Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 22 Dec 1893, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA DEC Theres Nothing Like IT DOES AWAY WITH BOILING HARD RUBBING BACKACHES SORE HANDS Dont If Sunlight REFUSE CHEAP IMITATIONS OnlytliB Remain J I Jr tV I lisv J TlC3 J IJ iJ J if r I j- years isaco I feu- I It ftfcli limning rt tREs Atlas mother re to try Ayet the not Only I ho fear and -r- of put to iind mo the goo let donatio I now VliisbM twenty and an I it of iiixEiij J lor lU- il jA talked In all parti ilys Like lslnaitog Id Lice the remedy AVERS others will cur you OF Dec XTatt- Ml JcauJ for Lall his from iheir 1 Id the records the and on now Ifce fii the world Him rightly leads as to God and to Christ Wo mast op to faMTcn to bo rightly on ships by the stars are only roe wiso men who Die their learninj to find oat men by thai which hope to the world as by revivals tcmfrarce reform preaching aad what ever interferes with Here is a test of oar character whether we or are at the coming Cbrisl and his Id this lesson we types of clashes of men which exist who eek the tboso who rest in letter tte tratb are at the tratb wbo of the truth The tree glory of a town or a tot consist in- its numbers bat in the me produces and jjood which from it our best lrcasyr3 to made a part of worship One minister proposed to ask after every collect in church All who have omitted in of the will please to Kuaiciipal At a dinner when eaten you ehould take Dr Your liver needs stimnlatiog well as effect of firjy coated Pellets yon feel drowsy languid inexpressibly or debilitated if youve no appetite find frequent or a furred or tongue proves that youre bilious In that you should in your vestpocket a sealed vial of these Pellets arc which act in a prompt natural way with out griping So beneficial and is their effect that tho makers afford to that will give you satisfaction or they return your money is offered by the manufact urers of Catarrh Remedy for a case of Ca tarrh in the Head which they cannot- cure no matter how bad or how long standing Private advices and focal press respecting approaching municipal elections Comity to the following effect Heeve Richardson does nut intend to offer reelection There may be changes in the personnel of the Council neat year There is a shaking up in his municipality Reeve will likely step down and out and Deputy and Mr Henry it it Ibought will fry cone unions the Deputy has deeded not to be a lection Mr J GouldinR is in the field for and Mr Tie iter for and Mr i reelec tion and will be hy Mr I j Mr Andrew Russell Reeve and retiring Warden bas de cided not to offer for reelection Deputy High will try for the reeve- ship every of being It is likely the other de puties will move up and a new man chosen for the council- here be THE IMF POWDER PUREST STROHQEST BEST QO Ahimi Lima or I Toronto NOTICE matte to the the IToviooeof there of Town of Now- foro Act to redact bo Town ibcrfnMxitbol tx wvdboiiDdcdasfolow of Street formerly iboTownjtilpsof fttthe lot 1 along ffiaJtaffSSS FOR MEN ffHAT JO ABOUT- Is Norway men to he vole Canada we at teed Ibis matter a or ronmcif Hiy gets a scare cards Ate latest in Getminy Forty placed bo of an inch cards or plates aw black the being printed in silver fihov up very nicely IS already three candi dates in the field for die mod is the way the classes A Minority Patron and J appointed neither of the two older parties have been heard AND WOMEN THE OWEN LESHfO BELT KA J I A- only Scientific OS of last week Lackey banged at Brock for few father He pro fited Lis to declaring to the white on scaffold you and am n innocent man As aaya xe modest in speaking of a leg Ihty in it a limb the over lady not a hundred milt from Corners who in of a certain breed of chickens called Brown he thinks entitled to and whole bakery GENTS IF WANT NiceFitting Clothing Sow York Suit ventures to the thai factories engaged iu the of dot Marin reform renti are prospering dale doubt the Wilton bill will be amended parts before pacing but all ibe same will boa large improvement both for and Canada tariff orilecpandwlllpitcy cure fielAllcn Luintwifiio Lnute o Electricity applied ptooQ of for all Troubles in other knopm rinHfUb weak or orpin hy ibis bo ranged activity It 13 too medical men we and recommend Belt their CATAfOGUE Contains of acute and to malted teeIcJ FREE to ftny Belt ft Appliance Co KING Br WTOBONTOOnt Stato line in this so report says Information to hand intimates Mr Joseph is opposing the election of Mr J Evans for Mr Cannins mil fijlht si Deputy against Mr J and Mr will measure with Mr J There promises to be a lively contest in this village The corporation is just big enough to make personal likes and very marked Mr the present veteran Harris a popular sinews There is not much talk of in coun cillors East Toronto Reeve Stephen son unopposed but maybe a brush for some of the places j Georcika is rumored that Messrs McDonald and Armstrong will be in the for the or Resi dents of the northern of the country Newmarket on Saturday report that