Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 27 Mar 1896, p. 4

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MARCH Weak and Nervous Whenever body been by it should bo built up two ft v of Of I begin to I toil fe S WHAT TO WW1P I 1 I It la IrttnllffQ of bring of to ft Ihtrcfort IcoVtd for Jit Of Of A J Jn with It In Very- Thin mint In In hud which no I who within fit I fit kindly did I tin well end would not to without bout for J Manning Ave Bo Only ivuo Pro in rat DISEASED MINGS BY Pectoral Sector VIi- put ii I RKMJ Mr VftlUcV York member f to well s ft of Mr ft con pctui In hie bo did Mi with mo Jhcjcblv or York recently Ibo will bo chained tin b no ftllcr 2nd nod If it out prophet ft YftrUly of for tho of ftnd A new In lfa90r And which o bo popular ft ft to of young In especially enter tftlntncots and by Kiili cither for Attorney fiir ft ft till In Ontario relating by cob II ft of for fifty It by tending out or forms to tot or to tho receiving to telle thtl within Court A by Oliver In provider that all municipal Injuries through or tldonalkt tried by ft Jadgo with out ft It brought to tho for coat at Iollco Mr or Itv of wo omitted to men Hon Uiit ho fotikr to It ftMy conduct ed and of to bo on lining ft them In On tftrlo Government Noting whllo walling for mall to bo Ac cording to tradltloni It unlucky Yet tfd a by- unlucky for other on tho left of Dal- crowd and reply aomo coo count Joujc Ad vcntlito wro convicted At of dearer At by working at church building on appealed to Court Chief red and prealdfog who gvo upholding conviction Jo IMid wt wanted to a law among will put a on adt fyonctally my Air act to amend tho Act been In Ontario by who to obligatory on or other receiving to and rgUtr of paid In ten Mr bill will the bo out of pocket of not only In end of tho Iran taction hut from will of Mm at Kino get money just ft At aro fj J 11 lJ lVtSrfl Alter a tfdfaiff trihlo I fi 1 lUUttk I Ayer Cherry Baby Wants It Martins Cardinal Pood iHFAina juitlkd by any other preparation put up in price Tin all and and VAtOlf Co it MONTJMlM- hlttoryof put it dlfAoult In form andcthofUn which II It to memory on of Us Intliriato bearing upon llio of prta Jn cites M It better calculated than to needed Voltfahtd by it Co Am act amend iOi of Act been Introduced In by Ucatbcm At priicnt a elected to tho Council And before hit elec tion hav ing number of yotci the councillor or other may bo Mr by hit bill a to ho held In of allowing tho next cm to the place of disclaimer la that intnt ftrrAnjenoli with the Grand Trunk and I It- to pii to divide tho j two railway and in return receive member not which will for ill more for tho for at during doubt kbit villi relieve memUrt from of obligation but tho railway till consider that A on Iho royteccjilitlvcn all tho Ax ftinendri len Introduced to Illation Act of Ontario by Mr It prohibits fcherllfa county at tornoyfl of and dtviblon courts 11- to and all permanent of flcials in any of tho Department of Gov from engaging In any contested to tho Ontario lature by at acting Mit of candidates or by collecting election or In any other Aiding Penalty for doing and Army who at their Com- nen fti rtfln American Volunteer Tho w Ah act to amend Act respecting of bun by Mr Ho to provido by law that ibo ol a during tho of July and bo from ten am Mr to forgotten that of fcoH or by THE Via A TO CUP Iff i tLjt tic Lilt I lit why Mccfw tie lb id to JIAYTER CO iti ijFrcLiSt VoluntoOw lltg they adopted will bo a field in tho a tingle star iter It motto The rny by a golden and upper tor nor of near will bo a patch of blue allotting while with tho of lo American Union At New Columbia a mico of and lead It worked ho of marvel ihtso minerals gives of and cent lead to The hit only been In operation for tU and during that time hit all working cud a of per cent in addition