THE NEWMARKET ERA J livery Friday Morning JACKSON mix SUBSCRIBERS iWOoontr written fa rM till NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCES AND AD Vol No I Single Copied Cents Each Newmarket Oht Friday Dec 6 tent of York in J JJAIUttHTKItAC lo 1011 on ooJ Farm r is Aiiitieritif tor Kits TernisSlOO Strictly in Advance within 3 or at end of year LEADS BhAOKHMITHIHG t to fcct I if Moot to J WOODCOCK Main ra in toner Jtf i Count Corner Main and for Homo Incur A J J tout y JlTr inter I BUILDERS HARDWARE MECHANICS TOOLS PAINTS OILS VAKNISHKS GLASS AND PUTTY AND DASH CHURNS ROYAL CANADIAN WRINGERS WINDOW SHADES CORNICE RAKES HOES FORKS SPADES AND SHOVELS PENCE PLIERS AND ALL KINDS OP FENCE WHO- MANNING Hula to nit in to Wpjn doon for of for Toronto r4 J A ALLAN Amenta for MasscyIIatris Repairs Telephone No MAIN STREET Hire Atlht Kua MRS C SIMPSON 80 Main Bod On linker ri AM 1 I4 JMXJK her titm i from of of ftlutfc of or NEWMARKET trj fcBMTlHTi ttfrtcAjiiiok VUJtWcKi Air for ATfrA9T0N A TERRY A UOTIONKElt for York Co It J DUNCAN AUOnONKKH York A fit k lAptr And iptr uaraltt4 Primary 111 Arrived OVER ROLL PAPEF To Sell at 5 7 and per Roll W STARR Contra Aurora and Hon of Vet Bo- North American HalQidjnonl PRIVATE MONEYS or Town Current wo ft to direct KJ 1 IS lit A CONCERT BARITONE Church of Instructor Volco predion ud Violin to corner of Wtw Goal FOR SALE floH of very Mo A ill mo rauch fiftiif will ftt ftrmor on Ho need and ttfiU whM It faoM Til to to told Ho lo Or flco from win lh la great Wo only to And do with a It Tdour Imperfect And ft Or kindly May of ureal Winning for lit by heart for Viilit Aim fwof regain fill fold ciribty tails oer VU in lha I CAPITA BKfiTittCftCW jiff w p A At pre c Mala Fine Drivers A ifjfLLtly lOATd tide- 1UKUKAKCH tlrti d A A JNiUHAKOK of Norwich CiidltOi All ifst stock Ijit out yuy l5 run down ft ted 6f Dicks Blood Purifier It ft In the fona of a It dCition turns end tad tkoLoifiogiipliis Ho COWS tie rrilk jo totally life Mill PO NEWMARKET WJARBLEWORKS IN MONUMENTS and HEAO STONES X MONKV TO DAVID LLOYD for Kiuto htcrtj fcr follow Of lUOUUf Vila it Till FIRE AtC That HOOTS AND SHOES have taken a Big Advance Prices but you are still able to get your Boots and Shoes at the Old Prices at in J lb fHct Ave CANADA CO CANADIAN COMPANY JAPITAli AND DOLLARS 1VXA kUutly lL3tVjtMo J As had a Large Stock when the Advance in Prices took place so it enables me to Sell to my many Customers at lie Low Figures All Tan Goods we are offering at Cost in order to clear them out NOW IS YOU I TIME a SIGN -TIED- BOOT a Standard Life BONUS YEAR PiCfirivlll J J ISA All Iroau ttco HUNT J Wcwmukt AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE IT COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE AND BEST OF STOVES NORTH OP TORONTO THEM TO TO BOY WIVI HODGE 21 MAIN ST SOUTH Headache a tine ttllh I to ifEwagovl thU Began Pills tci A cot A at Worlds Fair J 1ST Halo I a ai I I70RTHE FINEST la UO If VKHSOMB TOR TWENTYRVE YEARS SUNNS Soils of prescribe Oil and jhits because fid their tolerate Jt or as it upset nor derange the like the bit is as much digest to oil iJrflrt Ikulcs the fiBh- is out of the find it filniost lialntQblft sxitly IH finamlciKlcoiisumiitweoduIlsJ fiesh on Scott very remarkable jDiBpooal of ASSOCIATION Recently hid some en- torn dairymen for information ftarding the best methods of dis posing of the sour whey factories 111 question is an im portant one in which every cheese factory is intercued vift would draw attention to the following prominent features of the subject Absolute cleanliness in particular is one of the requisites of successful chcte and butter making Strict cleanliness cannot be maintained if the sour fthey is re- to the patrons in the milk cans The tour or rotten flavor in old whey is produced millions of bac teria which grove and work upon the solids or tood constituents of the whey living microorganisms win adhere to he sides get into the seams of the milk cans when the tour whey is put in and unless the cans are thoroughly with boiling water kill the germ life these tittle creatures will remain and will grow and permeate through the new giving their peculiar it J every patron would have the sour whey dumped out and the can thoroughly scalded at toon as the milk drawer returns front the factory the evil resulting from the practice would not be so great where patrons would do so the nth one might neglect it and his effect the quality of the whole pro duct Taking con sideration it will be more for the patron to live ihp to the highest bidder or fed near the