr A oHi1icbuio Alool ft begin fttloni ftl In Mr ft lo mo In of ftiucdul ftnd f will llirooni to a When it first announced the North Agikulluial Society would hold ill fall exhibition on the ami of October a few of its rniry friends thought it a week loo late but In view of the extremely un favorable weather hit Tuesday and Wednesday that opinion changed lo of satis I act ion the week the Secretary has been kept more or test busy making entries and there is prospect of the exhibits in all the being fairly well sustained and in some exceeding the display of last year The Grounds is active in placing the grounds and buildings in good shape and sparing neither time nor labor in order en sure the convenience and comfort of both competitors and visitors In deed in this respect the efforts made to contribute to the pleasure and profit of the thousands expected to be in attendance are decidedly in advance late years We consider the securing of Mr Campbell Ontario Commissioner of Good through the kindly offices of Hon J Oasis Provincial Secretary to deliver an address im mediately after dinner on the first day on a subject of which every culiuralist councillor and path- master is so deeply interested opportune and the Hoard of Direct- is may anticipate a corresponding appreciation of their by decidedly the largest at tendance of visitors the fall show has ever on the first day The management have also made arrangements for the pleasure of those who like to see something else on these occasions than the exhibits of competitors and to ibis end have secured a humorous comedy troupe delighted thousands at the In dustrial who will give two open air performances each afternoon free of charge The same company will take part in the entertainments on both nights of the exhibition the first in Hall and the second in the In this connection we may also slate that the Secretary has received intimations from Hon Mr Tost Master General Hon Mr of the Commons and Hon Mr Provincial Sterility ibai if public business does not pre vent they will be in attendance days the exhibition and may be expected to deliver short addresses in Floral Hall on the evening of the fust day Judges for the various departments have been selected from con siderable distance from this of the and from the responses already received it is to state that the exhibitors will be pleased with the awards made as the finding of the of the judges will be entirely removed from like favoritism at least ihey Mill be unacquainted with those who are competing for pmes From the foregoing brief lions the friends of the Association and public generally will be able to form some opinion of ibe work and ins of the lo make next weeks exhibition more usually success ful It now remains for ibe farming and friends of lbs Society generally who desire its success to do ibeir part by filling up ihe various classes with exhibits and by a general attendance from every part oftheRid- Opportunity will thus be af forded for exchange of views on sub jects of interest and for fa- formation respecting matters of vital importance along the line of of bat ftillelo for for cooildtft M lbs Ontario illy endorrs Do sod read lb to bold ft our ill Co of hit good mor than would of ibt on the at on Mi from Throne w Allothr stRilcjluJl crops Intimity per- On Kalirdftjr Jul of of bo held In Toronto or of Topper J of In It lco to ftgro thai Hon of ft fo to MflUftial of Clio under ly of of ptrnmtot Unlock wilt for York ho to wch at to and in At fca on to iiog Ibtta It no lack of loom for wcuiUrtof Hot of logitbor with coy putt ot A Parry ofllclalt take a tit lino Hit Ibo want Tarry or from Ottawa On trip Mr Charlton P to tbo chair and a nwnUr of were It It Iboogbt by 1 that of now lino will lo to lirtvak monopoly at It Mow apptira toliHO well with I trf Ir tbo Fair 1 A of In Town Mr and John lut Friday Evening Me Jjltr in Uatkbard Fair Mr J City on to Mr and John Curry over Clayton Rev Mr on Hon- Mr of Montreal Monday with bit father inlaw Mr I Mr flttpban Howard and daughter pent two or at fllouffvlHo vHk and Mr and ay villi at town Mr J and family have turned from they aunmior Mr bad A alight of on bat It Improving Mr confirm to bat a aroDndacaln lira- Jot of of J a WdCtywoak Mr Cower bat returned from Old Country and veil trip did Cain of Toronto and Monday wilh old in family moved to To bo bat and wifo have feeling much by villi Mr and W- Artnitaxe of Toronto over their Mr Cbat Mr Edward of Toronto is In Town with bit brother Mr C A ikta and to on cause on Mr Kerr of former ly proprietor of Central Town week Leonard of former Lira Delia In lul Friday John Mr Jot Fair and a antj tiornilda got tack to Scotland Friday af atle a very trip IS day Wen bat rtlnrtoi from at acd will bar botnt bar lor winter Mr led JT of Toronto otar ond4y at on on Monday after- cud Mr it oditor of and having Eta bo a call York FaU Exhibition on and will bo ejonttntu day yha lary that lion Edgar Speaker of of lion Davit may bo iwlrg of lb firal day on