o DEC Co Co Groceries Bros Bargains Thompson A Son Cheap A Boots Win Boot Bon Firm Card of Rama Teacher We ted Hill- Hook to Let ft is In the id of Colling wood and winder had els on the Central Fair Association put cat m prize list but also publish rule tbmt Iho fail to awarded only a per the receipts foot tip 7111 to takers NEVER LETS BUT GROWS BRIGHTER AND BRIGHTER WITH EACH ISSUE The Era Is Printed at Home FRIDAY DEC- I Monday the writ to fill in Comment by appointment of Mr- to the office of of Ibo Nomination on the cumber and polling on Sir Jam Grant is Government and it is said be will be opposed by or Mr Wo Hatch in son Our Toronto Despatch trial to Bra Not While mlUmpting to board a moving trolley on King Hare fell under wheels and was crashed to deaths Cbas Jacobs and King were be fore Monday on PO at Kettle- by money watches and amp ew until to morrow It in city that Fed al Parliament will be Gammoned for on the of Jmnpary The municipal elections are attracting atkotioor It it quite possible Mayor Fleming try for a third term Mr- Andrew Crawford of beat known boinc wen in the city died last evening apoplexy prevails all city No than school teachers were reported off doty yesterday sober ing therefrom reports from Ottawa intimate that new French Treaty will be sub mittal to Parliament for ratification The are on top The Minister will eat bis leek and to draw While it is admitted effect of palling the Treaty into force materially tfaroagh loss of on French wines it on the other band develop and enlarge trade and fisheries export thii is argument The ViiQCAfir a Journal of Moral fle form if ha title of a new monthly a copy of we bate received It fa edited by S of and the present is devoted mainly to the prohibition which has a place in mind of Canadian people just now The is in form fonr pAges and both neat and attractive get up The November comber whioh we received contains a vast amount of which most be practically valuable to of the temperance qo est ion VIVIAN Wood is winter- Mr Chaa Boot intends patting In cordi at Vivian Station we are going to our school teacher at end of present term Oar should consider well before toeing of an efficient teacher- Mr John Woodcock jr purchased a new organ Your correspondent noticed in last weeks Baa that are so low in that one traded off for a bog hot we can beat here as one of off for a dock even op ladies of are having a big time making paper flowers We like to know they are going to decorate Mrs Samuel and Miss Alio of Albert were at on Sunday What the people would like to know Who the correspondent is SHARON- Bad rtotfld- dose of the trial last week the jury in the of the Crown a- gainst and J Connolly for conspiracy in a verdict of guilty and each were sen tenced to one years imprisonment without hard labor Ottawa despatches to Toronto papers state that a petition is in cir culation in the Capital praying the Governor General exercise royal clemency in favor of the prisoners The offence of consisted in the fact thst while as a member of parliament and Harbor of Quebec he made a compact with contractors by which he was to give them information that would enable them to secure government contracts they in return to pay their infor mant sums of money from the profits therefrom The money obtained was to be for election purposes tokeepio power the political party to which he be longed Connolly was the contract or who benefited by the fraud and paid McGreevy the money disburs ed by the latter as Treasurer on the orders of members of the Govern ment to corrupt the electorate But while the offence of and Connolly deserves all the punishment imposed it seems a pity that those who profited by their guilt should go of justice For whether true or otherwise widespread con viction prevails that certain ministers of the crown had a guilty knowledge of all that has been charged against and Connolly Without in any way faulting the judge or jury who tried the above case the Ottawa asks theec questions But is it not a travesty upon justice to find men sent to pris on for conspiring to raise election funds for the benefit of certain poli ticians while the chief beneficiaries of the conspiracy arc allowed re tain high positions in the state And did not the federal ministers break faith with Messrs Connolly and Mo Did not a member of the cabinet write to one of the members of the firm of Connolly Co stating in effect that the prosecution would abandoned certain stag It now to be a necessary con sequence of the verdict rendered by the this mornfng that Sir Oliver Mowat custodian of th adminis tration of justice in this province should call upon ihe Dominion pre mier to bring indictments against all the parties lo ihe conspiracy including those