i r i ERA DEC 8 1893 GOING OS IN ABOUT TOWN Fair The storm it raorniDg t Mot adjourned Klfcg oclock in Christmas Tree The school in Cboreh are for Concert to Dm Vocal FTOCMi fli far print frlfce 0 Monro U At Sunday School Clan unci a very kutt time reported be their teacher by t of a wellbeing Mission Circle Bazaar The gong Circle in with li mil bold ft Boom on which Presents will Oclock it lc served Read the of Dan- fed A Co lb ay have tour Crock and Promotion Exams The York bat be paper lb Promotion place in all he of the Hiding Friday thing for the rising ai it scholars en when they bare an neighboring There has been a lot and come in sicca the Will frldiug come true This is what Kj2Jzgtfcebrains prtcox of the School Hoard lakej place That wasqniteib Fare down town Saturday bridge is nearly The windows heir holiday at I ire Church Last iijerrning Her J the Circuit pM the with acceptance and ability beyond yeara that the waa IriAloJ a prom en I fat a re for him Lore Feast Will place lia Friday evening and the Lords at the of the pwbJEg next Sunday morning Sobjoct Saved by a look Junior League The term of are Edgar Jackson 1st Ernest 2nd 3rd Taenia KlUworth Loth Secretary Frank Our Ad On front page The following officers last Monday droning for rommencing Jan- Presided Belfry laiTiM 2nd VfcMr a Sooy Mr Manning Treat Mr Miller Sent Down The tramp that was sailing dirt for polish was caught aplng in the the new on night of pipe bad fallen oat of hit month but luckily bo wot pear by or the new building might in morn ing ho sent to jail for font lid quite contented and I what ho wanted Breakdown boy off erly Monday morning to his alitor to bo school has charge of a on road ho that bo lost mil Ho was turning around to go back or it when of road ronton cutler so badly to to poricio their of fan tLchiog country V- Model Schoou The following names of who ayery day in November Edna Gray May Graft Violet Trent Alma Ethel Miller Clara Tench Veloii Eddio Earl Miller Bobbie Greoasidef Willie Daniel Themis Robbie Prank Slow art Little Atkinson Otto Stanley Spring Sons op Scotland The election of nut took place Friday and raenltod as follows Chief Morrison Trsnror Match J- Main Past P Murray Monroe- SL GnardD Rep to floater Alt P Morrison Campbell Special Discount To Sunday Schools at a Chriatmai 6 A- Council Day AH Municipal in of Ontario meet sot Friday according to to for the year All person present to to King at Sharon- North moots at and dark has to a after meeting SzrARAtE School A regular Board took on iij members and the year as far ptdMft Tho teacher for another year and O Board takes Dm 271b from to at lbs If mora are nominated than required will bo bold at tbaaamoplic tit Jay in Mem and members and wo that will all again if Ssow Shovels In great variety W Cases Saw logs are feting In this locality Bona Co find it Miaty to mt tba their for bis trusty re en limits oflcrod for aalo by the of fKfeaftii Many and of our own iUte wo tell thorn that matter of limits of stave day- dry operated that a smperatufo to mi through Aiitavts every can dry boors what it formerly do fiiwa of by can perhaps to Utter ly of wage pay- SwFplohivoconitderaWotoiay bo- to pay a few ants in to tbl firm to re fe here but where would this town bo tho they pay In Go Mannings For W Wi It Down The Concert to pttn under auiplcea of New- Choir on Friday night hi Town nail J be which fow WMs of town and chits have the Jl performed by tho fitonfrrillo Choirs combined Jljcjawmpinyof aud S by a neat pleas by tho great Handel fcj of from L1 iSJ In there will orchestral innowbo a rich ringing tei a ad tO in and will above tin Ja direction of inch m SSVVf Scoffer of and A 2i Ktwmarkct til feci aubatantial entertain- twl your Wfl Comical Should not adver 2thiiw Death of Thomas Wo are aorry to o in oar Winnipeg exchange notices ol death that city on of Mr eldest eon the Mr Robert formerly of N I and a grandson of late Will son of earlier settlers of the Township of East subject of this was born op Stnfltt this town in the year and was therefore at ol his death years of age Having received liberal English education in the public school here under Mr Alexander he took a In one of the in tho city of Toronto and at the same time the mili tary school there showing by his studies and work not only touch capacity in th acquisition ot knowledge but also apti- for readily expressing his ideas either by speech or pen About lime Territories open ed up for settlement and ho was of the from Ontario to out in search of a fortune the Great Lone Land Dr now Fort Garry taking a stock of goods to establish a store and yonrig friend went up in charge of those goods as many weeks as It now takes Jays to accomplishing that first Journey rente then was via Chicago to St Paul Minn by westward Fargo on Red River by and on to Fori Garry by a steamer which ntoally re quired or four days for tho down the very crooked and often shallow slream They then found Fort Garry a trading post of Bay boasting but inhabitants all told Now Winnipeg embracing site old Fort claims a population of some people After bis arrival Robinson wrote some very interest- log tetters