h CCtti3i rrrV WEWMAiRKETERA NOV 1893 Wash Day AND No Steam IN THE House work KVCOt that girt caq do Hit Scut You Say BY USING SOAP lcco Easy ll0 Pat own DONT For Years Obiter- ta trim an was it too a the rojhQd tLcimcfcS til is ion woo I fur to ltr They fit hour a as iut for I villo prof- J- tie KrsMttfinjf AH four suffering was nRTTJi typhoid to the worst I experience At lh Hie roy mother doctor I ronniKl Citing lbe a the rid I bad lut one illitt my former t yielded AVERS PILLS Every Dos Effective lesson IMITATION OP Not Text- And bo kin A One another hearted One a r as God foe Christs forgiven boa of fhemrtii city of Asia Minor firl fchort risit to lie place Apia followed by a of It written from Rome taxing Pauls imprisonment doctrinal bo practical- lesson to new Christian lifo is preceded by a dark picture of life in the pagan world where heart prolncinr the mioil alienation from God and h eager of all manner of wickedness Honorable industry opposition to theft col alone for personal Deeds bat in selfish cess other needy ones may be benefit oar words thai they may not be or aoth as will edify feeling the jactons and the Holy Spirit habits of anger and all kinds of kindly lender a Unc tion and MATTY boon cored of other welt of people ly Med- Every dis order can reached to it and not merely fat liver oils A con- of blood in vites Catarrh Bronchi tis Consumption Were at exposed to the germs of grip yet only the weak suffer When weak tired oat and de bilitated or pimples and blotches appear heed warning in time Tho Discov ery Beta all the organs into healthy action especially the liver for thata the point of entrance for these germs then if the blood is pare theyll be thrown off Theres no risk If it fails to benefit or euro in all oases of blood or inactive liver money returned PORE n PUREST All firMtri Wo The problem is now the the A a of lie sold two- of He rem iiiJcr for and hey con and viiit bar J WIT 1 tin I leftist Hi II 1 of USrli Vicliri3 The gM s vcycf It was won i I dn joci i ii of iter From the taken last week lY Liberal of Chester an organ in bounds of East York it is made plain that those who waited up on Controller Wallace at trade and tariff conference at a time ago did not represent the unanimous views of the Riding by a long way It is alio made plain Chester Conservatives who contrib uted Sufficient support to Mr Maclean to him a member of Parliament are not in with that yews on tariff reform neither do they endorse the Words trade theories At the Chester meeting above re ferred to the following preamble and resolution was adopted In view of commercial depression throughoot Canada and on account of heavy rcolocin the power our by nearly tO per cent and that matter of principle we object to Erich high nation made solely that should be compelled to purchase at the highest price part very Inferior man ufactures of hie country the exclusion of cheaper and In Great Britain and on tho prin ciple that Cauada can easily Bland upon their merits and need not therefore a rivalry that baa become a matter of about miles to compete with them if on the other hand they are cot good enough for lhat then are not worthy of bol stering up by an exceedingly high tariff Therefore be it that this vciation dp urge upon the Dominion Government the urgent desirability of re forming the tariff to an extent as would give free trade Great Britain which in opinion would be of to this country And further be resolved that this association do hereby our member Maclean to do all in his power to the of laritT reform The preamble presents ccnliast of the gentlemen interviewed by Mr Wallace in another art of Kasl list tail the thus of the resolution winchask their member swallow his and also to urge upoiithe Government Mr platform of free trade wih heat is a large di par lure of Mr and old tivts is 6 make a lrsiii in ranks ic than ordinary to stive in Viewed as a whole the Chester is indorsation of Mr McCarthys n viz that industries which haw tad fifteen of high jon now he in a position to without it and able to do so 1 y this arc nt to he up at the expense of the country at large We judgi that ere is still wry miion for and Wood down in the southwest of Bast York to keep them busy for some time come if matters politi cal arc to he reconciled to future har monious action in that Riding otherwise it will be all Up will thieptesent members chances for re election when the appeal is made to the people The key Co ih situation if you sailor from Ca tarrh youll find in Dr Sages Remedy No mat ter how bad your case be tho proprietors of the medicine promise to pay if they cant cure you- Youre cured or youre paid FOR MEN THE OWEN BELT The Belt made far Hi if he llrii can bo lw lability j-tihiVajii- HI Urinary DIicac Appllel of for fill W Id tvty other known mew hi failed rtoesli mnmpi Wll late the Owen Belt 1st Contains fullest the euro of Acute chronic and WTVOij how toonlcr FREE to fi Appliance to KING W TORONTO to CUIcuko The of Toronto wtS cfrx rtxviniDiDttol for 1od of Mr J Atkinson as waa received Mr- J up fail The will be in To renin tixa and Friday iu Ik that Chicago one or rooeV in add Ameri can Ha cut for trill Iks law tariff in far as ailcct printer and typesetting and casting raaohincfi aod of electricity id will bo on the evening of fitst of the meeting Con siderable took on Ellis editor of St Job u Oleic be adopted That Canadian Press