ft- a t sppp -V- rf v Xttfa fl MBRBT7 TO JS5 J if- UBIETY W Friday Morning LYMAN GEO JACKSON AT PRINTING HOUSE REACHED And SUBSCRIBERS the ppJfctlAa ONTARIO CAPITAL Stf it Newmarket NORTH YORK INTELLIGENC AND ADVERTISED North York paid in A on DRAFTS ISSUED 1 it T Vol 51 Single Copies Cents Each J- iVIDDIFlELD WOODCOCK- tor to W- TO Or more u FOR VERY LITTLE MONEY We will clear out our Coal Store Stock Cost and if frill accept Monthly of agreed upon are a few of the Bargains Cook ith wanning closet 10 it it good new Ont Friday Jan Terms Strictly in Advance J within or at end of year UMi to jiasaA8Hisis Is eresaChanc MX Double Heater the above List ate Second- Hand but fitted up in Mis king order and get for new Stores They will A BINN TO 52 MAIN you It fipricJw A I A TERRY Air far 1 UCTIONCeil or Co- I n S3 filler MOCORMIOK No 94 Main Street of KM on re ft bio CO- This week invite you to call and insert Ihe have to offer you before selecting FALL SUIT OR OVERGOAT It is for our mutual benefit that we advise you to blow Do not be by the of Venders of Wear Clothing but take a look at our prices and that a guarantee of Durability and Workmanship goes with All Wool Pants to order J Suits it Overcoats These price were never heard of before in the Tailoring lrde and the Selection we have to offer yon not surpassed in the County of York E MCCORMICK MOST REMEDY JO MAN OH KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE ftHPftlu Toa fa ftna KERDJkLLS SPAVIN CURE I MANNING SON sun BOLTON HEWITT A l pried t tiooth THE PLACE FOR An the it I lo I OAK The From Ihc Scotts Pharmacy The Leading Drug Store A itiicft If Fa nd At hope mlod fcllart Wo for ftomtlhing 01 faith or rare war ftWfty or when or whin ftoafM Can it bo found fa of meat In ftomfl flqOMtcrftd Can I Or Id ftoond In iatdlocluftl Cin found I of men of Or we ftk question Upon lhtc CO tight to In a ftftrcb ftJ I of hope of future both tore and As an ftucbor of ftortl That roiuev to for Ami it by veil It A Veil ofrUand It in at aoy momcot within We barn Id the living till he Of To light As lit in oar fore and Kn Well follow wo Jlii Sqra and So foil of Of to Of foil Soon oil open And wo ftball ftnler To wear the crown of victory And oar glorious King A- IN r t SOMERVHXE 117 Mala V WOOITEN DRY GOODS CLOTHING BOOTS SHOES Success in Life Oft thorough luiUo latifon lo ho at HARRISON BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE YON DC tt Heed for their is- OR THE FINEST TURNOUT VKltKOSdLIVKHY J J A- TO AT T J House Corner Store nearly opposite the House I Aftnf Old MalP A- A jNSURASCK for of Norwich llvjiil Klf AH l5w Firm Tow A FIRE INSURANCE NEWMARKET BfrOK AND NEWS DEPOT VASE A NT Of 12 jNn la j id will I tfCrcalJ of fit Aurora fiiONEV TO ftftcoiltj DAVID LLOYD tor ArtMatlU of lift c- for follow or ftcd Kan Mrs Hodges a tall slender girl came hurriedly the Jttingroom wait a minute I have letter here your Aunt Fanny and Oh veil interrupted Nan time to hear what she says now Im in a dreadful hurry Ive got my room all torn up and I want to put in order before school time You can read it to me just as well 1 dear youd better and hear it now her mother gently for she says she is coming to spend some weeks with us I am sorry but that means Ob horrors mamma I know what that means It means to give up my pretty room to her and go in with Katie I do wish we could have a house with a spire room in it and not nuke me move all Aver the house whenever anybody comes Its perfectly dreadful know dear it is necessary But you remember you took the spare room on condition that you would willingly vieald it whenever it was needed for guests Surely you can Ret along very nicely Katie for a few weeks but mamma you dont know how I hate it I She takes a dolls to bed and tumbles around nights and pulls the covers every way I Its just horrid And with A and a frown Nan flounced angrily out of the room Mamma id little Katie who had been a silent listener to the con versation will Aunt Fanny stay School is feeling vrry much hurt She took such pains to do up your cambric dress just as you wanted it and when you passed through the kitchen I yesterday and saw it on the ban you said never could wear it in the world it was entirely too Oh nonesonse mammal She ought not to mind a thing like that I know shes dreadfully touchy but she ought to know me well enough by this It just my quick way of speaking and the dress was all right after all The old goose I didnt mean to hurt her feelings but Ill go down and make it all right with her Mrs Hodges sighed as Nannie left the room saying to her sister I do with Fannie that was not impulsive She makes a deal of trouble both for herself arm others Still she does toot mean any thing by it for she has really a warm it is only her way That evening Nan came in the twilight tu her room Aunt Fannie it is too dark to study and just right for a little chat