Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 27 Mar 1896, p. 2

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A a NEWMARKET ERA MARCH Bargains The Pure Food Right In it Roche Co Hone Wanted A MaroU Card of Thanks McDonald Card of Thanks John jr To Farmers Willis She to ANO WITH EACH ISSUK Era Is Printed Homo autisa MAR Our Toronto TO WAITS Tan elections flutvuk la ray Glob of VinoJjttg Mr ft lint for be wicr for 1st felly in ftiyiJIsHS OAK RIDGES v SHARON Ok hit lit tor York of thft Dill many of from Toronto A from Government by lb of of April March On next will draw grind who County Court which on It Col Hamil ton lit otl flcJliy 16 by appan I among Iho work of JMtturo reaving will a union next Mid morning Hall to to lloofaty of Four hundred voIcm took pari Jji way Vkltrla on and off tscieil and rooUtri by brOllifiF Job ft an dull and In Jfltik truck lb Willi a fiat- Aid apia up for today r to re Winnipeg on night A preliminary Intt invention of coin and Niagara nominated Mr J as party at Dominion Mr time Am dupath that of and li aton foe ban end on of of at ltlco tlOHThlir IS The Federal He- medial the f fcfir hours of continuous to a second reading hit Friday morning majority of 18 On tlie motion of Hon Mr for the thirteen Con servatives and three McCarthy tea vot ed with the and for the second reading a further defection of three more Conservatives lace On the other hand Liberals usually in concert with the Op position voted against the ix months Uic who voted the reading wciu Mesita McCarthy Wallace McNeill Maclean Craig Stuhhs Wilson Calvin Cars- Hughes and the three latter however up with the Government on the motion for the six month hoist facing both as it were During the last of the debate it intimated by the Joy that they urpoitd tending a commission to Winnipeg to negotiate with the Administration and on Saturday lait an Order-in- Council as passed naming lion Messrs Dickey and as comissioncrs to proceed to the rie Province for the purpose of ef fecting some sort of teltlernent Meanwhile this new turn In the history of events connected with the Remedial Dill is greatly exercising the Trench Conservative who look Upon the whole change of front as a plan whereby measure will be tide tracked and they are ill ease not 10 say in on- The Star correspondent jays Willi such a man as the act- high commissioner at the head of affairs it is now very Haiti thai there will no remedial hill or no results from any Parliament expires night on the of Apiil The Montreal one clearly sees that the Government do not want to pass bill that they want to get out of passing it by coaxing Mr to do thing tint will ex- for letting it J The remarks VThe events of the past few days i Hold additional why the coercion measure should be opposed in subsequent stages vote and who will tay that it presents either the country or he convictions of a majority of the House it these im pressions are in reality founded on the actual state of feeling in Parlia ment and out of it well may Sir Mac kenzie denounce ihe whole Administrative combination as a nest of traitors deceiving and be ing deceived After the motion forthe six months hoist had been voted down Mr Mc Carthy moved that the bill be refer red to the Supreme for opin ion on seven constitutional points which he in the amend ment involving as many different clauses Amid much interruption during the next two hours Mr Mc Carthy legal arguments to show that certaio powers conferred by the bill were beyond the authority of parliament to grant From all this political uncertainty unrest it is lhal no one can yet predict the outcome of re medial bill or how wide party cleav age inly manifest itself Wore parlia ment expires It teems a crucial time for fealty and especially for the Government in view of the approach of appeal to ihe country Meanwhile Hon Messrs Dickey and accompani ed by Six Donald Smith have gone to and arc iheir litnd at diplomacy while the pursuing a menacing attitude at Ottawa by llucaleniDg tie Province with the Remedial Will Club This is the at present with a Opposition in ihe House actu ated by a that ihe ball of be soiling until parliament on ihe of the capita of the war by a ltnmtne on lie a tor in was the wont to the wmmluloiut Of aoomitiiil by Donald flmlllijcll for on Monday ntfOtlallona tiller of Manilla J- Hal tMa Mr