eg NEWMARKET ERA SEPT 4 Broil A A J Mrs Blix ted Coil WUxoaAMcBJanoa CrcdltouW bright AKO WITH EACH The Era fill t Homo to Site S7JU1 OB wis In flo aril Monday Inil pub to first by Hon K J Dull I of I Ilea if I n Mm lbs Pre of Ontario Mayor The Premier roads a reply vi run FRIDAY SEPT Our Toronto Despatch toft now Id fell tat bo oramoi crowds ate mil loafer feat Ellis was by a tr ftl ftudls All Hr tin who reel or bit to will la Oiler to whom taxed way Coonly ltobUton ApHHng lb lion filbert Dot lUbirUar iIW by lr Mr And Id In banJnJrfof tod itrtora lk pftrli In public if At and Alt ifvcd ft And j ivirlciitift lorne Wirdcii ftod In County on to of nil J In HI About for McDojII Virrtl If rOl fcti he lji lor Out County will open on Hit Honor ficcre Mr JJdti took formal a of Common II a of to ft on prolilbitloo bat fixid Iht laOntArlO Hit In flat Mr J for Hon Mr wd bli we Xorltr A roimWi to In Llif I a of In of Ibo IjulldlDi At Hit It it tbtt LI Col And mem- tot Toronto not in building In this con nection corneal rumor It only And Mr Hugh John will At of Hit of of this morning Item John of County nforcnlng btm on ft of Mere of York And thorps on lbs when vriy It now lying In tbt bed of And Is no other of lb fttkt iuid Dr who hut ft month fttnong Sox their Mints ft of fends list ltrg from KsTrmtrkot Mr most prominent In has Town reports jqI yet to Coon- ell IntbtlWitrfet Mr of was III bights bat hit been Jen tod will toon It It not will to The of the roth line of King will hold a grand peach hereon of Hill on the afternoon and- even ing of next Sept oclock a gitnc of aerobe the Humbert of Holloa and the West End A- of will begin It will likely be in at both learnt arc well up In their respective Band will alio take part In proceedings bo At W old Hon Mr In Iff ma crop bulletin by Hit of in Is to know that tin of Is thin ftntlclpstcd It Is now ths will product in round bushels la litis of jond ft million kinds of or of over yield of wheat is Al 1U oil And reports lo us aIiO very is fell to DRYTOWN Ida It a friend the City The lately occupied by Mr lint been leased by a Our Bible ft wonder- fully Mr Rosa has been elected ai Bible teacher for ihli yea Quite a few arc to Toronto tbli week Quite a few look in the picnic at the Point on Saturday Rev Mr conducted the here latt Sabbath A goodly number from here at tended the garden party in connec tion with the Church at McMillans Coiners Apple thieves must be pretty thick around town when Squire Simon has to pick his early apples and lock them up Mr Walter was a guest at Mr Whiles last Sunday Miss of Mr Albeit is villi- around here again Miss Maud Clover bad quite an experience a kicking cow while milking one evening last week but fortunately no harm was done except split and a torn apron Wonder who baa shot the duck over on the fourth He seems be ion of lately UNION STREET king err There Is trouble In King township and writs for libel and proceeding for criminal libel are flying thick petition signed by prominent residents of the township has been presented to J S Dickey Inspector of Division asking for re moval of bailiff of the Sixth Division Court on grounds of conduct unbecoming an officer of the court and dishonesty In the discharge of his duties The petition was signed by J A Mc Donald ex- Warden Stokes of York County and other prominent mem bers of King Bailiff has not been slow reply He has Issued a suit against Mr McDonald for for libel More than that he has In stituted for criminal libel Mr McDonald exWarden Stokes and every one those who signed the petition He says that he still make matters lively around these parts HOLT has- l Mr Richard Rowans for sottft we to IhsEt la Hew Mr ate Jul for ho S6m left on for Miss Ujuls a Mrs Jobo of Mrs McLean wtca Mrs ftci daoKbtcr from lbs oily for Jiyi Mr and Mrs and of To- from A Mis Howard of alio paid visit at Mr Mftrlln of pasted a day Imi lbs cllfz4na of intend doing AURORA niLLDAIfi Km 11 local piper ot Toronto It ll ftccidtais locum