Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 1 Dec 1893, p. 3

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FA fc ERA DEC ON ABOUT TOW TBEteiORS A company of boys to Swl Weked for an hoar ff to wort got dumped into QawnSt We no lew taw persons First of the Season A number boy enjoyed fiat on pond Saturday They thick A lad named got Op lo Shirts and Why Toronto Jobbing Who is Drawer I Roche nut lot Fancy Silk that at a The service rooming will bo by on pastor Rev J evening Sab CircQit gL in Li by plant This will- bo a series of Evangel is I fiii- Factory Yarn Sheet- it at Sew tjQaeca street Bridge at It looks as will bo com- More Water trccl Bridge the length time that latter hit Mi the Si Friday and ii to pot it together will probably renamed noil Ulsters Are the j5l in Town the A a Hake So Mistake Municipal province this year on Friday before of the last Monday in fW3t caused by falling The dec- l Wfirincotly will bo a jxjjer usual between the iji and Jog Towels S Towellings At the Toronto Jobbing a High School The second iiigjmcasiara the building Some rfllecnrft flooring is to be laid yet on ill a good deal painting ar only tbree weeks more till holidays it is and will bo bear villi the of fijicrordcdftatof till Li of the term and new a formal opening alter A Gift Is a good mo assortment tBinBi J W Sireet Lighting The Whitby w the Banner cays have into a five rautract itLiifIJ Light Company on per each night JTrvcirkct twelve lights and on the cost night- Jit the lights are ia which at Whitby price acsoaut to per Kebcrein the neighborhood of is now paid by our corporation 5ti may misinformed Whitby give us the Silk and Wool Mitts wool mitts and gtovcp in a Smash Up While out for a drive Mr John jr Diet an at the and ilm Cosford wl A ran into a of and ty a that it hiro darted the Ride of lit read a bank fcpBl ln the fence and a in a on the other Tit the new was Wly wrecked but the Ken in the rig injury the hone Bachelors vs A FoolBall took on the Fair rooming of Thanksgiving Day the single and married men of Cane Factory After eg hoar a half the score stood to Parlor In brass and lin all A Fier- heller having a of vacant lota on street of Sir has pit id a stone foundation and fitted op a very neat be intends to reside Herman of the entire stock marked at price from Monday morning Dec Jth at Roche at Ibey they are found clear slock Go at once and see them a Prohibition Another meeting of and all ft ho aro Milling do to help the Prohibition Vote will take place the Temperance Rail at 8 oclock evening A large attendance is desirable Now is the Time For you to gel is or Ulster ft doubt oar stock is the most complete in town My to L- Jewelery afore Main St a Social Between and at tended league Social at The Bowery on evening inclement and tine was spent menial by iliss Miss and Jackson luted the program Chinelle Curtains Reduced to also Chioelifl Table Covers pro6t are and in Hard Times not catling goeds A Co have pat the knife into price a Roller Skates About fifty people from Newmarket went down to Aurora and half the number took on the Roller on even ing of Thanksgiving Day Most of them went the train and came up on the midnight Dumped on the Road Some body got a harry for dinner last Tues day noon and dumped a load of hay on Timothy street opposite the Novelty Works If be didnt say any bed words the corporation charge any rent for the short time that he the road way The Gospel Tern- meeting last afternoon something The speaker Mr J of a advocate of no mean standing We have not room of his address which a friend his kindly supplied bat will give it next issue Now the Time To buy your at J Millards Newmarket He is offering larger discounts than ever for cash till Christmas Come and see bargains Music Mr Forsyth will conduct a Harmony Glass ever Wednesday after noon to which all his piano pupils will bo admitted free and piano pupils of other teachers will he admitted on payment of a small fee Mr Forsyth will give a Piano Concert about February and it advible that at to lessons as toon us a Completed The alterations to the residence at the corner of Prospect Ave are completed and Fletcher of Ml- Albert has in one half Eves wife of who was drowned last sum mer miles of Winnipeg with her children are living iq other half White Felt Sailors Ladies White Fall Sailor price now only at Away from Home for News Toronto Star last Friday saystbat Mayor Lloyd of Newmarket is serving bis last foregoing pub we learn that TJ Robertson Eiq- has to sland for ITe is a worthy candidate and many be baa in Council be the honor We hope ho may bo elected by Jute Table Covers nice at a At a tncatng of the of the Prohibition in on Tnpday it decided to put a superior campaign speaker in the field the earliest possible iujport- centre in the ia be touched of is them A quantity of