Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 27 Mar 1896, p. 1

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THE j GIVE ME THE Every Friday LYMAN GEO JACKSON AT hoot real subscribers TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ACCORDING TO ABOVE NORTH YORK AND Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday March Ho tent of paid In 1 if 110 JUST RECEIVE Co wora a Granite Wash Pudding Bowls A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT AND KITCHEN USE each 11 Granite Pic Plato Kettles site 11 Cups 11 I TEEL SAP SPILES J SPILES Cast iron PANS All Sizes JAP DIPPERS MP BUCKETS 10 quart straight BUCKETS 10 quart flare MOULDS WAXED PAPER ALL KINDS OP CHURNS FRAYS STAMPS a J2 Aain Street And in ware at Proportionate Gel bur tor STEEL SAP SPILES Oar nock a PAINT will he more than ever PROP Ac Notary on cecum to iy to IO WO p WOODCOCK Main Lay this Paper down place it on lop You tec always expect he at the top and trust you will render us this slight favor In any case you will always find if fur J York Mala Hoi and the leading remedies have not lost their medicinal qualities by a long lime on our shelves together with a Complete Line of Toilet Articles at fur liflccat a p On- i j 11 tut IAteBt door at Ob tiff a iti fttftfMSi j Remember they are priceless care of hem no one will lake of them for are the Windovs of the Soul If you need Spectacles ByeGlasses on us and get pour prices ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician SB Main St Newmarket IN AMD -AT- NOW IS YOUR TIME mo an shelves NERGY AND ENTERPRISE HUMMING You have noticed a continual change of stock ami our prices always the lowest Spring New Prints Nov lro Heeds New j and In fact theres a newness around at the SAVING STORE Known V 0H0UY0 0HBIU8 rr iviontoitkopKxH A J A flit OFFICE lci1 up tur4 IINICST I- In try VKHONrt VICKY BRADFORD Ivdi Of I TO CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO CANADIAN COMPANY AND DOLLARS if Life BONUS YkAn Discounting Farmers Holes AT LOWEST HATES ftt 10 Toll rbc Upland Head PASS THROUGH FREE I fVIANJi0 ltil- GR00ME lLo liilcu Vis doer J MANNIMJ rHOS SON MRS- IU SIMPSON Main Arcllcor rul Terms St Strictly in Advance I or at end of year EE33MC0O BRANCH on DRAFTS ISSUED CAtiCEK THE AVERS s to J fun la a ivo a decided fccJ In a XL core to t3 a llo for All Admitted fct bty Pearl of Pacific Tire a or tor tar Tyo Growing Districts How is Grown in it iho lion land If the land Is suitable find lieu they nil hey ire or no but they yield best of course under cultivation UK tt ivrlvitc la itt I ulLl fjijasV trfU go I All I J vt J test Tichcr I OK AltUALd fciSAHIC LI liiiIS AJf 1 la L1A fen WtARBLE is- MONUMENTS and HEAD li Cull There is for those far gone in consumption- not recovery ease There is cure for those not far gone There hi prevention for those who are threatened JEiluyo of Codliver Oil is for you even if you are only lit tle thin j- Coffee Ii 10 be the hope of the Hawaiian da ft of ft elm greatly of plant allocs arc of no advantage to save for the taxes they pay One Of the largest in is owned by ininge and wliitc man on this plantation am of California and fa a Chinese or Japanese plantation id own store which all employees thai year by year dollar the products of this plantation of twenty thousands Peres cent out of the the States to China 10 Japan plantation it Is claimed must be conducted by large no small cane grower has found who could conduct the with the coffee It 11 different is the if poor Irians crop prom five to ten may be cultivated arda single crop has been to yield five hundred per acre- Coffee lands viuld even Connecticut ovr il be possible to at il from the and lava any one fully conversant the stony land of New and yet the but coffee trees arc found growing out of this time rock and lava- A been unking coffee- giowfng that soil is the very best in which to plant This gentleman has pbnUllOn of forty acres with over one to the acre and his yield tun pounds to thetr The and the fundus which is of the blight has injured the to a considerable extent and at one time threatened the destruction of the try but il was that by spraying young with resin wUM potash the blight could des troyed Then the was intro duced and has proven a destructive to the blight There is a rivalry thj Puna and in cof Knowing The letter and to a article and more to sat On other hand a soil than and tar a have Puna Is to a wild unexplored region on lie real island Hawaii and but two molt of whom are natives living its their ordinal style in huts I he dis- is capable of in coin- fori and prosperity hundred as it has discovered that in tluse Islands land will support The district is about ten mills wide arid filly long one can understand what an enormous it is capable of sustaining Puna like most of is very rocky flnd sterile The northern part is covered a dense lauhala arjd is vtry thinly inhabited This district is covered with ancient lava flows The only flfw of recent date is that of lowed un der ground for many miles and then hunt forth in the wtOls ftnd down to the overwhelming a snail village in its In the course of this flow way be found vauftnd trees made by the hot tide rushing like an avalanche down the mountain striking a tree