I Just wishing for you dew the reply Your mother and I out driving dawn by Long Pond and I brought home some for you to anaty Aunt Fannie How kind I Where arc Nan exclaimed eagerly or just now she was much interested in botany Over here on the table dear and I think they should be put at once into water as they must be somewhat willed went quickly to the table where the dim light could dis cern the heap of leaMi and Grasping them impulsively with both hands to carry them to her room she suddenly threw them from her and rubbing her hands together ex claimed angrily For mercys sake Why what arc they My hands burn lite fire Oh Im sorry dear said Aunt Fannie gently but mind They are nettles and that it just a way they have They are a ustful plant in many ways and you must not mind it if they do sting you a little They dont nion to hurt you Nannie it is only their way Nans chcelci lushed hotly but she bit her lip and silently slipping the neltles on a paper carried them to the room After putting thsm in water she stood a few minutes by the window half vexed with the pain in her hands but feeling a still sharp er pain in her heart Suddenly she felt herself folded cloiely in two lov ing arms while a tender softly said Was the lesson too severe dear With quickly filling eyes Nannie turned to her saying O Aunt Fannie I Do you think I am lke the nettle Do you mean that In the gathering twilight they sat down together for a long and earnest talk in the course of which Nans way looked more hateful to herself than it could have seemed to anyone else just before they sepa rated Nan said earnestly Somebody once said of somebody that her ways were ways of and her paths were peace I think that was lovely Yes dear her aunt strok ing the fair head as it lay on her shoulder Solomon said It of Wis dom and many hive found t to be true know said Nan catching the tai Us STRANGE Miss has been reengigel as teacher in the Public School here A Urge number of young people went over to Archibalds pood on New Years Day and faad a good time On New Years evening the ladies of St Andrews held a sur prise iarty at the Manse present ed the pastor Rev Dr Carmichael with a heather and gown accompan ied by a flattering address The party numbered about and a sumptuous repast furnished by friends the evening was spent in social converse and uic was fur nished by Wesley Church choir A very pleasant evening was spent SUTTON Two new halters and a were stolen from a cutter at the Mansion House shed Men are employed keeping the ice free of snow so as to commence as soon as possible The voting for school trustees re sulted as McDonald Treloar53 Daley P Mc- P Cole and A Kemp 1 TSI SPOILED THIS SHARON The Tree and Concert given under the ausfrtedpf the of England Suodiy School quite a success Rev Mr Gardner occupied the pulpit of the Methodist Cbutch Sun day evening last and delivered a very able discourse- The officers of the Sons of Temper ance fox January quarter were elected last Saturday night The Division is in a flourishing condition was held at on Friday last George Weil was ar raigned before Mr Justice Armstrong on the charge of stealing a number of hogs Mr of Holland Landing on the September last The accused was committed to jail to his trial at neat assises and was immediately removed to the lockup in On Saturday morn ing Chief Jennings of left for the County jail having the prison er in charge It is thought others are implicated in the case any if so we trim they will be speedily brought to justice Leader AURORA had a disastrous fire Thursday morning Haifa deaths occurred in last week from diphtheria Miss Armstrong was kilted at Almonte by jumping of a moving train Bradford Council is offering a reward of aoo for the conviction of the firebug in that village A valuable colt belonging to Mr Stibbs Bradford died it is supposed from eating cabbage The cattle sheds at the Baltic Agricultural Park came near up in smoke through and iicendiary blare According to the Ex a County of Refuge going to be built a private repar ation limes are hard that many men are their mustaches off so that can smoke their cigars shorter Turkey wants the other pow ers to induce England and Russia to moderate their demands in to Armenia The year has passed out for ever and left many desolate homes So many of the old tried and true friends have pissed away to their Heavenly Homes yet with all the trials of from our dear ones we fully believe all were ready for the change and call of their Father Himself- We had the pleasure of listening to- Rev former pastor of the Methodist Church here his dis course from the word Ibou considered my servant Job It was one of most practical and earnest sermons we have heard for some lime- A more such should bring alltoaclearsenseofourduty to our Creator and neighbors Winter is on once more and nr u ETA number of swept nor cleaned It is a most