Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Mar 1896, p. 4

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r c J i i Ay MARCH i i i jt Purified Blood fiiiTcd an operation In following Bo pa ill In curcawlicn all other fall It pure blood A eon ill of a ij1 for time At Jul doctor Well At read try It Died a I la aopctlla cat tut hid taken Ihtco Ito lit Mr J E Only True Blood Purifier No Other Medicine THOROUGH AVERS of a Well Known I ft- iitd and J all let li Mllvn Admitted tit VorMi fur ttu THE PERFECT mom Tilt AWT to fa NATIVE 11 j al el i1- lilfi KiteTMcSJifci I- MAY irjjv- u A i v ti a tit if hfii iin 1 a tuple worst Scrofulous Sore kvWWJs Who About Prayer bill given flndj knock It to 10 Hit much MI l w for Ititro It mora Important thing for to Ltr o jry or w tot Kingdom until tic red to Ijo and Wrjfidtnl our it both and Mining and beat iou ui to gill or Holy ftplIl Jeot bo In bo loEcthcrAullh SIM luoy ftliQ weed lliq ftlid which mo torn Clod WHAT K TO Ontario ftatQ conAitntd Mr Leonard for to Mr A lliftl ibfl Governor death Warrant of the alio alleged two Ho will on May voted or ibo Gov- lifit decided to Kraut for aiittcxtloiiJlio HOW bo railed No and now will a to tLd ex of money Kurd but ingal thll moribund iff to vol to Tun to ilic Grand on j and alio old lilm plainly that dll not of ill a Ho will to a Hon Sir Hardy Introduced aa allmatlio bill for In nam- of CoonclUora crlll bill au4 to number to tbo aowrdtng bill of and election of tho ifiop1 Mr Hardy declar ed that in carry refaction but at to tbo btH of doing ho wlUtnglo kayo that to Wo two meat It on bill coming Into force tho of may at or In of from ell lobulation provides a man bo to Ucputya occupation will bill In KIT for Wot Ontario Mr J- VAffit favored by Hon tod for llto a ihould bo Into raorltaof of Ihocaee bad loWfnnlpcjj to Information for but not for party lo this which not bo ignored of Manitoba Manitoba atked that an In- bo of from other day renewed thl rfjoeat and It would bo criminal by thla a pot ting minority In a potUlon of any Inquiry No could maintain a minority did not to bo jrjt In that by and Parliament not a iarly a lawyer who Imld that now lout by any In and that ahno glvo ft Homo A- amndtccnt Klctlon by Mr to aoi7 oUtttora or reboot to atnng lion may from debtor at for felting right of y Art amendnrnt Mr la Intended to loft in in tamo relation at Undo aro taken or corporation la lo amendtnonta pro- that tho forth In of tho Municipal Act by fiPrrrlno of Lick Observatory California about n month ago to millions of and which from direction ft waa taking might pot into with in March Jim changed Hi and la now going front na Observatory man tbo li flirt Ing with and planet will notr bo a acnaatioo of ftlHCOK Just spend his Pour Quarters for a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters ft as people do cures Dyspepsia Con- J llpitlotf Biliousness Sick Had blood and all of the Liver It Librarian Im ion mallet Ottawa for an alleged Ibc Hour on bio IKibhooirti Mr In the- Citsifu ad a parly bock and hit aiiMi librarian to bo a aupkiooa Itarlf latbealoryof audita now bit of a it t that tbo Town owo It all have not plocl tOjd on the Audit to change of front of ox Matter J L of Toronto tbo and bo had t In ft Mr J In to o0tbo for a Mr Win of Allitlon trochd Matter as Mr to tho question of Govern taking In tire- or in municipal affairs during Hon Mr at nick tho nolo aolutlon If whan way pro- could IO wan by and agno- a taw which would bo equally binding upon both bring on tbo with of In- lento Agony Kpcnt Hi Homo In Doctoring with llpcalltli Without Avail Dr Pink to tho Jttcuo wben other Mi had The many vinuv of Will Pink Pills lor People have to often en published in the jujicr trut arc known lu the as widely have tight into in re one their merits arc ijKjkvn of only in of In this imlaiKC an brought home lo of a who i Knd to benefit he from the ore of this Mr a Sun for year and for line a ear- by trside loud in prauc of he from the use of Pills In an innrviov vith Mr wood that told the mat tight o he ps attacked with of the head and throat and was obliged to quit and since that time has not been able hi calling The disease short alter was taken ill developed into of lower limb from which he suffered During his long the services of in Toronto and as well as those of local both in his former home and were called into rtqoiuito hut all li no So bid did he tit Ah not happy villi Ontario Government joint ed out wflU appiront that by manner of distribution of tho lalo Mr eatato no lax ao to tho Provincial A glanco at ever a that largo Mntrlbutloni donated to character along I loo aided by tba be ing that gentleman provided for diilrlbutlon of leaving It tett all the MOUNT ALBERT For some lime past Mr Win Cob has been money