Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Sep 1895, p. 1

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GEO JACKSON NORTH TOP I AND ADVERTISER Kaffir with ttiJtlCAli No papers sent outside of North York unless in advance la VolWV Single Copies Ccnls Each Newmarket Friday Sept 20 vy CAPITAL hud sir SI on DRAFTS ISSUED fc v f 7- It AH J itomiarow f It o I- Terms Strictly in Advance I within mos of Of Stows now in 1 If To of Sin liV- J WOODCOCK jo Main giving the beat of is faction The Happy Thought PROF 1 llOCJf f ill Co Mi a a it A tt ft lb County f A J 11 toe If I lJarM4C QtUKIIyAciUAit I A -r- A VJtAHU If for Yet c Co Mill litter DUNCAN I York rf r lliiluy A iftOTtilill IjcIci Hi WOOD Main j Mid J AIM A A for of fcop FIRE of JiuXo Ave LIFE CO CANADIAN COMPANY CAPITAL AND DOLLARS over J AU Standard 1 BONUS YEAR If for Eta iiKftjHA Chant on the were together in liulc groups on one calm evening enjoying to the utmost panorama of beauty that them The Southern shone out with all Ms celebrated The moon east her bright Into the glassy where eccmed to be another moon trying vain outshine iti rival So It with the entire cacti little planet had Its rioubfc up out of the ocean beneath our gallant ship appeared to be ailing a of A- the were a number Soon everything was ready and as I Into one of the I looked around for but could rec him nowhere calling brought no answer so turning back I to find out if any accident had be- fallen him though the boat should leive roc on the After searching for about five or ten minutes I found him tying among a lot of fallen timbers one actually lying acron his legs which with a great deal of pulling and straining I got off He was quite had ap parently been so for hours Getting come water bathed his face with it but it was some time before he came to It was with intense relief that I at last saw his eyes open Well fellow how did this Work a Specialty A MRS if SIMPSON Main uti MA NO la T tt A fcir0f In Culler iuSh Violtc to W Hi La III BOOTS AND SHOES have taken a Advance in Prices but you arc able your Boots and Shoes at the Old Prices at JL J JKD A SCHOOI hvrno ho of Tburw1i pctt0D nil All Conifnorcial Subjects ShortHand TypeWriting full lfl Vocal Music AND As had a Stock when the Advance in Prices took place so it enables me to Sell to my many Customers at the Low All Tan Goods we are offering at Cost in order to clear hem out NOW IS YOUR TIME SIGN BOOT c THE LEADING J TOOLS TERMS An truDuitOU apply to Toronto VAKZAiT peJeur Vtlr4ry And All ill IftJtLtJ I I j job nl iny Oft 11 t tcriai yon OIKS VAKNISHliS GLASS AND to or If you any kind of Jon- vlira work and ran at the you order Our Kornptiicss is pro- verb IUiry AND DASH CHURNS CANADIAN WINDOW CORNICE POLES RAKES MORS FORKS AND SHOVELS IT-NCI- AND ALL KINDS OF J A W ALLAN I v I for Telephone No MAIN STREET IC5 Jacks for Hire- you IM HUT AND TAKE YOUHt CHOICE IT WIIX COST YOU NOTHING TO PRETTIEST AND BEST STOCK OP STOVE MOUTH OF TORONTO GALL TO IB TO BUY WM CO MAIN ST SOUTH No Other SO THOROUGH St tat jit of a Known Doctor No Li- I fa 1BUioolj I 1 MAI CO SOMERVIILK- 1ST FINEST TURNOUT l VrltKOSjJUVKHV I All iiUf PRIVATE MONEYS i-rs- iv i direct I Weill toes OF flesh weakening- You cannot Af ford to fait below your healthy weight If you will take Scotts Emulsion of Codliver OH with of Lime and Soda when your friends first tell you you arc getting thin you will restore your healthy weight and may thereby prevent serious illness Persons have been known to gain a a day by taking an ounce a clay of Scotts This but it is absolutely Lint fftxztJ but inch a feel like bugging of young people who on this par ticular evening in a little knot by themselves villi ihc enthusiasm of llieic age every variety of the scene before- Harold Raymond a fellow of sixteen interrupting a wouldnt It be jolly to come in sight an is land now a real cannibal island I just like to have a fight with niggers tonight ft so tiresome being on lliis old ship so long I fear you would get the worst of it boy his sister Mildred smiling and find yourself in one of those celebrated ovens alive Roasting dead you mean put in another girl It is not likely I would enjoy that very well said Harold laughing with ihc rest but really I am perfectly sick of this monotony with nothing to but water and sky from one days end to another A fight with savages not improve matters much said Mildred I have an idea though let us get some one to tell us a routing euro story Just the thing cried Harold What is all this none a jovial voice from behind Turning quickly they taw the cap tain approaching accompanied by a larc man apparently in the very prime of life He was dressed in the of a minister and possessed kindly dignified bear ing which called forth such love and respect from all who knew him He had left his island home in mid to try what the healthy climate of Canada would do for his delicate sweet faced wife but he was not very hopeful of success for he well knew it was