to the Eu dealing condition and prospecta of the country He soon located a homestead lying partly upon Mountain where ho engaged Io farming and working quarry and lime kilns on his property There ho experienced hardships and usually incident to early settlement of a country la Novem ber married Donald of Manitoba whose parents had lately coma from Ontario with their family Not sold bis farm and went into business In Winnipeg where be until his death Ho an witneso of two brief but exciting rebellions and bis verbal and written accounts of those wore very and There ho drawn Into congenial for being a fair platform speaker he became a popular and worker and lecturer and also took a prominent position in Order of Foresters That his zeal efficiency in this work fully may lo Li In I ho fact that ho three tormfi as Secretary of the Grand Council of the It T of for Manitoba and was Secretary of Prohibition League took a deep and active inUtit in tho work of Provincial branch ot tho Dominion Alli ance Ho had long suffered from and heart troubles which together appear to been the cause of his comparatively early death As his mother and the greater part of her family years ago followed him to the North West ho was constantly at tended In bis last by some of Mil other kind friends among whom were several members of the Order of Foresters wboo timely generally can never bo forgotten by mourners took place on the at 81 Ceme tery Winnipeg and funeral was ducted by Foresters who well as Royal Temperance and members of other temperance organisa tions In City attended In great bers of their loss to ay last tribute of respect for by falthfnl and efflclenV work had profited so largely Da lrft s and four or five child pel mourn loss of a kind husband andfotlur to all whom asto mourners our etrtfolt sympathies extended A The meeting next Wondsyplght Is an Important inas much as officers for coming year will then bo nominated election takes following Eld- Grosser has to to and labor will next Sunday A of Aurora tike tbo at Church sitting la sbaonoo of Judge Morgan Kir J Robertson as Judge list of tried was small two were rather lengthy Intricate Tbo cam of Roland v Weal a case as of porno marsh hay brought a vilnossu from Holland Landing and in some respects for the Is a be ing in decided that West was the owner of Woodcock was In regard to exemption for acted as for Collector of and seised lain article which to bo from Judgment referred case of ton and was an appeal from the of Squire Jackson as ownership of a dog which killed a num ber of shoep belonging to was given and alter going carefully oyer Judge held that of was not proved and decision re- 1j6 of Court adjourn aboot p on January 3rd SPATES Both Acme Spring and Columbian in all sizes all kinds Of repairs for same at Hardware a The Prohibition Plebiscite At 12 oclock noon Mot day the 1Kb December clerk of each municipality unrequired to attend at bis to op point person to attend at various polling planed and at the fioal summing- op of the votes by behalf of the advocating affirmative or of said qoeetion rspootirely If no person makes application on that day some might think that the clerk would appointments to make on applioetion made at any time previous to polling day bo The clerk from is if auy for appointment or ou behalf of the applicants for each laJity ward or polling in said district in by them two Perseus behalf of and desirous of obtaining affirmative answer totho question aud a like num ber on of the persons interested and of obtaining answer Before any person is so appoint- be shall mala and subscribe before the clerk a declaration form in that he is desirous of obtaining the affirmative or negative from this it would that no persons could bo appointed unless they came per sonally before clerk and declaration The clerk should a list showing appointment for polling place At polling the agents aro required to produce to the re turning officer their appoint Where no has been ap pointed by clerk and in the of have been duly authorised to the polling place any elector upon making and before returning officer or In form may bo admitted to the place to act for the absent person Bargains In Stoves this week Wood Cook Upright Heater or wood Coal Self Feeder double heater IS IParlorCook A Dions 3 SO 1 T Following is a synop- of Mr J 11 Johnsons address at the Gospel Temperance meeting which wo had not room for last week After formal Introduction exhorted temperance workers to greater activity and appealed to young men to preserve the strength and parity their manhood when referring glowiug word to Rev J- to young men on the previous Sunday The speaker quoted a letter which appeared the a short time previously alluding to tho sobriety which characterized great assembly at Worlds Fair The quotation ran follows Seven thousand saloons are open to yet with alt advan tages given liquor by there licensed and perhapi onethird as many unlicensed ones together with places on Fair Grounds proper where liquor is dispensed did not a drunken person during my ten day stay speaker would not like to tell of that this sobriety was duo to the fact that saloons