factory There is on an average about per cent of milk sugar in milk the bulk of this goes off in the whey in the process of cheese making and gives whey chief feeding value- The souring of milk or whey is due to some fotm of bacteria acting upon the milk sugar and changing it into lactic acid This cess does not injure the quality of the whey as food but materially lessens the quantity of food in it To such an extent is this true that in very sour whey there is not much feeding value in it The highest value put upon per fectly sweet whey is els per lbs This value is about wiped out when ihp whey become very sour and therefore more benefit still be derived by feeding the whey in as sweet a condition as possible 10 The full value of can only be had by feeding near the factory soon as it is off from the To do this It Is not necessary to have the feeding pens Very to the factory By using an Ejector ihe whey can be car- to such a distance that no foul odor from it reed teach flve it The received from a number of cheese factories this season state that the average price for which the whey is sold at the factories per ton every thin a con- of will re ceive if not more value than having the whey returned and do not run the risk of having their cheese injured by a sour whey flavor Thus sour hey fltvor not be detected when the cheese airenerr but fill afterwards injuring the sale cheese and the of the factory 14 the whey is returned lo the patrons it will cost more to haul the milk The returns from factories this show that the average cost of hauling roilk tbe where the is not returned is per lbs of milk while the average at the factories where the whey is returned is cents per lb of milk As a rule the lactones in Wen- em Ontario whose product is sought for because of its superior quality are which do not return the sour whey to the patrons in the milk- ZEPHYR Mr York our genial hotelkeeper has greatly improved the looks of his hotel by the erection of a verandah along the front and end Also the stone foundation under the dining- room and the wire fence along Main St greatly adds to the of premise Mr It Irwin of and Miss Balfour of have been err- gaged to take charge of our public school for the ensuing year One day last week while Mr Win was working in Mr Jessie sash factory he had the mis fortune to have three of bis fingers on the left hand the sticker Armstrong and IottM dressed the wound At first it was thought amputation was the only remedy but they spent two hours picking the splintered bones out of fingers and finally they decided to leave them on The Anniversary services In con nection with the Chris tian church trill take piece on Sunday and Monday December and On there will bs three cer vices The Anniversary sermon will be preached the Rev C I at 1030 a at Rev J Young of will and evening services will conducted by the pastor at P There will be a Hot font on Mon day evening Dec nth to which the public tie cordially invited SUTTON cut hit Mr Hugh Osborne an English gentleman who has been a highly esteemed citizen of Sutton for the past fifteen years placed before the of Toronto an affidavit ac- Rev rector of the Anglican Church at Sutton of having effected the ruin of his daugh ter Kathleen Mr has denied the imputation In the mean time the Bishop has coniidereJ the matter officially and temporarily sus pended Mr pending further investigation The church at Sutton lias been closed by the church war dens During the gale on Tuesday morn ing the nag pole on the drill shed was snapped in twain near the roof Mr J Howards pump windmill was wrecked along with the machinery and fences and trees in many places were blown down I There is not much news here this week that would be very interesting Everyone appear to be minding their own business and things are moving along smoothly The annual business meeting in connection with the Sunday School is be held on Thursday evening of this week for the purpose of electing officers and teacher and general business We are to learn that youngest son of Norman is again very sick hut hope to soon hear of his recovery We also learn that William jr is confined to the house with an attack of Grippe This is the first case of this kind that wc have heard of this fall Mr Hill and wife formerly Miss Lulu Johnson of this place is home for a short visit Mr slip who has been home for a weeks visit returned lo the city on Satur day Mies is also home on a visit Mr George Newton and wife were visiting at over Sunday John Snider intends to move coon lo his new farm purchased from Mr Robinson The