from trunk It went in thapc five ten dollar bill and at ir- rtguar interval Finally Mr Col- look flow it the number of his and left them in trunk In due lime two Icn dollar bills appeared In a few days one of the bills VMS presented at Urns by and readily identified by its number and returned to Mr A warrant is qui for hit but he ha gone to a congenial climate If you do read tbo following I from nioro or lesa but of lalo I not walk a block for lack of breath I bad relief mo remains of a of Already can walk down town and wftn greatly baa mo J Toronto belling and pin and other anlv In mall matin did- Uvtrcd or all of thfoat and ulieat your In tiri for Pmcmalt and If a doe a not little it irltb ItfcUt for abort of object III It la without nnrqber womto have been liken ed to Contra and or bar vboic with loiDomleaa Slant What of baa nude not wholly Unj of a to crtlttntr foltcrtd by pica of rapropertreatmcbtof Vbatevcr a aliraya to affect tbo tbtic KiL there It la a not pi we to their rex atronjly on Tbcy dray the In the body and present a la that enervate the place it with our advertisement on top You sec wc expect to be at the top and trust you will render us alight favor In any you will find flHl and the fling remedies that have not bit their medicinal qualities by landing a long time on our shelve together with a Complete Toilet Article at or J 0 1 1 of Tilth yityonflgo of of to It It for Infant Children over It h Uko It It them health their Uvc In It IP 7 of Iain malt Pino IrtnafiLCrCLl robust Dr Favorite brought and to of many Or at Invalid Jfoil and tiarjical He baa uicd Favorite tltnc aiicccij VJtli It tbc no need of commonly toileted upon dli and 4 treat cent to VosHa Medical Afxfallnh of from Owen Sound baa rent a communication to Health which contains tonic in county of Three hoarder in a hotel in one whom died the other two arc In The meat procured from a fanner whose herd of cattle were with lilrnpjaw An Investigation will he held With Or- AMIC Til Dread oh Ik- years my enemy been organic heart an uneasiness about heart with palpitation more or Its severe had developed into abnormal action thumping fluttering and Dull with a peculiar warm ever present near the heart tried many taken numberless reme dies with very iitc benefit Seeing the Head vcrtieri in Kiitanning pa- pen I a bottle and began receiving I have now taken several littles of the and ran ak highly in The itiK healing and palpitation have entirely dis appeared remedy is certainly a worker for my rate chronic I- Showers Sold by Campbell lUff i8 AEcUlrn fcvlldlfiiil King MR Singing and Violin Teacher for nit Voloo Touted ffrrir fMtirTPVr- HO AT I My rr clued Holier credit I vf HI 10 lit WAIN I A txk Qui iht l- iifr aurtlkiH nikfniDlmijfll fir JHtAOIKY vhlclt Is perfec Caetorla v tori ft p von tin j Co a CMtorla cores and Colic Teething Trouble rto effect of carb or docs not contain or any other food regulates tho find giving healthy find natural CwtorlR in pat u In bottler only It Is not told in Dont allow any to coll yon anything on tho that i la just as a ylH Rmycr ftvery ga that yon get C- Dry for new MB I C1 TOWELLING AND SHOP ToltoaMMnCLKcTcaukcW JACOJO 3 3 For or M a 1U2 JAB- PO OK SALE A tat to a pad in Police Mr trial on about a cruelly to her Her husband Alio com for in Dili- urifcbrntDt out lo titbit children and U in tho evidence la revetting dud HAVING fcKKW UP ALL NIGHT Will that if you do riot want to repeat the of the OLD Gra Syrup of ii Red Spruce Gum The Cure in the I I- iu as Kehhy 5t Co ftyatorn not Mount A iitatta that Quarterly Jiord Church In that alter of to io ill former ihu at the of the year and fonupli Ac Theory Mid l tj iht mm i Ley it tive them right to tilting did tho tier real hi t cyAt V ftt ftr4 tci iCC a tic matter with the leader In AttemtlyY liutin tho general electiosia ho at Ontario to the hierarchy in In Mr ihe id ftirefiduitat medial bill i totally tills i change Mr ao throafc tho tat ho Han aaajijiiujj foiled- or ihrnk to- ao tkr It It It all muiilclj alUtu adjacfDt con- tribute their coat Wlial la moiuaUuiJ user back of from city holiday other extra inohty would ajii ueUr of frlaru of profit farmer a hi l in In of up and to Lata Hud atopiit talta Atdtojf a wj or around and so great wore pains that his limb that at times Mr to held down on couch His aldmch bowels were ltd and he wan indeed in a deplorable condition About a year ago he lost the of Irs left foot and ankle and was unable valk around bis home without great difficulty At one time Mr was possessed of a good home but so long was he ill that he spent all his in the hope f regaining bis health Jsl fa Mr com- and after he feel an improve ment in bis condition He contin ued the use of pills until he bad thirteen boxes when he regain ed use of his foot and