ess NEWMARKET ERA SEPT For troth win urn llllM Hill iiii Utile ray luce from Eruptions vera rabdlluf 10 tie to t but A AM OLD SETTLER COUNTY I If Eg WILL von MONTH whoa to to bis beoo la nod nilgai tO becoming xrmuol breach at again bdU4 did to a Hoot all bfi cam toil fight bit hurl to a fllilng Jirotalera David to oak aod mora hud to tha floor lb boat aboard to nolo all aailb God la a Icmpla la world and alio a of each For both needed In both it a bleated to no work Great long ata car and aod ooatlj both or and world and tbt tool to labor aod for objeol Terribly with ara to to la Thought bo OoaU no From Shiltvrt Out everybody the Co Mr J P of Mr In bit year came to Canada com land yean ago and for eight been a of Melancthon During ionic of that time lie hit been and for or a member of the council for wme holding the posiilonof deputy reeve Ho alto been a of the peace atnee the of the couoty It wilt beceentbat Mr August high in the of neigh bor In the of Mr Aur laid up with an attack of being confined to and to bed for about three To a porter of the Mr August laid I n fact a regular crip ple Suspended from the celling over my bed a which Aim IO Ay treat wills ER and lay or lwi ARK CM CAP Ik tiling full For Halo at liCOiiXl or 10M AT TV THE Tail rnou it a GUI 1MB WflllK B0Uta Tut Cna4 oar wold All now on floor flguiei to l littstMnUloflloOg Jo Hit whir by Will bt If Tim jilttw ft JrjsaiiV of In Itcpubllc or leit until noil over nrit dry lit York of Hilton A A A Co Over Hi fiju Tub Hon Mr Com of tt I It t Oovtnor It kept wry ft lo He wilt rttorn lo bit re folly it in Kington it Ikt moil Wokt hi it T4 lfwwl ft J a a lily lh lU to ipii lb id 0t lrvjil la IIAV1KM CO- utaTowid cum om lavmiiKQ or tut nmu or tit www viifarVai70iuC3aV on ibt who btvtiMlitcd to with nd today vllutit or country In cool uuo of of If I lion ili ltj6 of great ixlfl tnlbropUltt Ad boot Ml U HA BUSINESS COLLEGE J UOtciynffcllU1MlaWialDr Id or COLLEGE A to I old when jcktd I the Cold do or Mil hall rul It cold futh up told will dolUr tor ttinpUi of froli At it my doty to my tod out or two dolliri found few I will tnd to toy of for of tbo to mo Mo Hew Hook Spoon to Ail Bl book MDdlDg I wot for ooo tod ft to I tbovod It lo liking orders for ftht tpooo pxf it dub or fa book tbt ft boudtdtMr foottiojw trt ftD t to t y to trouod home Warned An Wr Tin ft of Iho penny Mr work it it fafcft into or will tbotlly do to It that a by to department til and by a con- It no work for to do if ihtro ft no work for them what lo iho country for temporary on pay roll of country art glad bat both do hit whola doty The leader of in Topper Hot Co bo oxarclud over certain In reported of ago to dtlfvfir- by of deed bare bit hour for to with their that ho took occulon to if aald veto ac He wanted to which bo would ba or fotlowioj of hot he received not only apt lorccd into ridicule Hod Mr replied do lo r 1 1 on of a tingle of fairly what were The Hon would fiod very audi very Hod loiVKo wonder with laughter invite bii Hoot It oat that the of ibi Toronto ait largely made lice Lie which to much Icgoq- avrfl trooble to tir toot of no will be modified Toronto if of 10 been of of of tCBdavIt to be a to by both lOU married among olber to ft of the in to golnlty and to lot lb And now To ronto clergy are In ihtcbugt ft bat bad affect ot coillDg off the country The fotendlog married tow bat to go before fatotr of udmakaatCdaylttaweJIu the ttUod to tbi miliar at of Iba city By an error the to of not to did not fftt of by or brother with la to bat been ro ilfiod at tome Marriage debited la exalte legal In for the re la col to would i with my hands ami change bed or to lilting I only with paint could and myadvanc ago my nelghboit did not think il lo I bad read much Dr William