Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Sep 1895, p. 3

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tm II OH HI Sunday by Mr wo- mil moo fi ami No Cash A attempt mid lb a Attn liUin Hi Tact A riling km but no turn of fci la tint A firly Jo LisAquE a Jrc At on Monday And cVit of hour ah Inform I Minion Hive to Ijivo lately conic Town A In this wmmtncd original by Mill Jltrtb Grant lllcbmond to It tiro aim yet not tbt in la it A Time The new Mr mad a In ho appotftftC Utility application all ftutl milting more By of Mo ork ha it offering a in At CO Mr far filing fn work And Girt htm a Hot The lactone bate intdt lot Trip to And day tut it only from market children At 1005 And ho doubt a good crowd trill lbo of Mattel fin youliAtroAiui At la a to SoCLAL the social In tit IaoIa on I At oclock A J 1 aton including nla part JO cat of Aurora Jtumsay J John W A J And A J All the services laat In new pla war Attaodcd At In thointrntof Moor owning aarxnon preached in Afternoon And Mr- icoioin At inciting of Jliidaavot flooUty on be Pino a friendly villi In a body And waa enjoyed a to It The of Town bt com- nit Eid id for prompt tekor to morale of place of for Acting in a And Ufa Worabip flnad trilb fore AAitrer the charge of Too CotKspondcnce mutt La time to dot or Ap pear to of that Keek week and week we bad copy come on evnfqgfter papir waa printed We to in one one at Ha mi were detained with intent the baa written were polled on in for the mail- tUIe occur Again we not to report to tte Iott will A if wJU notify At once where written in time do not AppeAr Taken Away So frail is the vary alcnpl treated the ad- of 19ib- produce feul a abort id of little May Oa borne wbicb wte reported in After wlilcb time on to world after the Sunday liOUr May daughter of Mr bar and a general favorto with ell bar took of bar And and tbe fcUetul raanrariti denied of rbe playful of that tbe Jlgbtan It bora of tbe bonte made tndead bar mother To mortal man it harm atrAnge one ucb a hoald be from a wbaro and of a life it to baa a in it floral of livtJydeilgonAod uttoUck vail the at tba funeral day Alleat And patby of tbe public on of lad al and Father conducted at Now Nightengale end factory at corner of WaIq Hunt Club Hunt will meet for Aral run the at the Grain and the will be lot looie oclock SUHOAY llorray at Minnie gate a tit Aread- a and a abort Heat an open meeting Rather DisaPJOlHTmo to take wllh the trade lino Added Are to In of ordinary crop bt add ed a largo to group cucumber a total yean Cut man alt down end worry toll the to iojjio good winter out That Cask The city paper an of of wife and on weak for operating that from and two from Al the police tbe admitted to tall bat the other twe were held at Bin- clalr Mouc to luiUed of had nothing to do be happened to lea llatenerattbetalepbonajuatprerioaa Dont It John orator neat Monday by The Oily Hall had a large laal aventhg for two with rapt attention to To end Fro Jo London With Mr Clarke lit but a from lo the Aral yea And loil In word and nail moment year are with a In track travel experience auto wit aid burner Jjaa an of wbfoh fit In at right pi ace a Hie dia lect were fine Clarke made An bare thai would name film a crowded he return Lacrosse At the tiro of the bold At by totally withdrawn In dealing with Clark the FIntad out it hardly fair to con- eider it bad playing with other teethe tbia without making any dellaHe charge time deuce of tbe beard One put Affadetlt that be bad played with Clark on tbt Itatn on the 21tb of May early la the wrote be bad played with the team now of with the a Iht than tan had The not Another player later In getting an the Mark bam Not being Able to the field affidavit plan adopted Dot fortunately the letter had been and in making null and void davit the fact of baring freeing Mark in lactone law The And their are jubilant over ihoroaoH the of ho to to another with that town On Monday of next weak at Exhibition Park hero the return uAtoh will be play ed with tbo of team la very feet An game to will undoubtedly fi match of mile it Cham getting ceedfbglyIoirnting and now between fitnaa of Georgetown of of fit Orillias of our own By order of the idnt were to meet in Brampton on Oct and off finale but the were given to play In of which will for the Intermediate A MANAny of our who can afford to Jake an even ing enjoyment end neglect to bear