for 1100 atvl of of fJtoamJIkj In tLtir fcClon Toronto I- Blight Vatctfofd to a At Mr 111 of Klldj in cull fiiMutkia Ilci fnj tlio lata John for valotd at Mr ttg Of plica on Vindutxity another io Ho vat fiVtr ard ei p 1pIiU1 If incite Muter it by an a an3 Jol of tiprtizii In to and and lovely and in almost At a In Mr of a man that Iw April flkirA to alto by IK thai bad to divide atoongt year A Iho of Fair by a number of of IarHioitnl tlov6l at rfk to- a In favorably and will probably fiaul Tut lion the 2nd 1 ratopayitf of voted of pro in two wtre in of talc 3rd fiat the of and on tamo end prohibition oarrlod by a very It well that If iDtroduw a to a bank wantger or anybody in order that ho may hi va check la hardly but if of the of in or findotMA for him low li ability follow Federal in Mid Moll Two were lost by kicking when went oat on five day I who to adjourning over and but the Government has only triad two to Add rtardiDgtboacorid of bill town yea- Hit ft track lion on villi and bad oclock At Homo on of Mat at Mr Mr Frank of Hut left on for tin York fltalo of a few Kola baa ono back to fi In her MleiJh or noo or It Up J Morton for a vki returned from Mono the mother and got Matter birthday to a number ot hit young Wednesday Mr Arthur of In Jown on to Cot- Vllllamaport I of In Jforoporti that on Monday rervlwt In Ao Church Toronto of Vauhan a Mm for homo ywltr day Foster their ijchool at tho of Friday Mr mid Mr John for morning attend funeral of ateiifnolhtr MM Millard on and y- low an 0 went to Mr and Valt M ihli vcV Mr to a fart Mm flights went to Holland of to day did riot Kat homo night Mr one of the at hat laid a gtfr9 and rclaptca for over Mr and Jno novel on tho farm beside their daughter Mr la occupying the hrinaitoad Mr A vim on of eight ttnov at Abci from Jburd day night Mia John of fa at I loyal Hotel where her John Jvtui AIm two of and Mm It J Vilion of are Mr Vm brother of who vaa at the Farjti0 a couple of Wtokl ego got lia foot cut on Tuesday laut wai while chopping Id both the lilting Mr and Mra Job a Allen jr and Vm Jlortur of Mutton In Town Ihe fit I line ever in aba has benn a of York for many carnal p fa no of FarliairtCDl who harder or than Mr Mulock of to r6inole or baa railway and other apparent and laat week he w promoting a bill to make It impcieiblo for a member Parliament totako a petition of emolument either while a member or during a year follow ing a diiEolutlon of the parliament of which be a member Mr filrlkea at aro fre quently defeated but that not ably ftrcog principle or in of Inn prefer the abutt Far would better of a few mora The people of in- holding a grand concert on Monday evening April The proceeds of which will be tent to aid the Armenian An excellent pro gum ft and ire hope to tec a full and 10 STRANGE Our His Is credit Rev was awaken ed Sunday morning about four oclock to find nearly enveloped In Pew of neighbors knew of the firo until It all over Nearly In the house wa burned including an library Insurance on the manic Ihe 800 unknoim Thtipredctd storm arrived The roads and J opened until A surgical was performed on one lastccV Mrs Gregory has disposed of his no bronco ponies to a in Toronto They arc to shipped to the Old Country Caplalnsvllle Is becoming quite an enterprising business centre The bishop contemplates putting in a tele phone system r Kepi oho Crowd homo on Saturday last but tlio groat While out driving Mill to thrown out of Iho cutter thereby breaking her arm at the The arm was act by Or and the is m favorably can be expected It is our painful duly to to re cord the of of our residents John Clark who been ailing for years past away on Monday and Sexton the wife of our Although Mis Sexton had llCCn confined her room for some time her death unexpected and cast a loom over the community pleasant Valley Mr Wilson and wife of arc spending a in vicinity The gentle man conducted the Sabbath evening Mr Scott was the guest of Mr W over Sunday Mn and boo of arc week with her coin- in Mist at Forest Lodge Mist has been spending the last week with friends at Clover Hill Miii I Randall hit Saturday evening after at various places and aHending the funeral of her uncle the laic of Drayton The Snow JtrtKado urned out in full Saturday and the heavily blocked roads were quite pats- able by noon Attracted ono who could roach and hut wo