Coif and Jahn bones from ltd 8lrct Cor who SO know to picking op train III for Ii tan lib Itr uodir tralolDr of ol ibt roof for a d A ends to ibis A man his for sort ibriibidsflnt tot reports fttoot PINE ORCHARD Fall wheat seeding has commenced Mr being the fust to cow Wright Is ill with typhoid fever at bis home here lie is an ex- employee of S If Newmarket It is quite possible that people will have lo pay for potatoes presently Mr Peter Lehman is under the doctors care lie has a bid hand Blood poisoning was feared at one time The threshing returns from oat crop arc very disappointing much of the grain being light Mr Watson who has been under medical advice for some months past Is gradually returning to his wonted degree of health Mrs Joshua Tripp Is visiting rela tives at Seashore daring but unsuccessful attempt to rob the henroost of Mr J was made one night last week The thieves were disturbed In their operations by the timely advent of ih hi red man As Mr S has a correct suspicion who the guilty parlies are it would not be healthy for them to repeat the ex periment Our announcement Inst a big in the Clothing Win ay that 900 arc marked down to public belie vo it and boos consequence en wo wo have had a tremendous in Mens the week BETTER THAN Friday morning wo will another lot of Fine Tweed well at Tweed Pants that always sell at for Fine Stripe Worsted tailor mode always 400 Mens Fine Black Diagonal Worsted Coat and Vc3t tailor made with String would be alright our price Mens All Wool Tweed Suite tailor mado worth at 45 Wo mention only a few lines but a look our stock careful comparison of value will convince you that here not in Toronto the place to buy your Clothing Remember wo dont sell Cheap Clothing but Good Clothing Cheap Boot and Shoo Trade better than ever Our are always the lowest It is with pleasure we the announcement today that Hon K J has accepted the position of Provincial Secretary in ihe Ontario Cabinet to fill by demise of Hon I Hal- four and was in on Friday list The ceremony was of a informal nature as he had already me oath as a member of the at last reconstruction of Cabi net The oath of office was admin istered by Can wight In the presence of his Honor LieutGovernor Klrltpalrick Premier Hardy and Hon Ross Gibson and The principal officials in parliament buildings were also present to witness the proceedings The people of Ontario will doin with the electorate of tins Hiding in commending ihe for select ing he member for North York as Provincial Secretary Mr Davis has always taken an active interest in work of the legislature where he has shown more than ordinary capacity tn dealing with the varied mailers com- in the scope of the Provin cial House and the newspaper press of Opposition admit that as chairman of the Public Accounts Committee he displayed strict methods and an intimate knowledge of our provincial accounts By ac cepting new promotion as head of a department in the Government it becomes for Mr Davis lo come back to his for re election The writ has id teen issued with Registrar Peanon of this Town as turnirg Komi- place in Newmarket on Tuesday not Ihe and in case of a contest pilling on the We do not however anticipate any opposition to hi return the Riding will be glad attest their appreciation of his promotion and their high regard for him as their re presentative by a unanimous Personally we extend con gratulations to the electors of North York in having a represent at ite with a seat in the Cabinet of the Province Winanfj who formerly but a dry merchant of tad on tired a boat rowed Into cut and into ftiCr The body was trouble He And son Cuba Aug MaauniHo detail a near city a Spanish men under Captain and in- who them in Captain tiled at the si the com devolving upon ant who a and nude a defence utainiagl cliugta rebel until the arrival of one hundred torn on the of the city Suenihemd by VidaT and rata a The Spaniib and twentyfour and The bad Wo toffies liaAfiaHTLY of Hot Wd In Town hit