Mr John It Clarke next Monday evening will regret it very much when they hear their frfcnde talk about it after ft li over Many an Idea ere dry aud uo entertaining but can not by bar beard fro in London pictured by natural bom orator Any into that hie been recalled to Hamilton timet to to Winnipeg AGd on through Canada and no ordinary man In tbia lecture bind of life in the great ho world pictured vividly that on gate an Idea of London nest to only by a large auzn of money The for Monday evening been placed down to to that a crowded may enjoy wonder namely for for double a quarter The Clarke one of met with baa Aenne of human life lecture To Fro la full of humanity bit Moral teach- teg a golden tbiead And beauty of All It out to- after laalo like axod dinner- to if ever and fif opportunity The long of gard en ttt a and fa about for Social a and will have their Heavy Saturday and cook ed and tender pretty bad ly If any one attacked on highway by a dog party beta right to kill dog and the owner can beheld accountable for any injury inflicted by the animal a dog by al or any damage He owner liable for eattalned apparently know net let their doge annoy do country la alive with of all They In variably turn up where fall In prevail for people to hart nothing to with An from to be ventilated at Court next Uonday afternoon A coat of a the of tfr block on of Queen Mr J building a new heme on hie fartm Kaat and lire la building a fine brick Xle who on that wce the of the local preia gocdi that eat a to racket and comfort to hie heme- ftetof water in the Upper At one time the there were more cere of wheat week It a downward tendency of Park Tannery were In town market not enlarge liet price the no could fater beginning to come In And And per lb by the quarter ClIURCHJait Sun day evening Re to an attentive congregation Hat oclock regular Monthly will bo held and a large atteodanoe fiunday morning a Sermon will be preached by the followed the of LfaeVeraenle In the Alfred Terry baa to preach roue to hla to the villa Every this men building department at Factory are working till half tan on account of being aye in of electric lighting to at Factory tbat work In with at daylight which la a great In of cor of waa to week a car of wood an wart to each of following Toronto and Montreal there were of and other on order Verbauh the old woman who waa brought to the Jlouie on Monday of wk from of York on Ill- day year we elated In leant the btn cut the very low from when aha arrived and at to bod where gradually cam like manyothere recorded a death atthoHomeendthuaeweltt the record the year wonder bow la that bereave we made apecfal mention thle will not macheurprfud In the future On Monday Jadii a farmer in of Whitchurch who baa been for aomt time peat In of found on the road aide a log wbcb appeare to have been lilting with a wound The charge entered under chin and went up into the brain who are beat acquainted with man Here waa purely an accident He left hla home with a gun neighbor for of ah ting evidently about to a at hie pipe tobacco and Jack knife were on tbu him and tbat melancholy of but did net It It bold an It la lingular that Jot open JJfrob a ten Ant In the con Arm whire John Cellini hung 20 ogo- Public The evenings era getting long again and air l- chilly young people will naturally to And comfortable placet of retort Let to your attention the and Heading Room over Grime centrally and wall lighted but in near future will have additional advantage of lights The Heading supplied with daily well at beet and in Canada and tbt United literature from Old Laud- Library containing a very choice of reading fa olio open every day and evening grand opportunity for ptopto to etore their with use ful while own fireplacea and cultivating a for leading ameni their own children- To who habit thorn are no companions more enter lain lag or profitable A of Director plate at the Reeding to lay plane for the winter card Hughes Opening Keep data in mind Co We Arereiueatcxiby Mayor to elate all arrangements between Company and the Town been that Company can commence to remote to the Town very shortly It ia that nil agreed to paid at once tbo it a the be In hand ready to be over when they ah oil have fulfilled ahare of the agreement The Company will not place in the position that when It ft too late for them to retreca their ft may turn out neither