Pink Pills and at lo give a rial commenced taking the pills about the of taking the one after each meal and increasing to three a time a- couple of weeks I could an Improvement and by the first of April was able to be at usual free from the nd wiilt hut very little of the left continued a tunc longer ami found myself fully restored It is now nearly a year since I discontinued faking Ihe Pink and I have not had any of trouble in that time I have hesitation in saying Out I owe my recovery to Williams rink rills rills axe a Wood nerve curing such disease as rheumatism neuralgia partial locomotor ataxia St Vitus Dance nervous headache all nervous troubles of the lcatt the after effects of la grippe depending on of the such as scrofula chronic ery sipelas etc Pink a health- glow to pale and sallow complex ions and ate a specific for troubles peculiar to female system and in the case of men they effect a radical cure cates from mental worry overwork or excesses Williams rink rills may he had of all or direct by mail from Da Williams Medicine or Schencctadyj at a box or six for that the companys trade mark is on the of every box offered you and refuse all imitations or substitutes alleged lo be just as good Remember no other remedy has been discovered that can successfully do the work of Dr Wil liams Pink A Dandy It I have neighbor that of Windmill and I watching it ft It the beat mill have ever tnd make one for leu than I am tomato two immediately and why every farmer cannot windmill when can rnabi ft for to liltlo money powerful and runt easily Any cad direction by sending two- cent stamps to CO Allegheny any man nndoubVjdly millt up for tnd I toe no of paying SCO for ft mill whetiyou can good for A Wat have ovary to believe that Hon will tendered and will accept port folio and take late Mr place fn the Ontario Government At will Involve new election for York the Committee may at well take slept for action Of do not anticipate oppotUIoo but it nothing like being prepared for arc made In the flutei dont The Toronto Stat A number of prominent in Toronto have bad in- bald out to them to Dominion end begin life acres the bor der The of Wisconsin hat tent out circular to them that know to much of and to that bad decided to grant tba dt to on receipt of But tba circular goo on to sty that Ibe Wisconsin degceo of cue to to Ontario man to province would be on a Toronto on receipt of on re ceiving light reelecting the and now believe ibat trooble it easy of adjustment The of Lit Journal that no are of In fa to befog of the whole difficulty Bo stye that and ante tame fooling loathe llOQ of taw from noth fog to prevent from Dgtg fag provided of they have by law The fault sty the taw with and of of which ceo cully modifivi to the In terfering la any way piOiIoclalUw it Ml resale of day after Ihi bye and that wotH like the woiy to keep hit up Wall but With ft to I for AmcrftM Corel Great South American Rheumatic Cure and acts quickly Gives In slant relief and tn cure in one to three days works wonders In the most acute forms of rheumatiim and neuralgia I was to that had to a slick to get about James A of At times I I tried every under he spent six weeks In the under treatment without any relief waa Induced to South American Rheu matic Cure After uting two bottles I threw stick and went lo and have worked every day since and that was two and a half KiDHKYs believe It hat saved my life Is the Of Mr James of Jamestown Huron Co in speaking of a miraculous cure of a complication of kidney troubles by the Great American Kidney Cure This gentle man was so severely affected that his physician had to attend him daily 10 take the urine from him The first dote gave him relief and half a cured him completely all obstructions and