Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 29 May 1896, p. 3

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J V I f j I rjn -r- i i -a- yA j -v7- i i i ERA MAY GOING OH A TO WW It pretty Town Monday In nam tor of on Hid jj a of to llrnt Hoy lo kit of till homo ivltuloibyfftol boy QjIp New Staud- Pipe Work com to erect a filling fltwA vrtsto water Ojion by Fast If the byla pro hibiting It not of Mtntf ratiOTCf In attention Ei called to New WaikrCa now Friday lowing oar It i wagon le thao wM ftjirlnkler It impure- ftod under control Iho orvlco if Attn Copt McDonyld ftl Iloyftl Ho Ijco Of lO tcr4 for hit JJo found la would not toll At ho wit lOtflvo bo for to the mark wti Ilk About Mil all ho Iwo-ytkt- Work com by on which woodtelroyed by flro hat viator bo tbofotindtloa In order will ftJid building Till V4ntfrcd wblto brick fOffJIly- METHODIST morning in In- by In tbo Hoy of Aurorft And took flrrloo In bo by Mr WHKIntoo ford will V And evening JJftlrlcL And were to toko And The Railway A meeting of of Huron And woo held In Toronto Ay Ago Mr Walker- Dr A J If of iljorotitoot Adopted And for to government by baud Mr a York firm for of And ft commit to Appolottd to with to it a of of uadorUk flret Motion to rum from to Kincordlno mid from to ID fftrt ft on la iliftKut end of by their Activity nd A Malicious Act- Last Saturday to Mr wai At Mr in 2nd of Kilt la field found ft pool of blood ftnd it bid to deith deep onto In a with A long fcnifu- vora Id to Anything wiidUtnrlcd very it v Into a corner by one Aid roll And ftnolbor Two before a ww to Mr tVotloyd hired cot In her bog by ft And a faolo bog Id field bnt it rocoiorod ftfttr upon Andit bo ft to no to of ad moot to matter Any would do It not Ufa to bo ft York Election- About ftttonde At von In tho fltlrrlnopfccchci TTromtdoby Linton of from Ho 1 Chrutiak Church At the monthly told dotegitei ftppolntod to fttUadConforonoo ho of Mitt Alfred J end a to to i i DI- region mot en And Improromioti Wk mo Trill Allow t for looking AQdtbtio Act both oik- dAyi ttUnllon And Alio tho to raorolug of noma for put got up her brtakfut r ft ftt her pipe tad noon the a No ulned old being to bar h York nd with the the body IM on firm Mr Win Model u down weok no on fated id Attack of lOmo kind Unto- the Prlnolptl and lor the to not be Interrupted It elnoeroly hoped that Mr IH recover quit an In hie yesterday Will find com plete of aocraiorlti at A Jnne Aru A boy named ion of met An Aooldont on ground on morning Hi Wfti running At tin And tipped which AOmitimo bid Altnoit ftud In inn Arthur In ai Arm broken About go the off lower if A About two Wdn4idy Afternoon a At throw wa off work for of dAy aiiIiU driving bolt MO to ran chicory flow to bat look ibortly after flto tfolock woodonwftroeviry Orders for win dow la foot car bo Football The North went to Vndor Ifondiy And jilted mitch team thero corning homo vIclorMt- Repairs It time the fixing up mo Thcro Ant AN And wrjritlon J running big of for broken limbs CitURCIh of Lord will bo In n on In forenoon A pro bo bold on ftgcnln At oclock ARM Broken While MaigArct ft girl Ago wai with J a on lul fill pn floor And not only ft bono ftrm Baseball When the At CintA on of employed on for flhoro tilt flvo with ft of to Andcr- ion bid ft young for on down town contrary to If off with ft will bo flntd Last week Hunt a Oil ground for Meiers A Co of Toronto iMi a About or Mr ffflip Dm no bo Id utoro only In The an- nail muting of tho North York JnitHuto will In on of Juno All will nolo And to It oi30tj thit J P IKi will bo MfDlcAt Webb de cided to in Ititl of ilcor Pott nd will corn- tho lint of Juno known throub rnldcnco And bo Koto ho will bo a worthy Morr Houses Mr Web- iter from tho building on formerly known VobitwA but recently Allin Work removed And now Joint put In whoro required will throighont And flltd up for A tenement worm fn fruit to bo vary plentiful year Driving ftloogtlblghwAy petit bo Nov thorn And luting lojory to on ftltoobtorvo tint firmer tblo town more pr hfty not removed from plum tret Ahootd bo Attended to a in I aw to ond should ceo that low enforced- citircn an Bat reporter on tbo day Aud Limit JlyLtw Not 1 know of wot reply Why when building on Council mAdoqvJlOft ftbotit it And ordered it to wllb wooden far to Btreftndnolblflgbo boon ftboat lt Police Court His Worship