hearing the Plebiscite Vole was also ordered for circulation Greenland Capes Dan- ford Co are selling 27 facts size at and a few Beaver Cape at Worth money wholesale to sell again a New The premise by have lew by Mr Bert who will con tinue the Harbor and upttta to The place is being thoroughly and newly hoi red Mr Is a Newmarket boy having learned the trade here bat for oyer four months has beep in a flrsV shop in latent ideas We wish A Call Extended The papers that the Official Board Berkeley St Methodist at a meeting held un evening passed ft a unanimous in- Station sobjecl to ratification by Con ference to Rev to become for Berkeley are wise their have shown wisdom by the choice they have made Sir is not only an excellent pulpit and platform speaker but a man of to great Head of the arch taking also a lively in all that pertains to spiritual and social to whom he An active earnest devoted man with an family Under his pastorate here the church has greatly prospered spiritualty financially- The Berkeley people are to be congratulated on their choice Flannel Sheeting At per yd Wool Veiling double fold at per yd at the Toronto Jobbing House a The Climax That Football has become popular in around New market was clearly proven by the large crowd of persona who stood in the cold and witnessed the game on Thanksgiving Day between the known Varsity team of Toronto and the Newmarkets knew that the home team had made a splendid daring season and while all wanted to ceo the boys give a good account el Hum selves nobody really expected the to be it was Newmarkets right wing was disabled by the of Mont who was unable to play of sickness At Smith called play trams lining op follows i J A Kirkwood ilcCallura A Shore A McKay rah am Sinclair CORSKT Waists In Childrens J a dies at Urlvks lilack Colored Cloths Toronto Virv Over eleven Kb ago Mr Low to and lake to hia bed swelling leg that was one ago days ago bo much belter started to but bad in couple if when tore leg wis by a heavy bar steel which he whilo another person was it It roach he to work before Ken ssd been on the broad his leg in aod the wedici attendants give hope of getting up lor tea days Parlor Games and Goods CM has received a nico Wc iho trade a The public will do well caution when dealing- with Agents who are strangers it a line should be w from all suspicion recently an agent fas been soliciting on what the Plan and Policy is returned but a year pay life a clasa policy not nearly so profitable and not anything like to favorable an Wo to the insured The rates for this of a policy of much lower by rates jmr companies for a straight the agent produces a in his favor and the simply by a fraud Get your from a local Another Pill or Two Some body bo for a comfortable mat or two or pot ajbly ft pair of driving milts tho defend er Mr J A Allans residence up big toes near corner on his way home from the end and wo shall hear familiar bark of Colonel no more Ho was- a favorite end a noble specimen of the Newfoundland breed The morn- tog a mete for belonging to Mr- Albert met with a similar Woo the guilty If the secret gets out If this work keeps on there will not bo much demand for Corporation tags next year goal Flood backs PP ltd Irvine Ira Clark Doyle Walt Cain Fouler A no- Clark A- Hoi- left wing I right wiug into the Eastern a trong wind their favor Svcar Down Roche A Co are selling lbs granulated lbs Sugar for dollar also celling at a bag delivered to any boose in tow- b attendance ftt Union on Thursday of iras not largo a anlicipated nor what could reasonably bo expected Prosier conducted iheopenlojr Bell gave an excellent calling to re the common point ing to tho duty and re of every calling elf or a to caul ballots for prohibition on the let of Jan uary and atamp out the liquor which has produced aomach Bin and retch closing were thrown Into a general meeting conducted by Key J and a large number gave expreIon gratlttido to Cod People Jr llfl y H tor can obtain at t i Hale a uliucctttatiendcdlheannQal fiopper hi the Church on Day so far tciattrs and edibles were after more than ordinarily interesting ite choir a couple of pieces but the feature of the evening was Jrf6fM ramlnoilan who gave an excellent account of ttland Modern Antloch as well is Jaots of Interest but gave a bis life showing the to lo obtain an a cbrtatfan In titive Mr a number articles inanofactor- ltB which found at of the 7lsldes given to speaker to eon- bit work A More SnApsik Stoves heater coal or wood I Parlor Cook wood Large Drum a 1 Coal self feeder JO are bargains A a Good Concerts You can put It fact that the beet Concert Blng- In the Lrutit of the wort that ever given Newmarket a to take In the Town Hail on Friday night Dec 1Mb and who bar bun In training on for the two nnder the two best lead- era country will anile In giving treat which