machinery nor are for Mayor therefore reqneete all subscriber will without delay pay promised to Mr Town Co It ready to begin Operations and are only waiting to that all tit hi before Church Next Sun day Jit John Clarke Chicago Am una lecturer to preach At the hear who do net want to the have el the will crowded The a projoit1on to light out with the new lamp which I a giving grand at a recti en through oat the town Kihd clip following from the Pitta It mast certainly bo to to that the of district In have defeated of York dltUlct The of New market alt boner for being and will have our wlrhca in their for the lot if mediate The man who pays the benefit of cash and If ever buys article ho do man who buys on up debt that wreck man from whom bo buys fa tally town and is so many people from arc attract ed hero ayateo money circulation and one dollar do work of two or three where credit system That le rcaton our merchants toll goods to up compared with other placet Ohiy a Quarter During the paat wo hate added quite a number of now to our Hat- of people to their at a after have read It and very before they are through with It aud are loklbg at our offer of for the of the tray It pottage to them and all bother and would rather pay 7o- and have the pipir there art other that would like tod after see ing It In this light Are you one Football At an meeting held Model room on Friday the ache re fn Training a Club with following officer Pete Wet- President Mr A- Rowland Vice Fret Mr Alva Mr Waiter plain Mr Walter Managing Committee Meter Walker J and Alfred club will bo to cbal lenses by notifying Bcretary at ai Last Mr Vin en coo of King mar found one of Mi In field I Jo had reading therefore firet thing he did was to lie where bo found a quantity of animal bad watered from a that had not bean cleaned for year and hie were at once arooeed- sent for Vet Lloyd but It dlaeato bed gone too far and the died nest morning This confirms conclusion arrived at in reported week Dont believe all you hear but come and see for yourself White Blankets Yards Long for We keep no Shoddy Goods you can always rely upon what you get from us inch Black at worth are never sold out of what advertise All Wool Double Width Soxgo at inch Factory Cotton- All Wool and Extra Lots of Bargains in Eyery Department ABRUPT p of Fine Tweeds and TO FROM I I In Consequence of having altogether too much on hand hae decided to Lot Pikes it you JO and examine our goods and we will i All Good Cooks Use y hWa for Toronto hEitlilllon Itfo raoro col A Isaac P ibtctLid or llondiy and bid of MM baibtli tod Mid ixtX of torpid out to vhett fl good win I In I nod lWbw kind ol la That Kino Fir Con from tbe of am ftrreaUd Ihtbarn- Mr to King If to li of bit Whin buggy from and Yfbtro ft fi now and ho would gift to get any Curry to in Toronto Monday Pall The season the CUHofl li now conic ironed Ho far arranged are of oar particular la at London 13 to FALL i STOCK OF- North York Fair- It is only a two vt till Ijb New market lll held It Mm IHOple- to prepiu or ft your into ftnJ it lcV It I not to all down at ohm additional to had any up to rJaturday Oct tha that all xc4pt by Tickets can from Ilia Ho- or any of op to Heat of October which tho ii oo meets at Fair at on oclock tomorrow and Board Milling at oclock at Council to The The final meeting at the took place Id Barrio Tots day There wtk a large atteadeDC f and ardlcrs ho of hot only sold the winning to per Central at Ontario at Kail Northern at at York at at Button Whitchurch at at Bradford Oct 21 1 BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL CARRIAGE BUILDING PAPER TARRED FELT PITCH LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF GLASS IN TOWN PROP VK LEAD IN READYMIXED PAINTS in need of a Suit or call you from Three Dolls Thin i Way Wo Ave gelling Shem oo Suits for Suits for Suits for Suits for 15 Suits for Suits for Suits for Overcoats for 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Overcoats for Overcoats for 00 00 00 00 all our Come early and get New Kail Goods the pick of the stock at it 1 AT Irz Jobbing a i 10 ah W K 17 1H Ink Down Game Hun teivet tut Dint Moo Did Mn will itoo id Drop Hone tomorrow This lowered the to Gents a Loaf mealing Hit Monday Mayor and Cody ana Hunter- lb Alter Hoard la all cloicd for At but in at Set for tb factory bo told ftOtlOctobtrmak it Gatton tod ttclt Mayor and Council