loroillgAttd ft codaot Vtdowdiy After noon by It ftp- ft ad to ft youog pi At form oclock on waiting for tboiLcuriioQ And who la with idled in when IaUoCa1a Along And put A to know bo wai in wrong And out of town being but igilnil tbo other The To buy Tin etc At A Old wo week to oar ew toroono door lower for two weok Copper Kettles No Broome Screen Door oil oomploto neb Ho fl Boiler bottom Cullmderi a Kettles bottom lOlncb 10 from ftt tho per itor At big redaction Frirnus Quarterly Meet a the Meeting on t oclock I of Toronto And other Are ta On a School nil worker ftro wrdlolly cm wo woke School I ho In up tbo our Conference open it oclock Piper on of Toron to How beet of hie or by J Cody Tbo People by Win- Firth Of Pickering Id- lormfdlAto by J Wright Pickering At t on Township Councils SMur- Jolting At it And KlogAtKcltleby The and ho no palm or to rnako tho Town on evening olJonoClh kind Ills lo ft Concert In word And ft moat And in Old 1 j won All of Ontario end of will the And In Toionlo Mil Kid miking ft In circle lo In At a concert In Toronto A molt flittering Urge fublonobl wn to delighted with her hid lo A third Mini Idle a v of good power And hit perfected which worthy nolo In And by An by Mulder on other power And highly ftpprotlotod Mr- to with violin nd la to ft recall iwcclly Olici After her with a bitkel of rot Ethel a of ibo Toronto College of well IboContcrfAtory end hi received Mono Hold ol Toronto ftddod much to ind of entertainment Too ranch bo Her clear And her musical and her her And of voice a well a her ex- hrrnonlio with the And In her Fred of fit Toron to And ft ft Oratorio long nearly All tho daring Lie At horn on nd bit hi very Mr- J It and render on of will Aiilit A plAy I which will held la on tho comple tion J our High to toko the choir At oclock only And A fall id ftnKclpitjyl Tho merits of Concert thg ticket tell like hot cekt tony nothing of Apperi At Ihorciucelof wo odd following ft w Mr given a worm reception And ho for few bowleg bit ftcknowl- a rich powerful bar- tone over which bo hie complete control voice And with It a peculiarly not often heard whlcli reader tinging wondorfally Ills rendition earned for ha a lie reipoaded with ton which tie lo fairly con rendition of Uiyii JLonoV And worthy of cents Ladies Ribbed Vests inch all wool Serges all colors at SPECIAL IMPORTATION of CHAMBRAYS CREPONS DIMITY MUSLIN And many other lines in Summer Fabrics that no other house shows Pine Choice Lemons per doz cents Good Raisins per lb J Christies Soda Biscuits per box 12 lbs for Wc keep nothing but the best goods and you can always depend upon the quality Bargains in Mens Suits offered in the Dominion A Good Cooks Department- Mens Store We show MENS SUITS bought on Tuesday at less than 50 cents on the Dollar TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE AT CD w are showing the greatest values in Boots and Shoes ever offered We will just give you some prices that will start you thinking Laced Boots sewed pegged sewed and nailed Gaiter Boots DRUG DEPARTMENT IN PRICES per fi Carters Clints Kidney Sc Dr Williams Kidney Pills Hoffmans Headache Dr Mrs V inilovrs Syrup Pitchers Soap per r Dr box Chaws Cure Dr Catarrh Cure Halyards Yellow Oil per Dr Thomas Electric Davis Killer Ready bottle Dr Fowlers Extract Wild Straw- bottle THE YORK COUNTY DEPARTMENTAL STORE JUgular Price Our Price Our price 3 Co S S 35 23 50 jo 1 Dr per bottle Cherry Pectoral bottle South American Nervine bottle Fellows Compound Syrup of Hypo- bottle Heel Iron and Wine bottle Fames Celery Compound bottle Hoods bottle Scotts bottle Cod Oil i Dr Pierces Medic Dis covery bottle bottle Ik- tons Caprine each Moth Camphor lb CO CO a CO CO CO CO CO 5 fie Mens Solid Leather Plow Boots 99 Boys Fine Laced Boots Ladies Fine Kid Oxford patent tip toe patent tip Tan Kid- Lace or Button toe patent tip- 25 Fine Kid Button Boots patent tip 99 Oxfords patent tip Tan Remember this is only a small list Want of space compels us to stop here but vou can rely on every pair of Shoes in the Store marked at the lowest possible price some of the goods worth double the money ft Ink crowd Town Btluidy butlotu day ll Town qui Next Court bore Co ratt Moo Holiday Have you ever Ufa II a little Hi did ot and from Collingirood while Blue to to tvj Iod the fthoro- from the faro on bivo fcdmlrftblo a crowd for lltb