lllUtcery Co V A Gr Millinery J For Blearier To ELM VALE iMi She to lfEVARIK8Url AMD WITH In hinted fiU Homo Oar Toronto It will M lb of tto nut year A tod a ft and General lo OnTcuiiUyHoaUOO the Union Itf k J for to in J tamo In to by for cm troll It riff In circle two via I alia tow at vttMnUocci loflvljcm In and lo April to Ml Ibt tifturl to day In for ctgtota ito Mr dor leg Of a of Ok th1tg lit fortktltit ltd irBo40uiyllMvBflx fctptQc4 with WhlUTroikltf m to m Mr ft to ML for RICK LAKE AW lb Obutch 4ibtrI of lit on tvcolog Awry ttuipromUca Tin U V In SOU will by John HUH oigJLAlsirvr rt jitiiouUrly lUIti Trfrtnu oat Mr air ttl ihltkldlKU i Tin Oily 1 ftnd Ibth hi Til for Kuir ftajsday Knur Don Jiliftmlly tlitO jiHct Mr to 1 WW Jo t Hep dlflifcn It TLcrlKJacjAlt bit ittoifccrilttioiiiqlp PI iho frcr ffiOTrJUklbo on oat ft PLEASANT VALLEY Iff Mr ot lutcdlog a 1 WM J jiid ft f filttrdty of ot lit J of a frUndly villi to tsbool on to cur Mr of nllh ot Hubbub oflblf wctk fttriJiffilimrnof ftUo fttftodinot beau ft It Won iiMtitloflulk4 of ball ImI a on Ibo it Mo to wJtntt of of by Vtcon ftod Hit iU in look tnd AM I ibt Tuc A the tl to And o ft In Hit It killed by lo Ibt of tint ibt A wldt by in ibt qua Aid A- at of btW bo Hit ml want Anolber light In ib city t bill mcd by to it lo to bit for fcjlvtU 111 pail It our country will Hilton luti Mr John Wft ibt it Ibt next Wm P and Mr it tod ftiv Ibil at a public Wftlford lt4l if- ttr Lining In ptlat Mr in tiering bill a toucciDg kg Mr for an to ft doal botlt on of a that iLtrc no took a aboot to will now to fled a ook to bUtr titers In A a ago a of favoring lb a Mcvcotloo a undidatt lo parliament Blew ibto mover political a ft o bit ltiAtioa ftlto neat wiuibcr- club and Ipptan a of art t Mr Hit ti ft on from Jit dot a vtry account f weigh At ro l XI look It off lilt ftattufttlut ValUy Itftdi aril a our 1xit Wind our at- tt Ktrmarktt did hot ttatult labor ftUt may bay to Jbt malt arrangt- in Oof flylni arnd In He will wall atltnded again Monday Ucn Davit bit farm to J It old all long afi owned by Cot King A had thumb broken playing hockey Town bojktd morniDK by of Hit dwalb from of On Thursday la Town and afterward Into country Iboujb in a bo had many lilt token Mr Wilson bat an He a in old of Mr Jtinvj bit parlntr retired torn t Mr lilttr in Ontario and of Wavld Lloyd id 111 At tho lime of it proitrly of lato An Km to m told and for a It will toon lorrns aero farm and town propci JiELElAVEN vabrl ilr Jo hard l laal t4vcrilfc1ttUpiltl Wf Ift- Ijgjlf ibtcoucty Jlabtorit WUdlaltadf a farm Ha La btit 1 ItloJaUL frier a tiuay tea rabtsiloolL to for ibt clib aiu4 rival kitfVctaOfyeTtaUA wy bv Mwt ana tt4ouibOilfitw frim for Quito wick Jtfft took ft tfoaday Up feii A teak fcliAo flpcr of far 1 lo It fti- indtd by ftadlUVi cftmiu for Kiltie It fa brj a Proptliprabeiy tut to bo tit iaraicaic9 bait kit MittMi belt lit tt I fcta p oti drlvai lea ft lea or ltd ft A ttut 4torar Mr A TTAlUftif for world aca It la It for 111- to la About vera aid all a Wry ftftDlCffi Jftkftlollpfrtuflnt to It youti Mho cm lo lLatcOw I ar rlvl ftftfiproccidtd PltKelUbolato of bom In IhtW To tk Edit Mm vttkapaitiliftftbMTitaK lb fcr Ariaf 4 feci utter ft fttvt IbroJtb dftll cpoH I I hart In ny or car way Javo acta abb Utter frOino Toronto paper of crotUlc Ibt Afnenlart to to tbtUtr from of QMf cm who a butndJiy tbt of I till of God our afraid to of mm