afternoon of day the part of tht Banner riding will bo pou4 to hart an of lUIr received Mr Jtahn of vrttworr choc of lajigt a til from Mich- fier con wttb Mr Jcj Bell It and la abU to bo oof after of two la Terr lory Mr Monro an op oration performed at Toronto tat fail tod doing to bomo Mr fa tpendlng a Taxation two by Mr It tak ing Mr tho Mill of Toronto of Id Town week Hill parsed on Monday a with In Rot Mr of Method- lit Ohorcb at who Rone an operation at Toronto Centra llMpllab It by no meant oat of danger Mrt hat two Ilh and Toronto It Utter of lul aprafntd foot and to tend on flonday Conductor a fatal accident at on day of week Mrs Sim lo hit boll- and off train to apeak to a friend When trying to jump on tho train at It moving out bo bit a hundred when ho let go lid hold and rolled lo ibo ibo Ho received no except a up On Iho 2llb J now Provincial proceeded north to Imped Ilefortnatory at Wo under It It Intention of Hon gentleman tour of reforrnatorfti luoatlo rccortt for tbo blind at well other Initftullont It becoming thoroughly acjualnled with all under earning control of hit department Mr of It of bit clip following complimentary reference to one of our young men abroad from pobllthoJ at Flaw Though meeting Into Mr there a largo atlandanco program of an order attained by local being and It went off with a which wo a now Mr Oliver piano rtcttalt heard with by who could appreciate hit hit Rental gifted enco jorencated andftneo forth at If from a refining chamber by mott end nolle OAK very much to announce the death of Mm which on Monday Deceased was in ihe year of her age and was a much rctpected resident of the community She leaves a family of three sons and five daughters to mourn her departure A large concourse of friends and rel atives followed the remains to their last place in the Aurora cemetery Tuesday afternoon UNION STRBKT to her in after pending a of with her John Mr John Hold hat ail brick- It of Mr J now makes an Improvement to treat A hero are talking joining it ion next summer Mr lsil Mrs bat to City to In COLLEGE CORNERS- Buckwheat barren Is neatly flnfthed hero with hit baary beard every crop will he atoul an average Mr set a trap day week and caught a Very mud- turtle Mr very low with much bopo of recovery The charivari down atreot was moat a failure lie offered crowd which look afur ha hard timet they it back to Mr Abraham was a at Mr If last Mr it again Wonder why to bay dock By number of crows that In vicinity thing were a carnival Wo taw r Owl hi way home locks at as a violet kitted by Wo lo hear from bit lowing David was at her father Mr Cunningham of lut week White an and of day I observed of ever I ftA toe borne having attained degree the artl of matrimony Dccir VIVIAN Vltlati and ill vicinity atom to with fortune Met Char and John aro among ones Mr bit left for to obtain and art any time Mr Buck of ptco hid mufor toco to Iota onto hit moil week Vivian two and from appearanots loth are doing a good A took here a Fine Orchard and another of Virion latter in winning How tueoo spent Cook In civ- hat now both a Sunday School and church Mr A MeCormack bat flniibed fliilng bis which about iV loo Mr and Mia Brown of Orchard vert vklnlly laat Friday telling ticket for a library to bo opened at Pino Orchard Mr Alexander Latham Is til of our took In daring Tbtir fitter convoyed idea thai had themielve Mr Albert of this Hot at crops did cot torn out vail on y of Mr Cbapmaa a on last to Ihe Sons of Temperance In Church the of Mr Guy on Sunday Mr McLachUn Bolton circuit preached In ibe Presbyterian Church Sunday second ion Malcolm Is III srith typhoid daughter Myrtle alto has Jt lightly P McDonald the emporium gone to Vellore Mill A la filling the position- Mr Benjamin peacefully away on Sunday morning The remain found resting place in King City Cemetery on Tuesday QUEENSVILIE The residence of Mr A was the accne of a happy on Wednesday when his only daughter untied In marriage to Mr The ceremony was performed on the lawn by Ihe Mr Sturgeon at p The attired In cream cash mere dimmed with lace and ribbon and carried a beautiful bouquet white chrysanthemums and white Miss Minnie Murphy of J acted at bridesmaid and Miss of Toronto as maid of honor Mr Frank Crit tenden of Keswick supported groom After the ceremony the guests who numbered about eighty of a sumptuous wedding din ner The happy couple look train for Toronto amid of rtcc and the best wishea of their many friends The presents which were many were useful beautiful and costly Mr Milr Ml for ho 1 of the- Mr to SuriJiL morning previous lo to Mr will to ha forlholttt or It villi to get to Million ftltbfolly and It It regret no with Mrt from our neighborhood lh Church list fcl- chorch with flower Xhi Interesting tod tddrcai by Wo tro to former Jon lor rootrn from Vhtlby It ft In vocl ftnd ttt fihyticsl culture ted elocution It Improved fn health Mr Wnuh on hero He leuu or Toronto tblt Mr from JItton wnt and IJunday tt Mr Wright Yon KirnKUY The Ladies Guild in