art only of pro day a Civic Holiday to you tzpm you may now to Dp a of to Live a good Every afforded to corl0DUt and the clerk of irlllbd One day aw to have probably a pickup turn will try with ibcuK Brigade been well for bo exception at St A THOUSAND LIVES LOST So Here a of dverltstmnl of city aMO I- to of a kio a tandala No efer o on Lei which we torrid Dopiiiuuni will la very roach in a djl A Y 4Clrfo on acoooot of aupply- Intj you our ft to wrlu ft For- and will aomt lit A wo you good Una Iklioo of price If wo fttll will buy Vy aoriy what Our to bo tell or matter I Why all fan a If the ft all day oclock at eight Wfaata un til I Bat- id icd our 7UDp4rucaal6Utfii of The heavy rain on to bat ft to the ft food ket but Monday of our went to SO to The long aod fti Rosa Po tato buga already pot Id One man tbera a down ftrooDd watch log him cipocted hut tomono for Da the Ghrlalian on Bonday Id Mr n Weal OoUrio at Court The Sand of ana tUfag for ft concert A heavy load of ahlpped from to a oametary north of Bradford ft football club CO member Mr Frank Millard baa green two lU fa Board of Health In after the of a cow and calf do id th of the Roche St Co are folly In wltb the early at oclock the other Depart me Through their low are enabled to do ft enough obliged to the open mid- thereby making long hour for employee ft wanting Inform at plana of eorance by Fire the by ap to in who to writ anpUoftUot foe to There was a good alien daoa at Cheat at Fifteen no lei four Aft of the did not commeoc operation until oat ftnd come no offered after- was taken op la the attoBofth the bylaw Tb action the Dominion Dairy aloner In to Edward III and chut proved to trad of Canada by of the member order to cultivate the local trade a will be put to he market with nothing the beat factory can A uniform charge to local dealers of onehalf cent par lb over prtoe will be by all In dlatrlct that members of Board followlog elected J Glllteple Vlce- A ietl Alberi Wood Jae A Jones Toronto J A fttd J A Gilford The Board June shea the will Sr May At p the clouds that had covered city since noon broke into a furious Within ten reached a velocity of miles an hour sweeping with it dense waves of rain The electric wires the crash of debris that it swept in every direc tion ihe electric flashes from tangled wires and crashing thunder a scene indescribable Lightning struck the Standard Oil Works and flames were soon pouring from a buildings The fire department was utterly powerless cope with the conflagration The list of dead in Si Louis cannot be until alarming reports of loss of life in collapsed buildings can be confirmed At least lifelejs bodies have been found up to to oclock It is repott ed that are in the ruins of a cigarette factory and thai many were killed in East Si The city is in ft state of panic all elec tric wires are down and the city is in darkness The scene in East St Louis is appalling The tornado that city with terrible affect and it is now estimated that persons are dead in that place alone as a result of the wind flood and fianes Before the flames were gotten under control property to the value of nearly was destroyed The tornado passed in an easterly direction and it is reported that Vindiliaand in Illinois tuffered severely One report states that the railroad depot in Vandalia was blown away and people were killed Kansas City May County Mo was blown away this afternoon Railroad officials cay the best estimate of kilt ed put it in the neighborhood of Reed House III May It is reported that eighty children were killed in a school bouse at Drake near this city by the cyclone fear of Moscow This was the chief day of all ceremonies in connection with the crowning of Nicholas There was beautiful weather for the Coronation at Russias ancient capital The ceremony be gan with a royal salute of the ringing of the great bell of Tower The broad squares of Kremlin which was the of attraction were crowded with people by oclock in the morning headed by bands of music moving at oclock a Shortly after a the ladies and gentlemen of the Court with all the noted dignitaries in uniform forming ihe Imperial Cortege asttmbled in the halls After a most ceremony His Majesty crowned him self and the wlcn they both ascended their respective thrones and were anointed by the prelates This was followed by a brilliant re ception The