Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Mar 1896, p. 1

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Friday LYMAN GEO SUBSCRIBERS LIGEBpEE and advertiser IUUSOA I Kerr llcncy Co a kelOol Utility to Open HWr J Most to to 11 J WOODCOCK Main J JTlf Maw Vol XLVNo I Single Gobies J Cents Each eh Newmarket 0nt Friday March papers tent of Worth York unlets paid In Terms Strictly in Advance within 3 or at end of year A it DRAFTS ISSUED A Draft ffl TBEL SAP SPILES SPILKS Cast Iron PANS Al Sizes DIPPERS BUCKETS quart straight DUCKETS quart flare ip I LADLES TRAYS STAMPS WAXED PAPER KINDS OP CHURNS SIMMS to Main Street a ftUfti J IJlvdtct Women for ItitllstdAlrrorrAluUtaKxivAcIluir A t A Yd Co of W- bold al 1 Of 1u1diC Kltmlulra tt4lUIttlyo iUtroil WOW IS YOUR TIME J in wain Mo In i OH In VKHHOSt JHKUKKo MANNING door to fttutded to SON Remember i are priceless Take care of them s no one will lake I ho arc you Hie W If you need I EyeGlasses on us and get I Sour prices ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician 58 Main St Newmarket of the Soul I VA Vit to PURELY CANADIAN COMPANY OAPITA1 -AND- 14000 000 DOLLARS over J MRS SIMPSON Main to do ft in frolic trouvl IMccUl of of Mulc of for Oat 1 Standard LifeftssuranceCo a FOR SALE Oyers li a 1- 1Li over BONUS YEAR NtlWMARKET MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES Call ALLAN I ltv IsVu Tills for for Stomach and layer Arc he Best Ave fit AYFRS PILLS Awards Worlds the UOUT f I in In the time of St for religion politics were my closely allied convert too of Ireland incanl re- The nun ihfs revolution yet to peacefully must have been of wps in of a nation In ancient hi lie would have revered a god and his with and a fan he entered on the calendar of a the father of country for while St Andrew never saw Scotland or St George Icil adiplutv at it whatever way you will there is in devotion which the people have or the name of Jatrick- became Iheni a nation al and the them robbed them of their land and drove Into the recedes of and mountain moie clung to that allegiance which appealed alike to and When invading race joined the reformed religion the Irish adhered all the more close to the old religion because of his hatred of the invader and because St Patricks day meant to him all that was done in the gloomy and associations of his native land laws failed quench the flame of devotion the ancjtnl March 50n the of the day being callcycrtcrdiy Mr debate on the reading oil Sir Charles on intro ducing measure dealt M con idcrablc length with Confeder ation of the America provinces but he omitted the vital point and sitbc or any reference part he look In coercion of Nov Scolfa Into Confederation he leader of House had also at con length to which were not matters of between faith and white ii migrant and their descendants formed a pow erful and numerous population that did not recognize St Patrick Irish almost to a man ued true to old church with its patriot and patron saint The nar row and selfish jwlicy of England in crushing out Irish perse cuting the native religion pro voking the people to rebellion in dw that excuse might he found for their extermination drove multitudes of to America The record of Irish race in this country v- ill he commended by the many and depreciated by the few Men of birth and ancestry gave invaluable aid the revolution and in every war the Irish have had a conspicuous One of the most discussed arts Genera Win- field Scott was in compelling the government by threat of to the right of the lush Americana to serve against In the struck for the union Irih born soldiers lo k a part on the national The Irih constituted a host in the union army hut were few in number in the confederate rank The Irish race has fairly won nitron in America and that recognition is as accorded them by the masses as all filter foreign born their origin who are true to ihe principles and tradi tions of the White Cana dian people do not join in the festal Observance day they view with sincere interest and sym pathy the celebration of an replete with historic and re interest and with great and touching memories The occasion is a wondrous tribute to the vitality and vigor of the Irish race J and the day stands for the loyalty the devotion the this trials and of a nation MA the two The question of federal jurisdiction to deal Ihe queslton was not denied That the Catholic minority of Manitoba had a grievance not It vat the and not the existence of a grievance lhat bo enquired in to It was not a question of righlp but the extent to which those rights might be exercised The Government in tea re of a remedy for the