ho Every day iucroaoo Sho people do- lighted with the of this Emergency wo have the and only ton to got it no goods go and must come and that got hero are the savers Some during the week if you can hut if not wo will do our host to wait on Saturday DRESS GOODS HOLLAND LANDING has been We arc to learn of the of Mr Jeremiah Hill Mr Stephens has also had a relapse and is vciy low We arc glad to tec Mitt wood is to be out driving Mr Dermis purchased a hand tome horse front Mr last week matched span now Mr Mills has been off work for tome lime nursing a sore handj but is back cigala tins Where was Kmerald last week Under the drift to the storm on Thursday about a farmers were out shovelling on section We that lemons dear in Pine Orchard Strang loo when there is a baker there every day Mr Drcury has been getting an- other hone to be ready for The Rev Mr address our Sunday School next Sunday Alt are cordially invited to attend Ah to t Municipal Act his fntriiiecd in Mr Iht th of H police from lima to time til end feel liljt all Jo remcrfhlliug our into to make jjftoo Ltd At In J the otierivtioji Sir Oliver the In tofiiit Ho that ho cot to mate the lh fttliS positively it WLui it is re Ihit the of Lit own It hardly ho will ft bit ha ftdup Ottawa will the in to the for County la natural sailed by fcumJCoiItgliiUi of real to do fcldt and per liar MM decided chief t which yuhlUhtd wujidtl tt4 will up win la W Yak Of of or dcii ft of lLo divide JtJ Will llioen- cloud copy of ft Utter I received from Mr J J Wright the who the Light plant now this town his public ft few ftgOi this lwnf toying part of thin ptatit I not hut wrote Mr Wright on point end akhi directly hit to the thu enclosed it ft reply- I may lay two with th told end that the town do well to at to and Ihia fiiniM ft With tho Toronto olUco Co of writes it of invest- rntnttt ho town ever and cost J Wtrch Totosio March inarkod wm to ftjijly particularly is fairly I think tho town would not far if ld Jampi all tnd to ifaei would more than to and fa fairly JJ KING lid Toronto Is t his fathers Mr Win Mason Miss Ross is visiting Mr Dr Mr John Thompson las been iling this last week at Maple no doubly the deep mow he is not home yet Mr Thompson left for home on Tuesday last on last the of Carmicluel by fire with contents We there was some insurance Win Stokes and were visiting on Sunday last Mrs Kays lt McDonald cuts quiloa figure running to snow plough wtlh bottom of tied with red and blue Our boss has quite a num ber of men working for him at pre- owing to enormous amount of snow on the tracks- Mr is low at present and is not expected recover The Specially Co gave a free entertainment in hall on Friday next Mr who poorly some better The Messrs Taylor of Sutton were visiting here Sunday The roads in bad shape last niflht W he upset times on his trips to Now- We thai two ladies were out driving one day fait week and in turning around the cutter up- and the horse fell down deep No one hurt Win lane was In the City a few days this week as delegate lids lodge at Convention of ihe Order of Chosen Friends Goodwin is confined to the house rheumatism being the complaint Owing to the slorrn last Friday Mr A Moffclt was unable to attend the collage at Youngs weather ptnnittin Mr will he pres ent Friday evening the and lecture on subject Life behind the scenes and the people we Major Burton and W Oliver will also by present and render songs- We hope to tee a full house GROCERIES Sodas lb box Red Salmon per can lbs Rolled Oats lbs Gold Dust Corn Meal Black Tea Mixed Tea Raisins per lb Corn per can bottle Pickles Glass Tumblers per Sunlight box Lemon per lb Hiking Powder CARPETS Good Carpet A Union Carpet regular iic CJvOTHING Mens Pants v re 1 at at 5 at Sec Carpels choke patterns Wool Carpels at Tapestry Carpet at Good Hemp Carpet to Tweed Suits were Tweed Suits were at i pi at Hoys Nice Suits Ties worth from to Wool Socks per Top Shirts at Mens Fedora Fedora Hals srortU 150 at Good While Shfrfl Tweeds worth at worth at Peak Caps were 50c at PRINTS Good Prints new patterns ice Prints test Prints best ace Crinkles new thing at Ginghams fast colore 10 50 S 4 All Wool Beige vras at Doublefold Tweed Effects were at Figured Crepe all shades Remnants mostly all dress lengths at exactly half All Wool Black at Black Cashmere at 47 fihek Henrietta at Inning