McDon ald is likely to be opposed by ex- Ret ve Armstrong and some other members of the present council will likely hive op also Holland usual the municipal pot is billing in vilbgc and nomination day will pro duce its annual crop aspirants of In Lhrj chain and BUS fioliamordorlctta a cbin or it to tie lio of aforesaid of pica fifty or limit ourdeirroj odd moxoor of Dared tit tliti of Town market Prices to Suit the Times at GROCERIES Granulated Sugar for Bright Yellow Sugar for Good JapanTea for Too Blue Diamond Chop Tea per Ban Soap for Tapioca for Pink Salmon 10 cents per Water White American Oil per gal Canadian Best BOOTS AND SHOES We are selling Ladies try cable Boots from 8sc to Mens Con Gaiters worth Mens Fine worth Mens Arctic Overshoes 125 worth Mens Rubbers and Sox complete 175 225 DRY GOODS Grey Flannel all wool from worth from to Flannelettes and Meltons at very low prices Mens Underwear at cents per suit worth 85c Wool Sox from to cents per pair worth to 50c Mens and Boys at Coat An endless variety of Mens and Boys Fur and Cloth Cap we are clearing out at Cost The above gives you idea of we are doing HARD TIMES J In Fresh Goods bought in the regular way for Cash Our aim is Small Profits and Quick Returns Nov TERMS CASH I caUETT PURE LYE PUREST STRONGEST BEST fc ferric For iiiattn ftOftoiUlJl WW a frri4 by Ail To WHY BOOT mm TO TAKE ITS FOOD Afip mm A ara last my set for two had for hi lontoma to do Dot my To and And ha Who doarar than children Hi the Im wanliEg my for thought ma lay Awake in af and For b would leap fa ladaen I a latter corns mora To they at here To tbe feast forlorn Samuel my on Id rich man At I hear And boll let want approach 8ave of him near Jacit fo San Edward over And only Jmsio biding at home with me And I poor Naomi When to own went And he eaid la thit well know Ibay meant Ive hat time that to go boo I wis and busy laggardand alow Ob I Cor a la when bairns small And into nursery bed at Sbo her all When woe are about With and cry the tacoahwith ftfltoite Her brood beneath her eye Dak a mother most bear her bnrdeo When her are bearded men On cbanRd And in the army Or a pen Id banker duty Martin fa no doubt A mother incut bnr4ep And learn NEWMARKET Con- nor About to Ram Tba by prorSn and the animal J GEO- CO TO No- Main St- North NEWMARKET jxiri or jfwir Call end and Provincial general in Prince Edward Island last faulted in decided victory for the Liberals thirty composing the Assembly the Informers have relorned twefltyfour of leading were defeated Premier and were by good majorities Plebiscite for prohibitfoutvao carried by ten to one wont do it any at that is impression about Cayuga Last week rid who return in officer in the for to allow two prominent Liberals to cast their lie wont binder them next time As aomc ancient the Pompeii is given by an It was contained in a tax of marble or about two square and closely sealed opened it was to be full of a of pomatum or grease bard bat very frag rant resembled of bat was much more What perfume made of cannot be conjectur ed now but it is ainjjolar that the men or the nineteenth century bo able their with perfumer pared in the first STATUTES Ontario lor lor I tie To keep tip halt blind And and At the ages CHRISTMAS GOODS SCOTTS HARMAGY the fence Chief Gait decided that there is no the rural authority on Under abcolute It jo ft near cattle of one broke through the fence of another and canted damages the care art wow anil tbo appellant be had How to a Picture fiflhlijM Wrappers the Wiiy Wo in Look OH Sooner Than Man Limited 43 ibrwio and will by rtjiivlty picture free from i well worth framing a an ivy to heme The the market and it will inly jO lo fJ in the if the Write Pa A J ami other atnrday apecial was a number including of with the bright of happy Canadian of Newmarket were hc a greeting lttofci in facta vhiTe n of other a racial and arc timely and the prominence the recently gained at In the led to an Into he merit reacting ap- Of the in service of the Ontario Government axe ami lOItornanCalli told Aid amount Of accent W4W7anaJtoroao jttf ML do not of have been working out ft At first commercial advantage to be gained in buying and wiling wo incentive but organization in number ami influence other object of Interest to tbo farming community became factors in its onward the order now to number in Ontario and that In future they Intend to take an active part Provincial and elections it they aucceodnexl spring and alio at the bout and hope for feting be largely broken op This of North Toronto lias following paragraph in laat weeks paper to of various rob Ivories having taken place lately and en ergetic are demanded of the authorities to to life and yho fitor Willis al broken into and robbed and a few ago a farmer returning from Toronto iff tor deposing of hie load was all by vhofinirhet up by tying feet to quo of wagon his hand to the other and Ilic homeward They ran for three miles without accident though their owner remained bound Id a perilous Is a terrible of and if true the Council to rnako a move We