with such as to splash the molten lava up one side sometimes to the bright of a hundred fet where and hardened and after wood burned out in the centre it left a lava There ts something remarkable about the fertility of Hawaiian soil Lava flavj arc soon covered with funs are treat fertilizers Then follows a dense of vines and thickets an penetrable jungle so dial i com to cut his way through unfathomable chasms and caverns abundant in Pom Some of these caverns for tjnUs underground with many branch- leading off from main cntraree It is not safe to venture into a tfivu without a Mr of the Wilder Steam ship Company his incorjjr a coffee association with a paid up capital of the purpose of opening up in Puna The company has purchased three bundled of the coffee in Puns lo be divided inio ten acre and it is intended to induce in- small means to to the and in coffee growing is proposed give one plantation return for one for the company The company itself wdl have hundred acres in fifty incccoi ten to twenty in citron roots and utilise the balance of its lhr hun dred in pine the rival of Puna is about as and sterile a it has lot to ice One Over miles and of blackened and lava flow most if ft in this portion of the the rin ged flow called by ihe niives On the fiiit day we ihi after a irivel often changes The flow is and are found Crowing on it Occasion ally the dead branches of otiii could up from the lava which it past ihc lopttarclivi live a skeleton ii the black flow of which for tea trees became abundant and were forests of ferns and trees The road here is through lava and an air line railroad- Where are trees the is cut directly through and if arc no trees the road equally as discernible by the levelling down of the lava vrhtch Is piled up in a wall on either side Tor hours a time wended our way up hill and down ihe roadbed often choked with great stones over which the tired hones could hardly step Whenever there was a bit ihCRuidc uttered a shout Wickc wicker and put the horses a gallop This only for a short time however for there is not a strip of road fifty yards in length in all after you have left sugtr plantations in Hawaii to have no more idea of miles than they have of the cardinal points of the and thai is nil When wc were days journey from a village or plant ation and I asked the distance the answer would be Oh is too If the was only or three miles away the answer would be Ob its not too far White men to have to this custom of natives I a the dislance to and he answered Pour hours Hut how many miles I asked l dont Icnowp he We never reckon distance by miles but by the hours it takes to teach a place may be eight may be twelve miles may be but all the fame it will rake yon four hours to make ft At J met several coffee- growers You want to know about do you said a man in linen ulster and broad brimmed Pana ma hat I have come all the way to celebrated which is said to be the best in the yoking the yentteman said advancing to me and laying his hand on my shoulder J have the coffee plantation on iliC He bad air of a millionaire of vast he stood wish his hands in his pockets and a look of superior- on bit face I tow large a plantation have your asked Wei base four acres of bear ing tree he answered but I going to plant forty more is on ihc and back of it is a great forest ir which wild coffee trees are growing These wild coffee are valuable as they hive been known lo yield three pounds of coffee to the Two miles and a half from by the road one comes the Morgan plantation which it has only forty in Coffee yields thousand annum Though it was late in when I rode up to the manages bouse and dismounted the day was hot as one in August in the tern zone Mr J Davis the owner of the plantation was reclining on the in his shirt sleeves in a steamer chair l you have coma to look at my coffee have you he laid starting lo feet on my approach Well corn in and have a col dink This delightful weather must be A little hard on you northerners yet lisd to it I am a New Yorker but I ihink this is ihe healthiest in the world- After a few t A a scroll through the trees 2nd ihei went to the mill looked into a great box in which several thous and pounds of coffee bad put the next steamer we ship one hundred 2nd fifty Mr After leaving Ibis road for miles ltd through a forest of coffee ferns and Thousands Japanese were busy gathering piles of bigs of freshly picked berries were lying at every mile There was coffee every where until it as if there was enough to supply the The bushes re so dense on each side of the road that we could not sue ten paces into ibern but the chattering of Japanese as they picked the berries be distinctly heard We Cfalghill plantation owned by a Scotchman father of princess who since the revolu tion thai overthrew monarchy has lived in Scotland seventy and produces some of the finest coffee berries llY ever seen Pissing through the orange orchard of Mrs at where the finest oranges in the world we arrived at sunset at This town is in the heart of the coffee country and is the the Hawaiian Tea Company the MolTe Clarke Dr Capron plantation Many of plantations are well established and yield thousands of pounds an while beginning hear five or six tons be shipped to the