Another mine tomb of Denver now being gives prornffo of even richer than latter A hat recently been loyenfed a York paper which bid fair to tho In duttry and take the out of clRr rnakere are now on exhibition the paper before ttatca each is of turning out and wrapped clears at rate of SOW This fa thrte many an export roll when is about of an Ordinary and ft at I hour all the year round What It ho the bill apply to in only whore In for more for keeping Open than in Inland county lypayodear enough for all sheriff having privilege of curtailed lC i WlU4 CLEARING J TALK BARGAINS tviug Out our VhoQ of Wholesale no a If Oil and SelfFedors Away Gost TermsSpot Cash No Tick lO I- DAVID tc iLam U lXi J a2vfiijCif-iia- t4 Ur litj to a report lie recently ate without cooking bod tea of three rneinbera of their Cab- hat tho banquet with their Chicago if oriental can could a few louh Ameri can politician rnark la added Ilia than probablo that they would experience a decidedly choking untitled in deglutition of pachydcnnatcui Hero it a to Mackenzie Howell to t of hid nut of traitor them to Ax lo Act has by Mr for of the that cut the fee of but It will alio a i of taxation He tending by addcoul to port given fn the llsti of notice lo bo at before on to attend court for taking on it Ibo Jmor to receipt of the notice to to ft full place Tua Patron leader Mr to auend by of action COS prevents foic4lalUAjt rewriting or pur Kir why who p0 the farmero and an of al j op- loaUciwingo6 to vriotaaof another lntrccce la cot If It ahoald atind on ii- at an advance- lowcaptopla for butter etc t4 lo cUiu do bo Hi Mis Id a Fact in over tho of many of the known men In land that aa a fiencrat remedy for Throat Bronchial and Lung ailment Pinenail Iho Aral a the pine a rein edy in aihiitntn Melt less prixd in the ihece abided by other pulmonary agents j ic in- and fIcaciouo remedy ever red for relief of cough croup aalhnia incipient and ell other threat andchesl troubles no In winter cough it prompt relief chronic auk your for malt and of plain Im malt Pal atable and Best On Saturday Mr the conces sion of discovered that bad Ivls lo bis Albert ivas on suspicion but lie broke out of lcieU at I am a Cured Han VANQUISHED ilY South American Tjik Which Six fall- Out suffered much pain for months from kidney and bladder I received skilled medical treatment and all kinds of medicines to no purpose in fact I did not oh tain any relief until South American Kidney Cure used It teemed to it my exactly giving relief I now used six bottles and can say positively that am a cured man believe one bot tle of the remedy wilt convince any of its worth sale at Pharmacy lUlVjtJ MOUNT ALBERT Mr bad lo close the school on account of sickness Mr Moore and Mary Ann Johnston wcie married on Tuesday last Maggie Moore and Wallice ton were married on Wednesday Colin Smith took big departure on Wednesday for a faint near Good wood One of Thomas children died on Saturday The roads bad that the undertaker bad to dig bis way was calling on friends Tuesday the same old Doc Dr James Forrest is preparing to build ft residence- A big race to come off here on Saturday if the ice I good England is suinti Kerry Watson Co of Montreal for damages on Account the death of alleged to have caused by a poison- erroneously delivered in the of by defendants flw UtfhttXwA fa of It her In The and rear children chief achievement of life Is on InberlUnce due tocrtry child and within the of every parent to It Is KCTrthing no money and la more precious than a mountain of diamonds facoltli depends mot wholly on the not only before birth but A mother cant properly care for A oleic mother child but It Isnt to be expected Maybo the baby vHll the appearance of lack stamina Maybe Innate Trill develop In after woman of Her during the of child Is really a part of all time alic keep her body