of the Roman Catholic minority What It the best sva we could apply that remedy he would ask the House The Federal Government in their remedial order to IhcManitoba legis lature had admitted that it- was through channel the should be given When was the best time to apply ihc remedy what shall the remedy be The govern ment had admitted thai it need not be on the exact of the remedial order Then would what had government to guard them in framing lhat remedy The infallible wisdom of Ihe treasury bench There never more apparent the necessity of an investigation of ficif before legislation is than at the moment Tf Ho BABY THICK IT SVAS PLAYER ON TOR framed stringent and relive re medial order subsequently fit provi sions Were modified Why the change Which was right When did the new light in Certain ly not through instil Ration How could the House tell which was without further information The government were at sea Their views and statements meuurcs were contradictory and conflicting A change of mind from day to day He would vhetker of Manitoba were separate or Protectant or the passing of the act of 1X90 The Anglican of Land had stated that they were in no sense On the other hand the Catholic had declared thern to be Protestant school- Could the Minister of say whit was light without investigation The House should know before is call ed to legislate Mr said one thing and the Minister of Justice another- Which was right Who was to say Mr was right or of Justice was tiiU be fore the facts were investigated What was the interpretation of the Minister of Justice residing the bill rights This a matter over which there was a wide diversity of opinion in the judgment of the Imperial Privy Council the judges only assumed facts were correct in rendering their judmsnL The Manitoba its two replies to Federal here had and advised an THE not the only island of which St Patrick the only one from which he banished and The ancient isle of Man has a stronger i j VANXAHY AM lo iKta r J a A A AUENY if to ClVg Abortion liitvccttd fit J t- I OV And Vet fi a DRIVER cV i tDJoU f l chtiwltlUAt ifUfLCOO feAlUfde lo1 NT AJ IPOWDEIft The cream of purest Norwegian codIiver oil with adapted to lie weakest digestion Almost as palatable as milk fiCOiTi Out A nun about years was sitting in the waiting room of the street Depot with a earold baby on bis knee and his alarul and wheel the child begin to howl as lo attract at- em ion writes M Quad in Detroit jRve and by a jsieitcr walked over to him with a Mil to of pity on his face and queried A woman gave you the baby to hold while she went about her didnt Ha ha ha I tumbled to the fact as I saw You expect suppose course Ha ha ha That is rich look ing for her every minute aint you I think shell come back this makes me laugh ha ha I ha I bad a woman play that hick on me Ml a Chicane depot once but no one will ever Young man youre Youve been played on for a hayseed Heller turn that thing over to a policeman and make a sxip before tome report gels on you I come hack replied the young man he looked around- She will Ha ha ha Jokes grow richer and richer What makes think shell come lack slits my wife and this is our hty Oh I tee muttered fit man who KfA over feeling tickled in his the and kicked a which a farmer had tied one of the with a pice of clothesline a of White Hall niiistd a the Church in that in the he has a tie never in form nor be investigation of facts before legislation was proceeded with the Fed eral Government had ignored They coercion- The Minister of Juitice had said that a remedial if parsed by parliament could not he revoked And it such a law it now proposed lo tip on Manitoba th qnd views tlut hive been held by to case by fin enquiry It was proposed to force this law upon an unwilling province refusing them enquiry they have requested a policy of coercion and dictation has now produced an uprisng and hellion in lhi country Mr described the bill as a miserable makeshift unsatisfactory to either tide and he hoped the legis lation would withdrawn and OF or Oft Catarrhal Actions louder than words John of Bridge made of Dr Catarrhal Powder and I ued le according to dtrcc lions and found it to be a wonderful cure for and deafness I can hear as Rood as You will find Co cents enclosed for which bottle After life catarrhal cure to my and she the won it has done me waoti bottle you will please send a bottle and lo her alio One short puff of the breath through lie blower with bottle of Dr Catarrhal powder 1 nical re- Powdef the dtlibtful to llevcs in miuytCi ly colds by Dr if not ft prior claim on the memory of the taint the runs St Patrick while but a bishop