Toronto Boo Mr and If Cam flonday at Mil Toronto It Clay- of Thotnaa Wilt- of Toronto It vf tiling A Wilbfoaon of wai la Mill Shaw Tilbury wai of tut Mr Elgin ii Utita In Town Mr and Mr It J Davison a of day jo re- Mr bat gone to Bow a week at JJcatloy and of at Mr WI J Hwke Sydney Australia i falling Elliott of Ave Mr Mount bit WltH tail week His Mayor pre- ti the Aurora Division Court Mr and daughter at Mr our has alter a visit with at Hardy of the Haddock Co at thtpUttik- The to Mi ti of for a of fioe who Mas id the shoo hero soma years ago Mr HandtraODj the editors of Whitby when In Town J And ton at Landing f Mr of an4 Qctttf or Toronto wore atd tut k Mr Ed nd f4mily a visit at his JAr A I Mr Cyrus and for to make his a visit Mrs and Miss Purl of SUoatn in Town with their Mrs Fletcher fladis of Toronto Canton and Mr Walter of sped Howard gave a A number from tills talk of dig week Mrs Is viiltiog at John Cunningham Mr- Evan laet Sunday at Mr Voarolad to learn Mr to his duties as school teacher Quito a number around at tended tho at Mr Jack has Lost known the Place while Mr leaves for llrnbury Mr John at evening much to the of young people Garden Party at Mr bus grand groat for Loir excellent tea also hand lor their music at Is well at tended by of this Street Wo much good may bo done We would to know what has bo of Owl and Duck Owl most have Duck and then from CORNERS about Lsrs cor tbsexblbltloo adds to of ike street Is of lolUmsia- ItOQ Mrs wis kis to se Fitly viblch UitelMcMMlse or ihs The redltloo of Brats the flea from Walker leader of lbs lo Has style Psoe vtsre fiou the But New lit flitters hero a fiterr of Jos or MeUtlUoV at Mr Am CirksMlas t Following are the candi dates wrote at the recent exam in High School Pint form Roy Anplelon J Gibson Lloyd Rowland P Second form Part Holla- day I Riddel Second form Part J Johnson McCallurn Stephenson Primary O K- Hol land E Scott Junior Leaving I A- Gordon A J Aahhury was and con end a few tsare ruohs ol departmental returned from trip to Montreal Isst week Mrs Is on a to Perth and Imiosm match Rich mond Hill lost result was to which coin might have on Monday a wheel a young ditto horse ran away fellows limping end end to the other felloe a lot on It a petition vies ho wan a felloe generally and should lo removed A ligncd it now celled upon to a clerge et libel Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday even devote to hearing and court was adjourned till It scorns likely to continue for tome ROACHS POINT party at on Wednesday night to Having or college Hon Edgar and a of prominent so ciety people at at on Monday ssJternoon Mrs John and her of are ether Mr lew art yawkks of Toronto sister of Hi led on titer a vacation In Idlewyld was with Chinese lanterns on Thursday kit week and a dancing patty of or away the hoar after mid- night Birch and her brother of Toronto last week fiulre dick from his corn field armed with a healthy stock It arid feet and It is host growth in this urt of ths tottmbip Who can beet The annuel yacht was from Aug took place Saturday Lake started In for a fliirer Cup but two out from won by over a mile of Bell came in McDonalds schooner third Races at in afternoon attracted With the exception of and AddUon lbs camper have all left shore and past now reminds one of Goldsmiths Debited Village The last of Mrs boarders left on Friday It has a long for having had boarder ever March The they hid at any tline was to dinner I UQSMS Lake Summer Residents held their annual regatta at Roachs Point on the Wth The event was yacht which started Nice yachts tinted and all well together for the firfc Big Point after which they be gan to taks various to beat back to finishing at Roachs Point Dr Ids came In first shortly followed by the Mr Bert Canes yacht broke hob and had to drop out of At rowing and other race were held In front of Osiers resident We have not a correct list of all the but Lidice Double won by aid and Temple deserve special They received