Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 4 Sep 1896, p. 1

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II ap9j THIS NEWMARKET ERA GIVP ME THE TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY Friday filornlQg GEO -f-ATJMt- J And SlBSCBfBEES I CAPITAL aim tint la ywiih YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No papers sent outride Of North York unlet paid in advance Vol XLXlNo Single Copies J Cents Each m Newmarket Ont Friday September 1896 Terms Strictly in Advance within 3 or at end of year Branch R AHRI1ID A Interest Allowed on at DRAFTS ISSUED All sua Wi attest IG- J AW ALLAN GO WILL UK FOUND IN THEIR NEW STORE WITH A COMPLETE of Bummer Goods READY AND PAINT CHURCHES ALAIIASTINK OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLKS LAWN MOWERS LAWN HAKES LAWN HOSE CHURNS DASH CHURNS ASSORTMENT OR GARDEN TOOLS STOVES AND TINWARE Repairing and Neatly done J A ALLAN GO Stoves of I Try Our CoalOiln Diamond Pipe Varnish is the Try it GET OUR FOR HP TO Vtr Sample on Hind Q An j Iublle 1 on oiJ TORONTO If Id 1 A fee to J WOODCOCK Muriel a to up yho I tired for whfn will Im I nd A mote rtk nod Dot at tfoai set peek- And ever to doll yie ffH Home ol Id It ill to fidttfl I WW egos A pony A Mfe orlolia sljell IM I dont Ami me To ice lots of Will gvo lovely And torn day the And dolly land Ob tired of wafting or 1 Im It really dot Ill a bin wont SI 1 was engaged in braiding a lillle childs apron for caic 11 admire your MHiiJudduld Ihc banker hand hex I your father and htm And am to daughter his and enter fa there anything in your More to the of a middleaged old gentleman like me I have very nice Marian timidly And kid gloves if Give me a dozen the old gentleman and a box of kid glove Marian opened the brown eyes very wide Isnt a box of kid a great ahe For once I mean Not a hi loo many Mr it Hand your heart Ive two hands and I never ought to this will be re- Big pttpxraliont are being made for on the fair grounds hereon Sept the of the C Church Mr Sbelton left on Sound where he has a situation a coopering firm He Mill bo greatly mined in the Monday evening a number Ihehdicsof the Church gathered at the parsonage to welcome home their esteemed paitor Rev Mr and bis amiable family Methodist Church which has been undergoing many re- f- IN A if Dick It BRADFORD of 4UUfct til ml We iaVo Discounting Fanners Holes AT LOWEST AnAtstftUh4va the Toll tallica to PASS THROyOH FREE I Agreed lltlcjc trrLrur ct iravcttct ttaliJocrMicjitrj Bought at Auction this week the Dress Goods Stock of Murray Co Hamilton the Finest Stock in the City WE MUST RUSH OFF All Wool Double Fold Dress Goods at cts TO SKI IS TO BUY TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Co Marian do you think would sound And bo is to be the Co Mr fne Why I am of course admitted Marian Its a rntre matter of you know adding on the Co Si Co Fancy thai is all nonsense claimed Lane No it isnt asserted Marian Why should it be nonsense I can tell you Mi Harold Lane Im in very sober earnest Harold dark brows gloomed over but be said never a word as lie sat looking steadfastly iutu Marians arch hazel est Undo JJenjamin death lias deprived us of the regular allow which he used to make ex plained the girl And we cant live upon mammas poor pension as a aoldiers I tarns a money by taking charge of Mr ItcuuS to a I iJdtd a J Aiilitabt l 6R00ME fainter o AUcraloapUd lo11Lratcte vaitvi4 of Dr lj4t4Ct A to Best futility Lowest Prices You can thoroughly enjoy all your meals if you use Dauntless brand for bread White Crown for Pastry AUOTIONTKltH VUAMU UallOUAUr for Ill Us 11 ij 1NBUKKCK at current Kid icinKikitUndt4 to- A lit ftI1ctrL TONS Of Chop and Low Grade Flour Choice Hog or Cattle Food get quotations Oats OatChop Crushed Oats Corn and all kinds of Grain and always in stock at right prices to be disposed of Call at once and MHOS in TURNOUT CANADA LIFE CO CANADIAN COMPANY AND DOLLARS I KUTibr VIUIUd Air Acting lciit ruMCltti J UCII 1 SlanilaidLileteuiaiiceCo r I Children over years ago Insured- Females Insured charge Allti MRS C SIMPSON Main of Atatlcctt with lo lit ftl CMhLtt5 Jo fublcu l- YOUR Kcii of Voces lutltlia CoMrri itv for L A- V Vet iVPue liUX HUM if A UJiiKlK A A yKAUAAY ft lUtci PfOKll IribUHAKCK I If your Sight Failing or your Trouble you come in and have them examined ill if til fiMutdriigra A LIFE SAVED BY TAKING CHERRY PECTORAL ire Kit or dto- Br I hid the I Weve It II WiKD Ave Cherry Pectoral jd VtUrtcny J IT COSTS YOU DR BOO MR ASTOUFFER Singing and Violin Teacher for all Voloo Voices CO ftK CO scrofula Any will tell you that Professor Hare of Jefferson Medical College is one of tne highest authorities in the world on the action of drugs In his last work speaking of the of scrofula he also says that the should be combined with the oil cod- liver fiypophos- is precisely such a It till Ifl He nailery and I moan open a lillle fancy Hyde lias been in die and the will lell how lo Marian do not at all this 11 Wv must said Marian Hut nol as mere folk said Mr Line contempt Listen Marian am lure of an ad vance of salary in fjll Mr Bond my employer has all but promised me in so many words and ilicn we can And what is become of mamma and tbo three