was tent in A 114 on a special to Ireland had already been the of his early and to which he had first of all been taken as slave from his Scottish home near the firth The saint was ac companied by sa other one of whom was St in France who had come Britain the request of the holy father as one of the harbingers of the faith to the Celtic then under the Roman While crossing the Irish which is noted for its tides and sud den tempests a fierce overtook the parly and the vessel was cast away a total wreck to a lillc then called The Peel a short dis tance born Ihe mainland near the present town of Peel not a tout on board perished So semarkable was the escape it was regarded as miraculous the islet consisting of jag ged rocks and cliffs where it faces the and presenting such a ten of awful grandeur during a norVc3lcr as could neither be nor imagined So overcome were the inhabitants by the manifestation of divine power in the deliverance of the missionaries that they gladly welcomed the latter as messengers from heaven and forth accepted the Christian It is averred that population the island cast aside their ancient religion on the selfsame day Thereupon St Patrick and his band were busy for a few months bap- tiling the converts and organizing church of the new faith on a firm basts And from that hour to this the of the Christian church in the little kingdom of Man has been the most unique in Christen dom The place upon which the taint was shipwrecked has ever since been oiled Patricks isle and it now occupied with the ruins of Feel castle There St Patrick erected a Christian chinch the which arc still showing the peculiar her ringbone arrangement of the old time masonry Near by the and his aHo built the fam ous round lower which Mill continues to defy the elements and is in a good of ton Having divided island jnto parishes or the belter instruction of the people Si Patrick went on his way to Ireland leaving St German cut as Man prelate the com of his in A 445 by laying the foundation on St isle of the cathedral which bears his name and which was rebuilt in exactly years afterward by Sirnon This great prelate marked the commence ment of his episcopacy in A IX j laying the on St Pat risks isle of the cathedral which bears his name and which was re built in j exactly years afterward by Bishop Simon This noble fane is now in ruins but steps base been taken to effectually pre serve t from further decay many portions having been restored to keep its walls and its Gothic arches entire eastern gable the chancel end overlooks Peel harbor near gates of the castle whose battlements were in the middle ages as to inclose whole of fortifications and ecclesiastical buildings The castle itself covers five of the seven acres comprising St Pat ricks This island is now con ducted with the opposite hill by a substantial causeway forming a bridge between the castle and the hill on the one hand and on the other sheltering the harbor frorn the west winds The parishes of the island are re spectively named after the church or kirk in each and the ancient saint to it was dedicated Thus there Are Kirk Patrick Kirk Kirk Michael Andreas Kirk Pride Kirk Kirk Kirk and others 7 in alb Peel is Adjoining this on south is where until recently a vene cruciform church which was supposed to occupy the site of one still more ancient built by St Pat rick himself Hut a new church has been erected a thou distance from place of the old one whose di lapidated and condition its destruction St name is associated with a of situated about a mile from the castle on the west ern or side of Peel hill The to the freight of feel and from its is out a panorama of natural scenery for Us beauty the view on a clear day extending to the mountains of Scotland and Ireland miles This is a lo cality to which artists in sum mer to catch inspirations from of nature The spring known as the Silver well Is said to have brought forth born rock by the saint who it thereby im pelling to it healing properties In former day many tioiits were rent basing re- raited from drinking the water the well was with religious CUV few yea is ago itrtngers injjnd it in cut ling a toad to lie sfate in icurnedUtc neighborhood end the fountain since fallen Into 1 ibat its goe cat The r called St Pat- This of five upright stones on a platform tormina a scat and in a of ancient and ieic9 tiadlttons the bland com- many fabulous of giants which have been funded from the earliest Celtic lime myths there is In St pre- ailnerHly and which may be taVen of Celtic mythology in awciniphing form ConUiiaporuy with the saint there lived in Man a giant of if it and fctocit ws the