Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 Nov 1893, p. 4

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j si- ERA NOV g PILLAR ON mm A Bright Lad Hire lo authorized When I Kit minima nsumpiL The die- tcigDCri til that tun It did I titter i a Me walk IveauSd waj Vfc and A forces ltd under my arm It threw If I iut at to Weak the a running sow I hid Soli tivj I Tin good ieuc P AYERS others will cure Christian Homo Not Col Golden I will within my with a perfect The the mitten from Mine to which Henoch Colweia wee doc not even have the by tIJinfi of trior into church meet by holding op ftt ftnd of H ftii1 of tha Chnrch which pins fitly on with of with ootwftM flocin from ftod corresponding to onion with if en Cbrlit rfticriciL Mind testing Forgiving one ftf ftltftioiog those I of Chriit of Chriit lisfl UK ABOUT A of IVi Mmuih tY4S thai of aiij in a was held at by the for F MP the Toronto MiltikaD Mayor Mr- J St ejjciniI Sir to rjgti the Com- to if Ibe Trench lratv is parliament during the coming quite a number of our cot tariff have firm that Sir Charles is that of a man rut and that the falher and ton Me never willingly to let go whito the father would own rather than throw up his job O he got a pretty soap and is making money for the family Come to You if a suffer ing woman in this cam Womanhood Wifehood Motherhood All need Ihe of car proper card for hygiene a and a remedy by an eminent physician and for U Mid ftilments of vomeD Soma disposition are ia pain- it was not meant that women coffer so not ft remedy that promotea all functions dispell ohea nd refreshing sleep and restores health and la tho weaknesses nd Irregulan- of womanhood itft the guaranteed remedy If it fails to benefit or euro yoa your is jerfoot1y by Dr Catarrh this that by their offer cash for a oafs of which they all dealers la roedloinw FOR MEN AND WOMEN THE Per gratitude ont should At and season In all appropriate that are crowned Though sorrow may bars torched And falling Tho world is full of sunlight it for all Though at lime the ahadoir May on oar so for That through our rum a nolo of Father It so to Ha waits world ours A of perfect With antt flqwir Though aye pruatioiierf For real beyond much to To help win Tho bo gloomy Dark may And he beauty Of many a lovely scene qi May make all nature bright J W if day 1 A Theres an honest ring about the ads of this that carries conviction to the Iniyer Goods arc found to be exactly as represented and confidence between buyer and seller is easily established methods tell the- tale average individual nowa days pays little attention to the advertisement that savors of bombast As an evidence of our we repeat to day some values veryday bargain READ CAREFULLY And In the coming evening OWEN ELECTR5C BELT It surely shall light Master to Abundance far our need trust Him Loyal thought deed hare And grief will hare it But we will Day Nov I Stomach Liver Blood and remove oil purities from a to Sore -5- dyspepsia biliousness headache salt rheum- scrofula- heartburn dropsy rheumatism disease the day of judgment will reveal all the iniquity the Public Work and Government wntractorfi hat is what the evdUC0 brought Out by the Irial at fc true the contract for the parliament build was for finally amounted by and altcraliond to the gross amount of all in which witness had been engaged reached the how many Beats profits on contracts won lor Sir John and honest gov ernment Scientist ana lVuJhul nude felt ftud jr nW any iiirtUTl AT 6 AT 6 AT AT 7 AT 10 AT 12 lAtlliM IfcsVcr Jackets la an colore three iiidi JiiCkctif ittth cape of black IjiJIea Cloth nledy JKeJ Ill double pal leaver Cloth Jackets felu fur In tun colore collar OH HEXS OVERCOATS Heavers In black and brown tweed linings Men with wroa or Metis mail with lap box buck arah hruwa Mens Overtoil or all iucM stylishly maile dtens louble IT AT AT AT AT 9 At by to Jvtixit be foro it too uallP aiii fulhtLifotmatioii riifirtlli chronic and J Belt S Appliance Co KING StWTOHONTOOht Stale St Ml At last Friday Mary whi hail worked in lie house for oyer years met with a terrible She was caught in the machinery bone in her body was broken and her horribly mangled i i CURE At PURE POWDERED YE PUREST STRONGEST fcy to A FOURTH A favorable report of the North York Teachers Institute was adopt ed The reeve of York called attention to the fact that the Metropolitan Companys trolley poles were still ob structing the waterway in Iark the company had been noti fied to hem The warden and engineer were appointed to in vestigate reeve of drew at tention to the bad state the Like Shore Road through improper ballast ing of the Railway long discussion followed as to whose it was to tee to this as the city had assumed the road Mr Peter man presented a viy elaborate scheme for the abolition the of York roads After a long argument it was decided to lay the matter over A bylaw to appoint jj C Pearson as High School Trustee in place of deceased was cat lie J A was received asking for the dismissal Constable After discussion it was de cided not to strike the constable oft the list FIFTH Are you not at in my welfare She More In your farewell Brook lyn Life j 11DiuU For Lace Side fc or Pinter U1 pie Mrs a I wmfelrrti CATARRH REMEDY relievo his for It iru ft to Lot Coo Lbtl5Coo i J HUNTLEY ait A mother doe fcersetf too freely her when she give up