fc- NEWMARKET ERA SEPT 15 OK lit ABOUT The fineit match of In for lime lotioroof m to ion J to will The will to of mtoibcrf St Pauls The Sua- now Buffed of will lb At lb In ftpproprUu mi will to hold on tuning foil for Hit or York mil To of Vk or f from to ibCoaoiy Mods core of o Colli out of tliJitoiibl ftpllcfcllont fj MkiifOiNSiicAnKpvoilliIiCiKuc hoo1 tlte of of Cburdi on ICUt of lkpl A been In fcblch worku J vicinity wiunHi to It Mitt KUb tnd Mr J of W of It A KotflcV Id of Ibt In JJUlrM It to iji jiroftltblt Ipilad That a lilt II til told tt la to r lb but cloud JO- told Sic a KM at 3- per lb by ir from to buktl blto coin 0 o Wo ft from 0 to tny I fcifcWblif lf a 100 from to to ft com fl lb to ft flnt ftfreriiVsoitiiHiitttttatoa ttborDftj At tfofook ft will Itkt Owfgiot bt ft tjndld At Oclock will I of ibt for tad former ft ft to will bo for out of Town for tport of the Atoolton fa touiorroic Jtitcudi to bit ftlid to fix op Cltik liMhtdft of will yd to bat tbty tr doing ft tubittotltl job 12 or A tjyecl 1 ft It Mod el i It of to Mr of ftlThi ftfttraMQ Full fttuadtact In tit A titty ftt of Cody Motility ii I If EI- Cine J Or tin the frame ftt of torndowa of the moved on to tilrtmt South of lot Pom ftrt to took in of crib work i3eof will back to of proailitr told ft jiiuiiuru of though of trtt ivui by of di Xbo for bofldlct bit a teethed ftt tod to- to K tbt with or tJtj ft turn Work on buUiioii llttlitUcd will lit by Aril PifDUc Holiday Next Monday ft ell of picking 141141 a Jt A took d hoatt tttr WORT Fair- of Aonotl to bo on tod of nut ftppcut dtyt Km ft form tad it nil ready ftrt to dlrcotfoa wo in- tsd tot fttUMtfoot both to children On Ibo Hit fatld now for liltot The annual meet took pUotltiiTotrdty of If- tlcottd for tbt tDioloytir- Bid Actl A ftppolotcd lo ftbMl booth on of Mr otry body by lafltlog lo of ISimienl of fcrctty The Town with ft fttltn- dine of ly w blob ft In ibt High litd tlnct Inert In til full or of Into which prooiottont till Milt room room lo an of Mr Ittnnlo of ratal In lUir of Modil for Alftlltri ftnd tt tUl fa Jn bid tn ttndtoct of but In Mitt room till 10 for tbt nil pupllt In JkokKttlof will go to nil of will go to In on fa ebtrftt of Ml At tbtrt popllt pit tot ThtCovnV In Ktn- on of Aotf- fol- of Mr Irwin of J- IbliTown with torow family ibtn of n Booth Goftotry view of In a but It In of AltlioaKb Q aid bint born of our ktl 1840 boy hood tptot on bit fttfaart ftt of tit toihovmuktd from bit lit wit of whom ftlikt ho to gift- first wtrt from bit brother of who try toon allied wit to Many from grut of bit tvo After flolibioghftodacttloo faon- Toronto do elded to Itkvo country tad go ftbrotd ftcd for noted of Germany Ittly nit piloting tro to Itndtctpo bat long I bid ftbillly iu Hot of tod word tntrgy In return to country York city ror ft ftlibfat In til ibt of ftbrotd ft of In of fortiga ItngQtgtt by tptading ftw of ttcb In old ft flotnt con in fivt tppetrtQcaho dltttninfibd look biting ftnd ft hi of btlr had logltnct bit to Bun The Army bad ft on Ifon tbt ft thin reached Division Court Mayor Robert Ibt yettrdty of only ft tid A meeting of ftt Wbrary for Import ml The on fhlt coil of of coil delivered month Tun The iitnJng return tlokott to Toronto dor- tfnglt good till Ibt for Wj Ho not ptOf4t goto bat wJJl at Good fit ftfttrnoon ion of by Hit Ad Vloyltoroclttlon by Anderton next fltmdty will bo In of V A Valuamu Probate been In Hit of Jilt who lefl property torn W2lt rnorlgtgo In tat book In boom hold tod Invtited fn retl ftnd How- to Ibo ton ftod Hit it If In tally put of tod ft I Irnrntdlfttely following Mr tbtt bit ft Xbo yield