Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 Nov 1893, p. 3

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T 1 T V ERA NOV lT TH ABOUT TOWN The Krcculivc ttiTE Society- of of Society j- mbItAi for service A large attend- rtjeipWtJ the in C thatch morning of S5tapty- two Me To to a Up- for on Monday driver llifih School ijiiftj fiol into the and broke fin ill wind that dont do Next Sun- a Mr- will And erf J- on which jfen will to preach at Whitby next A special meeting Temperance worktra at Friday jyt to Temperance Ball Jo tttrgefor ot3 of in rfcfM with the plebiscite role jiititfd on Supper The the Christian an lank- preparations for their Sapper on evening of Tea from 7 ft and modem by rfiicozotry anticipated Nearly An accident was in froist of the driver jumped into lit but horses started be- told of the One of the to ground end fcd no control them k and by the bridles Cbasceof Time A new Time on the falMcday The only Northern Division in the which cow fes down al of and is a War for hen as it thee the city at fiie minutes to rooroing trains leaving Toronto PftEFVKE The weather all that could bo desired to row it that cold stormy to be oar portion Well we hue all the year round rill to tal jsd It is hardly to freere op for the fiison wo rain as the groan J very dry Mr Savage got ordure i and Mr Ben not around on day at a to Morning Prayer and Holy lector aVc for liberal to tho Fond of tho which offertory derotJ The New Bridges There arc only open for traffic between the and Sdc of the town at present Water street bridge Im At ft wafting for nd Iron to contractor Kara till the lit of to complete job- The wooden bridge on do Monday and upot to have the ready fop the by and iron for bridge pted to arrive week Caught Poultry thieves their operations the cti7 An etencivo decrease in ihe or at Mr- Asa born been lately were wondering what was lek- fc lb CO night flL Phillips happened to be out slide than and when be fcreioto tho yard be noticed a man barn slipped into the for and banted all around fte fcmiwt but the bad made Ma escape Cold lead will ready the visit to Dave Badlv Last Satur- horse took fright on at a posh cart along the sidewalk and cikiaga ran the baggy a hydrant at the tide of the road itch ripped a front wheel all to nothing but hob The was thrown Oat bat he until balance and nJ some The rat of the was a demolished condition float of Mr residence continued its with a u of the until It reached mill where some men stopped it iu was bddly Suspicious One day last week a timed In Aurora lmht a hide hero ana it at lie told the that cat too for a man named winter and he not pt the money htm he got this hide It a groan nicely rolled the cut of the Chicago hides which tannery at was wired and it was that just got la a The at once drove and laid to it at being was arretted taken to Toronto When brought Judge he said that ho on the street- He was till today FoRine Ladies We would call i of and those their own catting to the advertisement of Mil JtaiSe- This young lady has been in for or six years daring time the learned two of the best in Toronto but not with tlie result to Chicago and examined system Being satisfied by and that it was the J the had heard of she In- in a and remained long to have a thorough knowledge of aclttyuing ft Certificate from the in To in the trade we feel Ufa She JJjtUck from Chicago last sad bat one pupil already Friday 1st On that advertise last Sunday morn alarm of lire was sounded by the VakMYttU whistle from box No A rin the bell and to but tatty Its were not by Messrs Origisau Teacher to pupil Have yon do work to do No Kir Well then PI find something for you always finds work for idle hands to do Oh Tor Again Hurrah for New market Our Foot Ball want to the city last Saturday still continue to wear their laurels of having every match this Some people said they playing alio- tethar on their own ground let them away from homo and ice will the re- Bolt to nor Oca Clark were able to play notwithstanding loss the pot a strong and in be city teamy goahi to The match was the of the reason The city boys finding they were not in game took to rough play bat although much lighter our boys met them way time Tho referee who was evidently a at game the Pharmacy team much as possible in the second half made the bays play minutes time against a strong wind Quite crowd met team on the arrival of the train at Newmarket and some of the boys who at homo had pro pared an oyster which thor oughly enjoyed The record of team forlhesMwn none lost 19 goals taken lost Look For It Roche Cof advertising on Friday December 1st The Eighth Match The Foot Ball boys expect a crowd at their game on the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day with Vanity The To boys will bring a large number of supporters with them and as ity has woo the the Toronto League the will go on the field with determination to work their hard- eat make as good a showing as possible The home team will bo Goal Flood Backs and d Hal res I Clark T and Walter Cain Left wing and Geo Clark Centre- Walter Boiling Bight Wing A and Montgomery Play to cow at 3 oclock and all who want to a first will take in match Our special artist has portrayed