girls said Marian quietly Harold Lane hesitated It did not lie within the compass of his plans lo the whole family how ever deeply he might be attached to Marian herself I dare lay they will get on as well without you as with you said he at length No they would not said Marian You need not argue against my Harold It is like the laws of the and Pit- me vocable Lane flushed up with in dignation I n spite of my decided disappro val If you in this foolish Well Marian I shall deem it my duty to dis solve our engagement I do nol choose he added to have lor my wife one who has made hex sell the talk the town by taking a place behind counter She was silent a moment ere she spoke 11 Harold she aid at length I did not know that we differed so wide ly in our thoughts and ideas I am sorry that my please you but nevertheless cannot alter it In thai case said the young man almost rudely is no oc casion for my spending my lime here- Good evening Mils Good evening Harold Wont shake hands Ob certainly if you dente it And so parted Marian bad a cry alt by herself when her estranged lover was gone It did item hard lht he io misjudge her that his reading of her duty should be so widely different from her own But I know what I ought to do the laid to herself and I must go on and do it just the same though a score of Hood in the way Mamma and Rosalind and Aggie are dependent Upon me and they are the ones must think of first Harold came to the bouse no more Marian sealed up the simple garnet engagement ring in a neat little paper packet and sent it back to him half hoping thai it would elicit a re ply but it did not And on the day when first the simple white letters on a black ground Co appeared over the bay window in the little brick house in Silbur Mr averted his eyes he calked put on Mi way to Bond Banking House Women becoming completely nowaday he said to him self But as it happened Marians first customer iff him self He came in he wis this Mi he said kindly Yes sir Marian out kid J And so he departed leaving ten dollar bill behind him as A toil of first fruits of the business that was to pour In upon the house of Co Affairs were pretty brisk that day People came in from curiosity to see the new store which handsome daughter had been courage ous enough to and no one could very well away without pur dialing at least a paper of pins or a roll of tape And next morning Mr Bond in again My housekeeper tells me that I want some shirts said he A dozen I But pleaded Marian I dont keepgcnilemens shirts Oh yes you do said Mr Bond serenely- was a but presently a bright idea itself into her mind used to help with papas she- If will let me take the measure I think Rosalind and manage Of course you could said Mr Bond And after that he became a regular and profitable customer Laic in the fall Harold Lane de cided thai Marian was too dear to bis heart for him further to indulge hi must have her he said lo him self if she a stores of one The litife dewy eyed beauty what is there about hex so I wonder So ho weii call at the ted brick house after bay whetow was all shuttered in the night Mrs was a worsted shawl Rosalind little was At her but Marian was lo be at home this even ing said Mrs Budd his glance of She hat yone to a concert Willi Mr Bond Indeed Harold Lane could scarcely con ceal rVs surpriie It may be veil to tell you said Mil with innocent maternal that our Marian is to be mar ried to Mr Band next He is rather older than she is but his kindness to her under very trying circumstances has fairly won her heart He loves her dearly and I believe the honestly returns his affec tion So Harold Lace went home like in the ballad Ma- ope At V On Sunday Sept There will be services held at so a p and p m Rev Moore of will conduct the rooming and evening services and Rev Simpsen of Thornton will conduct the service On Monday evening of September Rey Johnston Toronto will one of his popular A welcome shower passed here last week refreshing the late root crops It was needed badly Mr William Cunningham was firl to finish here The axmy has been at work in this vicinity They have left grain crops and slatted on the fruit One of out neighbors sorely nested with a small shipped quadruped having tried all to secure the little and failed There is one plan yet and that is plan An faith take a yoke of oxen and losing chain and pull up the and then you have him The oat harvest is small in this vi cinity Quito a number cut their oats for fodder Mr Waller child got its badly scalded with hat tarch last week Mr John Cowieson is filling up a fine lot of horses for Ihe corning Mr John our Deputy has been down inspecting bridge on Union Street It is in need of repairs He is the kind of man to have to look after such affairs The cranberry pickers a fine crop The campers their way to the city again- The weather must he cool for comfort QolokVork Again much Interest was by readers of the Tools In the stories printed not very long about the rapid of a coat and suit of clothes that little anecdote from which is of a similar nature may prove of in teres Sotnemen who worksd in a woodpulp factor at got in to a discussion how fast could be made into pulp into paper The result of dis cussion was an