from ft MM will much more Ibtu for An oddity In out of It no on Hon ftt ft It ft long and only an In til You Arc thinking Stove for or cook tUTf It will pay you ftrd In A a On Wednesday wbtn Mr up ftt north cad be to hit sorrow bed hit txlrilid Wftldon ft box ibo ft working of dropping ntt ft ft The of kit week ftt flt ten cent wtrt on floor box ftod at nothing It key- of food ftt bo ftnllcl Mr no clot overlook Toronto Wo buy bankrupt ted Caks A to occurred on ftboot Ino of on Mr ft ftrrntr vie it of lookdfoncr ibtl lit of lo homo by Ho net by Ml by for the ft ftttcdtllll wbea ft found wtt broken of crotbed in body wtt lo by Ihottmolrtln on Con wt on ibo tbt accident ho heard Ho hurried of rcrtrttd at ho blew dottn and tvcrythioR to Co Wetlty wtt fled ftnd to In but It v nil on hit put tbtm In body Ink Where you fttblctlo Town till for only ttorrnt on early Tirurihfjtr tile of tlk Wncf tin ftt J ii IS Veto DRESS OF ALL At about onclmlf Regular Iriccs All good clean goods only odd and they must go not our but at A A coo Heavy Wide Cretonne pot yd licit Pins only each Outing former Our at ly at generally offered a Snap at Belt Buckles vorth for Shirt for Go now and our Celebrated Go Factory is This is the time of year that merchants are vpndering when they will get room for Fall Goods that are beginning to arrive We have too much Stock on hand so have marked down A UWSSM THE CASH Department AND I Ladies Fine Kid Shoes or 00 worth Oxfords Proclamation In obedience to Writ lo IU2flr VtifiMp wi flRtord mj- com of York oclock for ft to fn At ft poll bo In of Mill on It very da Utbo bt of York ext oar for to Jo he Gtblncl out btttoumi tick for of only JHdla Ctfitdft with both holding it it to bonor tod Hon both won not by but by their tbiliUct and Tht 1 ifjg by IhoolBcUt on ad by Hod Hon ted logj4 to cur tpprcclttfon of A of to tt 0 oclock for boil- Add good Will A No- cook love to til for tarn JI6 Ikon The railway rata Lire iuti for tbt ttittl It ft tttt tlvGt ill to cotopUtt job Li i will do tictlttlcg for tbttr4ck tod lcc4vty ii tod to cot to The oat by fttitta piti tote pilu bold tit bit lt if Jbi built nd ItOctrtHUI end for pvjpoir Iht will of ii I tot will put wbtr sow Hill I Id I to Co I t fcLrf In of Hit ho lis feet tod over liundrtd tour of tit tbt Hot tnd of hit wtrtcboitn well cold trlliU ticlui ftod Mr of bit tod Triytl city hit filled tod hit vtct toogbt IXtwtstoUrUlotd tbt lta4oltCobdorlDg villi hut Jilt poliibtd tod tU hit to lilt Atmt bit work About two yetii tod would pkctftoomUr lit bid for order for whom Ibott of Mil Mr J Todd tod bit tod of bit tit of Mr Carrie J ftnd wife Todd Dr Ut tod bit tod of god Jutt tod by who of York tod tod by bit who A line of with VtroUb tk tot to A The Exam The of the for potliiLci tt ic will not to 1ij for itllf In to principal High School Following tht School J Howe Ktnrcly A- ogertV ltrl I fi- Km- Utyd fpatid in Wetlty without J fltorty Drown fiptert J fo KtooeJy a A Porter Woyd tod 4jlhcii tod fo Data tod to totlttot which tpcdtl ft well wrou of wbkbDombelhtrtwertooly two ted i work with to of tod 85 tpd tod I or Mo Town Council on to All prccob ttmtcrt for pur of tho tud of if vxpttd for on rtyirnifitnvl vjret tod Itinpt of tod Power prtioot for p of a titer- til tt from Co of of Wc44 Arc mo with tml 4lf tpotrtltttj for ttto mo 917 from That now tadtr fctfcod for Holler tnd Of tod for work for with- out tin tho Under of If ill A for tdoptod on HI In ottott ptnlng wiring for torn of 1 tod IfaoUf the loo tt till tig Council ptlpoftotnt to tdjoornnunt Aug- 3Itt Alt except Cody tod Pira for tod Boiler from to to thereon An of for