a ol an il force lb Mlat of for lift and salvation Intend gcoi to torn lb dItUop lb band Providing a control ftll of man aball ytl faooof up lUl country lOlbofrCOftdml IJallll acd rUf lrtbren a at to rait town llODabaacnb iLq or lb I an tort to ttrton to alto into iNtta a to bo nave f mora to lift bo lb next li Hi tloafayfiU5ct mi of to ibo rtrit ho qil- In I aoiaf roll Jf It ft Lb For In In ha duly of a lIonfat4Saofanrappjt bvbmlL It of of IbtOoncll- lUlwayitbata of apply to to of Coooty a a a of Ibat got fofortoaUoa cot rofiU5ioi4on tbo bid a and bo ailed to cow that r dull- unIriUoo Tin ratted r1td 1 aero Joijk AJioiO in i from Dial rata will now go on llioMtollcb will Of p i of Ho C6ra non or Ml And wo will it Who IS haddock Co never fail to accomplish What undertake It a big loan an wo not look for or even on WE have the at any sacrifice no dont mine thfe groat chance Store will ho ALL DAY Friday March to allow no to mark down goods and prepare for the Big Slaughter Wo will doufolo our staff so as to you all quickly so come early Hew of yoxitg icbio icwi fiooi lb of York at Monday iaitmtal Hardy to Ibair for by tbt la by ad of a Lot of aball ftJd Mr lb r44llioaj ft auU4ylu lbrn La will it HOLLAND ttoiie atnokt lU by to tut tiiki oadi of km a ffdlfvUb 1B Jvica ftW AW tor lor buy for 1 i will abort lyttur kind Wt out Irilday for Aral election lay CfaulitcaogbttbtotrUl Hi 1st inorofog- Ifit Owl cot ba1ot In a day tut bill A laat of fUoda of Mi iLa Aurora In a kwI J bo a flouday Dotal ru Collate will Moving is common these limes ii Grippe The bind boy ft pleas ing program at conceit The rnutktl part which by the young of the viclnily alto excellent There a attendance but room for more La Grippe Hill finds fresh Perhaps it will not be tamped Ihe mercury toes up to the minutes in the Nancy has for time been in poor health and now quite ill The relative of Mrs near Gudph but formerly Mils It of thWdisufcl went up there last Saturday to the funeral her husband on Monday The and relatives have the fulled of the community in their tad loss It with much surprise and nets that we heard last Monday of the death of our old friend and neighbor Mr John at there had been no unusual Death caused by a paralytic stroke He had also had one or two slight shocks some time previously which had somewhat en feebled him Mr was widely known and his company was much sought atone was always sure Of en joying a with him deceased for roany held a in council his advice considered In politics he was a and took an active part in municipal and politi cal election Mr Black had reached three score yean and ten being in his year He leave an partner and a of relatives and friends to mourn his departure The burial took place on Wednesday in New- cemetery- Our division will pay tonight Quite a lively debate took place in the Division here last Saturday night The subject was which the greenest the country youth in he City or the City youth in Ike coun try The was in favor of the country youth There Has a youthful expedition last Saturday to the in search of chawing turn- The re sult was not great and tbost who took no in the expedition and stayed at home bad to be content with a chaw secondhand The respondent fox Young St says a groundhog was cap tured Well Mr Geo Walls hoys saw one on their place last Saturday At Mr Groundhog is a on and we think be will 10 take a diet for tome lime yet There was