v rivft Ufa sum what is tioino t CvrMf A Smith Jr nho fa tit Mr A liter of trill trot or fact chopping t fool right through tool Can Factor a cat of a or to a cat of hoicca la notion ac4 a cm for Mr ft to 1 Factory nearly can Door VIntotia work tod bin In large In another coloDio ttfHtotgttfld to Jfemctttat vicinity On Ufa ill Aiutnf We tap nadir hat fixity fn York u- tribute to lilt fund will duly to Other place ell i act to relieve we our In Mr Chat I a of Me life day Ha riling Id front etore aoin lH eWtnelk aiid tan ft and 1 1 r LIr llirotfn ictina wtic and for Com bad been ncUtfgl lb out bar fit bill In bcti afUr ho bad It lo ha ft and IM city day Mabkikd Mehb of Ibdflrilorliipmfcrjlttitoi will It by inarrUd of J lha fiat baa program and up by no paM will aparcd aba up by llni Ahcikiu of iu yhurcbj on our layout n lli Tea a graal and axaoa In lufaut a of lui ad avtrybiy bill of far IbrouyLoiit allow In of And ithom a ytai old mutt I i for I v ah if The Jomji Hall on Junior waa ft ball well fillid and J fcldod pfciain of mora of Dumb Well ajlw by liitt by Jndy ftft4Uiarjtyn more ordinary tad trio by Antal Hell iho of of nine pit alio In aid o ing of A nice family who la I IWXW- to bald RtVi til iritb General andnlro n Iho Cuurcii- IfeiilnRCjtl ft00n fltcrf on bo of Baling Poll I a Library and coma of ara iac Ihla will to for circulation ft of much Ihay gat aloppid up J H neither verified by down ft wkola IryloKtoopcna drain on Wain lit Friday one of Albert on SI vaa an In properly when fall and Mi arm inotberhti ban bid for and W M A The of Vomta3iltgoaTy bald Jack con an patron Japan and different on nd work carried on In Jbuilllary Ml lota kind tend al one to of Mm to bo forwarded o Indiana of Hot way Hoi to who In Math SAP fait alto ileal ftp al per Try a taw pay you A a There teems to off now go iitfifi but Hi traced On af Jail ft on ibo labia of North A litlean bat lady for If wai do up mil but If it lafetn by Ha would ftp- was Lvtoiud by a lady in poor and If can bo aba will buy waa well at Undid at and ft good program J ft and Mia Mar- ray ftl en waa a by Mill Iforua ban au by by a by Utile Ibtn an ad dun by a duett by and llri ftpJ Ika program with a raolUtlon Says The prices of at are in and for llbjotarit put In tame ae clly in tf it nothing or Jo baa Willi people He and often ho Iim ft reputation to tain bbaroof of ibo town When a pasdtJ it ibo firil to by Ho a and iiJil that for u A Fine Groupk Public School Section Ho and en bad by The How Vairnoib3BOcrt In waa enjoyed ftlso ftrld Fowl Hopper at iho to lb tbo The Rev VjtodeUr an lo and moo of invited Pitchholts Jail corpora are ltli din Mr John fiboppatd of llio7lb of driving Into town on and while whoro Iba Mr thrown out and In fall bid to collar bono Ho WM anltl Into town and Dr to Vif Mr Drown drove an under wbllobo went to abed full and ft rear poil In aucb ft way Iba anlrnal gnawed a In of Mr a now odd and villi toil htm lo get It re If Ultra la a of in not tot Mr Drown all DM The Hell iletua to have to tbo Aurora I town on with flying colon iboy Two young paid a Wall lo on Council In a Oh front dorr la the of lady that with bloom Vitb a lllik Ibo I hoy rnffrht all bo dry by Only for we Might Hand at wai at tiallaryon Wednesday a In costume bed lota of fan Itfl for on Monday lo In In honor of Patron Wo reached there all rlfdilj that walking waa very bad we iiia to which Strong Shoes For boya and to kick up their to climb to have fun Tight lo keep out the wet to keep the school book lower than the war prices of the Toronto be few beat Toronto now not only in School but many other licet and without to much loud prices in his store will compare favorably with in any place in Canada We are to anxious for large we make thai way but we dont make of some people by it unfortun ate but its true Da you want to you Drugs and Medicines Would you like to sec this store crowded more than by driving lo buy cheap goods Are in and surround ing country Are you In our or prejudiced us Did you ever hear anyone civ we at high Our large trade ftnd for cash enables us to sell as do arid the trade you ran with the cheaper we will he able to It will pay to blend us to your friends to increase our business- The larger cur teas the lower our prices Da you I now there to this in n a town of You ire to walk any it it And you know going to be belter Ik opened by Roc be Rad Co Ibis yon Ho cannot to ess or awindfo 1ms pro vents this It la of two of rcceivo llif of COURT The preliminary prociaduYr 4ba libel locution of In Court biro last