who owe Iheir seals in par- liameni and Ihe cabinet to the election funds obtained from or through the men now in prison lis Toronto to remark that had better drop both and the before attempting to bridge that tcada toward the term ot Office As Ottawa despatch states that Bit John Thompson has been appointed a member of the Imperial Privy Council for services as arbitrator in connec tion with Sea It Carrie with it the title Bight Honor able Sir A and tha Premier only that have been made members the Imperial Council The above dispatch states that Sir Christopher for er- as special counsel at said has created a and will hereafter have the Sir to his name What Scsistj is Mag from likely to pointed at Wattling ton- Canada bo glad to the rumor confirmed the folly of two legislation and abolished iia chamber uioncy already tpent to maintain a of would up a hand to mo surplus in its provincial they followed ex Hoxou arc heaped the Do Premier He has recently been an honorary of the Council and alio honors Consrva at Toronto Winnipeg Wit afrafd ij further honors at pres ent and boomed Mr Martin by way are to it hot for In Ontario election A meeting of the committee of that party In Toronto hat week The ob ject was to arrange for a convention to elections was to call tho Convention till after next of Parliament By that statod at the meeting the party flflll have or In recent political effort ot the Premier In this provinco be followed next general election like experience at appears to have attended the of lion Main and Angen at Winnipeg It will be a cold day for A reversion of a majority over four hundred a minority over three will for the to thick nwxtxt points ilr Alex Simpson spent Thankigiy fog here Mr Gibson spent Thanksgiving in city IUt J spent Thanks giving in Newmarket Mr Leslie Coram of Toronto is visit ing in town this week Messrs Geo and Jim Walsh were in town on Thanksgiving Day Fred Lloyd and Knowleti of Toronto spent Thanksgiving here seems 10 bo very little improve ment in the condition of Mr Jacob Back this TMks Clara apeot Thanks giving to the city also of Mr and family accom panied by Mr spent Sands at Oxbridge Mr and daughter of been visiting with friends Thanksgiving Percy Fletcher came home from College on for a month real being overworked Jessie Low returned home on Saturday Laving spent several months with sitter near North Bay Warner Is having quite a time with her knee which was Injured by being thrown out ot a boggy last summer Mr David Fletcher of Toronto by bis son and daughter spent Thanksgiving with in towo Mr a student for the ministry preached in Chnrcli morning to good Me and Mrs Chas Smith have gone to to spend the Christmas holidays with their daughter Mrs Capt Perkins an engagement at on Wednesday evening in a proCcssional concert Fax and Cameron Mr David of spent night in town with nephew Mr A Two brothers the latter were alto here over Hughes has been laid up several days the rerult of a loose plank in Mho sidewalk at Landing she was vleiting on Thanksgiving Day preached In the Presbyterian Church on evening while Rev J Bell expounded the of the talents In an excellent maimer In the of Drayton who Is at tending school of Pedagogy in Toron to iTiankrgiving at Mr also Mr A Lehman who Is teaching In his Mr A all regaining over Mr ALondy was town on on his way to To ronto Hospital Ho got a floger poisoned the week of our School excursion up there arjd has not done hours work on thecontrryhehee very- low but physical appearance Is much improved he Is troubled with stiff- In shoulder Mr J Davis who well reprcwts North York In the Ontario Legislature week from While In he said to a reporter I found that the success which Canada lias achieved at the Worlds Fair In exhibits and eipclally In her stock and educational exhibits has attracts widespread attention Thopopplar8ecretary of the East Society has had soma great on the boys lately Borne people were quit sure that he bad Joined the when he took his best girl on an excursion July but he always gave evasive answer that no- tody could toll Its all op now We got It anough last that the knot was tied at Wilson and we would not to hear him looking for atiouae On Friday evening Nov the member and friends of the Christian church showed in a very tran qui way their appreciation of the faithful of their pastor Rev- in a body to the number about 0 taking fall possession of the The pastor bis wife ware invited the parlor while the run kitchen dining room and cellar table ware aoon with of earth and to be seated Mr invoked the Divine blessing after which all seem- to do their put nobly Supper bring aver passing hoars spent in singing and social chat About ten oclock Mr Jwwb called the company to order and Martin