experiment or trial of speed in which there men performed the feat of down three trees chopping them up them into pulp then into paper on which the evening newspapers of the place were printed and it look ihim Jutl two hours and a half from lime the first tree was until ihe tint copy of the was told Homo for There has been considerable talk during the past year or two in refer ence lo the development of home for cheese The alon this line hat been mora notice able since cheese his taken ihe drop in prices Before that time the prices of cheese for export hid been good for a number of yean and ihe local market was largely looked upon it it dumping for cheese that wis not considered fine enough quality to send to the English consumer Since depression in prices leading dairymen have been looking to the home market as in outlet for some of our fine Comparatively lillle ef our is consumed in Canada Our people only use it as a kind of relish and not at all as a article of food We are in no sense of the term a people True vre base not the population that the country has comprised of the working and middle classes who have to use wholesome substantial and economi cal foods in order to sustain them when at work and which had at the lowest possible cost but we have in a large class whose outdoor employment compels them to itkcnutritloui and besides in cur cities towns a larjte class of workmen who are compelled live as economically possible There to be considerable room for develop ing our home market for cheese and for inducing our people to become greater consumers of thai nutritious article of food loey are- of V7ito0sse3 A A touctting story is told of three young men who stood with tearfilled by a bedside on which a white si form wai lying She has gone was the unspoken of a Never wer three tons blessed with a better mother one closed eyes once more and with a look of unutterable lovt the white lips spoke these Never was mother blessed with sons Mothers last words and such words I Will they ever be forgotten Yearly have passed end amid the turmoil of busy life the white lives of boys tell that hose precious ire not forgotten For To set the color and prevent deli cate colored and dimities frotn fading when wished dissolve five of sugar lead in a ft Lord mentin His false had cheat ed him out of the sweetest truest heart in all the world And Marian fell that she had had a unite escape from his exactions Captain fieeneyw A bit Calirih medicine I mo tier found that do me any Dreg Store and Core a In great demand Pocket only Children love it Bold at Eton a Drag Store KARIB ROOT will close you Complexion and make head a belt Oh Boost all Have Both to be to Health Dr Great Corej Cures Ailtnenta HEART DISEASE Relief in thirty minute in moil cuts of A strong make for Core for but ii is by of thousands who claim snatched ihe grave by in wonderful urittve pow ers If the heart fluuen palpitate tires easily it indicates warned in time this and cure it never fails James Allen of Si- Stephen B troubled with vtiy severe pains in the in the side and shoring became completely exhausted the lent exertion said my a hopeless one I procured a of Cure for the Hem A few gave re lief bottles entirely cured me and today w and strong as ere it bet cine on for trouble CATARRH It goes right to the trouble nuclei the removes cleanses out and the parts quickly and per manently Powder docs all this and ill no heir say The slaves who are freed from this lostbiorrte malady by this posi tive cure are its praises day in nd day out I am yean old Catarrhal Powder aod I look upon my cure as a miracle Geo of Pa A cold in the head may be the first step to chrooic catarrh Step cold prevent the catarrh Catarrhal Powder is harmless and plied SMJ at Pharmacy CIS CONSHPATIOH Liver Pills are the most perfect made and cure like Sick Headache Indigestion and all Liver Ills so ceuls viol o Sold at Puts to Dr Agnttva Oinltntnt Mill cure all cases of Itching in from to nights One application brings com- Blind Pleeding It Peerless cores Tetter I Salt Rheum That TOndearful I to my he of tboe that have Chora It does all is claimed for it churn fa minute git a mora butter than with common chores I saver took for before tat to m9f of my that I and they arc all I lo ft farmer will ft in fret they ard to bo without at more a goal bit can in every By to A El yea the and foil the a Somebody have Is emea hard Very I would a I Lave worked have told atd after all bly it dtlfjhUd with it and I sell every it as cant afford to be with aai ftc4 burn tbectottw I I fite dollars in ft ytan How is that for a girl A xe ft Ires girl can get the iroa by J a u everybody it writes fa upraise she aro from all of the the counter Sold Bulea An We all know how untidy a sick room becomes and how of the sweeping is to the patient To remedy this arid a trained and capable recently 1 put a link to a of warm water my mop wrung dry as possible go all over the carpet first This takes up all and much of the loose dm A broom wilt take what is lare to adhere to the mop and the dust With my cloth veil sprinkled I go over she furniture and the room is flirty clean Children a for Children In the iniefcH of dectn- that is clean and ItanoraUU and