and pure the take proper precautions her time of labor this purpose Dr Fierce Is prescribed It lies been in of the most all retulU It Is a tonic to the vrhole but particu larly to the organs distinctly feminine It cures all troubles regularity A large profusely Illustrated wrltley by tilled Common Rente Med leal Adviser will be cent to will thirty one cents In to and duty only Mud Ho Main Strctt The jury in the Alger case Whitby out one and half hours returned a verdict of Alger was sentenced to seven years in Kingston Penitentiary The balloon having had a somewhat lengthy inning the hoop skirt arc lo appear the latent Parisian fashion journals to announce pud fashion degrees inviolable Mounts A Toronto Wnrr I aw Toronto Junction 1 consider it my duty to to the public experience for Heart I have been troubled with heart disease and unable to lie down in bed for eighteen months owing to smothering pells and palpitation Each night I would have to be propped up by pillows in order to keep from After treat several medical men without benefit I procured a bottle of the Heart Cure After taking the dose I retired and slept soundly un til morning I used one and have not token any of the remedy for seven week but the heart trouble has not reappeared I consider it the grandest remedy in existence for heart disease sale at Mr Duncan employed at Mr Duncan steam saw mill lot r1 concession King met with a terrible accident on Monday last having his arm nearly severed by circular say The terrible wound runs near from the shoulder to the elbow in a abnling direction severing the hone of the sun About ibis time last year he had the mis fortune of having bis leg badly broken A Catholic of Mas- Ton llEAKS TbJIIUOHV ok Dr In lb- of the Hi v J Ilinchy of St J sephs Church a dots the to the ficirij ttvk in which he is engaged His constamly to deeds of love and goodness rind in the ciiy of M who know him arc ready 10 bear leslttrony his high character And active gene A result of neglect thinking more of than himself he has been a from cold in bead and its almost certain assocale ca tarrh Recently he made of Catarrhal nnd has found in it so relief tint he it a pleasure to others of the it has done latin One short puff of the breath through the blower supplied each bottle of Powder dif- this over the of the nasal passages Painless and do liglnful to use relieves ten and permanently cures catarrh hay fever colds headache and deafness Sample hoi lie and blower sent on receipt of cents in turnips or silver 44 St Toronto sale at Pharmacy COUNTY OF YORK THE VAIUR OK Vtluool King York Total Memoir A Hill a iVll Villt a a a VbIiiq of Ileal Property 1 Vftluoof of aKo W rt it CO l2i57C0 tl to I 7t CO I 9210112 a ft i7 1 W W 2yniV 2223412 Value 3652431 1 iVil t ii3CS0 4700 17600 ytM 1118001 1 1 HO 400000 oborgatloa of Jstorfa of It without It be i for Children world over It in it It gives the health It will Uvea In it which is cad childs allays v Curd cures and Wind Castorla cures t effects of a do not contain morph A opinio or any other narcotic aubailatts food ftnd giving healthy and natural Is p In oncttzo bottles only It la n told in bulk Dont an to tell you anything d on tho that I is jiut ovary that get on of 67f THE LEADING 5 Ji v The only Laundry doing Strictly FirstClass Work break done- up equal lo New Collars in turning VnAl give us a trial 3u0 t- Turns Bad Blood Into Rich Red Blood Wo remedy possesses such perfect properties It not only cleanses internilly but heals when applied J all sores ulcers abscesses scrofulous sores blotches the skin ami pure as Taken inur- it removes all or waste frvm live system and thoroughly all the thi- the stomach liver bowels ami healthy In this way the sic well the who have thai tired worn out receive buoyant health and Spirits that if yew your Mijhtiirn will restore you to the full