Stiffening Good Waist Lining Summer Silks Pelfs all colors Dress Buttons worth from ro to per dor at dor CROCKERY All kinds at Price STAPLES all wound Nottingham Curtains 1 Roller complete But 5c Cotton in the world Linen worth it- Towel Table at Table Linen worth at Ribbed Hose worth all BOOTS AND SHOES I Ladies Fine Kid Button Boots from to all in ocelot at Men Beit Plough Boots reg ular ri5 at Strong Lice Bool at 9 CO will bo after the Bargains and you bo disappointed Thomas Hughes of Tarn died at lirighlon on Abraham IVrfehis house fire the fltmei were extinguished before much done An at wrecked Mr factory and blew of the employ ees Messrs John Owen and Will iam to March John a tor it- while trying to drive a of coal the St of the Grand Trunk Railway became the on the rails The local going West due iomh endeavor td to Give his by unhitchfnx but before hi could the locotnotivc struck the off killing it throwing and the railway fence picked up and on exajikintxJ by medical men it was found that an at the of the skull been torn He died within an hour in delicate health end not recover from tire of her iiiddcn death and a of the Sons VIVIAN One of the storms we have had this winter over thia place last Friday preventing communica tion either by or railroad This is fifth time the train lias been Mocked this winter which is a record that has not before occurred for 5 Saturday quite a lively sight as nearly all men on the were busy making under the on the highway Fridays parly prevented from taking place on account the and been postponed for a week Rumor is afloat that Mr A Simon is about to Leave us as he his teased his hotel Three of our young people led here last to represent Vivian at a parly near report a very pleasant time- Mrs Montgomery has return ed her tour in quest of the fortune to be derived from the Mont gomery estate in Mew York The has not received the patlicutars yet but hope her efforts follow ed by success The dogs are beginning the annual rounds of the assessor are expected A farewell party was given in honor of Matter Earnest Bishop at fathers residence last Monday Quite a number attended from here The mail not reaching place for five days is a very uncommon occur rence- Where are those Southern mail carriers We arc glad to tee Mr Draper who has been confined to the house for several weeks out driving Mr Thompson of Raven- shoe Iras into his new home in this neighborfiood We wish him success Mr Robert Graves has been mov ing some bay down to his new near Franklin Mr returned horde from jury last Monday man who laited fur market last Saturday morning got blocked in a snow bank Rather a affair happen- at Free Church here last Sunday rnomtng A young man from was trying to lhrv another persons cap under the which ended in a racket If such a thing occurs again legal means should he Mr Albert Rote of this street is miking preparations for building a new house this Spring- Mr has hired to Mr J Br for the summer Mr Wrn Mahoney and Miss of Drown Hill attended an invitation party held at Mr Mortons lie that night lMO 111 ft tut IJriC- A Leading A HO House CHINAS run A Air Brush Crayon Ink Portrait Willi ao CAM AND SEE Wctka JOHN US fiJILUJUD Another revolution of the great wheel of time brings us face to face with the Spring of and consequently New Styles of Garments for New Colors New Designs and best of all CLOTHING I PRICES He his snow KESWICK TUB A HAUL A ago a resident of North met a tig between Keswick 2nd near a lurn in llie toad of rig not other till face face It evening was nzrrOfflthe enow was deep Says occupants of No in author ilativc tone to No 1 Who ate you Say Oh obi came back the answer t Alexander deaf mute MM killed a rain at March a Tbe Queens Hotel vii completely troyedby fire at three oclock this morning The fire originated in the kitchen The inmates Lately iheir Jives saved Ont- March On Saturday night during unfile wind ft attended with fatal suits sited in brick building occupied by Mr Wallace tailor on the ground floor and Newton of the on the itcond floir end the contents were entirely A young man named John a riijion was firemen when the Ksst ft and he down ard buried He in almost tones Just wait Mr Til get you me No a offers to got out to No sit sit still Mr anil Ill manage it and suiting the action to the word No springs out leads Ins out of th read