catlIe agreeable to wade through commoners this summer cannot find mow from one gate to another Sure we should have clean sidewalks Some ore faithful in the but more are Please this in mind Id the future AN D Ik of of Ate CANADA LIFE CO n I W N STARR Central Telephone AND 10000000 DOLLARS ho lift J Standard LifeftisuranceCo ItKUKl Insuring the Lives of Females INBUItKH WOYH AND At low J r m tm m NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS MONUMENTSani had STONES Canadian and and A At rlvt HUNT A AtJTKf0 ALLAN Cor J I Photos I Photos I MRS II SIMtSOi Main- PIANO IWU W in I nil Kavtathoc OnU MR CONCERT ptftMlo in PEPPIATT lfct Mr Sick Headache CURED BY TAXINO Pills I ft long tick rcouaratbfr llW I Began taking Pills A of feed I vn well He Modal World Fair is Ad The incessant viisting con sumptive can only overcome by a powerful concent fa ted nourish ment like Scotts If this wasting system supplied with strength to combat the disease there Is hope of recovery Scotts lXoftrt to LEAD to work to till to rp la J J will rot Rood MlfkVOf but 1arrlituo of CodHvcr Oil with ryiduifc docs more to cure Con- jSaiiotC sumption than any other known remedy It Is for all of Throat nd chills and long I dont know Why dfar ask ed the mother smiling he sober face lifted to her why mamma it imt nice at all when Nannie rooms me- She throws ray doilies out of and roe so Yes dear I understand but you musnt it Katie Nannie docs not mean to you it is only her ay That noon Nannie came to the table with a clouded brow ate her dinner in silence and after the meal was ended went up to her room where they could bear her cloict door angrily opened and closed and bureau drawers drawn noisily out and in with a bang Her mother sighed but knowing the fit of ill humor would be over all the sooner if no one interfered let her work it oft alone The next day Aunt Fanny came and from the moment of her arrival Nannie was the devoted admirer of thia sweetfaced woman with gentle voice and quiet manner It was lovely to be sweet and gentle and for several days Nans abrupt movements were held decidedly In check while the quick words and fretful tone usually so ready In re sponse to annoyance were seldom heard one day all went wrong It was rainy and cold for one which always made Nan cross Then she was late to breakfast and finding the coffee and the cold first scolded the girl then she spoke angrily to Katie was Impertinent to her and ended by rushing off to school in the worst After that nothing to go smoothly and matters fell back Into the old way until certainly Jennie Clark right and nobody In her senses would hate thought of calling her sweet Yet under all the fret- fulness was hidden a loving heart whirh expressed itself often In many ways She was so truly kind and thoughtful that had come to overlook the crossness and it as Nans way But Aunt Fannie saw with much surprise and anxiety how this habit of illtemper had grown upon girl until it bade fair to mala and everyone about her uncorofort- hand and playfully kissing it but since then somebody said it of you Aunt Tannic and many have found it true If I thought that by trying ever so hard years from now people would say that of me I Aunt Fannie you must help for it will be dreadfully lard but will try for I mean to begin a new way from this vary The The ball which was given by young people of Aurora on New Years night was a grand success Mr Paul constable and auctioneer has also opened out a store ia the Andrews block street and is running a grocery busi ness Mr G A Garrett has purchased the bakery and confectionery business lately carried on by Mr John Pratt in the Stevenson block and will continue the business in the old stand Mr York our leading druggist received most valuable mat box in town being presented by hit wife with a sweat little daughter We extend our congratulations The many friends of Mr York will be pleased to learn that he haa recovered from his recent acci dent sufficiently to be out Ho is however compelled to crutches and probably will for some time yet- Two or three weeks ago some per son took from the Mr Geo Stewart while the owner was in bed The strange part of it is that 130 of it has been returned with a note to pay the bal ance Evidently there is a nigger in the fence somewhere On Tuesday New Yeats Day the annual teameeting In con nection with the Methodist Church was held lea being served in the lecture and an entertainment consisting of addresses by Rev Jim of East Toronto and of and music by the Newmarket Methodist choir and orchestra Those present a pleasant evening inner finyiniore My engineer was a grayhaired thickset man of fifty quiet unobtru sive and deeply in love with his beau tiful machine He had formerly run a locomotive and now took a station ary engine because he could get no employment on railroads A long talk with the superintendent of the road