happy P NO fir in fir it l the of iuwn of to In Town of of Hut ritfrJuViitiiiopwlrlEitftll fir I I- roper of tor It will fro of ltetitficovtr of Twenty IfiurJn Four luti of iiv fta- of what Is for principal In of the ltl by ihTcforofi feM the rnUAt of tt the uUnnl the turn of tli lur1iif fci1 of of ble property to tot turrMB of lV eordrx Aitrt reiki for ft of to of no lit it Iter by lh of llit of of follow J to of the of Khxtrleljftt tteiu iifiitriJl en or not Us tLxn fidJvi of tiM by Iju within Twenty foe to come luto tbj of Inttjcit t per A pr t that to I A XCUT SAWS CHOPPING AXES LANTERNS COW CHAINS ROPE AND LEATHER HALTERS HORSE BLANKETS AND GIRTHS TEAM SHAFT AND BODY BELLS A named Oil fK mot a sinful on the ice on He Icon fish- nt Q and returning Lome with j-y- jaj sleigh on which there was axe In Vet Sons are to furnish the corporation with eleven electric lights for street purposes at the rate of five cents per light per night for the nights they are lighted ate to furnish all lamps and replace alt breakages free of charge contract to run for six months from date of instalment The lights are to commence on Saturday night jumping on sleigh the a I deep the call on the kg I which five stitches to it At a of County of bar j M a a J itlttJr fcf J A CODY fi4ycr Ort held at lie Court House RUNT the day of March for the nominating a alive of ibis county in with ihe coming ilcctton for Henry StialhyjQ president the unanimously chosen of and bar have to J We ma Ihe sister J and to to Utile over a roll well Of of of of For of tLo iocovlj tun of bokvfulty a wil tv feilctvr in ii- time ittT ere lev of little to la of Twenty for lo lhea343bature have l come force fef4 the the troctjn yrportlen ijltjjod to vote I of of till Town i of lfceCciiiolIJitJ Act end day of April at Hour of oclock in ilij forenoon Poll to tile tbo of tbe nJ Poll afternoon fl iro for tLetl Deputy tbc Town to CLUB SKATESj SKATES AND ALL KINDS SKATE REPAIRS A jf AMD AMERICA COAL OIL PAINTS OILS GLASS AND PUTTY J A ALLAN fit Telephone MAIN STREET in OP When an is nil ma down a rough com and a light hide any one his blood is out of order rial l- in good Dick Blood Purifier Is a necessity tost feeding to obtained It ton up the rids theilozachof ton worms and other that buck the life blood Dicks for Milch Cows a co P LforjifAU W b wb JckAo PcvVfic liiirt Deputy Officer Pur An W HOUSE AMD STORE TO LET The Twin Bar WITH ITS Benefits If you wish your Linen White as Snow light will make It to for Mi Si li 2500 Hie hit Friday Stun turned out including two dry roods stores due of in I English shipbuilder have lived in Chatham forty yeus spring I look pains in my knee with the laid me up for six during time endured I South American Rheumatic Cure in the Chatham World and a bottle Within twenty- four hours I absolutely free from rheumatism and have not been troubled with ft since For tile Lawrence ill ivio years in the Kingston for the nation at a term at Re- previoiiIy tihlldinOryfor Lit TWO TOWN LOTS Auction Sale TUB ilrl tontri 111 to the laorcuJfcrkiL OP Friday April At toco the fct rulcki iaurnCrf 5 IK- at Hour or in the la ii tho la tie ttcOvrkfrf fa iJ Twelve ihvIUnJAy up yua NOTICE tLit a lo I by to of tin iLirU itenmi Eat the Of t ihv tjr iir of 1 jo OP TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Clothes its Building REPAIRS- fiilfa to la with tar tfcp ftti ill ia All FOR TWENTYSIX YKARS airing lit Cog lit to ALE A la Canada AH Miili to before iiw r trvjariJ rail to say will IVO fiiajjlfl it a- ittrB Call 3 THE VM CANS A MFO CO a SALE What arc you wearing On your feet this weather is style in in Each yew the and to fit ell the Iambic of boot tltrn to to prevent feeling to finest Of Smbbtr While ami tip lj Jitc In Style Fit a old Oil Style I it iKy old Rubbers j fto

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