of in ad vance the Jut one being a city speculator who 15 going home a if not a wiser man- A In Coal Stoves at Campbells lie has two wcondhand Coal one a oare oven a tell feeder Also one and a now tingle Harness a Painful Affliction The home of Mr is like a hospital ward Five weeks ago he wis laid rip with poisoning hand and before that was healed a carbuncle formed on neck which has been lanced four He was only beginning to get ease from it when he took with pains all through body compelling him to go to bed on Monday evening and op Wednesday noon there was no of As he can neither sleep nor eat he gets relief it may be very Mrs Buckle alao a cripple on account a tanning tore and swelling in her foot Fifteen yean ago she accident ally ran a darning needle Into her foot and aho never had the proper her since At lime it baa been mach worse than others For mouths the core has been developing from a small pimple Failing to receive benefit from local went to Toronto week ago last Saturday The doctor gave her some hopes of a cure but would be months before aho wilt be abto to her foot Owing to Mr the been doing more than she should and her foot la consequently more pain ful- Under the circumstance they are not spending a very pleasant Thanks giving Prohibition Plebiscite Tbe inciting of County was till next Tuesday evening in order time for the local or- to report It hoped that overy I bo before the of lec and the to Secretary A With the advent of cold weather are always some ready to toot the of the loo almost it fa formed noon home from school went down to the creek and thai the strong enough to go for a skate when on- a amall boy named went through Into the water which fortunately was not vary but a hole before ho got out be too anxious boys wait till older people tell safe The same on the way to- school two more boys got in up to their kneea Freed From Suffering The death of Mr Watson last Friday moraiog not unexpected moved froca to Newmarket last Febru ary on account of educational for family and not feeling able to work the farm- Last summer he com fa plained of pain in bis body and seems to hare caused by a general breaking down of the sysSm It is months he was called to part with wile by whom he leaves three daughter A con by his flrt wife who baa been practicing in the Stated attended for previous to Id death Georgia of was for the took on the body being in Cemetery which ground was formerly a portion of own farm The bereaved have the sympathy of a largo circle of relatiysa and friends The Tax Collectors for and Whitchurch were town last Saturday the way they raked in show that money still in the country If want job work of any kind call on us and get price We can do work quicker and neater than any other in the county our prices are lower than ever before So far as we are aware our i a firstclass condition for winter Lets them clean Mr Unlock has purchased brad of cat lie to fatten on farm Parlor car attached to the train from Toronto is aid not to be pay the Company and Kill shortly be discontinued There is a good about town bell not being heard any distance it was put in the new tower Even living near est dido bear it Tuesday morning it didnt ring Quite a number of young arranging to go to Aurora on Thanksgiving Day on rink pupils in Miss dL virion at the Old Kirk enjoyed a Taffy on Wednesday afternoon There is very little prize money left in hands of the Treasurer of the North York Society An old country lot directed to A Faugh of this office is wailing Jor owner to call Nor Advertising- This week A Co not advertising Salvation Commandant Salva tion far has flxc3 Ibo the from Nov to Dec 2nd The of self denial effort is a remarkable of the Armys progress development During that of the A from the commandant to the rccrmt along with tbe thousands of Army friend9ab stain all luiurioa and indeed a greit many of necessities of order that they toay be able to contribute more liberally to the or in the If imitation the ainoereet form of flattery then the Salvationist have good reason to be proud of in direction as the London Boclsljr diet Primitive Methodist and En glish and the American Episcopal Board of Foreign have all got their weeks of The Armys selfdenial effort in Canada Jo 1633 produced 1889 produced and year 1408065 This jeer a the needs are still greater an effort fa being put forth and- expects a substantial ia- crease The Army In Newmarket will hold special meetings On Wednesday a Foreign Mission meeting at 8 p and a half night of prayer to commence pm the Time To buy Furniture at J Millards Newmarket- la offering larger discounts than ever for cash till Comb and see ana Smith who were coming the midnight train wis of the attached to flames As soon rung one of the men the family the other pro- the Fire Hall the aid of Wfc and the 2M by water from a a few Ore from close by a nick of wood that was too long stove end had been out while on fire There was no In- danaga was though Mi very call the Mechanics Institute The debt which for four or five has hung like a pall over this public has hampered the Directors In extending its year worth of new books were added tho Library and a new Catalogue reducing the Indebtedness about Tbe