were open Chicago- After returning from Fair ho wrote to P Built minister to ascertain Mi views as tho true cause of this marked sobriety Producing largo map of Chicago ho pointed out the Prohibition district and read extracts from rev gentlemans reply as fellows Tho why visitor the Worlds Fair did not as much drunk- on or as many Into men as might expect to a great city in which 7000 saloons run- almost continuously day and night days is to be found In fact that Jackson Park where the Fair was located tho midst of a largo Prohibition When town of Hyde Park to city tho greater part of it as well as other terri tory admitted at time was under efficient prohibition law saloons south of st except in a small strip adjoining Park which was not prohibited territory The ma jority of visitors found boarding places the prohibition district and were thus quartered Id a city In where open- saloons could not be seen except In territory above designated You will at a glance that the freedom from drunk enness at which you were amazed was due not to fact that saloons of Chicago were licensed to do their deadly work but fo fact that World Fair was located In prohibition territory If you had gone to that put of city where licensed saloons do most abound yon would seen that would have been appalling License failed to restrict crime Police recorded city show thai crime duo to loon has increased In wore arrests and of these 18016 were for drunkenness and disorderly conduct The next year the license was fixed at result arrests being for drunkenness Id there were arrests being for drunkenness and record of last fire shows the time steady crime High license baa pat gov ernment protection and respectable In some degree most gigantic of w Now is lie buy your at J If Millards 116 Isoffiring Isrgcr than over for Cocao see the ago It has authorized In name of that accursed stuff drinking of which la four- fifths of all crime that darkens the psges of oar history Can any honest man vote for legalisation such a traffic galixalt and Us power to barm Is at a maximum outlaw It and that power will bo at lie It out of ex istence by well prohibitory laws and then It will no power at all to oor fair land After a few remarks reference hooors Ontario had won at Worlds Mr Johnson that if she carries prohibition plebiscite wjll to all Intents and lo das banner province Finest Dressed Dolls la lown The ax- for Vaster Bridge and men commenced work together Chance Mr who baa been with Messrs Bros for ha pnrchAKd stock of Mr in Block and gone into business for himself with him- Who burns should use our Mb sifter pay for themselves In throe mouths Big assort men cheap at A a Fancy BAiAAR The St wore yetonJay rating store oth of Forsyth House for their annual Basrsnd they will bo pleased to their friends salo closes this forget to Gall for lea or a bowl of soup a Chicago style No Coupons nor Prize Fakes Is sent for fifty two for We do our best to giro our readers of beat and most interesting local and general family news- papers That onr efforts aro appreciated our growing circulation of a advance avers Wo no necessity to offer coupons prices nor secure a circulation and an honest dollars worth without any of those Boston Herat J If a has to jive away a or anything to obtain and hold its circulation the are that an advertiser win to giro away to be able to sell such a papers readers anything by advertising it A paper that not uboribed for for its news editorials special articles bat is and is working popcorn game to keep its is not the paper that goes into aud is medium as a paper that carries into the home buyers are are read Coupon papers cut op Town Deo Regular meeting pres ent oxcpt Messrs Boobs and Following bills passed I lumber for pliu Bell Telephone Co for Com Thos Com P A Water cleaning snow to lots Com Allan Fin A account Jos Warren work 00 Hall Geo do Walter Com Bell carting Stark Com das bridge Engineer account fay Sheet las culling wood for account Sons Mfg referred to Fire Water Com also communication of A Wat son asking for more check on Main Street Thoosoof Council Chamber was granted to the Farmer Institute The Com pay ment of and also J Hill for Water St- abutments Report adopted The Fire A Water Com reported that the account of John Manning ahonld be charged to Geo and not Cor pontic a accoant of eorrect and payment Report adopted With reference to Electric Light Plant the Com cost for lights candle power with and boUdiflg at or an Incandescent System oM00 lights of SO candle power engine add building coil of operating Including repay mentofdebepturea for years as fol Iowa plant The Committee corresponded with somo towns the ol from to per light The Board of Health prewired a report showing that town is in a good condition the death rate for past year being but 10 per thousand of popu lation Mr Woodcock presented a petition to the Legislative Assembly re Huron Tbo By Law Com wao Instructed to the necessary notice re Private to have area of reduced in accordance with resolution of council Nov Lb On of enquiries Mr Cane asked tbo Council had greatest a permit for the now building at Rear of store The Mayor said