Hoover read an address in of the church their and interest their pastor and his wife Then Mr in the church presented the pastor with a porta of in money and goods equally valuable consisting of dn2d meat letter flour sausage eggs groceries not the librae in the stable but a good supply oats in all to the value of The pas tor very auitablo and feeling re ply referring to strong bonds that bind pastor and people together Truly this is tip most tangible way for a congregation to cay they appreciate the labora of their pastor is to preach Missionary Sermons at and Sharon pijj Sunday Dec 3rd A was held in the base mental the Methodist Church Friday evening for the purpose organizing a division of the of Temperance A number of the members of Divis ion were in attendance and assisted in the entertainment Mr J delivered an able after which be organized a division with the following Clara flill Richardson Mis Mary Peregrine A J Miss Georgia Wright Chap Mrs Emma Henry Con I Peregrine A Con- Bond Dunham The division will meet Tuesday evening at and we would be pleased to have all l lodges pay a isil The choir did not go to temperance meeting on Monday evening on of the rain Everybody is going hear the Black finightattbe Methodist Church hero on Friday on Prohibition Question is probably tbobest colored orator on the Amerfeaneontinent- is known for wit humor logic and eloquence cam paign is promised by it good choir and a is Those who do not go will regret it We would remind workers the Tp Convention to be held in Queens- villa on Thursday evening and Friday next week MOUNT ALBERT The Church of England social on Thanksgiving Etc was suoocfsfol attendance would been larger had the evening been flna a decided but the program was abort on account of the no appearance of outside performers However the selections that render ed wens excellent and much appreciated Special mention might bo made of which was played with much and correctness and was heartily applauded Net pro coeds amounted to something over A number of our Temperance Mends jvent to but Friday to in forming a Temperance Division in that The following perrons were guests in over Harry and Mrs Wilson Mr Hughe and family of to and Mr Rannia and family of Newmarket Mr Will and family of have become residents of our village- Mr R Phillips and Misses Doao spent last Saturday in Toronto took part In the Fight in Toronto on Thanksgiving day Mr Walter and family are mov ing to this week A number of villagers Intend nest Friday evening to bear the great prohibition Mr Hector- On Friday evening last Minnie was At Homo with a num of invited friends A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all present Wonder how the young man feels who drove five miles after his beat got left Mr and Mrs A returned home on Saturday evening from Vine where they had been visiting relative and report the being over two feet deep on the level they left and snowing 9 of the friends or Prohibition lo of East York Is called for Dec Harvest Home Wexford The object York Bui of Street for ittu bbdle on Jan by NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS S9berfi5enieifs Well- Assorted Arranged Specially with a Heavy Stock of books mm CARDS BOOKLETS To Supply Sunday Schools Rates to Schools that will Rival any thing Previous A CALL SOUCiTRD Centr Office W N STARR Markets 1 Nov Floor per barrel a OSS a Spring Wheat per Goose a a Gets per JO a a a Bran per CO a a Oil a a Butter per lb a Potatoes per a ISO a a IS a Hay a a 04 a a W Do not put off Until the week before WHAT YOU SHOULD DO The 1st of December Wheat only should be 100 Barley only should be Money -oxo- you intend lo buy- yourself an outfit in the shape of 9 Suit or an Overcoat place your order in time If you da not know where to go ask your neighbor and he will always tell you to go to McDougall flc MY TAILOR If you have any lying around the house bring it in and have it made up in firstclaw style Prices reasonable Goods Must be Sold We therefore cut our prices and offer the lowing goods at figures that dont pay us a profit jS i FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH AN A SPECIALTY BE WISE READ THIS Prices to Suit the Times at HTS Mr Allan of Vanity Iho at Warner and of Toronto pan ft day wo week with her aunt of Aurora were lor ilia the latter of recldeat away lutFrfrUy vera Interred at 1 take to the conducted 21r A so no to Ice la proficient floa on of A number of Mica tod trioa and with force by Dr Itlobardscn toboifoodby heard were given by tod The peo ple era aoilouily forward to one- party by Willing wava decided Aa the wltbaUtliocntntUIi of a A bed been and It of all The choir rendered beautiful and appro priate rcneclloK great credit upon their loader Mr of Key Mr