VV jJ ERA DEC 1893 s- Bros Holiday A A To Wood Wanted J Luudj Boarder Wanted Mr Coweeon AND BRIGHTER WITH EACH ISSUE The Era Is Printed all at Horn FRIDAY DEO Our Toronto Despatch to lis Doc SI ISM- The torn of canard devastation in and the city Hundreds of trees were down by the of of ell Hois wiowdiogly and all etoctrjo were ranged all Saturday The telephone vfeo will not be in order for weeks It is rnmorcd thai Ontario in re will for on for ft monthly for for the children Out by Publishing Co notion Win fills the bill the Toronto Council list rjrt before that body failed The The canal fake may now bo said Id boon barfed or all events Hi An Important decision has recently given by Matter in Chambers at lie that the Central Agency weekly who the Agencys boiler plate for the anlborily of the matter but sfrtoally make those who patent sldeor Inside papers with supplying bolter plate Jurors A despatch from Mich dated At the of the in Canada ago a reward of Tti offered for dead or follower a for one week and to floe country The man on farm be eecretod and who helped him the wa who hut to The of sdecung jurotslo in our Assize and Gen eral Sessions Courts is not generally understood Of course it is known they arc selected by ballot but only a limited number have accurate knowledge residing details Our judicial district is composed of the City of Toronto and the County of York The Jurors Act provides that a given cumber of ratepa liable to serve as jurors in the district in to the whole shall be selected for Ibis service The selectors for this Judicial District are the two senior County Judges the two Sher iffs the County Warden the City Mayor County Treasurer and the Clerk of the Peace These officials meet annually and by resolution de termine the total number of jurors lo be selected from the county and city respectively in proportion to the whole number of payers in the district liable to serve This total is divided among the several municipalities composing the judicial district by the Clerk the Peace who notifies the municipal clerks of the number of Superior and Inferior Grand and Petit Jurors they are each to select In November the Clerk Assessor and of the local crun ch meet and make the first selection Commencing at names beginning with A in the first place and copying off from the assessment roll double the number required they then strike out exemptions and others they deem not specialty qualified for the respec tive courts till the list is reduced third The next year the selectors commence from the letter in the alphabet where they left off the year Having first struck out the exempt and disqualified as above they then proceed to ballot for the number required for the several courts These names are sent to the Clerk of the Peace who enters and numbers each name in a book The total number thus selected by county and city aggregate about Later on in the year the judicial district selectors meet and from the lists sent in by the respective local clerks choose about double the number re quired for all the courts for the en suing year and having classified these according to their judgment as best qualified to serve in the respective courts as Grand and Petit Jurors they proceed to ballot the same as the local selectors had previously done to determine the persons to actually serve In the course of toe coming year as jurors are required for the Assize Courts the city Sheriff and two Justices of the Peace select by ballot the lists thus prepared the county selectors the required number and when needed for the General Sessions the county Sheriff and two Justices officiate at the bal lot box The foregoing is a brief outline of the methods for selecting jurors and so far as we have been able to ascer tain the work by the officials tinder the Act has been discharged with fidelity and with a sincere desire to comply with the spirit and intent of the law But there is one matter in this connection to which we think the county may fairly take exception leaving the legal aspect of the ques tion for legal men to determine and that is the action of the county selec tors in arbitrarily deciding that about onehalf of the jurors for the respec tive courts shall be chosen from the city and the other half horn thecoun- By what authority do they exer cise this power The city and county is one judicial district but the pro portion of persons to serve in the county according to population is only about lo and we pre sume even a wider difference obtains