will be worth going to hear and CO voice supported by in will reader concert of wbtch Old people never tEre talking at Handera Hallelujah Chorus of the Lord etc lo get her with tote quartettes and Mr D and Mr Ed fllouffcr of be tides local talent will take prominent solos excellence of the Newmarket chair the leiderthlp of Mr A- fliouffer and the tbe Stool choir Is that the Concert will bo A I Dont miss ling kicked oil lo Geo Clark who return and Roily passed to left wing which returned to Rolling who ball through Time This va the shorten game of the season Mil play of trie forward lint prettiest on ihc field The lasted only minutes the kept well Varsitys goal alter some team play union naked it in and This seemed to awaken visitor and for the reel of half time gave the Newmarket deleuce tots of work Flood stopped never al hard on goal but after minutes play scored No more were taken daring first half althopgh a num ber of good made by both teems After change of the New market forwards got down to work again and kept on the defence After IS Geo Clark shot the ball through coring tho third and last Goal The real of half the visit ore worked harder than ever to try and oven Newmarkets stone wall was there time and when thD whistle blew the stood Vanity I Newmarket The vibitora felt tore over their defeat as bad touted that they only came up here to oonntry football For the homo team while all on defence played a perfect game Flood io and Ira Clark at right half distinguished themselves For the nd at fall A at half back and forward were icrbae the most effective Toronto went horn by evening train like all team that have played here season themselves well plotted with their treatment by The gate receipts for pretty good this time of year This will bo the match this season The hope to keep together and next year have a atrong team In the Association record for season la coals wok A Sample- It is a caution how easily some people are gulled A tramp town one day this week and being short of cash to carry on he into the abed of one of hotels and sifting a quantity of dirt put it into small package then went from to house and sold it a chemical preparation for cleaning tin- ware at There be a fortune in of these yards Don encourage fellow that around from door to door Von buy anything yon need from oar reliable merchants who are paying and help to keep up town Anew No Cook Stove for to give satisfaction A a adjourned meet ing of the ilecbanice InstitQte takes place this evening Mr A Prentice purchased the borne at the rear of the old factory moved into premises i a were here from Bradford and Aurora to Time to think We hear thai there is likely to be a gen end iii East over the Municipal elections King mutton bills last Satur day for road repairs There is a Rood deal of la around town again The It of bad a taffypoll on program last day night meets rtMrt Tuesday The Windows Take a look at the Crockery and Shoo Window of ford Roche A Co- on Monday a Bazaar The annual sale of Fancy Dressed Doll etc by the St Church will lake place in the store door South of Thursday and Friday of week- Now yoa want thing for Christmas and you hare not got time to make it Go and see if there is not some article you would fancy and encourage those who are in church work by making a purchase there is nothing you want you cannot do without jour supper so go there and get thai It will cost yoa at homo and they promise a high tea at that price Or can bare a hot oyster stew for au extra dime Now dont forget the Bazaar next week Dressers Go to -Mc- Bengali for their clothing Lesson Well Learned Borne people believe that we one of best Markets here to be found country where can re ceive almost Toronto and frequent- better all year Uptfad TheGfr of Friday last tell of a North York farm er who down to the city sell At ton he was Offered 9c for turkeys bat be said 1 was offered at Newmarket Ill go to the city When he got there ha ootid that larkeye had been bought at and he only averaged about for bis He drove SO miles to take So less per lb than he was offered in Newmarket Berlin Wools Roche A Co are telling at cent per ounce all color- Hymeneal The residence of Mr Isaac Scott tbe scene of a very pleasant on Wednesday afternoon Nov 50ih when Mary and Mr chard were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by J Anions present were Mr and Mrs Clark of Mr and Mrs- of Van- Mr and Mrs Gordon of Mrs of fifisj Alderman and wife of Newmarket Mil of Chiron The results wtro both cosily showing the high esteem in which tho bride Is held by all After a sumptuous wedding supper the happy couple left amid Rood wishes aud of rice on the evening train for Harris end points north Best Hosiery in Is to be found at Hughes fa CT A ORDERED CLOTHING AT A IT AN The Money having Establishment NEW FALL DRESS GOOD ore now showing