petition Dominion Parlia ment to define the tow or contempt l that there bo do possibil ity of by to arbitrary for alleged libel t The Richmond Hill Liberal week remarks A suit for damages against the Hill Street Railway Company his been filed by James Armstrong of the of Armstrong Cook real estate agents Mr Armstrong this amount for the of the with HiHj road and for an injunction straining them from further using theb road He also atks leave 10 a township bylaw which company bonus A high school girl being told to parse the sentence He kissed me consented reluct because opposed to speaking of private affairs in public He with unnecessary and lingering over the word that brought criiiiion to liir cheeks masculine gendt n gentleman pretty well fixed considered a good catch is a veibttsmsilive loo so regular indicative ill ii ftrsl 2nd third person and governed by Me everybody knows And Theres an honest ring about the of this business that carries conviction to the buyer Goods are- found to be exactly as represented and confidence between buyer and seller is easily established Honest methods tell the tale tion to the advertisement that savors of As an evidence of our bona fides repeat to day some values that are everyday bargains 3 The average days pays little at ten tic READ CAREFULLY AURORA Hi AT 6 AT AT 7 AT 7 AT 10 AT 12 LADIES JACKET Beaver Cloth Jackets In ether colore thro capos- Maids Navy Jackets tflth black aUadLea Cloth lined lipLVr Fancy in black cape lilack Cloth Junkets Cloth In tan fawn CObr cap collar end front OVERCOATS ted In black anil brown iweeO Qveirottv with capos or sergelined Melton made with tap box back Can Melton Overcoat or double all wool tweed liiUifgs- Blue and Black Cheviot stylishly maOe ireria Double Frieze la heavy Ivrccd lining real Frieze AT 5 AT 6 AT 8 AT 9 AT 10 AT OH S0N The New Mammoth to King Street East TORONTO iDiansiive too m at LI HI sffl imCiMi number a DAIRY SALT AT PRICKS WHAT Witness is now offering remainder year free to subscriber for yearns an en- to give valuable paper atrihL The Witness both ana Las tho year adoited what it declares to bo the model form with neat small conventont being en abled by of one of completo printing presses ever built by the of York to vary at will outers press at places rolls broad or narrovr as mid the out at speed folded wasted and cut improvcuient form a great typography boinj by the Linotype which tains of lire men and casts a typo face every time The proprietors invito visitor to The picture element bar so in tbo Wittiest- now titty Witness has busiest corner in Montreal the JuncttVn rf and St Peter streets with street and has a spacious building there which in some Is as Am a as is anywhere to seen The price of Witness is and of tbo Weekly Witness Mttungtr coils only The steamship of Ate- was bunted at sea front caused by an explosion and ate supposed to drowned KSi The licit last wick says Uurujars the driving lite aid lot concession ICast York stole a goat robe whip roll caructfn umbrella new iron and ladys They then entered the back and stole the contents of a huge clothes basket and an iron from The articles taken from the driving house belonged to Samuel of con brotherinlaw of the late Watson and most of the contents of tbe clothes basket belonged to Mrs Charles Sturdy of Kinjj Township his sister Studebaker who was delegated by the A to visit the counties of southwestern Kansas and ascertain the condition affairs there gives a heartrending account of the present suffering in Seward Gram Stevens Morton and Stanton says axe scores of families in section without food and lhat the problem of of furnishing fuel to prevent them from freezing is unsolved to say no thing of the pangs of hunger which hundreds will suffer Not a spear of wheat or corn was raised there this year and there is no employ ment for the hundreds of idle men A pathetic scene described was that at the home of a widow who lived in a lonely dugout on barren prairie The three little chi were crying for food while the mother ground a small quantity of wheat into coarse meal for porridge in an old colTee mill says tnis is one case of a score that he witnessed Keep Liniment in or Cnttl6 And Poultry Main St Sight Tested Scientifically D R S OF Fife caught on the leaves at side of a Maple one day and bottom of the fence burned The ladies of the Methodist- con held a social in the parson age on Friday evening which was attended After tea an interest jiiogram was tendered consisting of music and readings The League gave a recep tion to the high school on Monday evening in the lecture room of Methodal Church The even ing was spent in speeches recitations and music after which refreshments A court of of the list of this place was held in the Town Hall en Monday evening Judge Morgan presiding There were seventy seven appeals in all most of which were allowed- Miss Pauline Johnson cele brated Mobaitk Indian poet and elocutionist and Mr Owen A Smiley the well known character dialect and are to give an enter tainment on the under the auspices of the League A meeting for the purpose of organizing a young mens Conserva tive association will be held at Welts hall on Friday evening Mr Richard Armstrong the Toronto association and Mr Tiros of Newmarket are expected to be present and address the meeting Mr Alfred Andrews met with a severe accident last Saturday mom- while sawing with