j between county and city the number of rate payers the assessment rolls Why shJuld the county be thus drawn for Torontos advantage or why the expense of the admin- of justice be increased to generally through increased milage fees both w Sheriffs and jury men 10 favor citizens of Toronto by virtually granting them immunity from their proportionate share of jury service Sontc yew ago during Sheriff Jams time exception was taken to this unwiual distribution and matter was informally discussed In the County Council but the ability still continues Now that the season approaching for discussing county interests as well as matters of more local concern this ques tion too may consideration in our local municipalities Ax Ottawa of iho of Council declaring 9 of chapter of Ontario to of Ontario will now well way to til of an law ration of Dominion for if ultra virus act Ihe tcablos the a Sir Oliver or fltewari who for a now pncamonla fiitli he alarm MriTaVaiM of ln to charge of al Ban him far ae The a of a in honor of a former ihit Iowa Mr am which lake lha four of for of and for Victoria owing and many of and yearly bit Ihit for lo total of torn or flro and pork vbfch ihjpicJ direct to TV on Mr In of and pork amoni the wmmonily throngh hi Hilton and the of neatly fifteen dollan addition baa a IvqlUy market at oQud to In and upon with by tow4t greater pretention The men of IrUhCrwkamlBaatonVCorflera tag how deeply they wen to Mr In into immediate a flua- all with belt re and at Saturday to of abut and tendered Mr a ai a of their an a and ibe be had the The storm on Friday night list did to bush And orchard property throughout this sec tion Many of the old say llic wont of its kind that they had witnKd- painful accident happened to day last week While caring for sonic horses erne of them iimcd him against one of the stalls breaking one of his riband otherwise bruising Mm stand he gelling nicely The Sunday School held its annual meeting on Wednesday evening last showed school is in a prosperous The follow ing were olctrtcd for the en- year Jrank Supl reelected Sec Treas Win Miss An assistant was elected for each It was decided a supper and entertainment about the middle of and committees were appoint ed to nut idea Association held a meet- ing on Monday and we understand all well pleased with this ycarV have heard thai they reorganised for on same the temperance people this doing on the coining IMe- vote The way to show is by your billot i referring to tbe war of Mr It Proton on evasion to remark It it to aay the e Mr- Frestoii to con nee bis a prohibit ion lie is an employee Ontario aad as such exhibits bad la in an agitation a to people by Government that him It alio rem ark a Wo the Government which would not lite to scoff ai similar pwecvdui the part of Federal Cabinet told empSoyco that imp rope laic Crops A Merry Christinas to you I Christmas order up your windows are very attractive days are herd market tomorrow lfitfi gelling around Mail are getting Mod el School readers who Grip iu its palmy days will we are euro bo glad to bear that with the first week of the new year the fatuous paper is to bo re vived under the of it origin ator Mr with tfhotn is associated Mr J J Boll who act as business manager a new typographical outfit and Iho new proprietor promise that it will bo better than ever before in the artistic and liter ary departments it will frlrivo to deal oat justice in its com ments on public question Fbocntx Publishing Co Toronto wish to hear from all Grip old friends and thousands of new ones Subscrip tion as heretofore Single needs Grip and glad bo to bo to the a a front again Glob article respecting the ftp election of certain county officials now appointed by tho Govern ment writer appears to overlook three important features 1st the law com pels Count Councils to provide building for the officials then to pay other expenses of healing etc fees all from property in county and under the crown it tends to centralize with the independence Legislature persons having no claim upon a consideration whatever are frequently nominated over heads of worthy and qualified residents belonging to parly as a quid pro for political to tho Administration of the day Instances kind are to be found both at Hamilton and Toronto to day Lib HO LUND AW DING The weather prophets predict sunny Much less a seer can announce fine sleighing and the usu al amount of good cheer The English church has donned Us robes If you doubt the ar tistic arrangement