from crowd finish At start of the Canoe ladies but were picked up canned amusement for After vera all over lunch served Mr Oilers Lawn followed by tie Sua by Aid will at nut Last Wednesday at 230 m a large congregation met at the Lake of too tiling to witness the ordinance of administered by Rev Hairier Pastors Rvc precious souls followed the example their Saviour down into the liquid grave and were buried Christ by Baptism unto death The whole ser vice was very impressive Next Wednesday Sept gib several more will be Baptized at the same place at m HOLLAND LANDING- Mr and Mr Boomer of Lansing were visiting friends on Mr Irwin of Falls spent a few dava this week at her father Mr James We that Is to be a now butcher and baker nees the village shortly Wo also need a tailor end shoemaker there ere good openings hero for loth who has been visiting Mia of West re turned home on Sunday last Mitt Chapman of Toronto was visiting Mrs Owen Lloyd this week Rev Mr Little and family Mr Martin Taylor and family Mies Morton and Miss Tate are at Point this week Stanley of JDookerron home on lest School on Monday Hit with a fair attendance Miss Millie Chapman who has visiting with friend in lit trie home on latt The boys are ell reedy to go oat to camp the Tbey will have a rather time of St unless the weather changes The football match Sharon Co Saturday last ween Mount and the Landing resulted In a again KESWICK The family of Mr Peterson of Toronto relumed last Monday to the city They have a handsome summer residence at Jacksons Point built spring Mr John of Keswick secured compensation from the Council Monday for damage done to a buggy on the Queens highway A select of some young men and women met at the residence of Mr Robert Pollock last Tuesday evening Among the patty were the Carrie and Nellie Peters of who at present are visiting relative and friends in section Mill Carrie Peters is an elocutionist and has a large class under her instruction in Marlcham village The chief attraction this week and next will be Torontos Exhibition Already a goodly number from these parts gone to it and many more ate going Last Sunday buggy loads visited the at their summer residence Point The weather in the afternoon was anything tint fine Boating and were out of the question Heat Sunday we Rev Mr Reynolds pleaches his farewell sermon No more earnest and eloquent minister has ever preached in the Free Methodist Church litre a man beloved by all Chickenpox has appealed in our village It commenced on adults instead of the children Mis Sarah an old lady oyer who has been a resident in the village for a good number of years for over two weeks been bedfast is not expected to recover and family were visiting in neighborhood a few last week Mr M Terry had misfortune loose a valuable milk cow the latter part last week Supposed cause was change of feed Some fall wheat has been sown and is appearing above ground Mrs con and daughter paid a visit to and Mrs T on Saturday returning next day Mis Robinson mother Mrs John Winter died on Thursday of last week at the residence of her soninlaw Mr Joseph Butter and was taken to Newmarket cemetery for burial on Saturday had been somewhat an invalid for a number of years and had only a short lime ago moved down from Muskoka with her youngest daughter Maiy with the intentions of residing at when she was taken suddenly worse before pelting into quarters of their own Visitors Mr and Mrs Warren of Aurora at Mr John Elliotts Mr Edgar Hughes at his uncles Mr Men are travelling through here from distant pans hunting work The Misses Klvin and Effie Dales this vicinity last week on their return home to Mich The stage coach from contains passengers for Toronto ex hibition this week Farmers are wanting to see the apple shippers around this fall TORONTO COSHER Its inertia a tapto dale price leal basalts school ihtUjiaMteitWcrsis of trslov Is loll ftborthmnaaQ4 sad iksta to ib par Urt Ufa tte or tor sw gTRAY EWE AND LAMB fleck fold Applro