her own to them herself so that they do not recognize her superior make it for to honor her as the Fifth Commandment they shall do writes in the Home Journal It is a wise that makes the mother upon keeping her proper place in the family as the crown and center of home tenderly loving her children in all ways but seeing that they take their fair share of bur dens of life instead of weakly bear ing them herself A week ago last Monday Geo Adun by bis ear- old Sin and Fred RCd went to Mr bain north of for a load of straw The Adams boy picked up a gun which he did not know was loaded and fired it lodging in young ficlds ihijh wounded boy was taken to and Dr care- Dr probed for the bullet but failed to it suffered consider ably but is doing well and is able to leave his bed In 3D ballot tale r KMnt And liUddtr If ItV It a to ACOUGt rclIavJu la bladder Iho fcruatc It of In 4al Cat I In America for to Iti remark- acd It at and For io at from bora Blood SpaTla Done riMBoto Throat tta at report of the commissioners on progeny was passed the sums spent were those bridges over the Hum at over the Rouge at and over the between York and Pee counties The bridge at is not a wood bridge but a steel bridge its superstructure hating cost and its masonry The Markham bridge cost 1352 for Superstructure and for masonry and half of the expenses of the York County for the superstructure for the masonry and for a retaining wall Upon a motion it was decided to procure from the Govern yellow and ballot papers for prohibition plebiscite for each polling subdivision in the county and Treasurer was in to pay for these This afternoon upon the invitation of the Scarboro Electric Railway Company the Council visited Kt Toronto and inspected different por tions of county property there How to Dry Wot Shoos When without overshoes you have been caught in a heavy rainstorm perhaps you have known already what to do with best kid boots which have been thoroughly wet through and if left to dry in the ordi nary way will be stiff brittle and un lovely If not you will be glad to learn what I heard only recently from one whose experience is of value First wipe with a all surface water and then while still wet rub wcl with kerosene oil using tor thepurpose the furred side of Canton flinncL Set them aside till partially dry when a second treatment with oil is advisable They rnav then be deposited in a conveni ently warm place where they will dry gradually and thoroughly Be fore apnying French them a final rubbing with the still slightly dampened with kerosene and your boots will be soft and flexible is new kid and be very little affected- by their bath in the rain So Mr baa run off and left his wife I dont I guess ho got tired of bossed It cant bo that Ho ran off with aftklDE lite Son Life War has broken out among the bakers of and as a suit bread is selling at jets a loaf in that town Considerable partridge and black squirrel shooting has done on the nth Con of King lately- One man got birds the benefit of lho3C who are or might want to shoot black might say that it is illegal to do so for two years and that the me is heavy in case of a convic tion Ignorance of the law will be no excuse Having disposed of the street car to away with the use of animal power for other purposes In London parcel post vans are being built and will reduce by one- half the expense of delivery The application 0 electricity In private carriages is also experimented in So far the strongest objection to the change is the awkward appearance of a vehicle without a horse But in time the eye will get accustomed the change ln3 away to a desire gad about the streets to cul tivate acquaintance of young men is laying a foundation of a useless after life Ten to one when married she will into a battery of gossip if no greater misfortune befalls her It is the girl of good sound sense the girl that home and helps her mother that wins model man and becomes an ornament to womanhood The girl does this and devotes some spare time to reading and strives for the grace of menial culture com mands the respect and esteem of everybody while the street ornament only wins the admiration of those whose admiration is not worth having A collision that caused con sternation on the street for a few mo ments occurred at Mrs of and Mr Thomas if near Glasgow were driving rapidly in opposite directions and their buggies collided opposite Weeks store The occupants of the were all throw out headfirst with force of the shock anil it was surprising that all were not hurt Mrs was cut on the head and dij not recover for nearly two hours She was cared for in Weeks drug store and for a time the doctor feared concussion of the brain The little girl with her and Mr with slight bruises Her and harness were broken Mr p id ha damages Paper can hi made out of- almost anything thit can be pounded to pulp Over fifty kinds of bark are 0 How is the Time to Subscribe is made out of banana skins from bean stalks pea vine fibre clover and timothy hay straw fresh water weeds weeds and than ioo different kinds of Paper has been made ha r fur and web from asbestos which fur fiithet an ancle by fire from hop plant from husks of any and kind of grain Leaves make a good strong paper while the husks and stems Indian corn also been tried and almost every kind 1 moss can be made intu paper No matter what the substance