no bodily disease which was gradually sapping her very life a ay When the medical missionary and his wife with their little fouryear old ton first stepped on board a many admiring eyes were cast to Mildred Raymond lake hers off them Harold she said with arent a I isnt he handsome a dearer little than plenty smaller said Harold You beauty I just him My dear sister wait till he is in one of his little tempers and you will feel more like shaking him With this Harold walked off laugh ing Rut Mildreds first impression of the new passengers did not alter She became extremely fond of theoi all but there was something es pecially fascinating 10 her about the lady who always appeared pleas ant and yet Mildred often caught a sad expression cross her face the could not understand But must return to the group of young people Oh Dr Irvington said Mildred when she saw who it was had in terrupted them I believe you are the very person we want State your desires the doc tor accepting the teat offered Please tell us about some of your adventures on the sea I am certain you have had some- You have given a task said the for I have gone through very few adventures and those I fear you not find very interesting Yes Doctor lets leave it put in You may as well at once said the captain alio taking a seat for I can easily sec there will be no more peace on board until you do Dr Irvington sat thinking a mo ment then with a smile well or a peaceful life I will begin my fust vovage to sea Having just completed rny medi cal course and wishing very much to see some ether parts the world out side my country I accepted the position of surgeon on board the which was about start on a voyage around the world The fust two months on board I enjoyed splendidly nearly all that time the remained fine and the ship sailed steadily on with little or no de lay There were about a down passen gers on board and I became quite in timately acquainted with atveraL One of them was a young fellow named Harry Simpson we teemed to ate to each other from he firth and toon became fait friends When we got a certain group of islands the weather suddenly A terrific storm arose and as the was anything but sea worthy the sailors little hope from the beginning of savins her All that dreadful storm raged every fresh blast adding des truction to ihe illfated retsel Just breaking we a tre mendous shock Sod the ship stem item A coral rock exclaimed the cap- He pished into the hold and the water rising so rapidly that ffort 10 the ship jj id prove the 1xit were fciuSV1 bands helped to load What he looking around in bewilderment You being nearly half dead I answered Oh I now said he I ashamed to stand around doing nothing when everyone else was working and was on the way to offer service lo the captain when One of these abominable old timbers fell across lejcs Are they both brok en It is lo be hoped not I re plied After an examination I found lhat one was broken and the other badly bruised fortunately the timber that had struck them was not of a great sire or poor Harry would lost both legs if not his life I at once set to work to doctor and do all that was possible to ease his suffering Of course by this lime all the boats were out of sight and we were left to our fate but somehow I did not have much fear The water seemed to have al most stopped riung so fresh hope was instilled into my spirits Well the had been abating ever since the boat had left us soon ceased altogether and the sea as glass After seeing lhat my friend was as comfortable as circumstances would permit I set trying to manufacture a raft for we could not remain where we were long as the ship was still though slowly filling with water working away in good earnest I had a substantial raft made before sunset but we both decided not to leave the wreck till morning I launched it and put as pro visions on as thought safe to carry so as not to have any delay when once the sun arose We both had a pretty good nights rest in spite of all unpleasant circumstances and awoke greatly refreshed it was rather difficult to get Harry on the raft but I managed it somehow so just as the sun appeared above the horizon we commenced our perilous voyage I suppose said the doctor look ing around at young audience with one of his smiles you expect to hear how we remained in this way for weeks floating alone with the current and at last being picked up by a vessel but I have a belter account to give than that It was only the next day that we sighted land No one but those who have gone through the same expe rience could imagine our feelings of mingled relief and anxiety as we gradually drew near the beautiful Island- It was one of those of the ocean one so often reads about The first objects we could linguist were hills with a delicate shading of deep green presently the wen shading look the form of Irees fust tall graceful palms with ihcir of feathery foliage on the top then trees of small growth but as we drew neater my eye caught some