come on Sunday and and dispel your doubts A good time is looked for on Fri day The speechifying will lake place in Hall as usual AH are cordially invited A long list of as pirants will discuss the affairs of the village The troupe of performers met with a small house and the greater part of that outside They went here Mr Rood has not been successful in recovering his lost pig yet He has not given tip hope though as he believes there are a number of honest men alive yet The Holland Landing correspon dent wishes the ERA staff and its readers a Merry and a Happy New Year Because of the inclement weather a small attendance was given the Prohibition meeting on Tuesday night The program was ably filled by a Newmarket contingent Quite a number on the sick list this week Nearly all are doing nice- Is of double sifcO containing statistics facts and in- valuable to prohibition at the pre lent Important Is in an atxuoiy for pulpit and advocates A special feature Is a trial acene illustrated by that if In itself a of useful Informa tion for 16 Address King pi But Mr moving Into town from the city week Mr left on Tuesday for a visit In Old England Miss Hannah Is over from Buffalo for Christina holidays Mr baa bridge Christ mas holidays -r- Martin and two children have gone to city for Christmas holidays Geo Oliver got back from Mani toba last Friday Ho saya pretty doll out there La grippe bold upon There aro so we could not begin to them this week Mr John of Toronto chased loo farm Sharon on Monday and will movo upon it before spring WckoringiVut Hill of formerly of baa accepted Toron to Junction Mr M ThompsonPrincipal Aurora Public hero on Fri day ihi closing of Mr Jeff Patrons candi date for In Booth next Ontario election was in town on Tuesday Mr and Mrs May and son Of Pino attended the Golden of Mrs May a parents near Whitby ait artist of the asa1 baa moved his family here Toronto which looks If bo to stay of Now York CUy hero on night is with Mr P leaves to day to ptearh Christ mat Drayton Fletcher with him to spend InTorooto The at friendi pi Mr and Jrt will plea ic4 to arrival la California Mr CJuWuo the journey mother Mrs Manning accompanied with two grand children day to Chrtsttcts holidays School closes neat to know all the last promotion examination hive Our popular teacher Miss Cameron is engaged tor Another year ia our again One would imagine by the frequency of hid calls be considers a welcome Mrs J Wilson and Mr J are slowly recovering while Mr A and still entertaining him Union Intend their annual entertainment on the Inst program which a under supervision of Miss Simpson and Com- music recitations and dialogues A Is expected P made a quilt for child ren hospital and sending with it a liberal thank offer lug The Uand of dope was favored with an from Miss of Aurora and they are anticipating a like treat next week from their Honorary President Miss Knowlea Jennie and Mary Starr homo from Pickering College Miss Helen has to Wilson where she has a school for the winter terra Mr again preached a very Into- resllog instructive sermon to a large and last In Church at Pino Orchard Oar Union Class over fifty being present at Wilsons at Mr All cordially Invltod to travelling occupied hat Tueaday but was a very poor house Mr Jocvmiah Selore who or a her at baa and torments of diiArtetl this life on the iut Ins sl a loving also Wf hero on occasion u lheifaistu death Mr John VanKoruian SI Mr qd Mrs A Quite Mid Ira from near Mr Van- Gorman from Toronto A brother to from in Toronto was tiling here this woek of Church l in the church Christmas Is to be atnM filled with presents And a great many are looking forward to a good lime The largo congregation that listened to ranee serinoo on the Railway or Hallway last Sunda thought ho quite Every one in even spark or how he OUTit to mark his ballot The of oa Sunday Monday last in respect ever held with the School On Sunday J the Anniversary In worn- to children aud the parable Prodigal Sou io4 tho tinlii bo au discoute Monday rather there was not usual bpltbft splendid Tho children who bad been trained by oar school teacher Miss did their parts well Mr Large in stormy day was on band to the delight of bis many friends Miss Clara Hill of helped materially in the part of soa caused a good feoling The new comer at Mr Pardya a bouncing boy la happy smite on face days A time is at Miss school Friday night Wo all that Miss is leav ing us She i to attend tho Nor mal next of Aurora to lake her place Mr