Methodist church has under gone considerable repairs a new floor having been laid etc- Fred Myers had a shooting match on Tuesday which was well attended A gentleman from White Rose was lie crack rf Mr I Pike our popular teacher has taken his organ to schoolroom and is training children for the annual examination and entertain ment Mr Pike deserves the highest commendation for his and painstaking interest in the education of the children committed tij his charge A peasant event rook at the home of Mr and Mrs on Wednesday of last week in the marriage of his daughter Miss Ada to Jacob of New York Roth the parties arc to get to respected and the wishes oil go with lo their new home The happy couple took a trip north and tomorrow leave for New York where they intend to make their future The report of the cost of maintain ing Kingston road was submitted showing an expense of forthe past Ave months and a total of since February The question of the wardens sal ary was brought up by a motion by exWarden He moved that a Committee on Bylaws submit a bylaw making the Wardens salary a day and ten cents a such bylaw to take effect at the end of the present year The mover the claims of his by saying the Warden would then be paid for what he actually did On resolution the Council went into a committee of the whole to consider the motion Several members took part in the discussion but no action was taken THURSDAY The most important subject con sidered was the to petition the Ontario Government to abolish Councils The motion after being fully discussed was defeated The aqueduct scheme secured ihe dorsation of the Council at their afternoon session Tne committee appointed lo make a report on the question of appoint ing a Police Magistrate for a portion of York County reported in favor of such an appointment The Council however was not ready for this action and referred the report hack to ihe committee asking for full particulars to he submitted at the January session A bylaw was submitted and granting an extension of lime to the Toronto Suburban Street Railway ft ft A young mn entered of superintendent of a rail- toad division and as lifted eyes to inspect the latt applicant tor a slender slice of bis valuable time he beheld a youth upon whom the tuna and of twenty propitious and winters had bended their somewhat varying rays His coiapjexipntrai of the tort Jits linen so to far it waa to the vulgar not a spot or winkle or any such thing could be found upon his care- His hair was divided iri the middle What can I do for you asked the official Tho youth indicated that the great of his soul was a position on road in some depart- under Iho officials direct and immediate Now if there 11 anybody who can by a sort of in- tellectual flashlight and with rapidity take a composite of a mans weight and measure the railroad official is the Individual who can do it He did it upon this occasion and this Is what the railroad official said to the youthful subject of tbii sketch man understand you are looking for a position this road for If modest- that ft just what Im looking You would like to have a position I suppose where you could come around at oclock in the morning and go home oclock in the interrupted the youth TV making BRADFORD Clothes line thieves arc their presence felt On Tuesday night a Young Peoples Society of Christian Endeavor in the Scotch Settlement Church Mrs while adjusting a window blind at her own on Monday fell off a chair on which she was standing at lime and broke iwo of her ribs and lured a third one Fortunately no in ternal troubles have developed and she is now doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances The centre chandelier in Meth odist Church took a tumble to it sell shortly before divine service a week ago Sunday evening but inasmuch as they were unljghed no damage was done except the demolishing the chandelier A lighted lamp in the gallery was shaken from bracket by the failing to the floor and slatting a blase Fortunately Sexton was on hand and extinguish ed tne fire and service was proceed ed with as usual insurance inspectors weje in town this week adjusting the claims of Mr Wright in connection with the burning of his grist mill The loss on building and machinery was placed at and the etc The building and was divided equally between the Atlas and Companies and on grain etc insured in the Atlas Royal aod Commercial Mr Wrights lost over and above in surance is about Mr Willie the Standard here hat been in iAO days consulting some of the best medical men in the including the medical staff at the