was not a tree What do you think it was ask ed Ihe doctor pausing Perhaps a temple said one of the A church spite said the doctor What a feeling of gladness came over me when I that symbol of peace which put all doubt of a cordial welcome out off my head I turned to my friend and Harry I we wont be eaten by savages anyway He looked in the direction I pointed and gave a faint smile Poor fellow he was still suffering dreadfully I think one more day would have settled him At last we were near enough to native houses nestling among luxuriant foliage and soon I saw a party of natives get into a canoe They saw us for they came straight in our direction When they reached the raft a cou ple of them lifted Harry tenderly into the canoe and after I had stepped in they paddled back to land There we were welcomed by the kind missionary who stood on the shore awaiting our arrival A rough litier was soon made by the handy natives for Harry and we all marched to the missionarys house where bis comely wife received us in her hearty motherly way She relieved me of a great load by at once taking Harry hand as I felt certain he would soon tinder her Mr was the name urged me to take some food but at my request he showed me an apartment where I could refresh myself with a bath and then take some much needed rest for neither nor I had slept any since leaviog the wreck It was broad daylight next morning before I awoke Mis Hatty had left me a suit her husbands clothes in place of my own which were so filled with sea brine that they were not fit to wear till thoroughly I found to my that the good missionarys clothes were anything but urge enough for me pants reached only to my boot- tops ihe about halfway between my elbow and So you may Imagine I felt rather m lo fast room What was ray astonish- j and dismay to tec a beautiful young girl standing putting the finish ing touches to the arrangcmenti very meal She looked up on hearing me enter end intlantiy her face became convulsed with sup pressed amusement a smile quivered on her pretty lips and could easily sec she found it hard to keep from laughing id my face but natural good soon came to her assistance to first thing I knew there was a soft lillle hand In mine and In the sweetest of voices see introduced her self as Mr eldest daughter Irene Jus then Mr and Mrs en tered followed by their second daughter She also was very good looking but I never could make up my mind that she was as beautiful as Irene though when I was discussing the question with Harry come lime afterwards he stoutly affirmed that Irene couldnt hold a candle to her We KOt through breakfast more pleasantly than I at first thought and as we arose from the table Mr offered to show me around Ihe island I instinctively looked down at my clothes then at who a broad smile on his face My dear fellow he said dont let that prevent you Believe me the population of this will greatly admire your appearance both laughed heartily at this and soon started on our tour of in spection spending a very enjoyable morning of it Well you will all be getting tired if I dont bring this story to a close pretty soon spent about two months our kind friends Harry gradually recovered under the care of Mra Harvey and got to be such great friends with the Missionarys daughter lhat before we left the island they had with the ap proval of all determined to be com panions for life and at the end of two years he returned claim his own As for myself concluded the doctor when became possessed ol rny clothes I tried to be as to Irene as I had been so unpleasantly and I think with some success for our determination was similar to and Fannys therefore I ac companied Harry back to the Island to claim my own so Mr gave away both daughters in one day but instead of taking my little wife home to Canada I remained to help with his missionary work and have continued a Medical Missionary ever since Hasnt Mrs had some great trouble since then asked Mildred Yes a terrible sorrow has over taken us since that lime About five years after our I was called home to Canada on urgent business and as the length of my lay was un certain took my wife and daughter with me The latter was a little creature just our age and like all young pat ents we fairly worshipped her Well we boarded a ship and started on voyage to my native land It was very pleasant sailing the first week or two but at the end of lhat time bid weather set in and for several days our splendid vessel was jo beaten about that at last it became a com plete wreck and were compelled to take to boats at midnight I saw that my little girl and her negro was safely on board one of the boats and then turned to help my wife in also who I thought was standing near but she had vanished Running back to cur cabin I found her with the saving propen sities of her sex gathering to gether some of our most valuable property I felt as if I must save some of clothing she said apolo getically We hurried back but when we got on