s A MULEY HEIFER til The S School picnic on Saturday was a great success About tvro hundred present and everybody ap peared to enjoy ft especially the young people Mr Hill Tuesday on a trip to the North West lo be gone about a month or Eix weeks Pearson returned from on Monday accompanied by her sister Mrs Brown The Misses Terry of Keswick spent Saturday and Sunday with their aunt Mrs J J Terry Miss Mabel of Sutton is visiting at Mr Walker Miss Georgia Wright to re turn to St Mo on Friday much to regret of all friends The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church intend holding a Garden Party on Thursday the of Sept on the ground of Mr at the back of church A good program sill be The band will be in attendance A real good time expected If cool tea will be in the basement No school nest Monday Day much to the delight of the scholars The teachers are taking advantage of it by visiting the ex hibition Mr Henry cut a corn stock the other day measuring ten feet eight inches are sorry to Mr Jos Me- Far land quite poorly since his re turn from Muskoka We hops to tec biro out again icon while Alba vat by boy the ran by tho tta at- oat MCt4 few fc to do any dainty wA hate up tricks tor Ad large look to llanle last per A Jackiooe Mr I Irwin left for la High fichMt Mr Irwin will far lie for a circle of friinds A takes charge of lilt school at the rcusata the term Hood Toronto lies visit fog in the village Reynolds lo preach bis ssrmoa his jv to Free We ere to Mr Is a with grot in- fliiDce time before this circuit will to fill place sooitfally as bo don are expected to at tend the unices Is the farm work will terror for a time is curly at being fa ibis Other fail whxi is neatly always a sore crop met tot was Utile from fAin next felre- Clay too eod Mrs- of spent from flocday with Mrs 3 Farmers will soon be to the toodihfp fairs is eboodacce of frail to A men from did a good nets this roll by the lit I in the is betas op There was Urge crowd in of fret resorts bare reaped harvest end are bow Oar well Perk a this Is it almost to ripeo List Saturday was last for oar Is last chance for a cheap lake some made later The showers Saturday and did good Mr Ethan Connolly tods on to Toronto day last Mr Is horses in r I a thai Zola Vollcr restore any of half to natural In is As I iris gray I for package la three vceks my hair perfectly to color My wifes was light red Zola Vallir ftaburo sample package of Zola by wad tag stamps to Co If does cot re store lbs baft to or fa ibrte weeks rsUro stamps It not its hair to bji will step the faille oat lu Is of Lot is yea will Fko Auction rooms are being opened in Toronto every day These rooms are not expected to pay tins week but the experts running thtm arc rehearsing their parts drilling their touts polishing themselves smooth and smoother so that they may be for Reuben when he comes Every outoftown nfws paper should warn its readers such places It should be remember ed that louts are no men with hoofs and tails who try to draw men in by the collar attended Police Court once two fake auction cases were disposed of and will describe one of as they are almost identical A young farmer the com plainant had paused with a friend at the door of an auction room where watches were being sold- They stepped in to see what was going for ward when a man in the crowd marie a bid for the watch He was an elderly gentleman of refined appear ance gray hair linen- The auctioneer paused and looked at the man Ndtr he I know who you are arc a jeweler on Street and you are trying to buy up these watches Im selling them cheaper than wholesale I wont sell to you at any price My inductions arc to sell direct to the public You seem to be and if you are you will kindly with draw The old gentleman with a very dignified and injured air stepped This might be expected to cause the young farmer lo bid but he did not and presently he saw the old gentleman motioning for him to come out He went and was asked to buy the