General Hospital respecting hit Injured leg near the knee which injury he sustained list winter while playing hockey It did not come against him until a few rnoniai recently It was that amputation of the limb would be necessary but what has been ihe latest developments in case have heard further than thai the operation of amputation has been deferred and absolute rest for months recommended Limbic Mills and until August to reach Islington ypiiMY foe chief subject of discussion at the morning session was the applica tion of the Metropolitan Street Rail way Company for an extension of time for building their line to Rich mond Hill A terolmtori was alto passed em powering ihe warden and clerk to sign an agreement between the city and ihe county abolishing market fees provided thai Ha lieutenant- Governor ratifies bylaw tollgates SATURDAY The County Council passed a by law this morning compelling Metropolitan Railway Company to build its railway to Richmond Hill by Nov 1896 or forfeit a deposit of which must be placed in hands of the Treasurer In order that the railway could have no excuse for lemporiziag a resolution was passed empowering ibe Counly Engineer to prepare plans for a new bridge over Don capable of supporting railway traffic It was decided that immediately the action of the Council in reference to the abolition of tollgates is confirmed by the Council an or der shall be issued to tollkeepers to effect that within one month cease collect loll The Property Committee reported and ihe Council adjourned pats a vote of thanks the- Warden for his conduct of ctin kid wi for tad lid In til lt fltrtUa for or taltf I Practical jokes are always io bid iste and never result in any good Mr Malcolm J P an elderly resident of County was burned to death by a amp exploding in hist bed room The flIXb and final heat in the sculling between Edward Honiara and George for Ihe championship of England and Sty look place at vires too on Saturday Each had won two heats and ran high The scullers kept well together untfl the boat was reached at which point took a lead made a a short dittance from the finish beating the Kentish- by two boat length In Hake If lbclilirriipcilsaS Iks iiUd ittj flcJ Ihs rart part rich and toll the- ud Bar- Stills Hood PUlteo llvtr after Yes A position continued the official where the work would be rather clean and not too laborious and Yes sir interjected ihe young man ihe tide of hit hopes riling several notches above the highest water mark of his most sanguine an ticipation And continued the bright eyed tuperintendent where your monthly compensation would equal and surpass that of Ihe average young man of your age and ability Yea sir said the youth with a nervous developing among the tender of his phyil- which finally blossomed out into a full smile of Talroagian pro portions his mouth at Jul assuming the curve of Via rainbow with its two extremes welt nigh interline them selves within the earpan projectiles standing out upon the tide of his phrenological rim Well said the sallroid official with a peculiar and somewhat smile playing upon bit face theres one position only one exactly one position of that sort on this road and it and I dont propose to The moral of which is that there it very little room in this world for the man who is not willing to work hard for all that he hopes to get and hold An increase usually follows an increase En efficiency A man should teek to make himself valuable if not invaluable to hit employer A young man who by the proper use of bis spare momenta increases bis efficiency at a clerk silciiaen or will have an increased financial value to the individual who him and will sooner or later be the recipient of special favor and financial consideration The best way to secure prompt promotion 10 a larger position than you occupy is to promptly prove larger than the position which you occupy Always do more than your agree ment calls Or and know more than your position demands To Eon In W later Good breeds of fowls becoming quite common on the farm A tit er interest is taken in the improved flocks and better quarters There are but few farms where hens will not support tbemsche nine the year upon that which would otherwise be wasted Two cheap houses boxed and lined with tar paper with a shed attached to each where tbe fowls can scratch and exercise on or snowy days will beep them comfortable and in clined to lay all winter The fowls should not be let out on stormy days nor while snow is on the ground and yet they need to keep them laying and healthy So the shed protected the cold