Is to Christian next Tuesday evening in the Christian Church MOUNT ALBERT ear worthy taSlkr off Sir Mr returned or ibi tf abate expected lo a la ihe Choieh ih wilt b an hope all well in- for mat loo win to be pre Mr a lo PrtyrUn on San- moraine la aveolna lbs pulpit la lbs Her Str Alien deliver a Mrmoo hi fttjta wait nileJ a if had ltemcuber lbs A IS and Stlb 1 loftl llichlJircalafhapa for program aod help with ihe with If an etc what a ho Stealth if would bear the ftianl abut r run behind to keep your feet If la tho forAiibtoftb marked on lbs udaUolorcaudU tin at such thing aaa At the recent uJ Mr have out beard the yet Wo in to tea the taken the pupil fur public lochert According to cut the will be school atveu fry the the Purely a ell fur ittessra work pre- If fiSbeHJgeeijfs- QUEEN ST CHITCHAT 1893 1894 Im do aajlng aoyihln abonl On aolng lh an look aQtpIoloBa when la I bar a pmniioW Union School will op j 4 Taclog i and faUaaUmftble Jolllficilon Of wading n Many and Tea in Hall from lo pm atr which an Interfiling Ht render in by school awIiWd by somi no Cattle are with the cold believed they will lo Ihrir from aditao of yon ftf old W MWSSfr The la a good many about hero kind of aaaMSasmay be heard band baa under of Prof A number of Borne four or five of arabd- with tamo young lady and latereiUngaipect by kers An as and Kewkk An of InnisRl township away last week in of Mr Alexander had been ailing for some lime but his sickness wis not con sidered dangerous He was a mem- s si thaw almoii coins Church and a wood Wanted gKALRD ill Merry Christmas Yon and a Prosperous Hew Year We had a ferrous fire here about oclock on Monday morning of last week The house of Mr Joel Woodcock took fire in the attic and spread with great rapidity A of the furniture by great effort and the house was burnt to the ground The chimney out a couple of previous and it is supposed to have set the wood on fire in some way as no other cause can be The house contents were insured for It Is a bad loss for Mr at this time of year The residence of Eider Clark entered on Dec at oclock a m by members and friends of Baldwin church to the number of about The ladies look possession of ihe dining room the table was spread a round which friends were invited to be seated Elder Clark invoked the Divine after which they were served with roasted fowl plum pud- dingi cakes and pies to which all did ample justice Following this a so ciable time was spent- till about oclock when the company departed to their homes behind flour potatoes meat butter canned fruit and oati for Elder Cfk has preached only occasional mom at anil this is a 0 Iqqiq twice A happy day was passed at Iho home of Mr Mrs John Lloyd on of last week when their daughter 9 waauuited In to Mr of Mr the ceremony There number of invited guests and all were useful chief among hem being a largo and costly bible presented to bride by her Lloyd After knot was tied and a bountiful repast was partaken of after which and bridegroom fojlowod by a num ber company left for Aurora and took the train for Wo wish them a happy prosperous and long life An meeting was called on night of last at Church for patting In of teachers and arranging other general business for lbs coming year Thorn was a good turnout at the Christian Church last Sunday to hear the prohibition It well worth listening to and no doubt will create interest In caaae Mr oar teacher for held h promotion examination last Friday He veil liked by the and has boon secured again for pother year Miss of fl is has resigned her position and fa giving op teaching la opinion thai no one this I of the country ever saw as greet a formation of Ice on the trees as was seen on morning after nod heavy fall of snow of Friday night A sight of damage vac done to orchards and trees some being split and others almost stripped of their limbs wind rose the night would have been very left but barf trunks standing On a small limb of about an Inch In thickness there was from to thickness of Ice hot fortunately It thawed greater portion fell oil by Saturday noon three safe crackers that were cap- tared had trial at Toronto hut week and will serve several Umbo A meeting of the company was called last Wednesday to settle pates so lhat tho directors could make a winding up of seasons There has been a great slaughter among the other fowls this The totally destroy by flro on Monday night fire out shortly alter and bad gained such being obser ved that the Inmates did not time to dress themselves