from which he had been re moved only one fault in the mans pail life be loved strong He said informant a well posted on steam as any man on the road He worked up from train boy to fireman from fireman to United States will pto bably build two and perhaps three large battleships at once to cost each The Annual Meeting of the Liberal Conservative Association will be held in Hall on Jan a and at oclock Sunday while skating on the bay at seven young fellows went through the ice and got a cold duck All rescued A girl years of age daught er of Mr was carrying her younger sister across the street when she tumbled and fell and broke the bone of one of I her thighs Farmer of Gwillimbury died intestate worth ol which is in land He left seven children two gineer has rendered u valuable ser vices has saved many lives by his of whom Joseph and John petition UN TON One roon Mrs Hodges came the sittingroom In a very troubled voice Nannie wish you would go and apeak with A Animal with There is a queer little animal call ed he chameleon who has so many odd things about him that he would take a story to tell them all First there arc bis eyes They are very and round and slick out like big bead from the side of bis head And he has the ability to turn them in all sorts of different ways so as to see all about him- He can turn one up and the other down or one forward and the back and so see the smallest insect in any direction It cannot escape eves when the Is looking about fur a dinner The skin of the chameleon is loose he can swell it out into queer shapes and he has some peculiar properly of this skin whereby he can change it from one color lo another generally becoming the color of the tree or ground upon he is walking Then his feet are of a pecufar shape that he can easily hold on to the branches of the tree upon which he Is walking And In this business of climbing and walking on trees he Is much assisted by hit tail which is long and prehensile like a monkeys enabling him to hold on while he is climbing from branch to branch The chameleon has alio a queer tongue- It is nearly as long as his body thin find sticky Whenever he perceives a good or bug he darts out this long funny tongue and cap tures his dinner without urnlna the spot where he This strange animal lives In Africa For many years little was known about out on account of his odd traits and queer habits very curious stories were told about him In the olden times And the little fellow himself was regarded with an absurd awe just because nobody understood him Mrs J Harris of Rkhmood Hill supped on the Mr James Hall received a very severe injury by falling and crushing in hit ribs He is trustee of SS No The annual public school meeting ofSS No King was held on Dec There was a good attend ance The report of the auditor Mr Rob Stewart and Neil Campbell was lead and adopted Mr Daniel Stewart was elected trus tee- The meeting was quite har monious A social gathering of young people of Linton and was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Edwards on the evening of Dec A very pleas ant and profitable tiute was spent by participating In games conversation sinking etc One of the pleasant features of the evening was the absence of the card table and the flaunting of the ball room It is pleasing to note that all the best homes of the land are Inventing substitutes for those frivolous debas ing amusements which are o rife and so ruinous in the homes of the world ly Mr who has taught Id Linton school for the past three yean is going to continue his studies in Bradford High School Mist Kate has secured the school nur lately en trusted to the care of Miss Minnie Leonard who it engaged to teach at Milt for three yeara In the vicinity of Linton and conducted the school with credit to herself and gave satisfaction to all the sec lion It Is our sad duty to announce the death of Jane beloved wife Jajaei Simpson of Loch Erne on Sunday evening Jut aged years The deceased was taken suddenly ill a little over a week ago gradually grew worse until death relieved her suffering on Sunday The funeral took place Jan rit to the Presbyterian cemetery on the concession of quickness and bravery but he can not let liquor alone and for that reason we have discharged him In spite of this discouraging re port hired the man During the first week of his stay I passed through the engine room many limes a day in the course of my factory rounds but never found aught amiss The great machine ran as smoothly and quietly as if its beatings were set in velvet the steel crosshead the crankshaft the brass reflected the morn ing sun like mirrors no speck of dust found lodgement in the room In the fireroom the same order and neatness prevailed the steam gauges showed equal pressure the water- gauges were always just sight and by our daily report we knew wo were burning less coal than formerly The most critical