terror of the islanders and who like alt his kind was addicted to flesh This was with legs and to agile was he lhat be leap at one bound from St Patrick isle to Peel hill a of than yards Such was his fearful strength that five large of white neighing al together many tons severally burled by him from the ill the side of another hill ncaxiy three mites away above a pice called and ibcrc they to day bearing the finger marks the giant where he them Visitors to Peel castle are always told the legend white being visible on the tide of the hill in the distance for attempting to kill St Patrick the was by the holy man In the Virgins name and fled the island So overcome was he by and in a hurry was he to get away from the presence of the angered that with one awful leap he cleared the space St Patrick isle and Contrary head about a wile southward from the castle and forever disappeared Tradition fails to tell the fate that subsequently betel hi to but it is that be in the wa ter the Irish sea and that bis body was cast up by the wives At any rate the wall on the northwestern side is The Giants where the three legged mon ster said to have been buried the mound marks place being mure irt Icnih This is interesting in another way because it is commonly believed among the Manx that the idea of Man was on- The Three of suggested by it This strange device was first adopted as Manx coat arms by Alexander king of Scotland about A after lie bad purchased ihs sovereignty of the kingdom of Man and of the isles frofuiis list Scandinavian Magnus VI of Norway SCHOOL KUFOKX srrt or fir Will fAbtit Elbe Jr Etfctl rScott Jhn iniz Jr Ill- John McNeil Ait ir Prick Cbety Id J- Meed Agji Bug Tommy Br PI Pairbira Jr ft I Smith Sltari Plosik UcCixeM oi IVrOuticis Wilier J Ihlwef Tsh AlUa It Hon Frusta ii Itwtmn two Jr St ItAnbu ClusIIJiibBirMcrWcUcrtirlllUier J EL Tubjteb HOLT hit The Douglas iTcre At Home pith a few friends on Thurs day night of last week Mr M and of Sharon were the guests of Mr Morris on Sunday Stephen was home from on Sunday James has sold his two- yearold colt to Eugene for cash I UDOKA Faiideld Bros have cold premises to J They are moving to A number of our folks in response to invitation of Mrs John partook that food ladys on Friday evening last and report having a very enjoyable time Debating of the day in hast week in the Sons of Temperance Messrs Brown and Wains the subject of which was Resolved a thief is a worse character than a liar The affirmative iron by a trifling majority The I P court has adopted same plan for occupying the long evenings SUTTON Taylor Bros are busily engaged in their factory gelling out stuff for the five cottages to be built at the lake shore for Messrs arc rapidly pushing the electric light enterprise They have so far procured lights and soon have the erected on the streets The condition Mr Stuart Mc Donald still remains unchanged He is in a critical Mrs Townley who has been seriously ill during the past five or six weeks is we are very ray convalescent Jessie has slightly improved dar ing the past few BRADFORD Mrs Anne Douglas one of the oldest residents of our village died on Saturday morning last after only a few days illness TiieV P S of Bond Head paid a fraternal visit lo their sister society here on Monday night The meeting was in basement the Presbyterian Church and was very Master Walter Elliott took oc casion the other day to separate from fighting and was re warded for his trouble by being bad ly bitten on the by his own dog The private residence on Holland at present occupied by Mr A Or ton has been sold lo Mrs Sinclair of the Scotch Settlement for This sold to Miss Oil- roy a fen years ago for Thil would indicate that real estate is on the rise in Bradford Albert Morris aged about while working a cutting box on Sun day last managed to cut the topi off two of his finders on the left hard besides injuring the third finger by cutting off a slice Cutting boxes arc dangerous things to play with The A held an open meet in their beautiful lodge room en Tuesday night Upwards of roo people were present Master Work man Coombs presided and brought forward a program a very entertain ipjg nature Rev Smith Rev Locke J and Graham did the speechifying white Mr Jas Rave a very interesting account and standing the Bradford Lodge since inception about years ago It commenced under with a of but it lias steadily increase year by year until it now numbers members on the roll She Mites NEWSY BITS OUR EXCHANGE bad a 5000 fire Sunday The place has no fire There it one man cm without decreasing his A fox mm trapped near in Parry Sound Orillia has been notified the 