connection with Christ Church arc getting up an Autograph Quill Some have thai the apples of a small site Ibis year To judge from a sample of five or six specimens us by Mr that he had collected from orchard where he has been purchasing largely for export we should think that was not the generally Among them was a russet that was the largest of that variety of fruit that I saw would not weigh short of a pound and another the Alexandria would measure about 5 inches in diameter and he laid that was only a small one for that class Miss Mary has gone on an Jed visit with relatives in Mich Apple drying is sushed these timet- Alva Herbert Warren paid a visit to lite home of he latter at Aurora on Saturday evening re turning the next Mr Tommy and his mother were visiting at Mrs Geo Millions over Saturday night at the Land In Mr Hiram has had a tedi ous pulling ten acres of beans Mr Jas is at work again after being housed for a few days caused by a severe cold He says he had to stay right it A couple of werks ago while a patty of duck hunters were snugly encamped for the night in the Will- son houseboat they were suddenly aroused from their repose by being in water Such a scrambling and carrying out of luggage and getting unto the marsh in short order The remainder of the night was spent in the tamaracks where ihey had to build a fire and talk the remaining hours about their narrow escape We have been wondering if they had too many barrels of corn Juice which caused it John Roadway is diging a new well for Mr Walton The old one was made unfit for use by a cat getting drowned in it and as it was not con sidered safe to go down to clean it out a new well was a necessity Perhaps we may have a flowing well in this vicinity before long we understand Mr Joseph has been considering some time on that project Little George son of Mr Stephenson along with his elder brother went to the village one day last week and with some other boys wandered into the yard of Mr T IL While there they got experimenting with the lawn mower the was Geordie lost part of one of his fingers to the first joint It is stated that although he was marched straight home by hi brother a distance of about two miles without having anything done to it ihe little man did a tear Mr and Mis W Warren at Mr Who cant apple raw apple sauce apple pie apple miscella neous ibis year when you apples for nothing and very best winter apples for cents a bushel A number from here attended the anniversary services at Snowball on Sunday evening alio the harvest home festival on Wednesday night Mr Norman and Miss Curtis paid a visit lo Mr Cblnguacousy and attended ibe Fair Brampton ibis week Mr Will Granger bad a Mid of stock and Implemenls on Mon day fast A whole car coil to this burg SU In for loO lbs match In with a will off at York Oct Srd at p CD Id Northern hit and lmi match at between Ihtis foor and Saturday which two knot will to Iht cbamploubjp AURORA held met within pail Early Friday ttricuQ apoplexy Mr of Iablfo Mill tr away of heart a of and hid been for soma time a patient from Ibal malady of ft dlipiltloo wm by all who htr of Then llltlt of VftDianl V and Infant too of market gar- under was a loUl to down poor si on Tues day tuning A now walk it befog pot down for ft bating a molt on market It to of lata years Rot Mr Ailed of Mr In Cborch and In craning Royal among whom wero from Weaver pastor of bad ft rsmovfag lo Toronto whtro ha will attend Ho wJll bo at bo been a man hit day hero HOLLAND LANDING Mr John Stephenson one day re cently threshed bushels of wheat and bushels in hours and minutes for Mr Geo Haines- and of King Can any one this if so lets us hear from you The boys aimed home from camp last seemingly none the worse for their Wo weeks outing al though the weather was disagreeable while they were away Master Tommy the young lad who was to have been taken to the Mitnico School last was taken in charge by his brothers in Allendale last Friday but Tommy did not like home and return ed to his mother Sunday evening Sadie Ellis who has been en gaged in the City lately returned borne again last week West also returned home from the tame place after visit ing for the past two months The officers of the A made their farewell visit at this station last night and a large attendance were present Next Thursday the of October a Grand Jubilee is expected to take place Our friend from New market Young or proper ly speaking J A Moffat I will be present and will lecture on the sub ject That Man taken from real life and promises to be very interest ing He was well received here last and no doubt the Hall will be crowded The new A officers will also be in attendance and leveial soldiers from Newmarket will render selections on various musical instruments A lime is expected- Visitors on Sunday last Mr Chapman of Mr George and of The law suit last Monday his worship the Reeve was adjourned until next Monday the at ten oclock a ail la lb wert Tin maker Moid to wo So SUO to ai Join road cob tlf