deck the boat was gone 1 No one could tell how it had happened unless it bad been swept away with the wind My poor wife was almost distracted with We bad to get into an other boat and were fortunately soon picked up by a passing vessel at last arriving safely in Canada But the other boat was never heard of though we have spent a small fortune in try ing lo find out what became of it- My wife you can see has never re- corered from the shock and I fear never will The doctor ceased speaking and there was a pause Suddenly the captain started as if struck with a new ideal What was the name of the ship he asked quickly The was the answer Ah I thought as much Doctor ibere was a brother of mine on that lost boat We were the left of our family so you may imagine what we were to each other Charlie was always hankering to be a mission ary but as he was yet so young I ad vised him to remain for a while in his old position as sailor on board and he did to at the cost his life You may be sure I tried in every way to find out what became of the illfated boat but I could get no satisfaction till a couple of years ago when I was fortunate enough to meet the only man that could give me any information about it He told me be had been one of that boat load and how after a week of suflcring on the open tea ihey had landed on a lonely island which was scarcely ever visited by a hip Poor creatures most of Ibem would have fated better on the ocean for all but three were killed This man was one of the three He man- aged to hide on the island till he got chance of escaping in boat Never missed him interrupted doctor about the other two rust iff HOOT lUllfiir iWJ Mid cent lb8crii9a tiles 55 ell 10 tell It KESWICK The many friends of John Esq will be pleased hear that he has so far recovered from his recent illness as lo be able to lake a drive Sunday last Hi daughter Mrs Peters from Michigan who has been here for the past two or three weeks returned home on Monday Mrs Isaac Matnit went to Toronto on Wednsday to consult a specialist on throat troubles she had a cancer removed from her throat last March and it is troubling her again The of ihe Methodist church and the fence in front of church is receiving a thorough paint ing it improving general appearance wonderfully Brooks has the contract and is making a good of it Rev Dr Young of Toronto who is a guest of Rev Mr Addison just now occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church here on Sunday evening and preached an eloquent sermon from the text Beloved now are we the eons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like Him for we shall him as he is We had the heaviest rain and hail storm on Saturday there has been here this summer Mr J Davis of spent Sunday with friends here Also Mr and Mrs Hiram from near Sharon Mr and Mrs Martin were visit ing friends near ibii week Mr and Mrs Griffith of Wilfred were up to tee her father Mr John on Sunday AURORA Messrs Walker Son just a this place purchased the milk business from Messrs Geo Russell Son Mr Amos Lloyd and family left here for Buffalo on Wednesday where they intend taking up their residence in future The contract for Smith Bros store house at station has been let The building is to be rS feet higher and wit hold when filled about bushels of grain The job will bo rushed through to completion by the in St A from the taih Rait Hand waited on Bandmaster and his wife one evening last week and presented them with a handsome silver urn as a gift from the Band in commemoration of anni versary The urn bore the following inscription From Battalion Band August On Monday afternoon Constables and arrested a young man by the name of Mole at his mothers residence on the con of Whitchurch who had became insane and vety violent From what we can learn it appears he had been working in the States and came last Sometime in May he be gan to be somewhat deranged which grew worse unlit he became very vio lent and dangerous On Sunday evening he threw a lighted lamp at bis mother which fortunately did not hit her and then put whole family out of doors and locked them out On Monday as stated above Consta bles and were sent for and after considerable trouble suc ceeded in arresting him and brought him here and took him to Toronto to jail on the evening train He will be brought before one of judges and the asylum It is a very sad case indeed Banner ROACHS POINT Rev C Bell who owing to in creasing health is about to sever his pastor age of Christs Church Roachs Point was on Monday made the recipient of the following ad dress bearing thereby nine signature and accompanied by a handsome The visitors at Roachs Point and Point desire to express to Mr Bell Iheir deed gratitude for many services in Christs Church he has put it in their power to attend during the summer months More particularly they have appreciated his kindness in the frequent celebra tions of the Hoy Communion They unite in the earnest hope that his health and strength may benefit