healing and strengthening the pant South American Kidney Cure is a ktdne specific only and does all that Is claimed for It every time Stomach and thirds of all chronic diseases arc due to dis ordered none centre Cure the nerves and you will dis ease South American Nervine has proved this thousands of limes ft ii a powerful nerve builder and in cases of acute indigestion and has effected marvellous Geo of fores writes For a number years I suffered greatly from nervousness twitching of muscles and I liied almost every known remedy without I induced a last resort South American Nervine The first me and five bo tics cured itii Il it a grind medicine and I owe my life to it Ho alleys Pharmacy Miss the chewing gum is visiting friends Mid relatives in County her former home She lift that village a gir but has been made wealthy by discovery- She is a member of Chemical Company of Cleveland and as tupeitn and manager a which pays in addition to the profits a year A Groat Qhflnco to I want to Ml you of my wonderful a poor girl and needing money badly I tried cleared month It ft money than ever had before cant help felling about it for believe any person ceo does well I if they only try era toll every lady want one Mound City Co ft Ma wilt give you til to you can begin work at docs work you can and dry water all Try let us know bow you acc eded Trie Toronto refer to of the people of Dominion and Sir respecting an Important political litue that the that Topper of itt direct relationship to VtrJlItt but now even Bir CharTet Topper admits that be loved fUmcditl of taken belief Chat it bore the of first Political Kxpcdlenoy of the period leal litest pamphlet replying to- Mr II on The In of Dibit This feci show that fear of widely circulated worlt of Mr Hailing Week after week has been the of tktttck from infidel writer editors Dot It on way and ite to fncreate tent to Mr ft package containing thlt lecture and other Mans View Of Marriage MARRIAGE A not uncommon for men to be the fret ibat marriage so seldom ft real to pin los and wife axe anted by of taste of outlook of general life It Is more to hear women lamed for what Is celled of contract the If wife be delicate and Irritable If ber and M SpIriU have taken flight it worries her as well a liven may woman from heed a In a faer back aches the has ciowdlcgdown la the depends on women whether Still to continue ty by leading lo a life of been cured why col A healthy womaa lotcreit the piiees for a beauty la happy and her good iplrtu art with and with attVcesa Those who saffcr from ihcdrrartteLii disorders of member Of phriWan to the Hotel ted bis for a the dU- of women ft Seed and duty to hire for great of Jgea and 4 ftddrcMee of ft wast Live Von can correspond iMm feara how they without fcavvliag to a Idea alW CiVtnA Class Grade Cattle tits than Dairy any ft 41 Jit to w CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO Fit Caul trtftitl io fay CO 1 CO a a a a Clasrr Leicester Sheep Ham ardour Daily Rim Limb Ae lit a 1 a i a a I and Class Cotswold Sheep Kan over KvirAnt Urns Toronto by Society Ram of two Class Southdown Sheep r I Star by o two Damfcj of Class Shropshire Sheep Kim our tAVA by oEy Htm of Yearling ia ol Jo 1 of Class Fat Sheep CO CO 2 CO CO a CO CO CO CO 2 CO CO CO CO CO CO 2 CO CO CO CO CO 2 CO CO SCO lit nut Ad CO M CO 2 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 2 CO ill CO CO 2 CO CO CO CO CO 3 CO CO 3 CO CO Class Berkshire Swine Registered Pedigree ghtn by valqo Bow Manufacturing Co 1 lit CO Class 18 Chester White Button 1 How Hoar by tit Win Coaooda by tamo Hon of f a co CO CO CO CO CO tit CO 3 CO 00 SCO CO CO Breed CO CO SI ltd 1 Class Swine Any Other Breed Bow a flocVera ghtaty Mr J Aurora CO given by Class Poultry Button Dark