Banquet which was prepared by cooks and assistants was of great The scenes of splendor singing of the choirs music of the bands glittering of the troops and booming cannon will long be remembered 111 Accident in Britten Columbia OVER Nov is your time to secure one of those nobby Summer Suits or Light Vests And have them finished for June date of the above Excursion IVJODOUQALL Next to Atkinson NEWMARKET RUSHING OFF limine have the Up Gooci 2nd at See our new lot of ird Taffeta to Fall ings for Children Boys and Hats- goods ac Canada is all ever single or sure and jti a ticket when buying anything horn HUGHES fiARBiE May Dickey a firmer living in concession 5 Hon township went bathing yesterday at oclock along bis hired man and Mr Middleton They had been in only a short lime Dickey cried for help The other two Hied to reach him with a pole but be rank It is believed he look cramps His body Has recovered at 7 oclock in about feet of water Deceased leaves a wife and five children wife a daughter of Good- fellow Deceived Mil I i Miy The terrible accident that ever took place in this vicinity occurred about a oclock ihisafternoonwhenaoceciric car fell through the Point bridge into an arm of James Bay A sham battle at Point was on programme today as part of the bration of the Queens Birthday and nearly the whole population of the had gone out to witness it The electee cars tunning out to the scene had been overcroFded all the forenoon Every car was full not inside but as many as could do so on the outside as well The car to nbich the accident hap pened contained about persons Even the roof was occupied In crossing the Point EUice bridge it left track crashed through the and fell Into the water feet below The fail was so sadden and unexpected that all the passenger were carried with it car floated for a moment and then was carried down by the weight the metal work Attached to it Those inside were unable to escape and were drowned like rats in a trap Some of those on outside escaped by swim ming but many stunned by the fall or unable to iwim were drowned When the bridge broke there were several carriages on it and these also were precipitated into the water- Superintendant Wilson was driving and hid his five child ren witbbim He succeeded in sav ing himself and four of tho children the a Utile boy was wedged some iron bars and was drown ed Up to am litre ttken from Twenty to on the bridge at lie time the Accident are missing and it supposed they hate Tbe car register ind it Is Ihtt A is Set You Thinking they dont lis the force that actions do Vou will find our Goods are not puffed up by specious advertising When from us you may sure of eettir a hundred worth for every dollar Potatoes only ice a V v Cured Hams n lb ice lb tec lb ice each dor Extra Rolled lb Pure ice lb Canned Corn dot dor position fruit season has commenced and we constantly gelling in something new This week we received a barrels Pineapples The stock is very nice We alio received a liansnas Granges and Lemons public very prises as are in a to buy in car lots which gives the inside traci having large for all our fruit Do you lead in the Ice Cream Why of do knows that Hams raw and cooked kept on hand Our grocery stock complete in all its tranche our Blended Tea alio our Japan and Blacks They cant be beat Graham Walers in Good Pickles rcc a bottle Vanilla and Lemon a bottle Very Fine Pine Apples Fresh only We have a stock of Hardware which was bought under J rice core- prising in Cut Wire and Horse Shoo Forks Shovels Paints and OilsMachine Cylinder and Boiled Pans Green Bug Killer mixed The goods are to be sold at about Wholesale Price We arc now sorting the stock up New Goods be sold equally cheap Big Stock of Boys Straw Hats CLOTHING ETC AT RIGHT PRICES us a call A ROBERTSON Toronto liar riuruisjrar on SJ to 111 ICO 1 I to lii l a Wheat per VThtat l ttitl per Achate til VMtvcrlt H ilKIt aw en eta oil so Hi a on US a auto a 111 II C3 1 w OS it r lifrti VLut Vaitr fittkutut fciliM KJ a all 11 I OS 1 is 10 13 tO 1 1 01 aU a 1 a 14 CO a WW a a IS a a a 1 OS a It HI HOUSES 71 MAIN STREET AND 10 HURON STREET Sugar Cured Kama Kollctl Bacon Smoked Dried Bacon Kflnce Meat Sliced Dried Beef Canned Corned iiuo Confectionery and Biscuits Our J cent Corn beats any at that price GASH

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