winds and open only to the gives them a place and small grain in ihe or scattered straw girts them an incentise to work A piece of meat hung Just high enough to give thern a little trouble in reaching it interests aioaringly while a few bits thrown ihe shed causes a race that is healthful Water with chill off should be ptovided sever al times a day cold weather Keep the cleared away from the doors and throw your coal ashes around it and under the sheds The bent like I pick among them and they form a hard not easily made muddy Grit it Coarse sand and broken pounded fine will meet this need Many of so- called results from indigestion caused by a lack of grit to grind the whole grain I oyster shell re especially by the Leghorn It furnishes materi for the G- A Baa Cl Ji BhUobt lis Cut I hart found liat do any good lh gxut Can Is d t sin wolves dose at joar a ffa graph todUani that smth An early rcsal greatly K3r2r6i A Ai ti- T OUR snow plow contract will this winter Hay has been bringing a ton a lawyer has been appointed Police of The bylaw to securfe water- works for Tottenham wis defeated on Tuesday by votes ST Mr James Smith a carpen ter working on a building at Niagara Falls fell twenty feet and was killed The smokestack on Can adian Companys building at blew down duringuesday mornings gale Hi The new of Industry for the of and Gren- at Athens has been formally opened it a good think to have in God but He it not going to vote down Ihe liquor traffic that is work Thomas had bushels of seed acres and he thinks it more profit able than wheat Walter a Coldwaier youth severely cut hit cheek and came near amputating bit ear while splitting wood last week EST Alf Egan of cold whiskey to some Indians and for so doing he will spend the winter in jail and pay a fine of besides A company it being formed by the citizens of to establish a beet sugar factory with a capacity of ions of beets per day A hundred ton of rock fell into the Tilly Foster iron mine at Brewster where 1herr1en were working and fifteen miners were killed youths pass away time by shying stones at and breaking the arc lamps of that town A few hours in the cooler would do the good The Meat Cora shipped for Liverpool the other day carloads of cured pork An other shipment of a order taks place shortly A woman selling fowl on the market last week had a turkey confiscated by Chief King and when its crop was fowl pounds lighter McDonald a sneak thief who took a fur cape from a store door in Guelph was sentenced to one year and nine months at labor in Ihe Central Prison The young man Patterson ar rested in Port Arthur for robbing the Traders Bank at March admitted his identity and started forborne in charge of an officer Nellie It Clyde of Whitby sued one Joseph Hodgson of Whitby township for breach of remise of marriage and was awarded 1000 by a Jury at the assires other day A son of Mr Napoleon Del- anger of the Public Works Depart ment at Ottawa was drowned while skating while the boys brother and a companion were rescued by aid ar riving promptly It is that the Grand Trunks pay car will go out of com- and the agents will pay by check at their respective a saving to the company of upwards of annually Mr- A Dickinsons insshed at Schomberg was blown by the high Tuesday morning of last week causing considerable damage to vehicle and implements inside the building A farmer from County sent to a firm in the States to find out how to keep butter from becoming He got back the answer eat it We have some fools in Canada it seems The prisoners found guilty ihe other week by Judge of debauching young girls came up for sentence hit week Gill was months in the Central Prison and Johnson and OBrien each The action of an school teacher in a little girl between two boys for punishment was con demned by the school board at ilt last meeting and teacher will be asked to adopt other penalties for offences amonsj pupils William a farmer near was suddenly at tacked last week by a vicious bull whick knocked him down and broke a couple of bis ribs Had it not been for a large dog Mr Wilton would have most likely been At on Saturday morn ing Mr Silvester was fog a of Mr P More when the Udder slipped he was thrown ag large pane of glass it into stoma Mr hid hit boot cut but escaped without any Injury A question ft asked if men owning fish ponds that they had stocked tbem- take fish at any season of the year The of Ma rine and Fisheries ha its deci sion lhat no tab can be captured either in water prohibited season was about by the of tome parti had stocked private ponds that titty 1 j Ja3