our lira of Fall Dresa Goods and would ask you call and inspect them for yourselves Our Black Henriettas will be found to he the beat value in town Compare some of them see Now is the time that people begin to think about Flan nels We have a splendid range of Flannels for the Fall Trade good value for the price Cotton and Shirtings We have a full line of these everyday asked for articles and all we have to say about them is they the best we can buy for money Our Groceries are all Fresh and FirstClass Try our Blended Coffee at Also our Blended Tea at cents PLAYT Telephone Connection 62 Main St ANOT IN THE PRICES OF ink Drops Now December Oct rtedy for your Town Council neat Monday Institute meeting tonight day to pay taxea Sep- meet Tut Wednesday a elormy day Get the slush off walks At the Our Clothing Sale is proving a great success for every buyer gets a bargain but to keep up the Hum we now make another Deep Cut in prices of Mens Youths and Boys Overcoats Suits Pea Jackets and Black Worsted Coats and Vests that will ensure a sale in every case y As this offering is composed of Reliable Seasonable Desirable and Fashionable Clothing the whole of it will soon be disposed of just when needed most at the beginning of cold winter weather We are carrying full lines of Seasonable and Fashion able Goods in all our other departments of Dry Goods Furnishings Fur Goods Tailoring Goods Overcoatings Suit ings and Boots and Shoes While in Groceries we are excelling all our former efforts in value and variety TERMS STRICTLY CASH R J hi Aug Brock Co Oct Barton Co 0 Bradford I 3 Nov I 18 CollcgoPharmacy 1 1 Boots A footwear You avo on Monday tfrltodtoftuo dUy from hem and w Overcoats Can be bought at a on Monday morning alto of If men wero only at good Jgi of good at women are would bo a rath for the 2nd floor department of Hoc ha A Co a In and vito array to or In the great affray Holly and Georgia aaabayed roood cow here now thero Wblte and leltp around did tear centre Oar did the act back of I dp la bold array with tact farther bach we gazed on two Our Bam and Noddy And last not the Oar stopped what to The way the honor of oar town And victory atill Pott Down to Uadlei Knglish Walking Hall already priori doit only How He done the of A Co- W KESWICK Mr from is at present at Mr Mor ton Mr Dart eldest ton of left on tho for Winni peg company with Mr John The latter took up a carload of Dan ft diploma from tbo and going Into fatuincaa with hie uncle In Ho Is to a good place to develop Ms ability and wo to bear a giod account of him Mr Dan Morton shipped a cap load of apples to city and went down to after them- Onof the yoong bachelor firm la In city tbia week Wondefc if he ft another partner Of course ho will goods The are arranging for extra In way of an en from a Is expected Look out for future announcement That young boy preacher equals In of the city divines It a coming star in Confer ence and in Christs vineyard where hit labors though have crowned with Miss Ward bat It now able to be back to acbool It it pretty generally understood tist Ml is La tidy of Aurora is to be IK teacher hero Miss Ward It to attend The inhabitants around Keswick and Feint enjoyed two or tkw days sleighing at a of last Montreal horse buyer through here week but bo will Una Uncle Pat bas picked up the best of them A BIG DROP I 1 Q BOOTS AND SHOES Sight Tested Scientifically Institute of Correction by Glasses of Defective Sight AT AND He temporarily up to bo back to ORDERED CLOTHING Oar Toronto Market SO rail per bethel a Boring bushel- Wheat per bushel Peas per Potatoes per We ate giving greater bargains in our lines than any house town It will pay you to examine Goods and Prices before purchasing else- Montgomery Son SCOTTS PHARMACY NEWMARKET I f mi BheeeklnS Wool per lb Pork per m pair I 10 CIS OK on 0 000 has I where toe w wurselo the new method from a thorough undersigned the new method Cutting DretSM Maui ad si by which by fit is all the of the bavin addrtet are a perfect skcaid bmzib locality will GREAT BARGAIN Ready- Made Clothing CHEAPER the CHEAPEST We also flufltoin our reputation for Ordered Clothing Superior Goods Excellent Prices Call and bo convinced MAIN WE PRESENT THESE THIS Mens Working Shirts Mens Fine Shirts Mens Cloth Gaps Ladies Dress Goods IN OUR 35c up 10c up- J W STEPHENS BUL AT i BENTLEYS PHARMACY 1R CAM PBELL Proprietor HOW HOT HOW COL is Thermometer Will tell you exactly That tbing every family ought to have hand in all sorta of weather You can get them at our at a very low price We have also line of Spectacles Watches Clocks Jewelry and Silver Ware Knives Forks Spoons COME AND SEE US ATKINSON NEWMARKET I Main Street Family BOOK TABLE AND DAIRY AT AT A BARGAIN of fcoAia Timber for sale A quality to WALDO Or OUTFIT A- Poultry

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