Board have held several meetings and various plans for raising the deficiency They have found by experience that to launch Into and of a purely literary character to draw sufficient to pay expenses the same may be said of where provisional talent to be aocored and besides the market seems to be pretty well flooded by that commodity The matter of evening classes was of but there doc scm to be sufficient demand to warrant the expenditure For pre sent therefore the Directors have decided to fall back upon the Library which is now In good shape with about volumes aod reduce tnemberablp fromft to spell for a year from 1st of Deo next this reduction to secure one hundred new members This amount grant from the would free the Institute from debt on the 1st of next and it would then be In a post- the reading public When it is remembered that the Library at Atkinsons Jewelry store open every day and all day long half a dollar cannot be spent to better advantage than by a of Improvement during the approaching long winter even logs AU Directors have tickets for be surprised if to this public before the of Newmar ket If as a business or family man have not time to road yourself buy a ticket for the boys and girls and courage that kind will spend at home The of opening a Heading Room tobeaoppliedby all the popular news paper and magazines is before the Board and a Committee was appointed to ascer tain the probable cost of running It nights In week Debate- There was a very Urge attendance at the mol ing Monday evening and the debate on the Printing the Bteam was interesting and profitable There a slight to wonting of the subject bat rather than disappoint the audience each tide the arguments as they bad prepared them consequently it was hardly to give the verdict of the com Suffice it to that the aid were very balanced and the points in a very intelligent and interesting manner Read Next Web Koche A a Ink Only weeks from Christmas- King Council at Saturday Only one week left to pay No School here Friday Town Council Nor Regular meeting All present except and Robertson Following bills were passed Ww Hell It Account Geo do do do Pat A Lehman wood for Fire Hall Market and Town Hail Brown do do Frank Gamble do 93 do Jos Warren do P do T 9160 Following referred to Fire A Water Com Jet John Manning To A Com Cans A Sons Co and Communication of ro on Billiard License of referred to Finance Com The offer of A for Bridge per was On motion of Mr seconded by Mr Starr accepted the sum of 930 in full satisfaction of our claim against County of York as their proportion of cost of Water St Bridge The Treasurer was ordered to 9000 to Hill on contract of stoue work for Water St Bridge- A ByLaw was passed to provide for holding the next municipal elections The returning officers appointed Hughes Thoe and They are to receive for both the Municipal and vote and all necessary help re quired at their own expense Mr report of the Finance Committee but its consideration was deferred till meeting of Council Tha report does not recommend any re in the tares of and Earner on account of fire thoy both iuurduce A Com pay Novelty Co account and Morrison that Win bo for Well amounts ou Laid Com was authorized to creel woodshed at the Fire Hall also to extend hot air from Kite Hall Furnaces to for properly dry ing thu Tim instructed to prepare a petition lo be presented at the of tho Ontario lure to reduce area of tho Town of market end that all necessary notices bo given for purpose The Treasurer Instructed to re imburse J Woodcock being advanced by him to QO adjourned ADY MADE A N D AT The Money Saving Establishment NEW FALL H DRESS GOOD We ore now showing our first nsaoriment of Fall and would ask you to call and them for yourselves Our Black Henriettas will bo found to be tho best in town Compare some of them and Now the time that people begin to think about Flan nels Wo have range of Flannels for tbe Fall Trade good value for price asked Cotton and Shirtings We have a full line of- these everyday for articles and all we have to say about is they are the best we can buy for the money Our Groceries are all Fresh and Try our Blended Coffee at Also our Blended Tea at cents ANOTHE ROP IN THE PRICES OF Thanksgiving Market fLast Saturday market vte a one biggest lait yon have visited the market one of oar you Lave little Idea the extent of the transacted- the crowd who their and other that home table might reflect Uiat the land the buy at till noon Shortly alter eleven two or three had got all they conld carry bo load ed and off bat we managed to boo the following obtained particular of Mr lbs batter and Mr Smith 20 lbs ol butter and do Mr Webster of cbickeni and 10 of ducks Mr pr 100 of butter and dor eggs Mr 50 of ducks 150 of baiter arid Mr Belize 12 geese 115 lbe batter and Mr Taylor Mr goeee Its butter and 10 Mr WilllamaO batter Mr batter end Mr 70 chick one 100 batter and 1C0 look away with them larkeje of and egga Add to what the other took away what the carried off and the atnoont be little than 1000 and between and COO pain of docka and chicken half a ton of bolter and about 1000 doz of there pork beef apple cabbage Price varied eome being la a harry to go and would take the