lifts the cutlvr and after a good deal of labor gen around No supposed Mr Mulock who fits still in his cutter Then No compli ments No 3 by saying You did well Then comes back the angry voice of No a Youre not and he makes a spring to the back of the cutte of No who drives off laughing at the practical joke he has played and amidst a volume of oaths from No Moral treat a poor man with Ihe same courtesy would a rich man on the Queens highway The rich man if he is a man i think just as much of jo j while the poor will a good deal more of you- A social at Willie Mortons enjoyed themselves a week last Friday evening tilt the wee small If slate balls be right cost ing thousands of dollars Senate Chambers be turned into dancing halls where is the harm in private socials Last Thursday and Friday proved about the oitt storm of tbe season A keen Norwester raging for filling the air with theets drifting MOW and piling it up in the road still higher it was a Northwest is thaiiobin redbreast that robin bold and Has he the sunny southland the northern sly to tell to all the people is coming bye for India that is A calls alUaJcd tj at March ho V J Jhritf a via on il Had a crania Besides our own Special Importations we in a position to take the failure of a large wholesolc Woollen House in Montreal which enabled us secure a beautiful selection of the Finest Fabrics Imported into with origins prices cut in two IN DOMESTIC WOOLLENS We on the inside by making extensive purchases direct from the Woollen Mills A SUIT OF CLOTHES AT MILL PRICES Is an opportunity you should not let pass Oar reputation for high class workmanship gees it always has gone and a companion of prices is money for you Main St THE CLOTHIER C i IN Tim 15 tl to Wo fcLeT6VcLlp to mi I To ito fl f You those Dried you to Alto io hit- We can give then We our sgain this week for dive received a Brooms and to make a specially ilUl Kindly fun your eye the louring and tec there li not lomc thing the you will find very reasonable and as to quality ask you to come and examine Our for buying arc SECOND TO Since opening here we have bought for CASH ONLY and satisfied can and do best all around value Grocery Department Evaporated lb II and ice Vanilb French very fine toe- bottle for lb Sardines good quality cm Sardines in Mustard can fcr toe can Dairy Baking Powder cam lb each for fiunhght Soap only bar Electric Soap ban for 250 Mince IVftat pickles for Japan Tea Rood quality lb in pail r asc Canife Soap 5c Our Japan Tea at a for ft can find for price Mix At YOU A good Broom for tec and from thai op to can jco in ate Iiandlinjs Ham and we car assure the Public that they the the and the Hams us When you WANT A piece of Ham give a call Our Ornery Stock is well aborted with If ycu enjoy A Christies Cop of Tea we can satisfy Were you with the your received w P There was a teniae explosion of gas in a new coal at Pa by which were killed The from Cape Town very alarming The the burghers are arming to the tteth and other warlike pre parations we being made Special meetings are being conducted by the He v in the Church The at tendance is good and come have al ready evinced determination to live the new life March si The proposed canonisation or Miry Queen or Spot has en approved by the Catholic of Westminister here the inquiry into her to hed lire matter is now before authorities in Home The a leading Catholic organ says the question her canoninuon is- not one dealing with the life of the Queen or the points of her The purely as to whether a to her faith It adds that not cvtn her can deny her a down Made for Br tax fait this rnorniog If rot try Blind AND made day If intend to buy your Summer would be picked to you we can alls fact ion A ROBERTSON Boots and Shoes Misses Childrens and for Spring we will show erha Pine Value Latest Styles and Beit Quality Crockery Department In Se our piece Printed Toilet Seti we have rome very de signs from up Dinner Sen from coup China Tea Set piece tor Set of worth for If you have broken some piece of your good Toilet Set come and sec if vie cant match it at we bought a odd lot for that special purpose A HI THE LEADING GROCER Sit ISA a Oil 911 a on on a tif Oil a Oil DM a Oil lVjtcii 1 lis J to 14 1 to I IB a Oil 11 w a OH a Oil nljttiLjl a ill 10 e to A IP fJjA J md

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