and thought he was about cured and dis continued their use So had he a tuff however that it was bint to become con valescent in to a time An attack of grip brought on the disease but not by any means o as Mr again commenced taking the pills and is fast lining his former and tat certain that the Pills will minute at traced of disease from the system He feels gratified what the have him thai lie the inform to the in in the hop tlut his may be a benefit to tome other Or Williams Pink at the root of the disease itfr the and the pa tent to health and in cjses of Italy IroiibUflf locomotor at a a sciatic lai aoufuU trouble these are to all They als a for trouble which make the of so many a burden and re Mow the rich glow heath to cheeks Men broken down by over work worry or excels Villi find in a by all or sent by post paid at rents a net for by casing the Dr Medicine Cornea or Schenectady and Mt City March 2nd The follow jug bill wcro John fliOO A It printing J I itratit con J Jlallavilj Hart A 7S5 ahkruad con J0O21 Jlonry Parr grant con Frank firdveh Hart grant North John jrunt printing and Kftchij bill John pair con- J Woodcock acarch and re Booth Nell fllb an road J re Mrs J con Toronto con blackaidlth bill A Neil 91170 J Inland Ihot do A JJajicraht Op Hot man Kiu Citycosu labor A refund of dog tax 92 J fig from col- Ictinx the following lx J- 9365 910i Thorn Gamble Win J Will alio from the fol lowing J J 91 J 3 Taylor J John Henry Iottago aa road lo A It tender for lownahlp priming accepted Proctor a tender for cedar plank foil On motion of Mr Gharry c by Mr it was role of inttrctt all held by tbta bo reduced to per cent the tame to tike effect alter payment of currn year Go motion ol Mr- Lemon ec by Mr Cherry it that bylaw re York lay on table aix months Bylaw off village action On Mr It that Mr be authoriivl to the do La deemed On motion of Mr by that Auditors report of the aocouat for the year ending IMS was ptteed and and were authoriil to at Kit tha meeting of council will held at KobUtoo March Council adjourntd bill city and town lo which re- inado a this rocidyed then ho prOoaloalliah and allowa elector lo voU for all In Ioujb under 10009 lu tlio nuinbtr Iv limitd to eight arid with tho mayor and deputy new by lav will Ibo In of a Vacancy occurring in iho council lrd during the year a majority of tho council hall a jXjrvu ir lion by Municipal Act to Jill of by pi4Jc All Applicatio I YORK District XCUT SAWS CHOPlhNGAXES LANTERNS COW CHAINS 1 ROPE AND HALTERS mi J A CORY L lift ficstififia THATeilatUtirliiKtcairataetrtat Court is for License A J HOI TEAM SHAFT acme club skates andVl canadian and AND GIRTHS AND BODY BELLS HOCKEY SKATES KINDS SKATE REPAIRS to it Residence For Sale ferulae It PAINTS OILS HOUSES WANTED to Heavy fc ftnd iwn- In boat tbc li v Ub W to A AMERICAN COAL OIL GLASS AND PUTTY Or VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IK OF ft J A W ALLAN Telephone No MAIN STREET TORONTO Co OF NEWMARKET Just a line tell you that if you want to your tidily in the up lo flatfl tlio way your to your hands too you must Sunlight Books for Vrappors Paid up Capital Fund Total For WP- I ifrUd BRADFORD rta We Discounting Farmers Holes i AT LOWEST RATES PASS THROUGH 10 to JOliti 1 1 at Km OUR PAILS TUBS CLOt -t- J Building Material f tha fcatd of Hit alter coco It 1 DAY OF MARCH 1896 lUfobwIc VilaaVaprofrtnl-i- ltLIrll3M Wait or It is two two fcirt caj well wrl Alio about of bo two If t- blrdlot aro en are Ttrnicf la to it of iho Itijcr fi I Aurora A ri We a la iib MacSiiis Ship for the all AH He- up Vihwlf IBtticgoalliv The Secret of Fine Printing Cecil I j after close taken to be Do Do A man Makes a Statkubnt Which Will ok Great AND Man v Under date of September lie Dory olio a rom Man I been ailing constantly or au or aevere kidney and trouble I have doctored all iIlJs lime with physicians in different vitlioui any relief Dating my travels I was American Kidney Cure from which I received I remedy at I do not think ft Itu an South Kidney in- variably relief within fix Sold OP- BAR BAND HOOP IRON K CARRIAGl WOOD LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF GLASS IN OWN PAPER PITCH PRO LEAD Wheals into All Ve are wale to any Wo will a fiiioflo at tho Call to it- THE CAKK SONS MFG CO NEWMARKET achaiacf If Its Ii and tiirx la la lei afl I A outfit tcr to lift llijcrhlj to tltV lie nut lh to aaUlf tat Fine Drivers feci uro a eta a tt Blood Purifier ceil rl iiik blood It Si no ire cot the the loot be It ts mo- ty ite a fit new addd to fit ihc tod to They of J thin thick I 111 and Dont Draw the Bool a tjuVAr You Mituukvacitij iui GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY fc On a r fc D y IP a iS fv Co J tf l a 4 j v 15 sat ff t- I J

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