to plow H Dart rente Cnu Baker and rU by ceo J 1 1 Cbt claim tbeep Cbtr- Clerk bo to to repair rIdeilt Ixuo Iota It a l by to Carrlcd Cotebcaibat oppslatetotftUlltaUr and to to iba bidder Canted raw la Kin city A collision between tHOlrains occurred at Norwood a result of Ihe telegraphers strike It is said that the Queen is seeking to interest tbe Czarina as a woman in the distress of the Ar menians At Sound Monday a labouring man named Samuel Peony was arrested on the charge of ad vertising counterfeit money The most valuable sword in England is the one presented by the Egyptians to Lord Wolseley It valued at Council has granted tenyear exemption on the cold storage warehouse with the un derstanding that it be in operation by June next At Windsor Judge Home the butcher who bought stolen cattle to in the penitentiary Joseph Cook and William Harrington to four years and Harvey Harrison to ears Thomas Deputy Registrar at Berlin was arrested Monday at his home on three separate indict ments charging with forgery em- and neglecting to enter fees in the fees book a seven-year- old boy of Ohio is under for murdering Thomas Kidd fourteen years old teased him child got a and blew off the top of head The Northern has reached North Sydney CD having failed to bring hack the great meteorite which it their object lo secure The ixckling ihey took with them wis not strong enough to moid great mis Gardner a colored man aged was found in his house in Woodstock on Siturdiy morning a bullet having pasted through Ms head Murder is sus pected and the vife and soother negro ThtEart con kt2 crowd iMi la MrI Sf0Unw111addrtlbtOIXcaS Tealtj A lirgeroita llr Ken Mrs Hot Mr lo now KIrj rtriel by Sir which ft rail probability will bo by Jos ft rally ao4 lo IC5 STORE ore lo to M trio not tut or TORONTO for la In lb tuff l5ti Wirt M Oct CAUTION from POR if of tor JOSEPH MILLARD Newmarket SI Lending Furniture AND Undertaking House icTOreif A Air Brush Crayon Ink Portrait With every Cash of Furniture CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN Or Work at JOHN DRY AH cltuaea and conditionn of it to their- interest to deal with 110 right into fall business big low keep us hustling oil the time ANOTHER SNAP IN BOOTS SHOES 100 Kino Pebble or price 1C0 they at 125 all aim regular 136 ANOTHER DEAL Wo have as much Clothing as any in and can suit anyone Remember oura ia not common kind but tailormade every ono of them the at 00 all wool breasted Suite would C03t made to your order our Mens Dre33 Suite would to order 1860 our price Dont forget Dresa Stock Dont forget tho Mantle Stock HORKNT ViAXAjLXi MOV It J toVIte titles I will tot tr It sroer Kept agkntS vantkd To hi 3 WniB ASTRAY ru Millinery Opening A GRAND SUCCESS very body delighted sriih the Display and from many purchases made the prices were quite HEADQUARTERS For the Neat Kilting and fityliih J of lit two a Ho A RED HULL thai will to rewarded A SPECIALTY Tho fait AorwACa IHTldIte tea Kth Tomb At Point IftctTtjfer Jed coo Jem- It J t of fosr tit FURNACE STOVE CHESTNUT FIRSTCLASS Call and sec I Central Lumber Yard GERMAN Just added stock a nice lot of Scotch for Roys and Girls Sec the Fine of Indies Cassre in a few days Sec our When Attending our Fall Fair P your Card or ask Cor another when Goods M neat and as a Nice Black or Blue Suit They are here in great variety Serges Cheviot and Twills thing hut the price and that than you ever bought as good goods at before Jour the Rush hut I VI 65 E T- tr3 WHEN VISITING North Fair Be sure and Art Gallery of Fine call at order a Cabinets or to L Jcjer Stoe Careful buying makes easy selling New Season Teas Are on the Load in TEA -FOR- GOOD GLEAN We carry delicate flavored China and of Indian 2nd The Finest Teas beams The of the fair you can buy Hill make the that AUCTION SALE to I of VJoW tl ho p lo 4vloo tit- I ttct 10 ten in ft Lot ir TiuiOf Hat to Wd7fisii eft Ml to to ofcftvl loitft Wf3t Of ill to to fftf to to to clear out Sumicer Boots Shoes We must our Stock it Once will J and our and the price you will It a living cent to you They are all the in Wow ens Chid Call and see We dont neglect the lovers of Japan Tea and arc w all the time nuke the import direct of Vancouver and give fragrant pure and Hals all others in this why our cent Japan is the over DAVISON a CO and fruit Jars FOR Any as cheap as the cheapest Teas and We have a line of span at pound and our regular lice at a pounds fcr 1 is ihe best quality for the price you can find and our good quality at low rices aik inspection Toict from to J J Tins is he lime of year lul merchants are wondering vlien they will get for Fall Goods that are beginning to arrive We have too much Stock on hand so have marked down alio ViOroma urn iloQ4a ft UO ctoftA40 to wauvxi- l4itu aJlfl it LEADING Wo will Hot bo Undersold Gxxjr iccatftfeftvco fcwoiftirfticii AND- LIMES OF SHOES 1 Ladies Tine Kid Shoes buttoned or laced Oxfords Mens Boots sewed and nailed nailed splendid value AlljUIS IQNTCUllilERY worth JO 2 for J 50