1st of April fire Insurance will be Mr Clark Jon four horses last wetk from acute caused by bad more are ES The British which formed part the returned to London en and Kerb Cynthia com muted for trial at on the charge of horrible cruelties Committed on her named Short Advertising is the light to guide the traveller to your door If your light burns he may not see it or may follow a brighter light Bulletin gets for doing Municipal printing of Col- It will coi CollingHocd about more to do their adver tising IS A coal mine in Prussian Silesia caught fire and only of the imprisoned miners were reicucd Twenty taken out and thirtythree more arc missing Mr will be inspector officer caretaker of town hall grounds fire department etc and Ject water rates all for a year There is more joy in a print ing office over one sinner pays advance and abuses the editor on every than over the ninety- barrow paper and sing its praises a cent lo keep him out of poor- bouse Perfect Wisdom irftct health arc wit- lotiepifcein- jjfectty rich it fare Pills vegtallc per fieiit Since or ganizaiion deaths have occurred means paid into families of brethren Mr Will Paris sang several in his usual happy style and Mr Will Hole entertained the audience a couple Miss little Evans save recitations and altogether the enter- was very James a Whitchurch farmer has issued a writ against the of Markham chioting an amount damages for in juries received by being out of his buggy which tipped over on an icy in the road was injured that it is said he may not recovery flseneyw A Bbikhf It I do me finy Shu tod dM only St it 1 CLOVER will l Blood arri Beiri g- The Orangemen of the decided the of July in An be to make it a coun ty Cut some small limbs from a crab apple tree slick into a box or jar of dirt and in about days you will have apple blossoms in all their and beauty Mm A of Hamilton and two ladies from were villi cere nearly with coat Mrs Janet Caddo of charge a firmer causing down fall of her daughter and has Issued a fit against for damages CUFD or Days Mr Wellington Hamilton For many weeks have suffered intense pain from so bad that I could rim to I procured South American Cure on the recommendation and cured in three for four by use It is the but remedy Sold by lr Store in Canton at oclock j A young becomes of age at years Just the same man a young lady is com- give in if she does so her parents cannot prevent her from marrying the man of her A from Vt has just received from a fur deal er in Montreal an order for icco live skunks the second ordtr of the kind he has had He filled the fait order comparative and thinks it will be almost as easy fill this one While James aged was at work in a at on Thursday night he came in contact in some way with the circular saw cut his foot He saw which struck bis hip culling nearly half way through his body He died shortly afterwards- On Sunday morning a oils accident happened Charles Hawkins lit had gone into his stable to feed he knocked over and upon by one of libera in a shocking manner Mr lay an hour before being found and is now in a critical In the Court Toronto of Katrine formerly of is A A Scott of Toronto for He alleges agreed buy all his cut of birch and busvGGt for a season He rays thai remains feet birch and of bass wood have become and spoiled for the and Knight claims 50 Scott re jects agreement A weeks ore were in from the head the River which con tained free gold in paying quantities and application was made for ihelaird the matter for obvious reasons being kept dark Word reached us as go 10 that a very much richer deposit has bee discovered nearer the lotfeitasay of which yieded to the ion Full fill be given nt The opening of spring will probably see a excite ment in town Saul Ste agriculturalist is continu ally referring to the old times when prices were and living comparatively the following market repoit from Ihe of March Wheal fall per bus fid Spring as ad Hurley as ltd Peas is Timothy seed Pork fresh per Pork in barrels Hay per ton Potatoes 3d Turnips per in per i fresh With oats it and at to the farmer with the many hardships pioneer days not In danger of coming very fait KA An interesting incident in the of Queen Victoria occurs this year in the that if she survive Kill be the of any sovereign within those iaand longest reign has of George HI who ascended the on of J and till January 1820 He ihui occupied throne years Queen Victoria to reign on the of June 1838 In her will on the lhat reign will if she be with us equal to that of George HI tod will be the loisgtit in already is now fur id- HI woatJtr

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