rounds now young coffee tries ire planted in the none- A crowbar or drill is used of a hoc a and the young tree If there is any particle of toil It will I haw told trees WtitUn fa Eta To begin at the beginning like the rest of our family I was born at a very early period of my existence In life I developed consider able precocity in and kept an eye on my As far back as my memory retches I have no recollection of father ever using tobacco and I early that mother would watch the carpet with Jealous whenever any of our tobacco friends would visit and would ihe room windows immediately on their departure for fear the would retain the odor Willi us tobacco a commodity of unknown quantity and was never used hi our house until it was intro duced by the hired man who chewed I would watch this new addition to our domestic arrangements with ju venile curiosity and as his mouth kept going unceasing activity I con cluded that he had discovered per motion and a generator Kike every other live lad who de sires get to the front I resolved to acquire the rut and take lesions in all its branches Mother entreated but what are and Greek Algebra or to a boy who cant chew My ambition reached in thoe days Hooked the time when I could manage a merchant with all the dignity of a Dutchman hold a cigarette my fingers as daintily as a dandy and squirt to bacco juice between my teeth with a precision thai would hit the eye of a dog With all the energy of rny soul I entered into the determination of be corning an expert in the use of weed An opportunity commence my education toon presented itself One afternoon my mother me to put saddle en old tail and go to the vilUg a of miles distant and purchase some groceries As I was going out the gate the hired man slipped tome money in my hand and told me to bring him a large plug of tobacco At ihe store I ordered ihc groceries and then one plug requesting ihe clerk to cut off the end and give it me He did so with a sad Ominous smile and wrapped up the rest toon as I got outside took a bile rather anxious to have il alt used up before I reached home look a stroll the village chewing all the of a spilling tight and left in the most artistic manner When they gave rne a lift to Bob tails back that some of the by standers around snickered a little but it did not trouble rne much was more concerned in keeping down my dinner which had evinced a strange propensity rise went along at a lively canter He always does when he is on his way home As as I got the I got rid of quid in a hurry but my bead reeled like a ship in a storm with all its freight below deep in a violent commotion I did not want lo acknowledge it but I was getting sick at least ihtrc were lively symptoms of activity below ihe belt that intimated their readiness to throw up anything from a bushel of to cargo of a Not feeling very solid on he saddle I slid down lo walk My brain being somewhat and rny eyes I let the and home alone my wan rather ir regular and rny feet con siderably from the of the road but I tried to keep equilibrium determined lo matter first in the manly art and it a suc cess Just as I got near home who should I meet but my girl Jerusha Jane the object of my hearts est affections had been extremely anxious be particularly nice when in company with erusha Jane be cause she and me were so I tried to blush but ihe would not Then I thought that it would be a good opportunity to ex my very latest accomplishment lake a quid in presence and spit one of those lovely spits I had practiced in the put my bind in my pocket and reached for the tobacco At the tight of it my stomach revolted the war began there was a terrible nature my who if Item gave one con throe and up came dinner Then up came my yesterday dinner my dinners for the past six months itemed to have got into a procession and all coming op I thought my sweethearts dinner was coming up too really had Serious thoughts of going into the emetic business for the whole township When I got a chance for a little re flection I felt penitent and very solemn I thought that the angeli and had through my mouth I did not care lo live Life me had no mote charms It was all van ity and vexation of spirit dagger ed across the ditch with difficulty reached the grass and fell helpless to the earth A dreamy came over rne memory fled Next day they found me in a fence corner I was dead Fool Mat at March Mm- from Coartty ito wotsH From Clerk J ly to allien to along which to John heard Lino between lot 10 Mr AjpHion IJo CoccH to Hid uracil of In too rd In Jih for achinja by Dr OHwr it and J fiiaei tit til lo to Ita appeal lenssiaga rgoit our i- tut jri J killing a mm to notify on Town to fccpftecfsrt4HKMcf the work Town lot CO let IS lot a rem Ho to dlvliloa i bti of lot wo mi from No con- nd d No con A ft jivj KpriPtrt3 VIihci for the to confirm the Gfianty York tit over for farther Allan Council to at Hotel en the April A f I fticf do nay good ViiA Drug tho Cart Pocket Only lova it It fitotl Drug Store will purify Blood lata Rowel i arid mike a flfc and rlMtli iheie is a of awe rich toil were ont Kt each one of I if she villi shed a but she wouldnt shed- She only ft smile I told I J to die some day her I asked to and let me lay my held her Up she could my