the circular saw in his brothers planning mill The board he was sawing slipped and one of his lingers came in conUct with the saw the result that the entire finger was ripped open He will be laid off work for some lime Mr and Mrs who are the oldest inhabitants of this district celebrated their birthdays cm Monday Mrs was years old on Saturday and Mr Dean 011 Monday Notwithstanding their advanced age both are in the enjoyment of good health A num ber of friends and acquaintances called upon the old couple on Sunday and Monday among whom were Mr and Mrs of Newmarket Banker TtMCii A 1 swKS CURE fis mm VILLqURE DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION JAUNDICE ERYSIPELAS HEARTBURN HEADACHE The Optical Correction by Glassi of Canada u- i i OR RELIEVE DIZZINESS DROPSY OF THE HEART ACIDITY OF I THE STOMACH DRYNESS OF THE SKIM And team KIDNEYS CB BO OR BLOOD CO of Defective Sight v- X ffOBONia NEWSPAPERS- For NEWMARKET of general STRONGEST iir hi This if- true is jjrnl iijtcil livic Arthur Colling vOiLAnl to in of iLc in tins cured la a Per in flrru2 I dUtUei a hour tiro Nkw tffut to n lit relic tJdt bi iotvfr of to K4lt It re- ud In It Atcnt Cured In tor bud Tor the White Ijctrj A mwHiV Quebec the death of brother of iMchfUAU tul brottufin law of fjrA Sir J0I111 the Arch hat written a letter MAuIrba AjifKars to have of report SCOTTS i -v- K ffi- r- 9 A I J LEADING A Full Stock of Seasonable AND SHELF HARDWARE COMPRISING BAND OOP IRON STEEL IN ALL -et- TRIMMINGS AND PITCH FA It ITiATlORM COUNTER SCALES GRAIN SCOOPS SHOVEL MEASURES s RAKKS HOES LAWN MOWERS SHOVELS J GARDEN HOSE OPAQUE BLINDS AND CORNICE POLES READYMIXED PAINTS church SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS KINDS OF FENCE WIRE DASH AND BARREL CHURNS Industry held a convtoiioit at ltt wwr and Mr Ed as Ontario legislature next It ft more than Dr will receive re nominal ion from the As the constitu ency la Tory and Mr aio that rrly bis chances will vtry much depend with which he Is supported by She Well to the ways of tier Jjonscrtold Yes Solomon is right t lints good I louse keeper everywhere tots hut Can- aria But her ways are not always ways In fact she dis carded many unsatisfactory old ways For instance today she is using Wilkinsons Celebrated Plows Kept in Stock Repairs for all makes of Plows kept in Stock PROP s a Specialty Also J A W ALLAN Telephone No- MAIN STPEET to whom i f Throat s4o or Lotus ft Mrs Lewis unfortunate whom Andrews Is to by opsraftea ylvea an Idea of the prices charged patients In reply to the question expenses Androwa was usual and not lower 1W in any to bo paid In advance It thus appears money was what ho wanted and was hound to have no matter whose life or how many Uses were The Is too good a place or such jot characters for Minardt no other the New instead lard And tfiis is In Itself a Son why she looketh well In another sense foe she eats no lard to cause poor digestion and a worse complexion Cottolknr much better than lard for all cooldng pur poses as every one who has tried It declares you sale everywhere TRY OUR PAILS TUBS LUMBER AHJ AND PAY AND TAKE YQUR CHOICE BUTIT will cost you nothing to examine the LARGEST PRETTIEST AND BEST NORTH OF TORONTO CALL QBE THEM TO SUE IS TO WM HODGE CO SOUTH Shingles Flooring Moulding OUR AIM GOOD AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Lath Doors mi Blinds S S3 BUILD A EH ABOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS ia fl is pi If tea be ground like coffee or crushen immediately before hot water is poured upon it it will yield nearly double the amount of its ex hilarating qualities A sad affair which cast a gloom the village occured at Longford last Saturday afternoon by which Duncan Cameron lost bis life The dead boy and two companions were shooting at a target with a 32 calibre revolver of his com panions pulled the hammer but it did not discharge and deceased who was standing near the target upon the revolver failing to discharge started to go towards his friends when the weapon which had hung lire went off and the bullet entered his stomach Honors A Diploma and Medal highest award have received by V Soap the Worlds Chicago The Messrs Bros Ltd are to be congratulated upon the long list el which Sunlight Soap has woo for them at Exhibition once more proves their claim unequalled quality of Sunlight Soap They have now two Worlds Medals to their credUParia 18S3 and Chicago be sides other Gold Medals obtained in different parts ox the world Ibis Es a recordbreaker in the soap Kingdom FOR KALIS OR ceo a lot Ho AJ1 Si sores la cm Qrt under aud IM aorta In J setts In term to asU or ml aaries A Send your name and address on a postal card to The Kingston Ont and you will receive The Kingston Weekly until- January next free of charge There Is a hole in Yellow- stone Park supposed to be a dry geyser which is believed to be bottomless Three thousand feet of line with weight attached has been let down into it without meeting with obstructions III Friend DIIIQN MlUt ImtUttin TO to SB I Broad r rear ail of bresthlpif Dr will stall PlBUBM rfilarM Throat lbs eUS i traction Royal Electric Co at H05TEUI- PAW PETERHANSROACHfOOD NOT A MM DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA Wall Paper factory I COLIN w i mcDi fob m Shropshire Rams AND SHORT HORN BULLS mas Mfl OSTRICH ffSX fllsnr HAIR leaf and of A I lX price of b WST rkldATSTTTBArtAliili