firat offer other would hang on being that their wonld com- from to per lb to ducks from to 70operpalri lire from 25oto and dreeaod from 40c to per from to 21c per- lb to per mutton and per lb by tho beef and per lb by tbe quarter little porker none heavy offered apple from to per barrel per bag OF WHITCHURCH At the Prohibition Convention held Aurora Oct jut Messrs Charles Wilson and J C Wallace were ap pointed to organize Whitchurch Township for the campaign A meeting was held for this purpose at Vandorf Nov The meeting opened with singing and prayer Mr Wilson in the chair The appoint ment of officers then followed Mr A of chosen as President and Mr J C Wallace of White Rose as Secretary The following committees were ap pointed with to add to their number from each polling division the first name convener No- David Pre Powell J Fisher J Browne P Sflversides Stephenson No A Steckley Thomas Mr Mr White Rev Leroyd No P Jones Mr Raymer Mr White Mr Allison Mr No A Starr Newmarket Reynolds George Rose Wm Willis No Pine ard A Skinner C Wilson E Mc Millan Evans No G Johnston John A McLean Sawdon S Old ham Hill William Rush T Dougherty As was the sum levied on Whitchurch Tt to help defray the ex penses of York County It was carried that each polling division be required to contribute this money to be sent to J Wallace White Rose on or before Nov- The committed were instructed to make thorough canvass of each division and see that the- voters are got to the polls on Jan 1st was recommended to the con veners of these committees that they organize Gospel Temperance meet ings at each church and suitable places of meetings in the township Meeting adjourned meet at the call of the President At Our Clothing Sale is proving a great success for every buyer gets a bargain but to keep up the Hum we now make another Deep Gut in prices of Mens Youths and Boys Overcoats Suits Pea Jackets and Black Worsted Coats and Vests that will ensure a sale in every ease As this offering is composed of Reliable Seasonable Desirable and Fashionable Clothing the whole of it Will soon be disposed of just when needed most at the beginning of cold winter weather We are carrying full lines of Seasonable and Fashion able Goods in all our other departments of Dry Goods Gents Furnishings Fur Goods Tailoring Goods Overcoatings Suit ings and Boots and While in Groceries we are excelling all our former efforts in value and variety TERMS STRICTLY CASH AVI SON subdivision and canvassers are on every line as we wish to hire the best talent that can be secured ate going into the work enthusiastically WEST TORONTO We have organized the town for the plebiscite work with Dr George as President Revs IS Scott Dr German Emory Hamilton and King as Vce and Mr as Secy Treat Committees have been ap pointed on Finance Public Meetings Sermoni Literature and Canvassing will remit our as soon as the committee gets to work- We have about voters tiVWUAMiVTi NOV per bind- OKI Wheal Mr 1 ifit 111 NEWS Do you teUi tint ftt or bom not I lor ceoU per to U7 ft Mi I or The Bros Muilcal Com edy opt week Town to Corned well known here Tom heed SO ft ISLAND Mr Noah Snake completed th6 of the Island for the vote on the Prohibition Plebiscite Chief Chas Big Canoe has consented to act asPresidcnt and Geo jr as Secretary Mr Snake thlnVa that every vote on the Island In favor of prohibition EAST TORONTO A local plebiscite committee been formed In this place with Rev C as President and Mr Chas as Secretary WEST YORK A meeting for organizing the town ship was held last Friday evening Rev Adams elected Pres ident Jas Vice J C Secretary John Gould- Treasurer The asked for was nearly raised Jo the meeting and the whole amount will be forwarded to Mr Walton the Treasurer for the County at Kettleby shortly Can- been appointed In per loo WOO Old Hatter roll per lb 0 PoUtOM per big 1 0 Wool lb 13 i CO per 0 Dock per olr it- a a a ISO a It a on to on a a a a a 00 Our Toronto Markets Not Fill a 060 a Ooote per por Kfffs per per par fihpldai Wool per lb CMoketuper pair pair lrrfMMll illtilllll if Mil I 0IS SCO REGENT PURCHASES I Have made our stock most complete in town We have Overcoats and Ulsters cheaper than any house in town We have in stock a nice Hue of Tweed Melton Heavers Nap colored and black Overcoatings Suitings in every line required for a GENERAL ftn FIRSTCLASS trade WE others follow We solicit your patronage Mai St Newmarket MY TAILORS P If you have any cloth lying around the house bring it in and it made up in firstclass style reasonable Sight Tested Scientifically BY DR S SCOTT GRADUATE OF oh 0 000 SCO CO a a O I of C Correction by Glasses of Defective Sight AT WW Telephone Connection Main St NT THESE J THIS Mens Working Mens Fine Shirts Mens Gaps Ladies Dress Goods ik up up J STEPHENS W4ASMaA BUL AT BENTLEYS PHARMACY 1U CAMPBELL Proprietor HOWH HO COLD A Thermometer will toll you exactly- That some- thing every family ought to haveat tiand in ill sorts of weather You can get them at our at a very low price line of Spectacles Watches Clocks Jewelry and Silver Ware Knives Forks Spoons COME AND SEE US Main Street NEWMARKET SCOTTS PHARMACY NEWMARKET of TAKERS OUTFIT

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