of titer ryiocitbe fidtojoy w an elevator to coat from to and Agistment by the Ton a Council igoe od of Mayor Newmarket is indeed holding ill tptrtiOij Hoe tifati tbo Crioktt fiacctiffol a match with and team badly left favor rum Whoa our men took bit vut In and e of IBS of pre from Aoltii- leg at oclock it inning Innings a bCotta Carta not a I Armstrong not out A bat for afc w but It tiptclcd girder wiHTurbrdatQ bit 00 at tad op felt piper BcttDllatetre lhat microbe tre larking in dollar iVebave for back we tfllliog to take the Aurora the roll at tht dace I Jack He la Toko aaaPfOrAViggnV big wind it be here to Wimter All lot a not 13 9f fihtttOD I pi Iff Caen u Field b out Kxtrtt not oat act oat nice U- The annual meeting of took place oa and election at Cody and Cor a Cue Mm rfA of Railroad J Ura Journal Jack eon or Milt Temperance J J Penton fiud to extract from the report of Flower ttd relief work cf during past year will of pail to iuttrttt it to nolo that the Society did not find and dittrcitin Town year one though found plenty to do tmoog the por At re- toll of the Pound Offering held kit tor the distributed over SO barbel a of comprising let flour and tome meat the Society gave away polttou tod bread meat rhubarb canoed fruit eight of new and hand pair bltvketa carpel weals ud to together with to the tick with telle alio pagei of lUerttQre and over in money ful Spring the Industrial Home tad after tomperacce visit to shout three ago seven large two of gxtpes lea Quite a few Genera and over feO plclortl teit tuplocj of held tf year keeping the work of the The prticc for Ihslr of to relieve la cur the lick And lift op to City to fioantv ere bo mad for the he to a fa market Vced for CO Win The tocoQnlof Wooding of ttkiigrtkatein on for two and referred to Fired Water Com Council want into to presented behalf of Office Co all the Company for 10 years except school Fret water to drinking tnd fira from the to tonntotions widt to by torpor mill it Timothy before 1st tad repair during the ta Hit time that said Company lo the will to Cotipany quire tent and to at- here partbaiicg in Wedding Cakes in all the and on shorten notice wcok sent one beyond Bradford No wonder people come from of the The liecauso make Good reasonable prices Pounds IT IS A GRAPES VERY CHEAP A ROBERTSON Leading Grocer and Confectioner LUNDY s MAIN ST 10 HURON ST Prices hare dwindled the nexitoncthing point Genuine honest examples of profits thrown If you are interested in moneysaving for things you need note these prices AUTUMN REQUIREMENTS IN Pure Spices of the finet purity ground or whole and can furnish every snide mentioned in any of ibe latest pickling That indespensible commodity Vinegar we can give you of the full strength of Cider and White Wine Our White Sugar is the Genuine Montreal Standard Granulated proved by analysis to oy per cent Cane Our Tea Trade is Young Hyson and Japan ibe India Wend large proportions in India Congou ii pounds of Japan for captures at cents equals any 50 cent Package Tea in the market We give you Tea instead of package DAVISON Best Family Flour Hi for Rolled a Windsor Sail acts for Cheese only lb Powder Glass lb Bos Soda for for ace ace I Finest Canred Salmon only Aberdeen Weiring for ice Extra Quality Shirts foe j Heavy Toelling only yd Good wide Flannelette only yd our Dais Goods froi yd id I 1 I It 1 to fl but cow niicat to otic Mr tilt iiOQ ran for till ftffiltioltha Hex my Hi luitQ to be viiU cover to ibta bit do not to here all bundle tor mofo llio ho Wit r to do iiia ia led lit or itnl A to MtbOtlu it parcel correal Coaocil Specif Bargains in Hose and You should see Price will interest you forget the places for real Bargains Main St and Huron St- a S3 Sept Herbert a football jo Agricultural when lie col lided plifr right leg broken near the the a very serious taking two doctors tbM to act CHOPPING old UK Rock Bottom Prices a DRIVER ait A It ON tU P SMS Va to ito U fctwi J HORSES hit J If- Held licet- Kill lJto Hotels kit IT I i or upon A PEOPLE QCTFAOQEDOUT a HEALTH L arrival of and Winter Goods suitable for all classes of people Something for tall and the short the fat and the lean the crooked and the straight for the rich and the poor Call early and have your choice Next to Jev JJie MY TAILOR NEWMARKET DEPOT AND BARGAIN- China Glassware W STARR- j

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