a by Rare Moody McNeil and at World Fair fcralth the late pretexted wltb a of Ibe an Auto- graph up for In iho by one treat their before JHMILLARD Telephone Connection radio GROCERIES Granulated Sugar for Bright Yellow Sugar for Good Japan Tea for Blue Diamond Chop Tea 25c per Ik Bars Electric Soap for Tapioca for Fresh Pink Salmon cents per Can Water White American Oil per gal Canadian Best BOOTS AND SHOES We are selling Ladies Servicable Boots from to Mens Con- Gaiters worth Mens Fine Lace worth 175 Mens Arctic Overshoes worth 175 Mens Rubbers and Sox complete 175 worth 225 DRY GOODS Grey Shambty Flannel all wool from lo worth from to Flannelettes and Meltons at very low prices Mens Underwear at 58 cents pet suit worth Wool Sox from to cents per pair worth Mens and Boys Overcoats at Cost An endless variety of Mens and Boys Fur and Clolh Caps we are clearing SALE COMMENCES ON MORNING Dec out at Cost In Not iih ihe wile Jos of a sop lo Nov 1Mb of a Nov lbo wife of a coo On rtnd of litldoa by iho Mr Jamea Motley to brook all of Aurora At atceXtirfiiarkai Jlwionof Kuk to of Scot tin rcifdancaofcho bridal father th nil Mr Richard of dauicbtr of Mr RsvN0Uj6ltyK0LfAt8lPauraChQrcti Nov by A of daughter Mr of KIok The above gives you an idea of what we are doing these times In Fresh Goods bought in the regular way for Cash- Our aim is Small Profits and Quick Returns Queensville Nov TERMS CASH HARD Not aid will faar an Urfva aaloofock lot ninths coo or Credit fttrta AaxtKoroioeptrorbtkost Mr rLM9Enl Burglars again vhUed the And Mr J of kit week and blow open In and a couple of watches contempt lor copper by throwing them round floor Mf was pretty badly wrecked and Id window A1- together ton will bo amount of trouble and Inconvenience ft will put him to It hoped that the may bo brought to A but load banter and at many from Aurora through hero on Day on way to tho and by tbo way over their return homo they all game they could carry Mm Fox while walking on in village tripped over a very heavily on her Her Injuriii wore of a doctor had to ho for are in a bid and corporation had totter them put In repair or will bo having damage to pay Wonder what Mayor waiter of homo bad theLr at of Milton Terry a big of fowl with a plentiful of After topper away lo with rouilciend a very time was V and J working Win all aaprncr home for the winter kicked at Grange Hill on Jiving Day when the toy oo the were defeat to Tomb on daughter Ibe Sherwood Carrey beloved rad3dja town on of Farewell dear fautbaad Hate life did laat And for mo mike But love for toy aako A lorlog mother Merlon la felt by every fioon in boiroQ Arouod the mercy MAIN NORTH NEWMARKET will receive careful and prompt attention ftdbeHIsfirQeijis liAxd a For Sale by Tender Hoary l5Utti will by tender lit A by Jobo North io Henry Draper dice for which fall on t February IK at per South half of of North alio IjQt No about good Sad following Hod namely LheKaat lA No In of North more or leal wood ihftreoo HALL Cut Prices in Ladies Mantles Cut Prices in Cut Prices in Dress Goods Cut Prices in Silks and Sealettes Cut Prices in Mens and Boys Clothing Cut Prices in Boots and Shoes Cut Prices in Crockery and Glassware J We ever made to clear out the above Departs ments The season also being lat9 and having bought heavy as well us to do it Come and see how far your money will go We never offered such good value before FALL 1893 New Fruits coming to hand daily I have in stock now some fine new Basket Raisins very choice for table Prime ofFstock Vatencias Choice new figs on the way Orange Lemon and Citron Peel assorted in lib boxes Very nice for family use and all other lines for the coming season now in stock or on the way CANNED GOODS From the best canners each or for Good Pink Salmon cans for Finest Golden Syrup in alb Tins for seasons Valencia lb boxes for good Japan Tea for good value at California Breakfast Food Packages for A Grand Stock of Comb and Strained Honey TOILET SOAPS- I am making a special run to re stock Babys Own and all others in proportion you will hear from me in Fancy China Goods Lamps China Tea and Toilet Sets I would say sec my stock befote it will pay you No just one word dont forget my Excelsior Coffee it is the best in town and our regular Japan Tea or 4 lbs for has no mat loader for tod or for Wo coder bo ad- KvUfk on or before 1821 ud to Imp u KttwioVctphta R A SMITH BR UNTON BRO REMEMBER You can purchase your Main Timothy uddMtnoU EACH School tec TRAY til on orlhU THANKS food to in Uodlr uriiuoce of iho JIIqcm l Ion No- Apply to BocrstuA Pine Orchard DOG Coll Nor 18CD C or ASTRAY QwUllmbarr of a BSD nod ft u to Us GENTS IF YOU WANT NicePitting Clothing CO TO St North NEWMARKET t Oor work peak lot wd a- i v At COST Great