the process substantially the same the material is ground to pulp then spread thinly over a frame and allowed to dry the subsequent treat ment depending on the kind of paper to he- made- THOMPSON Tut to Mammoth King Street TORONTO it GO TO Toronto J House on- EVER more than during the extremes of heat and cold are we reminded of the very del icate adjustments of nature- Cut a trilling increase dur ing hottest days of summer would Wipe out of existence the entire hum an race During the last winter hid the mercury dropped but few de gree more and remained so for a few days the same result would have followed And yet for ages the slen der balances of mother nature have been adjusted with such delicate nicety that life has been sustained upon a planet which but slight var iations would render entirely un inhabitable Even the air we breath by a slight variation in its composi tion either way would cease to be of and Ihe rushing hurrying mass of humanity which presses on unceasingly the mad race for pos ition influence and riches would be blotted out in a twinkling of an eye When one pauses for a moment to consider the slight tenure of life the great forces of nature upon whose regular and perfect working alone de pends animal existence the narrow margin that separates the real from the imaginary becomes so dimly de fined that a strange feeling of sus pense and nameless dread is inspired The machinery of nature is indeed adjusted most skillfully but how soon a cog in the vast and numberless wheels of the Universe may become broken or a part displaced wreck ing the whole gigantic mechanism no one can foretell Thinking of these things when the extremes of temper ature bring them more forcibly to our consideration they bring a lesson of becoming far more impress ive than human strife and human rivalry Wilson Star PUREST STROKaESTTBEJT I as ft a D H a 3 LET- t GAINS Ttift fc Power Co- com- Mill FirstClass Tamil TABLE AND DAIRY AT NEWMARKET STORE AUSQ for St- CHEAP READING FALL to HE fact is not stated but this little occurrence reported by the New York Sun must have taken place in the good old times when ministers were mere eloquent or congregations more patient than is ihe case at present A entered the meeting house in the middle of ihe service and took a seat in the back pew Pres ently he whispered to the man at his side evidently one of the old mem bers How long has he been preaching thirty or forty years I think answered the elderly man I dont know exactly stay then said the stranger He must be nearly done Keep Liniment In it la cm acre LA eol Pasture 10 JOHN tpLLDCS POU SALE- Supplies 93 Shropshire Rams BAM icl S3 Oik A Full Stock of Seasonable HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE COMPRISING 3 BAND HOOP IRON STEEL IN ALL SIZES CARRIAGE CUTTER l t AND TRIMMINGS BALANCE OF 1893FREE WciVlrQIoU a J J vl Weekly Empire Weekly Wllneu lo to Uh Kit A It M SCO SCO SCO j A SHORTENING for Mfnudi and take no other Down the through the busy way A lady passed On rnaiUetlng day Who pausing at a grocery store Stepped quickly In at the open door With baled breath and anxious mien She queried you The grocer leaving off his work Interrogated every clerk But none up to that time had seen An article called COnOLEKE What Is l said he to the dame That answers to this curious name What Is It made of Whats Us use My Ignorance youll please excuse Youre not the I see youre quits behind times For COTTOLENE Id have you know Is now the thing thats all the go An article of high regard A healthful substitute for lard Its composition pure and clean cooking give roe COTTOLENE As from his store the lady fled The grocer gently scratched his head- On Ills neat order was seen tOu rfwi Grocer for It a only by CO Wellington and Ann 8tret MONTREAL YOO PAY YOHR AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE BUT IT W1U COST YOU TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST rUECIlESr AND BEST STOCK OF STOVES NORTH OP TORONTO THEM TO IS TO BOY WM HODGE CO 21 MAIN ST SOUTH PAPER CARPET FELT AND PITCH FARMERS PLATFORM COUNTER SCALES GRAIN SCOOPS SHOVELS MEASURES Wilkinsons Celebrated Plows Kept in Stock Repairs for all makes of Plows kept in Stock PROP Mill tender for QD SOS Meat Floor Otmeal etc For the In rear U Jivlom for lh KitJirslon ilim- TRY OUR PAILS Clothespins and Washboards- OP NEWMARKET LUMBER QUADS OP THE ORGAN PIANO AND Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM GOOD WORK LOWEST POSSIBLE Lath Doors Sash and Blinds C 51 51 SHOULD A RESIDENCE WITHOUT EN QUIRING ABOUT OUR ISSIBS SUD1N6 BLINDS PrUoa and ltefoimOrjr ih for for ilie ftt bo duo contact Spaclfi- forms lender miking application lo uolnot for supply Of to thp Klngiton nd cor totha Central and for or tor not fc JAMES of A MARKt For tad Him a ex- touc for MUnUmitMtiN ftpiwiiy 4n itVWeallT Wioj Broadway FOR SALE Shropshire Rams AND YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS few DR la a VleiaU WtaiV UU lj lha UK llwrtnicr u3 lb ki Dr Washington Surgeon of will ri to the LOU Of Royal Electric Co TO J mod benefit man LIq3 control of territory Wo bars or TCOacrtaof stock giro you Call for oor term Tho Irlal will coat STONE WELLINGTON ToronlOi Oat- ROACH FOOD Montreal Wall Hi Paper Factory i CO lUrV ostrich THE EQUAL OF PARISIAN ggg teori jV Sold i

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