wrttlog for graid referred to tod Com torbal Mtoinunlc1ioo of Mr In referent to to Deputy to deal with Mr Hooter presented a report from Property which deferred till nail A bill to pitted two rttdlogi Council till Tuesday Council to exempt tod to Co Un der Council win into Com of accepted tender of John Bon Co The of tbt Com- bo tt crib work tuJ wtt adopted to proceed with work tdjourrCJ Aug At noon ths daughter of Mr Grccnbuw R- had kg cut off The child the Aug A fire this oclock The large salt works dairy salt saw iu and factory Kith thousirds of he Wo ro or Flannelette at yard The regular value i hoc it Dont Downright per it -i- Mens Fine Boots and nailed nailed splendid value ALL I PS SEWED FREE for jo I 3 German Jacket for Ladies came direct from Germany on IK Sept On Monday of Tailing will open Stock- We Oars of Fruit This Week ihc problem when the Hardware Department we are tolling Pain Scoop Shovels Scale fto c Wo 1200 lb Platform Scale inspected by Government we offer in for house use Proof Letter ffee Mill Incan descent c c It surprising it all piicti arc oar not lo off a arc in two earlier thin and ihc a small crop year therefore they will have the Plums Tomatoes Very Low this cin it in fr a Fcod left at your ilor this from Slices arc Pure and of the Quality- fox jo for a A ROBERTSON Notice of the Snaps which HUG Have just opened lot of Kail AND Valuable For Sale Hill SATURDAY Ufa tic HILL EPT12J896 Li or III 1 is giving at his- SPOT CASH BOOT SHOD have and v a lot of Tan Goods which am clearing also some other Lines at the same rati I have a line of Mens Fine Hoots which I am in at and good value Nov is your time as these Goods are going fast- Dont Miss this Rare Chance t If ti4rlfrc2 N Adams pleased he ladies so well season has been reengaged as milliner and will commence work immediately Having had so much enquiry hose AAiRICAN COTTON BATS we have had to reorder a lot expected in soon See our P S This is he time of year to secure several parts of our Premium Beautiful Canada WI HUGHES the till In it Sign of the Red Boot I are lo to lf iit I tftcrl lo I- at House Property for Sale I Mr Mcliwi Si for J were The will he fifrtvn thou ami if Prepare Now for the Cold by seeing that clothing is with fibre Chamois It will dd and only cost a few ll Kiwttr DAVISON Li I tar Wfcciljr per bethel per Cfakkm Turkcit If CO CI to DM aw 10 ISO CM OS I w 1 a a a W a IS a WW M OJ Vlllll i I I it a to mens somens i clothing will defy the coldest of For your own dont try to do without this lictlore of all winter comfort- Dont lay any re id y- to- car suits which the of Ihe the count Clitiiiois libel difference in price doesnt to a yard a Toronto per iu I in IS l0 w til NEW OF ill ti SUtK A a ii feTittt No tf trci A itlit tf itijtcf iw ftt i- lcJ t II ildur it Vvitkfi prepared supply Pure Spices of evert kind and of the most Aromatic Flavors either Whole or Ground also White Wine Vinegar and Cider Vinegar of Extra and flavor bound to keep up the reputation of They are their Materials net that no one their Pickling FALL GOODS on ID ail oil to t III Ikfore leaving your order for Now Suit or Overcoat call and our Stock which iu of thy largeit and best assorted in the country and the priced are lower than anywhere and workmanship aud always endeavor to whether you buy or not treat- Terra IVJY ii pji U-U- tut 10 till ttii A Li i Lit i it fti vol- tl disappointed at results Si CO This Drop in is a HEAR w- -w- w W w- We wcrOM ScUiDltCKry licit Side for joe c or i jo or If on only The Windsor In Our will Have fried our It To Lid on at the Uulter acijfiic LI lb at Bargain IVJAIN f A tjv