watch for the gentle man You he wont sell it to me he lira a jeweler and want to tell the watch in my Buy ft for me- bid as high as twenty dollars but gel it for ten if you can Ill wait for you here and make worth your white young farmer very bd on the got it and of course could not find nice old gentleman However he had the watch which the jeweler coveted and he went home but in three the wash came off and showed the brass case He came back but the auctioneer denied the sale then by good he met jeweler but the latter denied ever seeing the farmer before The latter went to the police and the tout was the auctioneer sum moned and in end the victim got his money back Crown Attorney had the watch valued by a jeweler end It proved to worth about two There is perhaps only one in ten the victim tries to recover his money and not one in ten where he succeeds What struck me forcibly as proceeded in ihe Police Court was the superior appearance of ibe swindlers The rascal hid appearance of a scholarly gentleman and the auctioneer looked city man of business It was no wonder that inexperienced strangers were deceived by such smooth oper ators They have tricks quite as effective as one describ ed and while the newspaper should expose the wick and denounce fake auction rooms duty devolves up on the City of Toronto to wipe these If a special defectives in clothes should be detained and leave the auciioo hit are during the Fair KUgMooIdpilCoaocilBit Hole City est wil repair cod I Jol slots ft rata toad a faaoks repair coil A J IslJict lino a- for J A to lvttUaate iteclslwef Jstste resort at was mace Aitrl cultural JLelUerr rcfsreonloepflejruplbsltb Its Clerk was lo prepare a fctard re rate of wss Tex for wards for cur reDt ycir A was patted to Isr the sun J tL A Law alto to ef for its current A was pilled to rut at Isrtfe fa in rile lr- ttrtsttf was etepprotllatloa to School U frctn said to will be at she I GOAL I BEST STOVE AND FURNACE COAL SCREENED Also Blacksmith Coal Delivered to any part of Town WILSON L Heavy Draught Saddle and Carriage Horses TOtdUlCJi rears eld be noises JUtsl of you Pills Co DQKrlplojr after tat- far wcik All bare iJe a CAUTION lo FOR SALE A iittAit frcithrJn JittlELCtr JOSEPH MILLARD In if Jar He PUBLIC NOTICE iVvc Is to fcr A cot MlJIbe at Us ie0d At lbsbcrrersirs3 khicr dtfctloass Its lb c3 iiMrciatWrsctHrrflwLib fits liter Use the sucb ttkUi J WOODCOCK GLEAN to cleat out Summer an J Shoes We must reduce our Slock once will only call ami our you will buy a saving least per cent to you They are all the Newest in Wo mens Childrens Mens Hoys Call and see Leading furniture House A LifeSize Air Brush Crayon Ink Portrait With every Cash Purchase of Furniture CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN at II NEWMARKET A SPECIALTY calls to at 125 Ktblts wtls of ledums Act c to Francis Draper el at li It trtt iff lira ihUa Tomb siittr l0 at Notice to to tiatQslttatUiir ctJcni ths J bs da of lodtUfelo tic tor ad 1 fell sl rl if it iteia- Acd antics ttil wlit lo dis lb Xls no stall tbia elites a4 lUbfi Its sill ittll ttbtTb4ea All are ill dusr tolls tirtj its at till IHtliiir UAHLOKDOAN TfOR SALE fitsue IltaU fc TjiARMFORSALEOR RENT Kerch WW Kinx ApltP and Fruit Jars FOX Aoy quantity as cheap as Teas and Coffee We have a special line of Japan at pound and our regular lire at a pound pounds is the belt quality for price you find Crockery Chinavare our Dinner Sets I IM at low prices- We inspection Sets item TOWN A LI kltds decs slrt r Mrs Baylys School OH English French and Music THE LEADING We will Not bo Undersold PICE hi iiil St STOLEN law 3YEAROLD c fa J J MAIN All coil It Us IfccasPr Attars TORONTO WK Lti cur tiii it Iq tlljtecrUUSu4 NEWMARKET A Full Stock of the Best just re ceived A R BROUGIITOH PhiD Night B SALESMEN to la J titxK ls Outfit fits icfiUg col tj Wilts ilkUri to WANTED ALLEN NURSERY CO U SALE TV srs its I Its Ijhtit Its a UliOrM FOR SALE tr ft Ih FLORIDA GARDEN LANOCa oouLaiuii2f a j a l Jailt i