In order to with lives Nothing was sated The property belongs to Mr Isaacs Wo not learned how much Insurance was on eremites MunioijAi KiNO We have not heard of any opposition to the present council whom we understand ail intend to offer themselves for reelection If Reeve Stokes goes back to the Coun ty Council his chances for the Ward- are pretty good Whitchurch There is not likely to be any fight this year unless it be for the of Councillors There is some talk of Mr Seneca Baker op posing Reeve but it is not likely as they are equally involved in the largest item of expenditure the past year will step into the anU left vacant by the withdrawal of Mr- and Mr Albert is a candidate for the council He has already served one or two years and a good man conse quently there is not likely to be op position East GwillisIuurv So far as we have heard matters reniajn the same assisted last The principal fight he between Messrs and for the North There is very little slit up to date and it now looks as if tins will be our off year in the township a sort of municipal But sometimes all looks serene here till nomination day when suddenly the mercury of discontent goes up with a bound and a lively time Is experienced The following are in the- field J Robertson for Mayor Cane for Reeve T J Woodcock for Deputy and J P Hunter Roche T Trivet jr Starr Cody and A- Holland Landing We hear that Mr will not offer for reelection and that Mr will be his successor Continued on fourth page Iowa Council Dm All member Pease and Starr I lam- n pig telegrspb Co lean Ueo libor SI flfo alarm Xx SOOWchg lockup Hill WM J Geo- or re taxes old Gotham factory was referred to Jas ad Bridge to QoramHieeaod to be paid If found Account of Q A rsorrod to Market and those of and to A Com A- re received ordered to pay the balance das re Clerk of re Bulbar Una taxaa referred lo Committee and Collector granted till t3th to com- roll An to attend tho opening la connection with Now High School was accepted Mr aaVed why tbo enow was not lbs and croaatogs- thought the waa duly Mr Woodcock asked It the tenM were be logooUeoted Clerk replied that they were for of water rates are not collected Mr Woodcock f there was from property and tbo plied la Iq reply to Mr the Mayor the to crossings bridges vacant tots worn kept clear snow Mr It would bettor to engage A man In each ward to look litter The he la from to night without running around every saowatorm go Com should to bridges Mayor said that If Coos- would let the attiod to own work laklog him off for theirs and a msa a dollar a day to take bis place ha would mora for In v Mr It would bo to have the crossings be only when covered by deep slush and than the should look after It ot and ready but nobody aakad for It to be readperhaps they knew too ranch The the Water was adopted mending payment of Manning Wca Cans Bom Mfg also that be cbaraeJ for water used as per watar The Hose Tower contract for was accepted and ordered to pay less ad- request the Chief re Water Gates considered deilrabto but to over Spring A rebate of was granted on account of of but billiard tables till Friday lbs Ate you looking for a Nice Present and do not care to spend too rnuch money for it Then come arid see handsome large and assort of French and China Novelties They combine beauty and usefulness in one piece fruit Sets from up Biscuit jars Childrens Toy Sets up fruit Plates Dread and Milk Porridge blower Howls Illy Lamps Parlor lamp from Up or Hanging Childs China Cups and Saucers 10c handsome piece Dinner Seta for 12 piece China Toilet Sets with Slot Jar Hand Lamps Complete for A tot of China and Novelties for Handsome Vases from toe up piece China Tea Seis piece Printed Tea Sets These are only a few of many lines we have to show you and the prices you will find to suit the closest buyers A Souvenir for the School Children specially A China Plate for the of their Inamorata oar modal farmers are candi dates lor boys hard to gel ahead of girl and they do enjoy othsr boys gat by On night had laugh on a swell who was his lady oompentoos shots when another you lad slipped In got the seat by his ducky much to lbs of the swell the are nowhere Ira tamper- As be oar working nllght and main la behalf Wishing you all a Merry and a I remain your Know All conservative in iolitics At the lime of his death he had attained the ripe of years and months FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH a plw 4 iWh rill It m If lriJer foe in in 1 To the OP A Embalming