that complaint bad been made to him and ho supposed that repairing or overhauling the old building Mr reiuarked that had called tho Mayors attention to the changes made Mr Hunter wanted know why ton was allowed to put up and audi a fuss about tho Caldwell Mayor that la case of Caldwell building a complaint had been made but not In Mr thai the of the hull J- bad been Increased thus Ignoring the Fire Limit ByLaw Increasing the rink thought it should be or Hoed vith metal Mr Robertson remarked that In the case It was of a com pletely now building while other was but a repair of premises that wore an eyesore Mr Woodcock aafd old building was a nuisance and the was a improvement Mr wanted to know what bad become of a petition for a sidewalk near property The Mayor that tho 1MB Com refused to grant the iMr called attention to several places south side of tho Timothy street sidewalk that at tention With reference to the Board of roport Mr Hunter wanted to know why a certain well was not cleaned though re ported unfit for last June The Mayor said that summonses were issued and be aaw tho well pumped but himself Quite aa altercation ensued when It was found out that Mr Hunter had to wall at Mr Mutchs reside ace while Mayor talking aboot on tho old property- Mr Cody remarked that law re quired well to a If there la any complaint and Ibo water la found unfit for use the landlord pays tho cost If all right the tenant shall cost of testing Mr Hunter protests against any well being clean where fisVworm were pumped op aimply by the well out and ho further Insinuated that Mayor knew about the well had reference to Mayor said ho know nothing of and wanted no Insinuations Tho Clerk was instructed to the Co and notify them that unless work la on Water before the 10th Inst legal pro- cooling be them ORDERED CLOTHING MIHftMIMIHlMf w AT The Money Saving Establishment IN THE PRICES OF DROP At Our Clothing Sale is proving a great success for every buyer gets a bargain but to keep up the Hum now make another Deep Out in prices of Mens Youths and Boys Overcoats Suits Pea Jackets and Black Worsted Coats and Vests that will ensure a sale in every case As this offering is composed of Reliable Seasonable Desirable and Fashionable Clothing the whole of it will soon be disposed of just when needed most at the beginning of cold winter weather We are carrying full lines of Seasonable and Fashion able Goods in all our other departments of Dry Goods Gents Furnishings Fur Goods Tailoring Goods Overcoatings Suit ings and Boots and Shoes While in Groceries we are excelling all our former efforts in value and variety TERMS STRICTLY CASH R J report of tha Committee of taxes on and Hauler properly was adopted A motion by Mr and seconded by Mr to give a rohato to lost Mr Woodcock thought It was a expend to publish accounts In detail nomination day hat other muni cipal it wore not doing ft there Is no penalty attached Mr Robertson was satisfied for clerk to prepare a summary of rocolpts and dis bursements Mr Woodcock that ho could boo no penalty Council abjournod at pm A BIG DROP -IN- PRICES GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE Made Clothing CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST -OF- BOOTS AND Wo also sustain our reputation for Ordered Clothing Superior Goods Excellent Satisfactory Prices Call and be convinced LUNDY MAIN STREET AND ORDERED CLOTHING We we giving bargains in than any house in town It will pay you to examine Goods and before purchasing I Montgomery Son NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT I 1 Arranged Specially Heavy Stock of BOOKS CARDS BOOKLETS To Supply Sunday Schools Rates to Schools that will- Rival any thing Previous GALL SOLICITED STARR Ce Well- A Assorted A QUESTION OF DOLLARS CENTS Sensible persons arc no longer carried away by sensational advertis ing No matter how much is prom ised in the newspapers the comple tion of a purchase resolves itself into a question of dollars and and the wise buyer takes into account how much he can save Wore parting with money Knowing this we early ask attention to the following Will you Will leave the test with your own judgment It is a question of dollars and We are allowing fine of Dress Goods in all newest shades Hosiery Silk Furnishings etc Christinas Groceries Fresh W W PLAYTER Telephone Connection 62 Main St I ILL y WE OFFER THIS a m A a A AT m m lbs Japan Tea regular for 100 New Currants and Raisins at 6 All Groceries at equally LOW RATES Grey Collars and Muffs reduced to Dark Collars and Muffs reduced to Collars and Muffs reduced to Pure Silk Handkerchiefs suitable for HOLIDAY GIFTS Reduced in Price going from ctp up STAPLES AWAY DOWN At correiipoiiding rates J W STEPHENS FRESH BULBS BENTLEYS PHARMACY CAMPBELL HOW HOT HOW COLD A Thermometer will tell you exactly That is some- thing every family ought to have at hand in all sorts of weather You can get them at our store at a very low price We have also a complete line of Watches Clocks Jewelry and Silver Ware Knives Forks COME AND SEE US ATKINSON Main Street NE Tastily Flour ROCK TABLE SALT at wont PRICES A ta I A gAKERS OUTFIT- ft 4 Si ROOMED HOUSE w1 ToLt