throbbing brow while I into But sit She thtt she wouldnt she hadnt lime then She hid to go to so a ffd vent I her My bought f I it I occupied It iccd if wyjotttwl ftiiftoicatntt In The house arc mainly bread and low rare and structure corn You liotice that everything is made to stive comfort and Instead of of the windows are and guarded by light iron railings and the heavy wooden door are left ajar You tee into many houses as you pass and very cool and clean they look There are marble chairs and lounges thin licecurtiins and glirnpies of in Ihe center of each building often with green plants or gaudy fiovrers growing in ihern between parlor and kitchen You will find much the me plan at your hotel You may in at the doors or the diningroom windows just as you for the sides of house seem capable of all thrown open while in the center of the building the blue Equally cool do all appear to be the wise nun who consults his own comfort will do well to follow the genera ex ample Even the soldier wear straw hats- The are clad in under wear silk of thread ard suits of linen drill or silk the ladifs are coolly Havana is dressy place as- at the reatntis and style lo which the goods worn there are made to conform come and sec apartrntnt you arc lo res in every night Ten to one the ceiling higher than ever saw one in a private house the windows open upon a balcony overlooking a verdant 1 he floor is of or and the bed is an iron or brass affair with a lightly stretched sheet emus office wire netting in the mattresses you are used to You could not on a wattless with any decree of comfort in There is a with curtains and everything the room is pretty to hi scrupulously there and everywhere else you go is a rocking Rocking chair are to in rows in the and in regiments in the clubs a You Of l titty It mpClUW com- ltd til lrc Pills Lis to three George He rfid bit He hid a no bold ctiw He bid lifts A god three children were burned to death at Danville Quebec A fine acre farm in has recently been told tor J Artificial ice rinki continue to be the rage in the ben of Lon don society SO Christopher Jamc3 a near St waj killed Friday by a Hack falling upon biro Ten ton of gunpowder ex ploded on the British and forty persons board were killed Orillia wants a new Fire Hall and better equipment and will vote on a bylair to borrow for that A boiler in the mill of named Lewis William Albert Smith found guilty at St on two chaigt of bigamy He wiyei liyirg W a London dairyman been summoned on a charge some to starve to death in an open field Old Mr Carney father of young man in custody at Lindsay on the charge murdering Mr James is losing his reaion grief 3 The terrible hot wave that caused so much loss of life in Wes tern Australia was followed by hail- twiuji a amount of properly James found at Winnipeg of the attempted mur der of and Smith was sentenced to life imprisonment his crime Mail who was responsible for the loss of Sq north of stamps from mail car between and Toronto list week has been suspended The cost of maintaining the Asylum for Idiots the corn ing year will be The great bulk this amount will be spent in and around IKS The Ameer of Afghanistan seems to have been pleased at the reception accorded to his second ton Khan for he is sending the Queen one hundred and twenty five thousand gifts in charge of a special envoy David Lowe and Brown of Township con victed of attempting to a girl under years axe have been sentenced at Whitby to two less ten days and 10 receive lashes Lowe to months and 45 lashes A Ion Sutherland vas sen tenced to two year less by Judge at tickets from the station at Ingle wood He is not yet 17 years of age and has just been one year out of the Reforma tory where he served a term for horse sealing The North Staffordshire regi ment numbering officers and men started Cairo for where they will embark on steamers for the journey up ihe Nile for A Sikh regiment from India that is ultimately to take pan in the orations arrived at Mombasal Africa on March 15 On Tuesday night a retired farmer on the outskirts of Lindsay was murdered at bis stable He had teen shot by a revolver just below left ear The deceased had been the contents mo and his young men brothers Carney were riresed en suspicion tfi A package containing about postage stamps has disappeared postal authorities are looking tor it Lit Friday week a mail train pulled cut the Union station in charge Mail Clerk Sloan who hid mail milter a package post- age stamps or it disappeared where on the road The theory is that the stamps were stolen ore of tie nations Mr Sloan was busy cut who was fa- Mr resided lay witch named id lb In fcUd the mall by seme miliar the On November nth last named Mtfgct KIM Mary Sjtion before Col of stealing goods the counter and Simpson in Toronto such thai all were found Mrs Sutton the mother the lot f for months and ether for months Mis Suitor the mother of two of the is two liberty women has been having been brought to The others ate still incarcerated Few much no tion of the actuuey of which has been on modern menofwar and the allowing of many civilians stationed at At her quarter ly gun practice at ho the fired stadc Kits -jt- A i I 1 n tt 4

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