inspection failed to find anything about either engine or boil ers that showed the faintest symptoms of neglect or carelessness Three weeks passed The man who had been recommended as good for five days work and then two days drunk had not swerved a hair from his duly The gossips were begin ning lo notice and comment upon the strange a flair I should like to speak with you a moment sir said he one morning as I passed through his sanctum Well John what I said drawing out my Cylin der oil all gone Its about he replied I motioned to proceed Thirtytwo years ago I drank my first glass of liquor said and for the past ten years up to the last month no week his passed out its Saturday night drunk Dur ing those years was not blind to the fact that appetite was getting a hold on me At times my the longing for stimulants were earnest My employers once orTvrcd a thousand dollars If I would not touch liquor for three months but tost it I tried all sorts of antidotes and all failed My died praying that I might be rescued yet my promises to her were broken within two days I signed pledges and joined societies but appetite was still my master My employers reasoned with discharged me forgave me but all to no elect I could not slop and I knew it When I came to work for you I did not ex pect to stay a week I was nearly done for but now and the old mans face lighted up with an un speakable joy- in this extremity when I was ready to plunge into hell for a glass of rum I found a sure remedy I I am saved from my appe tite I What your remedy The engineer took up an open Bible that lay face down on the windowledge and read The blood of Jesus Christ cleanse lb us from all sin An exchange says that a new bank check something like the Chin ese check is being discussed in banking circles the object being to do away with identification The check Is in two parts and one is sent to the bank on which It is to drawn If on presentation they correspond you get your dollars if not you get six months Beyond Comparison Are lhoodqQftlii6apouit4d by Hoods Above aU IS blood thus ihe the the entire eVjd IcjioreeB ift in a for administration K Queen Victorias footmen wear wigs which have eight rows of curls whereas those of the Prince of Wales are allowed seven rows and those of the Lord Mayor of London are allowed six only Why people will buy hods and take mortgages in the West with out looking at them seems an inex plicable mystery unless they ate of that class who when boys had luck in trading unseen The old House of Albany the scene of so many Nation al and State contests went up in and flame Monday night and nothing was left of it except the walls Many lives were lost- 1m on the building and contents about While Want near Col- was ladder in his barn with a lighted lantern in his hand the other day the ladder broke throwing him to the floor and breaking the lantern The result was that the barn and contents were de stroyed Insured for Creameries scattered over many parts of the east are making considerable change in the conditions of farming The dairy is becoming more and more important and poor farms are enriched by the presence of many The creameries buy milk the hundred pounds and farmers like the simplicity of this wholesale trade Meanwhile there is a constant interest in creamery prices Chicago Jan Carrying over his shoulders a gunny sack contain ing cartridges filled with dynamite and weighing pounds Janes George an employe at a stone quarry in western suburbs of the city stumbled and fell last night A fright ful explosion followed the shock of was felt a half mile away in either direction and the unfortunate horribly mangled and torn was hurled feet through the air Only of his body were recovered S5T Hugh Anderson of Craven- hurst met a very painful ac cident the other day while chopping in the woods some ao miles from Kails He cut his foot up Ihe instep and also the main cord of the big toe so that the too hung down without any support- He bad to bo taken about two miles on horseback to the nearest house and during the journey he lost so much that he was powerless He was there cared for the inmates of the house for eight days till he got a strength- He was then drawn by men on a hand sleigh some seven miles through a bush and then by team thirteen miles to a The man then got his foot dressed was very weak at the time He is improving- Rice is becoming a much more popular article of food than heretofore It is for potatoes as the chief meal of the day being much more nutritious and much more readily digested At its present cost it is relatively ihan potatoes oatmeal or of any kind In preparing it only just enough cold waier be red on lo prevent the rice from at the bottom of the pot which should have a dosefitting r cover and with a mode rice it steamed until nearly done taken Deal pet per lb pair Daeaste 114 I I I lit oeo ico 0 CO a SCO SCO a IE