a meeting at the Christian church to appoint a lime for a tec to gel out material for a wait to hear what hi moved into Mr Joseph takers empty house last Monday Visitor Mr Den Elliott Aurora and Mr Lloyd Manitoba at Mr HilUomV Mr Will Curtis last for with a load of clover teed for a Mr Light- heart Toronto JSllU lboiiluo4k ft ftd on ft of if totU by of A of kpcib delivered by Mr J Davit It by On for vw and by lie Mr Holland then Mr to reply In bit of arid UttbnWny Intcrcfilln not iftvoatllcnt livery directly or la- every in Province lrtUiti In iuulion jircActit aystO0 ho went On Go ujrjjt ban Tot jj ri3itrutlori of and It as wo Vbo or Co clmnao to w bleb not bo aytUtn km Adopted lOKfl history of VLront ttuAfjtUy Objection ltibllcaci bad noiclAnd wJ or hotel Mid they of bo know of vbltb tbcro then it ih of JVjI is than old open At ftr4 IhtrO no to or opinion roco atuto of they would H of look and or II would Lola their host The liar Mtfirt4 or the Jaw with lliovrultut Ikk Km by time act any nil who jrtat and In to bo any other Every charge of tho of of to Strove of lo inotothcisbrlttyajid the Province iboboltudcobiirE irul ijcIibfTfitlrnor ThoiirupIttorj owlpe but runt there Ho ror a of lb tor In from or churches nit In for the of jjreizcntytlcin dv nuA ftma the of Mr alert op jildn forty by Mr Wutcr Mr not Itself to of Mho of It arid Mr braid OHO In favor It not original but truths old Act bad fcAd thai or the and It bad not worked out Id Co my of Vcrk fcbuwu to vtUil to would not bo to rtlvo a Ho yri atvtii to for Ixvkftl ibe of vintoa bave ft for and tbo popoajd more ibo ie and it Tonoyio out lxuo BUI for lbwOifbiKi at llino A Viiiiiitiiro Mouse FREE A Air Brush Crayon Portrait With Cah 1urchuo of CALL AND Of it JOHN MILLARD A SPECIALTY UoiaPoid GR0CKK1KS Sodai lb box West Salmon per can la lbs Rolled IS lbs Corn Mack Tea Tea Good lb Corn can or bottle per Sunlight box per lb Ponder Good Carpet A Union regular rice at yard wide jialttrns at Wool Carpels at Tapcttry Carpel at Good Carpet 40 CLOTHING ens Pants 11 were 135 at Tweed Suits were at Tweed Suits were at at 40 Nice Suits Suits at Tic worth from to Wool per pair Top Shim onci at Fedora Una Hat at Good White Iwecds worth 40c at north at Peak were at PRINTS Good new roc Prints colors goods sue Crinkles thing at Ginghams fan colors So to 9 5 I DRESS GOODS AH Wool Beige was toe at Tweed were at Figured all shades was at Remnants all dress lengths at exactly half All at 25 Black Cashmere at Henrietta it Lining J Stiffening Good Waist Lining Pelts all colors Dress worth from to per do at dot CROCKERY All kinds at Cost Price STAPLES Lice CutUirai taped all around Nottingham Curtains at Roller Blinds complele in the world LinetrToweli at north at Linen at Table Linen worth at Ribbed worth all at BOOTS AND SHOES Button Ladic Kid Button Boots from ftll Beit Plough Boon at Strong Lace al ways at Sale Saturday Morning at earlier you come bettor he after Bargains and you wont he disappointed I Iu Feb Joto Hi Alio UbrtU Of HOUSE STORE TO LET Hit TWO TOWN LOTS for tali ioad8fl of Homo for Conn- A I Tomb ltd of IflCif it fill- Id IUiv On lg i IcoV ca to Ml- tec lo liter tics witlifjirto ihi jptJItf tccpW4 JUST A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF BYLAW NO- an a fvrpoi it of Town of Install n cUfo Town or ttiitboflly cf flh Hut ttl H04 to I for Nine ulo Council It vlubte W for a of tt lout DDUID