goo pott let mil ted and women a against the tiecd in courts of law the witnesses It is an poor comment on the profession of law cede and lie to which all ions in arc supposed lo ap peal fox justice and tedteiu of their wrongs should of a chaiac ter from which and sensitive people must back in the raost abject terror it sets can little worse than is limes heard in vhat are often teixned courts of justice Men j on ordinary occasion would team to indulge in vile and insulting will when a witness so far descend from the of their positional to make tbcmstlscs not only odious to bystanders but contemptible in eyes of ill cul tured and lightminded people Not long since a woman wn in tctested in a tuft to recover a piece of property that had been from her by a forged signature She called into couit a and although all that was required was to establish the fact that name was written by another which was compelled pais simply ap palling Absolutely the of a west id in faith and with a clear know ledge of the facts and prepared to Rise them without unnecessary llefoie ibe began state ment on the side huilcd at her a of remirkl that completely unsettled her nines Living quietly and to such talk she was entirely overcome and could scatcely collect herself to answer direct Confused beyond and era- to such a degree hit she was almost speech en presented a that to appeal ed to common of all decent men But this situation taken ad vantage by the who by the most adroit and tripping forced her de vices to make statements which were appnently contradictory then accused her of turning to the jury denounced her ai a liar Just what this torrent of abuse have to do with dean legal question of right of property it would be difficult for any rational per son to imagine ii to be based on a high sense of justice and equity consist ent that form of and vituperation that ptrmitiincoccat and to be in- ind abused- Certainly Ike where would lipid such treatment in of law but It a fact past disputing that the dandling of by even in roost commonplace cases soften How the end of justice can Us im A by luch a count it difficult indeed to discos the pail of cold water acd io it two Then and wish When baking cake on removing it from the oven place the tin contain in- the cake on a damp tone a moment and the cake may be readily taken from the tin without sticking tea fa excellent for purifying the blood clearing complexion and removing pimples Dried clover may be uied for the lea Do not wash oilcloths ot linoleum in hot Wash them with tepid water and wipe with a doth dampened in cold milk and water Silt added to new milk will curdle it Therefore in preparing do not add the salt unlit tbe list thing To prevent a bruise from discolor ing apply hot water or if that isrot at hand moisten drj with cold water and cover the bruised place In fill inn clicks in mix platter of pans in vinegar instead of water It be like a mass of putty- Push it inio the cracks and smooth off an old cue knife The plaster will not become for half an hour if mixed with vinegar but if water is used it will become hard im mediately almost before you have lime to use it A man in Cofingivod was last week fined and for sell ing cigarettes a mi tor Mr Ellis Sheppatd of Saltan lost a inflinmilion was valued at After all even trees have about as hard times as the it for their arc often seized for board Car Mr M his a live blowing adder in the window of his barber shop at Vise snake captured en Saturday in Lake by John Steele wii a iliol Strawberry Suete his with line It cost the American nation lho bushels of wheat to salary of George Washington less thin to pay thai Abra ham it for a president bushels of wheal ftjj While moving a building in a ivjw attached to a In the Aea year of Enjcriyof bate been formed A of in the tool of Hint I the t J1 shade Irec hit it seal ed but off The wis fictd coils The lice lo the value attached to as Miss Lyon a youcj lady living id His in the water wis the a spent lodged in her coiset a which it entering body The youcj lady moat notable of le by the of to ii that people in cunei form is tack at lent jcJii further to a pciiod B thunder have occurred in in a less life A occurred lat week Jo of a barn which was muck which were a woman engaged in a cow The killed the anitufls but did not wo- miD Long distance telephones been plieed the Siis tills get making it possible to communicate from one end other of country on Instruments in perfect and on one can heir distinctly The fee varies from one to eight cents a Electric lighting from water power has been introduced to even mill placet A farmer tells how he played a Yankee tick on the rats In fested Us barn Fill a barrel he lays half full of rye and grain and give them a treat for a fortnight a board ihc barrel for easy access Some night water for the leaving enough of the taller on top to deceive and tht result may astonish you rats will leave biro for month Some recently walked the business portion of Ottawa and with a diamond or sfaiJp pointed scutched the plate glass of about Mo of the carried on plate with the piled ttoocy the recover foe no the polk woiiiUig ijt y fc A Jr irs-

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