air ibo or Society JO Blown any 11 Mir Any oilier onA of tot ftbovc rfitMloocd 10 Mir Any other kind Decks 20 Ufoaz4 any other W Rabbit Class Grain and Seeds Whut two bnilei a I Winter two any other kind two Lithe variety to Wlctt two to Wild 6000 If CO to CO 1 CO CO to VI CO CO 1 CO CO to 1 CO to CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 1 CO CO to CO CO I CO CO CO CO 1 CO CO CO CO CO CO I at and Toronto Co Toronto two by It two by W J King City 2nd by W Willis Hon Aurora Whip Peat aay twobuihets It Dackwheatoobothel Core eari IG Com Pop Cora dozo jy to Jir Any other of Clover KJt Timothy peck AbikobeoJ of not than bevca half of variety iA yun by Mr J of the Pit her 21 For In at raw on a tot leu eight mil lie lofariAem of t irA Furniture a by Mi J If ValttO By Society i Corn 2S er and maturity to giicoby J Fit a it Plow a to iy and rnuit gcon the York fiitrvA Class Roots 1 Early Ohio ot tide CO CO CO tO CO 05 CO CO a to CO a to CO CO CO CO tO CO CO CO CO 0 CO CO to CO 2 2 CO i CO 0 CO CO CO CO CO io CO CO CO CO CO CO co fi Any ether kind ilia Valley Early Horn Carrots ill 7 or Wblu Vhila its by file la Wialer lit air or iwtjp Etr ill 13 Blood 11 giiea la atx a It Ii J I CO to CO a CO CO CO CO CO CO CO to CO CO CO CO to I CO CO by A to CO to CO IT Ten- Is ad by Dr Klc7 Twelve by TJ a Neiicarktt valci 0 CO Class Vegetables I two 3 any variety two Mammoth Table lla two Witter Cabti4ihro 1 a 1 a threo aUlka 18 CaolifcOKir it Villi ttiha Bed by la 17 Vtgtalt Harrow Ccflotoa VcjliVtr3 fiowcr and fcsr by By 19 CO I 1 CO CO CO 1 CO 1 CO CO 1 CO CO CO 1 CO CO to 1444 10 to CO t CO to CO CO to w CO to to CO CO CO CO CO CO CO To lo Beat for For quick and For cleanest end whitest ctothes J For every use about the house Surprise voiUHl and cheapeit J GRANDTRUNK RAILWAY Ft AND a Owe new Bake Oven Works complete Our new Baker knows how to do the Work W EVERYTHING IN GOOD WORKING ORDER Why Some is la Br ill n I I I 1 til I calls for and delivers all Aurora Call Tuesday and deliver Thursday JJrjdford Call Wednesday and deliver Friday EMBURY Proprietor Opposite House Curtains up to Special terras for family ashing ft fJflllUFAOYURlllQ OF NEWMARKET TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Building IOYOLE REPAIRS We up a tftiaitaaeci la with all fihp kind lbs llraxehr in All Color I J b fires Vhvi jut mix Vho into incumtic3 o All Wheels We are We to to of the very pal tern Call ar4 it T1IK SONS MFC CO Ltd NEWMARKET FOR SALE- fia farm uiarcn la a y a cooy ar a tilcilTiil vlcrcirJitlrid a jfy to ROOK P RENT Km to CAN Kb Residenco For Sale STORE TO til TWO TOWN LOTS to on Sale on AYXUitliJLIwUbrrjiifsx la Ho fctwr fr Hern Power Oil Ill Jilt 11 tcxSlJf-iaiSLi- NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS Blacksmith Goal FOR SALE HI St lit I I I W KIKttj Remember they are priceless JTake care of them as no one will lake The DEIGNS MONUMENTS anrj HEAD STONES where It TO LOAN At CI DAVID LLOYD CocsUaictu lAkln Aiit are the Windows of the Soul I you If you need Spectacles or EyeGlasses on us and get prices ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician Main St Newmarket is thetimo to Your Photo best voni REDUCED PRICES Dont wait I Dull weather dont make any difference riotit killed Lul Iil- v i at VWa Oil i f lisUUUiic a- a Ax Otlawa latii Ii to ar4 tcay Sir eier W Hi a curiojititi which hue been found in the Tehu- lately by a clock a fljer in it methodical in ibe it while at noon it is red at and the of color regular ite of can be lod from lint of the flower that if it could acclimated in a oj1 he public a It it in PICTURES- A for or Soi ioitli LEVER BROS ltd Wo do not silo any outdo in this line cither If kind of Priming done see whit work tnd get it the order- Our ii wows CAW IM