over a of ycHfrii rtfrAbii by on- lbUfacnt4S0f brlAtlpal ft ftL9Ubt of priRClfril lo any oao for of AMITE FOR HOUSE AND KITCHEN A each Granite VatU Vans Bowls Granite Pie Preserving 11 Drinking In tt total by fc1al of ib for will be of V 3 yaoA MM T lavMAftxer- buy the Courtly without be bo be tidK At iy whim stay At p feat be 0t Toronto en t J A lecture on ftuMcot two wfl rcceb Utjor will alio I it fc Wo to a Ail ut c4tdUy Fun per PiMMpU 1 Pork it pcrciirriij lb DM on 4 flW a SO CM Oil cu on SO Oil an u from Ibc whole county ioaH be Tliiii At iircMftt if fault ik Att y 1 lit blotter of of billty If id v rooftlt to tbc J Ibu usual may bo tbo Boor If of be Iflu dM Dot rigbt- jocdUdtovwtxiti3CFt5gct at oo to brief up en floo of it A innitT mIjii bo dM not for jttftAY4jJyiii4Utt4ia would Jive voald tbo tpjloUtl by It bo for to control Ltd of vCTpiawe MUM Jl0f one ivi for Ibtlvtiilt fcUttco PRIVATE FUNDS- la on f jr fcr I OR SALE A iccol Am in Granite tt Proportion it C Get our PRICES for STEEL SAP man PAINT ill irg doMfif to Kf riat PROP of hi lm CI lip jiortlon of or nfiJ by of or inc of fc I tbJiAyorlibctbyJtbliA to of of tbJi be biouo la fcUU15 tbitl DollUf 1 or by be th or hew iitb Four us ibt la to tbo tbc dJilp Kindly run your eye the and if ii not llting you want the price will find to quality you to come and Our for baying are SECOND TO HONK Since opening we have fought for CASH ONLY and are we can and do tlictiiit all around value in Grocery Department Peaches fiQestj ICC lb 15c lb and ice ICC 35c Sclb The only Laundry doing Strictly FirstClass Work curios 1 amount of tutilc of yen tCi of ttlcJcU of 0 tt Docs not break Collars in turning done up equal 10 Hew from Co Kindly give us a order- of tfolCI wbco Mr al io ILL iibHo la fUKttJ sville Lodge AOUW iu field la QttzA iil it f5 lie lfrvit on over f ibLfCfor In tJo iU liw Of a till of Of A fvitiwtl fctH fr ih A duFiicei of jjill to to to Id ije qcctlpo t TALK ABOUT BARGAINS Wa are Out our Whole of HOW is do Bona fide Offer If us Call and Cost t yon Gash No lick NEWMARKET by a all io iho vfcole tbu of Twenty toftoifui effect P filiftU force tcl tike WW If of to lie of tho of ttw at trjvUou4 Of Act lp of A fit Hour of oclock la the of iaial wi4 the Poll At In Itc ny for the of WA follow fit WmMJIW ixt Kitrut Vanilb fine Enact for Cooking fig Sardines good quality Sardines in Milliard for ice Motions can Dairy Cfeai 35c 5c asc 5c a can lb each for Soap only 13 bars for Japan Rood quality 1 lb in for Soap Our Japan Tea at lb or Jb the but find for the Boots and ti ilitiii and for Snn show Jtj Officer For Council the firth of id fif coos at tie l- Jo to wo Folllcir the tji the the Another revolution of the great wheel of time brings us face to face with the Spring of and consequently New Styles of Garments for GENTLEMENS New Colors New Designs and best of all PRICES up A NOTICE Ay thai rrrnliB Into ltiTtyiuJ ltv iVuncil of Two event of cit or a to take advantage the failure of a Wooden House in which us o secure a beautiful of with cut in twa IN DOMESTIC WOOLLENS We gat on inside from the Mils A SUIT OF CLOTHES AT MILL PRICES Crockery apartment oar Printed Toilet tot worth vet from pp coup Set piece for Set of If broken tome piece good Toilet Set coaitt if it odd lot for puipoic LIS TUB LEADING GROCER Hit fcr in he drat lv i UllUUar J UK Da itU you lei hit id is for you gLt ill TO WAV Alt t DAVID LLOYD Ml MxinSt-