by rest and change and Ihey assure Mr Bell that he takes their heartfelt prayers and good wishes Such tokens as these apart from their intrinsic value are calculated to glad den a pastors heart and it is a pity that such cheering words arc not more frequently given to pastors in all denominations- During Mr Bells twelve pears here he has made many warm friends who will see his departure with deep regret The contract foe opening up clearing lots and from travelled toad to the waters edge was on Wednesday let to Wheeler and at per rodthe roid to be cleared lo a width of feel Work has began upon the cellar and foundation for Mr Connolly cottage on the take shore Hope will soon follow Mrs Hillary who has been on a visit to her in the North west reached here last week on her way home She will remain a few data at the Point The usual exodus from Point may be looked next week The unusually hot weather is templing he cottagers to remain and with present scarcity of good water in city they do well to give way to llie taken off on J sin COB County tax sale will be held in on the day December Rev Crossleyand Hunter commenced evangelistic services last Sunday Abram of bad a which disemboweled itself by trying to Jump over a slump Cows and horses pasture it the main street in Weston according to the Tints Business must very brisk Some young people marry in haste have to hustle so for living lhat they have no leisure which Hamilton detective have dis covered a plant operated by where lead pipe supposed to be stolen was melted down for sale ibat British- German steamship syndicate is 01 ru ing and that rates for all classes of transatlantic business will be increas ed Bant had two Saturday at Metal Roofing Works and Perkins had his smashed tbc tame day A twoyearold son of Mr Martin near Centre was killed in a cornfield by a reaping machine which took on both his legs George of was fined and costs or in jail the other day for procuring liquor for a prohibited person He took the days By a vote of six to one town of Woodstock has de cided to reduce the Town Council from ten 10 six and abolished elec tions by wards The P are now build- a bridge feet long at to connect their main line with ihc branch line up to the head of Lake Rev J MalMt and George Ctozier were Muck shooting at boat upset and but for timely assistance Ihey would have been drowned The Citizens more or less excited over mc return of the cattle trouble was so prevalent last summer Fry milch cows have been stricken til If every nun who takes a policy on his it up life in surance wouM be twice as lrgh as it is The men who pay a years and drop out arc the source of profit to the companies In it has been found that burn as well as the best coal and give out more- heat in to weight The stones taken out of he fruit that is tinned or dried arc collected and sold at the rate of ton J Robinson who two two months ago was convicted of stealing hams from a Peel farmer and who was ten in order to give to look up his record was sentenced by Judge Morgan to four months imprison ment in the Central in addi- scent Sir Mackenzie left on for the cut to the time he has already in the county jail Sep A cyclone and electric storm last night did much damage here I of trees were levelled chimneys knocked down windows smashed aid telephone and telegraph wire lorn fro iheir fastenings The storm began at oclock and lasted half an hour Clydes house in Jeokinsstuet newly built and occupied de molished One lady was slightly in jured The car works buildings were much shattered while cars were wrecked- The loss is The cotton mill is badly damaged and the repairs will require Twenty- five feel of roof was doubled roof then crashed into ihe ram wrecking six and spindles The water pipe burs flooding the mill lor some weeks employes will be out of work Scores of barns and houses in the country were unroofed wbiU walks trees fencesandoutbuildinjs city and country ripped up and the various parts scattered for miles around Many streets with fallen trees Oot Sept Via thousand people saw the fire the carnage and buildings at the Western this evening The fire about in the poultry shed and before the firemen arrived was a mass of flames Fortunately it was empty the exhibits being due to arrive on Monday The fire quickly communicated to the carriage build ing adjoining which was with fine vehicles in readiness for the opening of the exhibition lomouow These were all removed without in jury The buildings were reduce- to ashes They were of frame and valued each The Is covered by A meeting of the fair directors was held on Ihe grounds directly after the fire and Other quarters for the carriage poultry exhibits were immediately provided to that ill suffer Hide inconvenience The Toronto Fair Board will be asked for the loan of coops The origin of fire is unknown but it is generally ascribed to light wires SUlttftVttjHHT UY I it lit P a or els Com Oat fc f

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