Friday- Mr TJ for probation Mr of Aurora for ftdoion wilcuiia to prow publication Low not to far as wo cad will on of tbaActvbiab daclaroa Ho oca an by pobHablng uaagr wblcb to and wblcb ftsy of public of which for kite Uncial appears defendant con Other wit La axuafocd today when It fa part of will dote a given mi bed a lady fricod Burday Mr and of Vcilon IfrTnoi Do You you can buy brooms and wow at A fiian than any In or aUaWbere or John Ksq el tbo York tawAyIal Monday 0 without any In be died in Old of lukof iu 161 Ibo placa all over half a cMury a of mora ban ordinary ability days bo active worker in ftud the aatraclOn live log wulbknown Jn of having sua- or for ormore afterwards to a lit at the Council for i or and alio a Justice of politic be was an He former acd occupied various jontions In work The on cry largely Hot the til iii J Davit J Cant Com of later lira Clerk fiomtrvHle J- Walton of ftrd Baal vara iiiarktt for it a grownup family who Of a fclnd father Are at Jlardnsro Why I Re- IT- i priovS alio a Free Is an age when pile- mora lhan for Mr J lb Millard who pay lli at lite Air Crayon nnd Ink Portrait free of charge The A new the top of now Co In with jamming addition to old building Company la now getting things good running and arc lets every week Two fans being eroded week to carry dual and from the machines direct to f orna room have already woodworking depart orders ahead them for near ly COO end Mr of thin in thai eict to hip a batch every week from time forward iho la to loaded of away and bad to prop the floor up In order out and not audi in kiln at hot air i now In which is calculated 10 Iho to alcel and la turning out very lino caaea every week them running to full cpDily Ink 2zOpB zero Neat day Day PeaNut Social Only weeks from lo bonnet hero i weather wek I Know It i la ftrat day day night now Town 16 Major Deputy Councillors flllck wood and Cody FoHovIug bills pat Mi JJ I to trie J Collins work at enow Hear a do Jos- Could Jo A Hunter do I J KcviJa KxprciJ JI work J A Phillips for Wa ter Works U0 Jos Gould enow hovelling to lots Gibson on plan J Iq to communication of Solicitor Deputy was appointed to attend before Judo the of Communication J asking to Cora fftfl instructed bill not the number of Co but caui of the manner ol by Mr Woodcock by Mr that where further in- receive in to tho Plant offered for by the licit A Power Co therefore be it ruolicd that Special Comrnitlco by tender for La Die arc hereby iislruU to put in t further and tender for purcbtto es llrfl Jo- Millard It in wcAt Hey It of King City calling on In Mrs Well Tore to with her alitor lira I Hani of Aurora was In Town day J P call in Town last day Mr col Ms on fit day of Per jo la a week rfrt Geo Hon and Mrs Jtf borne after opoudtngthttft or four at Mr from Man that they having a flnu winter Mr of span I Id Town with Mr of Aurora r ft this her aunt Mr Waller of Toronto formerly drove bus vras In Town over Sunday Mrs Chat baa ry for weeks la not improving much Mr and J of To fit JJr Gardners Sir And Mm Ma wcro In Town this Mr Goo J of wei In Town on homo a week villi hi mother Mr Prftiik and wife who boon veiling for pit left on Monday for in Manitoba Wo that was largely by work of our late arliot Mr winter o wil5 that this Ibo but yem of tbn ftdded to iba church Pm J bo A It mauy at ftiionvlllo vicinity to learn that bo ii to tike up the work of Hoy- ol circuit who wcok It was In Town on Mr was dead ft Ho very for ttk but belter fa falter than over lbs now ibo Chicago be following On Monday gave an informal lonchn to a few lady friends hi hilly Vlddir market Ontario tamo paper wo notice that v a a Mr J Walton birthday John of Indian who fttlendtj the Friend Yearly hero Juno uaa the Indian and Hoarding of which bo Any in invited to call at ho and eta It school Is for Indian ami and frtxi to of Cherokee Nation- other are charged 61 pO month taught free but an extra Doinl furniihed at per wee fa mo of Improper in forbidden Tbe and etiroundingd a very ftjijiarancj and Mr Wat ton and family ipjr to mafco of in lonely West aDbertlwtiiJDfo- DRY 26Inch for i for Good Tins per piper Curling for Mens Wool Sock per yd Inch II wool all color A Salmon Sardincfa good quality Good Brooms per box Sunlight per box Soap per lb lbs Matches per bo- Herring in Tomato per tin Mixed Pickle bottle We Buy for Spot Cash and you get he Benefit between Spot Cash and Bad Credit a Am Good Cooks pOYHP The York County Departmental Wednesday Thursday and Saturday April 1st 2nd and BE SURE AND COME SCHOOL BOOKS W Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader High School Reader GILT EDGE BOOKS a Jot at cents cents HE the Bonnie Brier Bush by Ian for usual J A Complete stock of Books and Stationery in a few days WALL PAPER 5 7 J 20 cents AND Dinner up to 50 Show Room on 2nd I WILL OPEN- HAVING the Miis ADAMS in CamIn of keeping LEAD MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT Our nock CORSETS Hoitcry Gloves ftft Is coropletei are delighted with our Premium SCIWlftU a have your punched in it and when they reach you receive one HI WIAROH SALE I Sue Monty and by buying from MOUSE lh Kill be the Largest ind Cheapest Salo of Grcctriei Dry Goods and have ever All New Goods Silisfaciion fiferTo SOME OF OUR GREAT ONE DOLLAR BARGAINS Bacon for Flour Light Sugar lbs Fine Starch Rf Good Sox lbs Extra Currantt Fine Best Granulated Su Tins Good Sardines IP lbs Pure Leaf Lard ao yds Heavy Cotton wide f Pants CO CO Boys Suit- to only Jaco Tweed Suits from up There is now no doubt but we have ihe inside track on the Clothing both as Price Wearing and Style of Makeup also in Quantities handle Remember the BARGAIN HOUSE MAIN STREET AND 10 HURON STREET AND lrfe BOYS OLOTHINQ New Suits for Spring open today and more coming- We have just received a large shipment in the latest styles of Hats We have the largest assortment to choose from and the prices are as low as others ask for old stock J allowed to carry on business at Aurora c A byHi was llmi to for Town borrowing uni of Clerk to time to blithe EM ft4 til fctCck- for at It A- Utettifd It 4 for la i i tc fe iucii a for Unwind thai ihfc home blocked An I ivlitds itupgilJ the United Statu Mm John vlio tick at A W inothor of death of of ficotlarih ho hi Hon a of for many and had four aui Mm of of now is of in It dcrfTd 111 from which AbrhtlKnotkliadaeairtUKo with was fflmittct in tlio century and lands to Vii- Munt no than tiona Hie if of Hit tutu and ha con rMwldihe k left no family fctitod Futnitvrt and tot gives xi quite a now by Al formally of fa atykj the Toronto on iiccflMQly of bollding built The front a very aparacci the built with wick brown of al metal work of of and appointments very from ordinary build ingjpgites tofl a vny and at atttativo anoo Tho ate a Huh our ftct wide by one the front of building ling three ttoriti and and two acd buc JJy a the TIo this room are con- buff priced brick The room by gis lighted by a terjo window from a veil by llght It is by of ft IsKo running to il roof op rati and ld LoccilOriu this rem compute Movtiiinl in particolar and bo atrciaU J by Ileal profculoa a place for post to and a door from room you the carriage are of a tie arc tiisjj to the floor on floor ft the roin The i tliercr of and jit i with and a box of concrete Doth and by felly While Mr Millard hie ptco of veoifl and he forgot borne Tbe dnling ii tit on the two of main bonding the left All the are airy In a a pitta of It all who the resident el pari bo- Mr to a the devoted to Xie to have the cottrccui on prin ciple lie Producer I Ll J Makes more to the Barrel and better than any Hour on the Market ED ALWAYS SOW and Arriving every day And we are determine to sell foot wear at prices that will astonish you Remember that you can buy Shoes Cheaper here than any store in the will con bcrtf who like a New NEWMARKET BAKE will find a new stock lo clifjose We have a variety of Suit ings in the beat of l IRISH AND SCOTCH DO You California Plums you then tins week Tor more We a of make a of line cri- give you A Vara that up to Wcaie the Hams c can t the Bui the Milfoil and the from WANT A of Ham give us a call Our Sleek ttfll If you A Good of To an you Sajas Were the your W I Made for this If not try cur Blend BREAD CAKES every If you Intend to buy your this Summer he pleated to you and an A ROBERTSON received intltly Nobby Trouserings From 250 up Our for lurolig out IVOHK comment our put dud to Your to U6i3frkot Janus Sheridan a brewer iii up and few nights on the liable in full of White WLuifLuhil a 3d on a en 13 l IB iolcr Oil a It v itoj a loVrcr Otto Toiler tetter a a A GOOD THING irl a A Auction g5Sl JAPAfc TEA The Cheapest and Freshest Groceries in Town OF- IN Salmon Lobs tor fiardineu Soup Corn Tomatoes Poaches Honey California Dried and Bread of Finest Quality constantly on hand A at CLOSEST GASH Pit I US GO COB- WEBS OA OUR SHELVES N RQ ENTERPRISE tJ loi ir iruillb- acfifc la jfcit3 at l it tie of OM Friday ill Oth AD it If Hi Oj Wiriiri iSB BUSINESS HUMMING noticed of our ilwijs the lovciL Heir Good Hew Hew la a Spring Goody Hi ill a