A SPECIALTY With Viewofour Public School Cool for l to III our 111 to drejfsl la i0r tWijjSlp of Ibwlr iai Wort iuth Or Hire fttewLcbUifiUDffIiisslAllLDia to hb isjolrowd wwwo fc which Id Ohufcb WMiareAtiiufAJii iIrBpjacri 0T by it not lit loailr i hi Mhtt tt IT ltkhinobtl SO to Hi it in JHMILLARD East YOUR VOTE inl1uctice are spec fully solicited For Reeve for POLLING MONDAY Telephone Connection luL the wlta Allan a daughter lUb i WO Wit Hi In Toronto v the tipeer to A Cup Saucer or A Cream Jug for This line is very handsome and was brought from Germany specially by China Hall Everybody come and see them and be sure have one GROCERY DEPARTMENT is fully stocked with beat quality and largest assortment of etc for the and New Years trade Connoisseur Cluster Raisins in and boxes the finest of table raisins prices Choice Layer Valencia Raisins Vine Off Stock Valencia Raisins Sultana Raisins Choice Pigs Lemon Peel very fine Orange Peel very fine Citron Peel very fine Evaporated Apricots Spinx Prunes Evaporated Peaches Dundee Orange Marmalade Crosse Orange Mar malade New Pickle said to be the on hp market Crosse Pickle New Almond New Grenoble Walnuts New Sicily Filbert Nuts Fresh Roasted Peanuts Honey in Comb very fine Honey Strained fine pure Florida Oranges Florida The best quality of Ginger Null lbs for i Candles for the children beat assortment of one cent goods town Our Spices are all absolutely pure no adulterated kept TOILET LAUNDRY SOAPS Come and see them over kinds in stock bars Smiths Electric- for Babys Own 10c for ilra Wo are called this week to vary peculiar twelve months ago Mis Anna Van Norm mi of was hazily at the home her rather David Van Norman Eatji to Mr Thomas Everett whsre has On Thursday last Week there was bom of girl baby la a few hours thereafter the mother away The remains wara brought back to her fathers home burial and on Monday of this week were laid at rest la cemetery One cea realize that this happy wife and mother la gooe fiho was diligent In all good works ever to lead a hand In any and every I sympathy a dutiful a sister a faithful and devoted in all her was rail and coro A very largo of relatives and friends called to pay last tribute of respect on Sunday and Monday Her girl survive her and from when but old in charge of Mia- Van the long tediou in Very laolomeut any apparent III effect brothers friends all keenly ilia untimely ending of Ibis sweet and life and Ihey know that Its fragrant end leseed influence will reach dowu through all years full of helpful and blessing Cou nan urvra- AX 10th IE a Mr to Uar alt ji of Aurora At feuttoo Dec Mr lit- or on Not HI Lewis Hill Rot Hill to Mr dart of real- the bride father by the Hey eon Of the to JiXfc all Kin Vholonsb Whitchurch the tint aeon- aged years At the of toe IqiU aged ft 10 wot and s d a Solo Regie tor the lata Watson wui have a of affecu also robe and Tews cash Solo of farm to aimer IT con Kait Hay and of under that amount 10 at 11 oclock- 1 J Interred at Newmarket on Sunday Anna beloved wife ef Sid daughter of and Alloa Van- of bar b rear interred Monday Deo on the lost father Mooes Kotahlaid7S and Meet at si Church Union W at At Orchard on SUt nib Waller and IS days from Ebb- has a of ever ilnco- He married Jane Tay lor who la poor and one eon and two Though a he boon a constant lo almoat iloca the flrat number was piloted Ha did not a part lo or but xhrousb- tho as an peaceful Vuocrai at bis late at oclock for sortie to for CO O O J I Gold Watches from from Chains Rings Thimbles Scarf Pins Lockets m Silverware CCa ALL AT Lowest Prices WAIN NORTH NEWMARKET far All orders will prompt Jeweler OARDERS Comfortable being the worn at to 9berttsehietf3 BRUNT ON BROS TEA I TEAM raotio put A mad woman were Port Credit This is one special studies to give our customers the best quality at reasonable Our blend of Ceylon and Indian is especially fine for those who prefer Black and our staple line of Japan at per or a lbs for is the best value offered Also beat In the famous Excelsior Blend of Coffee j our standard line We quantity and quality always and lastly we resort to no fakes of some lines under cost and making up on others as every thinking person must see we must have living profit or else step down and out R A SMITH LEADING GROCERY PROMPT DELIVERY Cor Main Timothy Sil Our stock is badly broken up but we good bargains still As we near the close of our business career making still greater reductions in prices and are many HALF THE COST OF RUNTON BROS