have a Fine Variety this year Call and nee them A Pair of Spectacles makes nice present make charge for testing Eyesight STUART SCOTT A Full Stock of Seasonable HEAVY AND SHELF- COMPRISING BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEfc IN SIZES CARRIAGE COTTER AND TRIMMINGS BUILDING PAPER CARPET FELT AND PITCH FARMERS PLATFORM ft COUNTER SCALES GRAIN SCOOPS HALFBUSHEL MEASURES Wilkinsons Celebrated Plows Kept in Stock Repairs for all makes of Plows kept in Stock PROP Im for my children To it at my board ray Iricg for from- roba a of old bo Ibe fair Gbriittqai on my fretting Hera a Open therd Ah r- baiting along on way H my FOR SALE OR REST- bury Rood ffi t ChriBtroai day A- Freddies Christmas PO kept for JWnUSTLET shire Rams A r i going to b ana duck and bans- And aalad icecream pudding V And and and pie And with f op high Ob dear bowl with I big a man I J For want to eat joit all that I can And to think of those tarts and and all t And dear Im mall King r King Council met at Deo all present in tho chair following accounts were paid H on the fthjw asoj ot Loin one life ro vessels St- tv arid s 2 Wesley tin two mcrj on town Pot that offence they- a term of and in Central J In f it fonlMfj Vet HI fill hit In is M ttf 4 to In if A In I a- fJcrtH a4 to of Hit- lofy we ox will f4lTi ic4 ftnd iy in kfrmd in Ml Mitltna of ttluci- to ft4rfftary full fit Aiir in of dViwdl irvluilon fait tills to the It got Wtm lO fclcl actual MilttuCittof hit hind He Mid that tfoold not built If a charter were not water wH a amid flcrli milk It he Mil ih A Word To the Wives Is Sufficient OF NEWMARKET A LUMBER For Rendering Pastry Short or Friable Wolitii lnivi thyofaoi Is Better than Lard Because baa none of able and Indigestible features by leading food your for It only fir CO Wellington end Ann MONTREAL THE LEADING HARDWARE GOODS Shingles Siding Flooring 1 Moulding OUR AIM GOOD AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Lath Doors Sash Israel repairs to town line K to 3rd Isaac Shropshire Bams AND YOUNG SHORT HORN BULK Box n ot foi Si UAKT to ale by public at lioWKrtmrkcton and Blinds Q SHOULD A WITHOUT OUR SLIDING BLINDS INCLUDING Putty all of Ax of Shot Guns Revolver Ammunition of nil kinds OK Blankets Cuttle and Cow CUTLERY of all the celebrated makers Opaque Shades AND Poles OF CANADIAN J A WALLAN CO MAIN STREET Telephone No to Hire OnOAN AND COV AND JOHN Bl Re Severe in Shoulder Years Cured- Plaster fctoi I wnlUM 10 cat I7 Sold Every con gent J- A J Geo culvert King City SIC postage printing Henry Kitchen repairing road freight repairs to north town line John north town lino j Win guard rail pond Goo Blackburn bill Pottage culvert con Alex Cameron cedar John collector A collector Win ahcep claim Harry Solder do j do J Btokoi A service deputy do do service councillor 85710 Patrick dog tax Geo do do A do- do 81 Edward do Geo statute labor John on acct salary 850 do Moved by It seconded by A that one week extension of limo be granted to Miss Campbell at Toronto General Hospital Moved by Jas seconded by Lemon that south and wldeued on sideline between lota and 20 con aa to tho water off John arm samo to be done soon aa the weather will permit also to renew at Lirkloa gate sideline Carried clerk was Instructed to bill the town council of one- third cost of repair to road north oolteeiors were granted an exten sion of months time to collect of taxes granted to gravel be tween lota 5 and la 1st and 2nd Coat- P and Geo was granted sideline lots 10 and Coo John Dick inson and Joseph Commission- are granted to gravel ftidelluo be tween lots and Con from church Westward Jo bo commenced at once granted to sideline be tween lota and Con to commence at East point of present gravel road and to contlnoo In direction work at John Com- 8200 granted to gravel sideline be tween lots Coos land and Com- 8BO0 was granted to gravel road Con Hugh Archibald Art Commiailonprs 8150 granted to gravel road in Con near Geo and John Wood row era was granted to gravel Con from lot Northward Borden and Andrew Jardlne Council adjourned tint Important Decision The in Beaver vs which given few days ago shows that a passeDger cannot be compelled to show ticket whilst riding on a rail way The conductor must sec it be fore the passenger gets on or else let him go Beaver had lost Ms ticket which amounted to the same thing the conductor stopped the train and put him olT He sued for dam ages and was awarded full compensa tion by the court The result of this will be that parlies will have to be kept off railway trains until they have shown their tickets as is the custom in the old country and the States Keep Liniment in House 183Xtllra of tana ih a Mala la Abort from if mora Id Terms of SateTealpcr Bale For further Ok- m I IN THE SURROGATE COURT Of tee Coo lr tor yilrtaiil notice application BtoCoiriof miTketiotwappoIoi of hen late of of DAVIS PAIN KILLER 15THE BEST REM a cuts the Stowe Liver and Blood tfllim parities from a the worst CONSTIPATION SALT RHEUM HEART BURN W

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